04-307Council File # ����
Crreen Sheet # �� � 3
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WEiEREAS, on or about October 23, 2003, 7udith Essiing and Essling's Home Plus,
2 Inc., duly filed an appeal, from an administrative order from the deparhnent of license,
3 inspections and environmental protection (hereinafter, "LIEP") dated September 22, 2003, in
4 which City's zoning administrator ordered the removal of one of the kitchens in a building
5 commonly known as 2187 Bonnie Lane and requested a hearing befare the Board of Zoning
6 Appeals (hereinafter, the `BZA") for the purpose of appealing the administrative determinaYion
7 of the zoning administrator pursuant to the provisions of Legislative Code § 64.204(a); and
8 \
9 WHEREAS, on November 24, 2�03, pursuant to Legislative Code § 64.205(a) and upon
10 written notice, the BZA conducted a publio, hearing on the said appeal where all persons
11 interested were given an opportunity to be Heard; and
13 WHEREAS, on November 24, 2Q03; BZA, at the conclusion of the public hearing
14 and based upon all the files, records, testimony and the report of staff, denied the said appeal
15 based upon the following reasons as set forth i'n BZA Resolution No. 03-381592 dated
16 November 24, 2003:
17 �
1. In 1990, the applicant obtained a buildiri,g permit to construct a single family home on
this site. In 1992, the City received a coinplaint that this house was converted to a
duplex. An inspection of the house revealed that a separate dweliing had been
established in the lower level of the house and was being rented out. The unit consisted
of a kitchen, bathroom, living room and three bedrooms. The applicant was ordered to
vacate the dwelling unit on the lower level and return the house to a single family
dwelling. In 1993, the lower unit was vacated and the applicant stated her intention to
use the house as a single family home. Earlier that year, the City received another
complaint that the house was again being used as a duplex. An inspection of the house on
September 19, 2003, revealed that there were again two complete dwelling units in the
building. The lower level, with a kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms, clearly meets the
definition of a dwelling unit as does the upper levels of the building which also contain a
kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms.
2. The house is being used as a Freestanding Foster Caze home. Adult foster care is a
permitted use in this zoning district. Under state law, a single family home may be
licensed as an adult foster care for five (S) residents. (Nfinn. Stat. § 256B.0919, Subd. 1.)
This building cunently has two separate licenses (five under each license) issued by the
Ramsey County Human Services Department for adult foster care for a total of ten (10)
facility residents. These licenses seem to indicate that under state statutes and county
licensing rules, the licenses were issued to a building containing two separate dwelling
1 3. The orders issued on September 19, 2003, do not require the appellant to discontinue ��-�,
2 adult foster caze at this location. The orders only require the appellant to comply with the
3 zoning regulafions regarding the number of dwelling units allowed in this single faxnily
4 zoning district. After the kitchen is removed from the lower unit, the home would still be
5 l:censed for adult foster care. The City's order to remove the kitchen and reduce the
6 number of dwelling units in the building does not violate state or federal laws or rules.
8 4. The appellant sets forth in her appeal certain claims to legal nonconfomung status for the
9 use of the building as a duplex. Under Section 62.102(n legal nonconformiug status may
10 only be granted by the Planning Commission provided that the Commission makes
ll certain findings. However, that is a separate procedure and unless the Plauning
Commission grants a nonconforming use pernut pursuant to this section, the use cannot
be legally nonconfornung. The claim of legal nonconforming status must be pursued
through the proper channels and is not germane to this appeal.
WHEREAS, on or about December 9, 2Q03 and pursuant to Legislative Code § 64.206,
the Esslings filed an appeal from the BZA decision and requested a public hearing before the
Council of the City of Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Leg. Code §§ 64.205 - 64.208, and upon notice to
affected parties, a pubiic hearing was duly conducted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on
January 7, 2004, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Board of
Zoning Appeals, does hereby
RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the BZA
decision in this matter as the appeilant has failed to establish and errors in fact, finding or
procedures on the part of the BZA; and
Page 2 of 3
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of 7udith Essling and Essling's
Home Plus, Inc. is hereby denied, the decision of the BZA in this matter is upheld and the
Council hereby adopts the reasoning of the BZA as its own; and
BE IT FTNALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution
to the appellants, the plauning and zoning administrators and to the BZA.
