243789 . : �, �.. ;, „� , . . �>�,„,n � � � � ,^' .c , . .� �� + COUNCIL FILE i�TQ: FINA ORDER BY- File No. �t��.� In e M�tter of �,�tlt� dwi si�rwl�a �ra �r+r�t si�to ef 1M�1�r sesw�t t's+� , � ,i�r+a�w � �►fxi�r ��w+� a�i y �� a)i �r � �rlrisa is .�eaaas�r s.,� s�t Z�s 1 p e�ertllt� s�sf�i f#r�rs'�r�t r i: under Pr ' inary Order �7�7 approved �� 2t. 1!N � Intermed ary Order : aPProv�ec�— A p blic hearing having been l�ad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having h ard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saxne therefore, be it RES LVED,'By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proveme to be made by the said City is t� t �wt sii�►wlk w l�tl� �ir,r �! �r�� �nrst ts� �l�rs �i�rrit � �r i�wt �s' �r�rr �t 1� +�+r�� �11 �s w�t �e1t i.s �rrs�eaartry► d lt�elMa�s3 ti a�► ari� i�e�l, �t � �oM � t��it��s �t �i+i�1i�► h2 F, '�;'. . ��� . . . .. . . . ' ;1�� . � � . � .. . .. . . . . �= . � . � . . .�. � . � � � . � . and the uncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RES LVED FiJRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed o prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon sa3d approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed wit the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUN ILMEN �N�1Y 1 3 1�6� Adopted by the Council Yeas �ri on Nayg MQY 1 � I969 Mer dith Approv � Pet rson ,, S� fka �In Favor �T ��tlsq Mayor ., . , , 3 ;...:'�: _. .,��r �.�u�� Mr.�Vice Pr ident��,�(�, f� $81IISt ����S�E� IiIAI 1 7 �96.7. u�� 6-BB-$M R�1 i .� . - , Dist. N�?43`789 , � � , B.S. Wheeler St. - Eleanor Ave. to Scheffer Ave. �-���f���� / �O L OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ,f �v� 8 ��� ,��^a� � � �`'�� F;19�9 �+ xEPORT TO C�MMISSIDNER OF FINAATCE � .. �1A D �.�. ��, � , :4� Q ���� �� . ' '` 'n �<.> fl� � �� � e.�� ,��- ��: �`,�k� .e�t1,��`V.� r;a� J, ��„ ���; .`Vr;�r�� ` � March 26th. 1969 T� the C issianer of Finance of the City of St, Pauls The Com�i sioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Co ncil known as Council File Noa 242�5� approved �rch 21st. 1q69 relative o reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Wheeler St. from Eleanor Ave. to Schef er Ave. and by doing all other work which is necesaary and incidental to com- plete sa d improvement. and havin investigated the matters and things referred to thereia, hereby reportse la � e estimated cost thereof is $3<50 per line ft> for standard sidewalk S fto w°de and $4e20 per line ft, for staadard sidewalk 6 ft, wide, 2e A pla�, profile or �ketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ffiade a p rt thereofo 3e I itiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4a I provement is asked for upon petition � • � Coa�issioQer of Publi ork� ��� �!"