243785 '+ , ,a�.� ��::> � x .f . .�� q .,. .. .. . � y q.. ,. _: ..• .b>'•°: . S.� . ..:' . . .. � � � ' .. . ':.�. ��`:���#Y��/� � A a . , FINAL ORDER � �oUN��L;FILE Na � By File Na � ` _ .r � In the tter of: �st�tt�q � s�Mrl�. MR t� Mt�Mt�► �� �' � •�. !°� �-.";: � �Mlt q �At 1�• at �! � i�� l�plC 1rii�t l�f+1i 3M � �M �tR � ���ir! M!# l�,�At. � � . . . � . . . ' ...i under Pre' inary Order �"� approve� 11r�1ti1t �ls. 1!i! ,` Intermedia Order approved A publi hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having hear all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered ; the same; t :erefore, be it RESOL ED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement be made by the said City is t+� t !� s�+M��lt Mt t� s� fLir at` �r�r it. �rs=i�i 1��1t !�t ; 1� a1�! . alli � � ill � 11�<�� � �Mi��► � �t�1 L'� ,. O�-I�l+� �►�N�st� �M�►t iMY111qi �M� +�! t�fl�liilt �i i3�M��s MI �:, !��ft. �`. and the Co ncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOL ED FIJRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and clirected to repare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; t t upon said approval, the proper city of�'icials are hereby authorized antl directed to pro- ceed with t e making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCI EN MAY 1 3 1969 Adopted by the Councii Yeas Ca-�._ Nays MA 1 3 1969 a APProve Mered h � , Peters n .• Spt'afk �n Favor Tedes U l�Ay May°r � F �� .� :�i � ' A�ainat PUBLISF�f �qY 17196� l�Zr. Vi�s 1'reside r �•••• '° s-ss-zns �� �i �: r - Dist. No. 1 S.S. Knapp St. - La.ngford Prk Place to Coa� Ave. �`���`�V `�85 243136 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ;��� CI 28?%y�„� "�',`' J,� . _,�g69 �',;� REPORT T� COMMISSIOATER OF FINANCE C a ����� �� 1 RE � p�F ;� � 11�'�C� ''•� �J'✓ `r� • - " March 24th. 19 69 To Che Co issioner of Finance of the City of St, Pauls The Comani sioner of �ublic Wortcs, having had under eonsideration the preliminary order of the Co ncil known as Cauncil File No. 242703 approved March 19th. 19 69 rel�tive o reconatructing the sidewalk on the south side of Knapp St. from Laagford Park Pla e to Coa� Ave. and b doin all other work which is necessar and incidental to co�l te said improvement. and havia� invEStigated the matters and things �eferred to therein9 hereby reportsa 1, T e esti�nated cost thereof is $3<50 per lin, ft, for standard sidewalk S ft, w°de and $4020 per line ft, for standard sidewzalk 6 fte wides 2e A g1��9 profile or sketch of ssid improvement is hereto attached and made a p rt thereofo 3o I itiated by the Cosmiissioner of Public Works X 4o I rovement is asked for upan petition - r Comm 3.oner of Public Works ' '`�`A` � �-� �*�, �� � ' ,�-� _ � �� �� � ��