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She t�
Depar6nenUoffiee/council: Date initiated:
�P -L�ce���mu��t �-�-� Green Sheet NO: 3013195
CoMact Person & Phone: ���ent Sent 7o Person Initi
Pete� Wamet � 0 ic o os nviron Pso
Z ���� Assign 1 ic nse/Ins ctiou/EnvironPro De artme tDirecto
Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): Number Z �� 3 -G� �• y
Rouf3ng 3 a or's Offi Ma or/ASSistaot
Ofdef 4 ouocil
5 i Clerk Ci C1erk
Tota{ # of Signature Pag� _(qip Alf Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approvai of a Resolution memorializing a City Council decision January 7, 2004 which denied an appeal of the decision of the Boazd of
Zoning Appeals regazding 2187 Bonzue Lane.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission t. Has this perso�rtn ever worked under a contrad for this depaRment?
CIB Committee Yes No'
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfum ever been a city emp4oyee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
cuRent city employee? ,
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who,, What, When, Where, Why):
The Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on I3ovember 24, 2003, where the appellant was appealing a decision by the
Zoning Administrator in LIEP to de-convert the building at 2187 Bonnie Lane from a duplex into a single family home. The BZA upheld
the decision of the Zoning Admiuistrator and the owner of 2187 Bonnie Lane appealed that decision to the City Council. The Ciry
Council then upheld and affinned the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals and of the Zoning Administrator.
Advantages !f Approved: , ,
�iQtt�°s^it �^y,�^.__. . , - -
Disadvatrtages If Not Approved:
Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: "
Fundinp Source: Activity Number:
Financial Infortnation:
Nmidy C. Ketl1; Maya�
December 9, 2003
Ms. Mary Erickson
Counc� Reseazch Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN. 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
Rnger C. Cw1i.s, Dbecror
IAWRPPROFFSSIONALBUIl.D7NG 1'e%phane: 651-Z66-9090
350 Sk P4o Street, SwYe 300 Fusimile: 65t-266-9124
sm,crax.r.a�re„eaorasnoz-ulo wee: ,vww.ci..rtpmd.nm.u.z/riep
I would 1�1ce to confirm thak a public heazing before the City Coimcil is scheduled for Wednesday,
7anuary 7, 20�for the following zonmg case:
•..- .�
Zonmg File #:
Judith Essling, 2187 Boimie Lane
Purpose: Appeal a decision of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals denymg an appeal of the
Zoning Admmistrator's order to remove the second dwelling tmit from the
house at 2187 Botmie Lane.
District 1
2187 Bonnie Lane.
Recommended denial.
Recommended approval but later withdrew the recommendation.
Denied on a 7- 0 vote.
I have conScmed this date with the office of Council Member Kathy Lantry. My imderstanding is
that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda of the Ciry Council aY your earliest
convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearmg in tixe Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks
Jolm Hardwick, Zonmg Specia]ist
AA-ADA-EEO Employei
g..5aint Pa � CuI 3ty Council will con-
duct a public hearing ori Wedneaday,:Taa-
uary 7, 2004, at 5:30, p.m_ in the
Council.Ghambers� 14�ird F'loor, City Iial}
to.consider Lhe appeai ofJudith Essling to
a decision of the Board of Zoningpippeals
denying an appeal ofthe ZoningAri:..;n;n_
ttato�'s order to remwe the second dwell-
ing anit &om the house at 2187 Bonnie
.Iane.� - . �
Dated: December 9, 2003 " ._
Me1RY ER[C'�i,SON, . �.
