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` . FI�IAL O�tDER � �- �OUNCIL �'II�� 1�fi0� °
_ By
File No. ��
' In the tter of �/!� a�M �lYrs�s#�#1t 1�f�rrrM �et�oMat"�l 1� a� �it
�,R• �s •� #�i�rlrsi,�t a�' �k 4, ltt�iwt'� taL�l�riut l�i�t lsLs �t. b �it _: <�- �
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under P�' ' ary Orcier � aAprov� ti�i Li: 3'�il1
- Interm�l' .Qrder approv�l
�� A pu ' ".�tearing having been had upon the above.improvement upon due no�iee, and the Council
' 'having h ' aIl`persons, objectioxfa and recommendations relative thereto, and having fttlly considered
the same; er��ore, be it
R.ESOL � , �3y the Council of�he City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent at�d`kind of im-
pmvement ` be xnade by the �aid City is
<r: t'�► �e+Mu �e�ir s�itlt �wE�trw� s�t� #,� �13�q► !ti► �t. 2. �t�`�' �dr
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and the Cou cil hereby orders said improvement to be'made.
RESOL ED'FURZ'HER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is h�reby instructed and
clirected to p epare plans and specifications for said improvement, and �u�mit same to the Council for :
approval; th t upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby autharized and directQd to pro-
ceed with th making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
couxci N _ MAY 1 .� 1959
Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci�
Carlso �Y I � 195�
Meredi h
�Peters n
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Mr. V�ce Presid t .�.�_ _ l P�B��SIfE� �ql'IY �. ( �969
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March 19, 19 69
To the C issioner of ftnance of the City of St. Paui :
The Commissioner of Pubilc Works,, having had under consideration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Councii Fi e No. 2426�$ approved
Ma ch 14, �g 69 relative o 9rading nd surfacing with bituminous
ma erial the alley in BLK. 2 MI HEL'S , from Dale St. to Kent St. ✓ .
and havin investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports:
1 . he estimated cost thereof is $ 2,938.04
2. plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
ade a part hereof.
3. �itiated by the Commissio�er of Public Works X
4. mprovement is asked for upon petition
Commissioner o bi ic WorScs
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LJ. wILLIAM DON�VAN t 223-5317 �.
' Valuation Engir�ccr
" •• ROY E. BREDAH�., Jr: C I I i � � S A I I�C 1 PA U L
Ass�r voi"ar�°"I E"9�"�e` gUR�AU OF VALUATIONS
- 285 City Hall
Seint Paul, Minno:ote 55102
� � � • ,,... ��^',
April 14, 1969
rIr. G�e�e Beckett
Local Improvements Engineer
Dcpar�tment oi Public Works
City �f Saint Paul
Dear �Ir. Becket�t: �
Set f rth herein is information pertinent to the property assessment
for tl�e proposed public improvement described as:
-1S95 Giade and SurFace the alley in Blk 2, Michelis
ubdivision of Blocic 4, StinsonTs Division, under P.O.
�42615 , approved March 14, 19G9 .
. The tdtal estimated amount recoverable by assessment is $3,166.90
based !on the following:
�stimated �radin; cost (per P.W. report 3-19-69 $2,938 .04
Ulaluation and Assessments Service 58.76
Elst. publication, Court, postage & misc, costs 170.10
Es-timated Total Aniount to be Assessed 3,166.90
E�timated Rate per Assessable Foot $3.25
Based pn the a�ove, the hearing on the advisability will be scheduled
ior L1a� 13, 19690
Very truly yours,
`. r r;
_ �.- _ . � -' ��- ��-___�\ %`.
Roy`E. Bredahl, Jr.
Ass't. Valuation Engineer
REB/lo �
File I�Td. 17389
cc: R. W:,:eeler
, F. Crowley �
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