243794 � . -
File Na 3�i
In the Mat�er of racesstrtictia� the �iiavalk �x the s�r�h aiis �f Ceu �i�. lra�
C�w�a ti� l�e. t� taa�� �t. an�i � ti�e so�th �iia ef C�o �irs: i�roa �faa!! Place
to Lsapp t, asd Ly i�is�-sll stLsr work al�i�h is msces�as�r aad itiaiisstal to c�l�ts
ssii ialr a�sit.
under Pre inary Order 2�32Z3 approv� 4px�.l 17, 1li1
The C uncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commiasione� of Finance
, apon the bove improvement, and havi�g consid+ered said report,:hexeby resolves:
1. at the sa,id re�ort and tne`same is hereby approved and adopted, and the s�id improvement
is here�y rdered to be proceeded with,"
2. at the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
t� ree�as r��c� t�►a aiia�alt o� ti« i�rt� si�e •� C�w �irs. !r� �w�al� ��e. t�
L�aa� it. asd �a tits seutb `sile �! 6va A�e. Srw tiul� llsa� t.� �! =t. aa1 ti
i�ts; all �thas wrrie wti�ah is ise�ssas7 asd iseiie�tal t� ��la�� sai� i�ro�a�est,
�se�t Mk re =sN ui stit�icisat �rs1 sida�alb aea esist.
with no a1 ernatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $�•�0 P!r li.�. �E�. !s� 3' walt
�4.2• pe� li.s. ft. i�r 6' �ralk
Resol Further, That a public hearing be'had on said improvement on thp lOth day of
Jt�, 19i , at the hour of 10 o'clock A:M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
. House and City Hail Buildin� in the City of St. Paul. That'the Commisaioner of Finance gzve notice of
said meeti g to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sta,ting the time and place of
hearing, t e nature of the improvement and the total cast thereof as estimated.
COUNC EN �� 1 3 1969
Adopted by the Council
Yeas � n �vays MpY l 3 1969 T
_ ApArov
p� ith �
� _-In Favor
a Qf N9► Mayor
Tedes o
�.J...,�.,:���_'�..�_ � Ag��gt PuB� r MAY 17 1969
Mr. Vice Presi ent �:/,:://
6-66-5ffi R.1 G����1V .