AsslstantCity �ouncif Seoreta[y -
� . . (�ecember 11) �
81:� PAOL f.E(tN. tFDUBR
a2mssio :> ; ,
Roger C. Curtis, Director
P,antly C. ?ielly, dlayar
December 9, 2003
Ms. Mary Erickson
Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Pau1,1�I�Ti . 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
LO'NBYPP,OFESSiON.4L2UI�Dl.'JG Teiephone. 6�.-?66-9090
s�0 S[. Peter Strzet, Suire 30Q F¢csimile: 65!-?56-9!?d
Sain!Paid,:�+lin�tesota,iJ702-ISlO ti'eb: :s��.:v.cistpauZ.mn.iuniep
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
January 7, 2004 for the following zoning case:
Zoning File #:
Judith Essling, 2187 Bonnie Lane
Purpose: Appeal a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals denying an appeal of
the Zoning Administrator's order to remove the second dwelling unit fi�om
the house at 2187 Bonnie Lane.
District 1:
2187 Bonnie Lane.
Recommended deniai.
Recornmended approval but later withdrew the recommendation.
Denied on a 7- 0 vote.
I have confirmed trus date with the office of Councit Member Kathy Lantry. My understanding is
that this public hearing request wil7 appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest
convenience and that you will pubiish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega1 Ledger.
Thanks !
Sincerel� � �
s . �� � ;-�`.�
��in Hardwick, Zonine Specialist
AA-ADA-EEO E�pioye:
py 307
',�P�LICATiUN ��R APp,_Ad.
Department o, j�laarnang a�ad Ec�nomic Development
Zaning Sa:7ion
l�oo cuy �rarr�sn,�
zs �v�r�� sr���r
Sains Patt� :Ylti' S5302-1534
(631) 26b-S589
Znniag srF�ice us� aniy
�iie�t?�—�l0�`�l� �
��: '�,��.�
Tentat'tue �earing Date:
_ /�� ���-
Name �uditn Essling znd Essling's Home Plus, Inc.
���u 2187 Bonnie Lane
Ci3y St. Paul SL NN Zip 552I9 flaytime Pho�e b51-735-7259
Zsar�ing Fiie Nams Leonard Cak Nills No. 5, Zot 13 Rlk 1
Addressli.ncation 2187 Bonnie Lane, St, Pau1, :SN 55119 "
TYPE OF APP�: Apglication is hereby made fo� an appeai to 3he:
� Board �f Zaning dppeals � City CouncEt
ta), Cc),
l3nder �he provisian oi Cha�ter S4, Sec3io:� Z � Aaragraph ( a) of the Zoraing Code, io ap�ea! e
decision made by fhe Board of Zonine 9�eals pubiic Hearino
on Navemher 24 . . �iieYumber: 03-381592
{da2e ofi decisior.)
GRf3LDNDS �flZ AP�£.4L; Expiain why ycsu fiee3 4here 3aas been an errar in any requiremen8, permit, decisiora
or refusal made by an administrative otficial, ar an esror in faci, �rocedure or
finding mad� by the Boan7 0# Zoning Appeais ar the Pianning Comtnission.
Please see attached letter.
ta4tach additional sheet i# ne�essary)
:�opiicant'sSignaiure � r/ � _,..�Da#e _�'� - �'�%`.?
►� J
Cify Agen!
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December 8, 2003
Janeen E. Rosas
Director of Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection
City of Saint Paui
Zoning AdministraTion
Lowry Professional Building
350 St. PeYer Street, Suite 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
John Hardwick
Zoning Specialist
City of Saint Paul
Zoning Administration
I,owry Professional Buiiding
350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300
Saint Paul,lViitiT 55102
Re: Appiication for Appeal to City Council far
� 2187 Bonnie Lane
Our File No.: 19433.R29732
Deaz Mr. Hardwick and Ms. Rosas:
TimothvJ- Voian
I represent Essling's Homes Plus, Inc. and Judith Essiing ("the Esslings") in regard to
their longstanding operation of an adult foster caze program at 2187 Bonnie Lane ("Property") in
Saint PauL This letter is in responsa to the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals' ("Board") denial
af the Esslinbs' appeal on November 24, 2003. Attached are the following documents (1 j a
copy of Mr. Hardwick's letter of SepTember 2�, 2003 ("Order") ordering the Esslings to destroy
their kitchen; (2) a copy of the Esslings' Application for Appeal and Request for Administrative
Review hy the Saint Paui Board of Zoning; (3} the $oard's Findings of Fact {"Resolution")
dated Novembe: 24, 2003; (4) documents from the 1992 investigation by the City of St Paul
Zoning l�epartment showing that the Esslings camplied with a13 requests and, �rther, that the
City did not consider the existence of a second kitchen ta censtitute a second dweiling uniT; and
(�) numerous letters of support far the Esslings' foster care home at 2187 Bonnie Lane.
