243779 , I� � '�CO�NCIL FILE NU._______ 243'7`79 BY • FINA ORDER IN C4NDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the m�tter of Chan i n the rade of the a 11 e i n BLK 2 M I CHE L'S S UBD i V I S I ON OF BLOCK 4, STINSON'S DIVISION rc�m Dale St. to Keat St. to confor� to the grade as shown on the profile�: on file �in tha �eRa tment of Public Works. ALSO, cor�demning Ad taking an easeaie�t in the land necessary for the slopes, c�ts and fiils, including right of �oval of lateral support froa+ subJect land or re�ainder thereof, occasioned by eaccavations ther f or constraction of slopes in the grading and su�facing with bitwaninous �aterial th� alley in BLK. 2, MICHEL'S SI��IViSiON OF BLOCK 4, STINSON'S DIVISI9N froa� �ale St. to Kent St. (G-189 ) under Prelimina Order 2426�9 , approved Ma rch 14, 1969 , Intermediary Or er 2�3131 , approve� Apr i 1 15, 1969 , A public hea 'ng having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, snd the Council having heard all peraone objectione and reoommendatione relative thereto,.and having fully conaidered the eame; therefore, be it RFSOLVE By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature, eatent and kind of im- � provement to be mede by the eaid City ie cbang i ng the gt'ade of the a 11 ey i n BLK. 2, M 1 CHEL'S SUB�IVISION OF BLOC 4, STINS�I'S DIVISIDN frap Dale St. to Kent St. to conform to the grade as shown on tMe prafil on file in the Departr�ent of Public Wcrks ALS�, copde�aning nd taking an easdaent in the laad necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of sRwval of lateral support from subject land or rewain�er thereof, occasioAed by excavations ther f or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bitusie�ous iasterial the slley in BLK. 2, MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BL�CK 4, STINSOh'S DiflIS10N f rom Dale St. to Kept St. (G-189 .) and the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made. RE$OLVE FURTHER� that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be nnd the eeme are hereby ordered be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpoee of making eaid improvemente, vi$.: ` Cbanging the grade f the alley in BLK. 2, MICHEL�S SUBDIVISION OF BL�CK 4, STIMSOII'S DIVISION fro� Dale St. to ke t St. to conforan to the grade as shawn on the profile on file i� th� @epartment of Publi Morks. ALSO, condea�r+i�g nd tak i ng an easdae�t i� the 1 an� e�ecessary for the s 1 opes, cc�ts and f i 11 s, ` inctuding right of �+oval of lateral support from subJect land or re�ainder thereof, occaslo�ed br excavatioas ther f or constrnction of slopes in the grading and surfaci�g with bit�inous oiaterial the alle � BLK 2 M CHEL'S SUB�IVISION OF BLOCK 4 STINSON's DIVISION f rc� Dale St. to Kent R�OLV� FURZ�HE'�,, �hat the Commiasioner of Public Wor�cs be and ie hereby inatructed and St. ��� � Prep re plane and epecificatione for eaid improvement, and the proper city officiale ere hereby ���89�uthorised and 'rected to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by he Councit MAY 1 � 196 _ � 1 MAY 1 � 1969 C' y erk. Approved_ , 19 _ � � �rt�lt� Mayor. Councilmen: � Carison �j ��LIS'HE� I�Ay 17 1969 JkDOlil�l�f'944(`S pr f ka ` CJ . Meredith Peterson • Tedesco �o�L'{a �, - �' - !��e��'�f'��fi �cc��:'�+!•.�1•�f�i� ra,(.��� . A4r V r r'•nn { •f . . .. • /7�S'9�;� . , 0 2����,� � _ � /���� � � -. OFF ICE OF THE COMMISS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS 243�9 f;,,�12�-� �s�,6� r,\,, -�4�, �:� R �"'�`� a �s � RE PORT TO COI�M!SS IONER OF F I NANCE I� D��� �p �� �a �EPT � ,,,,. ,! N.�.c 1,,� t�, r,`�� ���, , -u��:�, : March 19, 19 69 7o the Commissi ner of Ftnance of the Ctty of St. Paul : The Commissione of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Co cil known as Council Fiie No. 242619 approved March 14, �9 69 relative to changing the grade of the alley in BLK. 2, MiCHEL'S SUB, fro Dale St. to Kent St. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the De artment of Public Works. AL50, condemnin and takin an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including ri ht of removal of lateral support from subject land r remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the ding and surfacin with bituminous material the alle in BLK. 2, MICHEL'S SUB, from Dale St. o Kent St. � and having investi ated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: i . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2. A pian, pro ile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa rt he reof. � 3. Initiated b the Commissioner of Pubiic Works X 4. Improvement 's asked for upon petition � C�xnissioner of Pubi ic Worlcs 'a �'"�`�'; r ;�_ . �; o LL i �� a< co � �+(�N o ; � o d l�'�, l 0 � I� � 3 � Ur �r � N N a � 1 j 4 � � � ----�- co- F r--.Tr�..., � �� � �y ��//� k- � eo�I—o� �r " i ' . . Lo-IG - . � � I �� . 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