The City's flrder and the Board's Resolution thaT the E�slin�s remove a kitchen in their
home is a violation oi both state and federal law. The Zonin� Adnlinistrator decided that ihe
second kitchen meant the property has two dwelling units, and the Board affirmed the order to
"remove one of the unizs." The puraose oi this ietter is to (1) explain why the City's Zenin�
Deuas^�snent and the Board hace made e: in iheir Order and Resolution and (2} request that
the City Council ove:kurn the Beard so that tha Essiings may continue to use their home as is.
;z�znror.e. c:2.3sp. eo�n
.... ......�: a:v.cor..
12�n�x B�v���a, L�.�
7aneen E. Rosas
Tohn Hudwick
December 8, 2003
Page 2
In �/1:. Hardwic!�'s letter of September Z5, 2003, in which he ordered the Esslin�s io
remove their second kitchen at 2187 Bonnie Lane, he stated, "You have a new house unde:
construction at 2170 Snawshoe Lane. I have not inspected thaY building but these same
requirements regarding the number of dwelling ursts and kitchens anpiy to that honse as well."
It is the Esslings' posiTion that t�e City's refusat to allew a second kitchen, or even a sink, in the
lower level of Snowshoe Lane is also a violarion of The state and fe3eral law, ,•`or the same
reasons discussed below in regard to 2187 Bonnie Lane.
For scheduling reasons, we respect�lly request that the City Council's public hearing
reguding this appeal be held on Wednesday, January 7, 2004.
?• i3�e Board's Finrl:ng t3f Fact #i ��carrecily �harac#erizes The �roperty As '°Two
Cornple#e D�veiling UnSts."
St. Paul's Le�slative Code 60.204 (d) defines a dwelling unit as "a building, oz poz
therzof, designed for occupancy by one family for residantial puzposes used or intended to be �
used for living, sleeping and c�oking or ea2in; putposes." A"dwelling uuit, two-famity" is
defined as a"buildin� desi�ed exclusively for or occupied by no more than two {2) families
living indebendentiv of each o#her in two (2) sepazate dwellin� units." id. {Emphasis added).
The property at 2187 Bonnie Lane is nat, as the Board of Zoning Appeals stated, "hvo complere
dwelling units" or a two-family dwelling unit. As a matter of law and fact, ihe Bonn:e Lane
building is not designed for "two families living independently" and is not comprised of "rivo
separate dweIlin� units" as the ordinance defines "dwetling unit, two-family.°
The building at 2187 Bonnie Lane is a bi-level, split foyer single-family home. There is
one front door into an er�erv ioyer with stairs leading up and down. There is no wall, door, Iock
or barrier separaUng the two floors. The floor plan is not comprised of "two separate dwelling
units" for independent living. The house was built and functions as a single-family unit.
There aze two kitchens in the home. However, there is noYhing in the St. Paul Zoning
Code that states a singie-family home cannot have two kitchens. In fact, the City of SY. Paul
Irnew, as far back as 1992, that ?he:e was a second lcitchen in the home yet the City dici not order
the removal of the kitchen then. Canversely, there is nothin� in tke St. Paul Zoning Code that
specificaily states that a building, just because it does have two kitchens, is a duplex.
Further indications that the home is a single-family dwelling inciude the following: ihe
City records and Ramsey County property tax records both i�entify the house as a single-fasnily
dwelling. There is only one address, noi Two separate addresses or unit nu�-nbers. There is only �
ene �as and eie�trc meter and ntility service is set up for the preperty as a s�ngie-family
� �
• Janeen E. Rosas
J ohn Hardwick
December 8, 200�
PaQe 3
residence. In short, the Boaxd of Zonin� ?.ppeals incanectly conc?uded that ihe house has "two
comDlete dwelling units."
In September 1992, the City of St. Paul Zoning Admirristration inspected the Esslin�s'
home at 2187 Bonnie Lane and saw that the basement walkout nad a second kitchen, a living
room, a bathroom, and three bedrooms. In October 199�, the Zoning Administration ordered the
removal of the lock on a door separatin� the basement from the upper level. The Zoning
Administration did not order the removal of the kitchen. On January 4, 1993, the Zonin�
Administration reinspecTed the home, saw the lock had been removed, and determined the code
violation had been eliminate3. The complaint was closed. The second �itchen remained, with
the fuil knowledge and approval of the Zoning Administration. A copy of the documentation of
the 1992-1993 inspection is attached.
2. The �ma�d's �'inding t3f �'ac# #2 Is Irrelevant �'a i�,'hether The Esslings i_13ay Have A
3econd Kitchen In Their Sangle-faanily Iiome.
The Boa:d correctly recognizes that adult foster care is a permitted use in the R-LL
� zoning district in which the Property is located. However, whether the property owners are
licensed for adult foster care is irre:evant #o the City's order That the Esslings remove one of their
kitchens. The entire licensing issue is beyond the jurisdiction of the City's police power and
should not be used as a factor of analysis, as it has been in F3nding of Fact �#2. Regardless of
wheYher the Esslings have one or iwo adult foster caze licenses, the Esslings are entitled to have a
second kitchen an Yheir singie-family home. To deny them the right to keep improvements which
have been in their home since 1992, when suraly oTher single-family homes in the City have
similar second kitchens, is a discriminatary denial af the Esslings' due process rights.
3. The Boarrl's �'inding Of �'ac# #3 Y�olates The Fair I�onsing Aniendment Act.
In the Boud's Finding of Fact #3, the Board states, "The City's order to remove the
kitchen and reduce the number of dwelling �anits in the building does not violate staTe or federal
laws or rules." This conclusion is incorrect. By ordering the Essiings to remove their second
kitchen, the City is violating its duTy to make a reasonable accommodation in accordance with
tne requirements of ihe Federal Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.
The Fair Housing AmendmenYs Act of 1988 (hereinafrer the "FH�A") Pub. L. No. 100-
43Q, 102 5tat. 1619, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 3602 (2fl00), et• seq. extends the protection of the
federal fair housing law to persons wzth disabilities. The Fair Housing Amendment Act provides
that it is unlawful:
� (� (1) To discriminate ir the sale or rer.tal, or to otherwise make unavailable or deny, a
dwelling to any buyer or renter because of a handicap oi —
���x ���vrrr �'a, �.�,1'
Janeen E. Rosas
Joh.z Hardwics
December 8, 2003
Page 4
(A) that buyer ar renter;
{B) a person residing in or intending to reside in that dwelling after it is so
so1d, rented, or made avaiIable; or
(C) any pers�n associated with tlzat buyer or renter.
{2) To tiiscriminate agair.st any person in the temis, ecnditions or priviteges of
sale or rentai of a dweliin�, or in ihe provision of services or facilities in connection
with such dweiling, because of a handicap of—
(A) thatpe:son; or
(B) a person residing in or inYending Yo reside in that dwelling after it is
so sold, rented, or made available; or
(C) any persan associated with that person.
a2 u.s.c. § s6o4t� t2000�.
The FHAA requires defendants inc�uc3ing municipalities, to make "reasona'aie �
accommodations in rules, palicies, practicas, or services," when such acconmodations wonld
enabie a person with disabilities to use and enjoy the dwelling where he or she chooses to live.
Id. at (3){B). The FHAA defines a disability as "(1) a physical or mentai impairmen# wluch
substantially limits one or more of such a person's major life activitzes, {2) a record of having
such an impairment, or (3) being regarded as having such an impairment." 4� U.S.C. � 3602(b).
The term "disabilities" has been construed to include the elderly. See, e.�.. Hovsons. I�c.
v. Townshiu of Brick, 89 F.3d 1095 (3 Cir. (N.J.) 1996). The residents aT 2187 Bonnie Lane are
frail senior cifizens, all of whom are non-ambulatory, and aze therefore "disabied" far purposes
of the �IAA. They have availed themseives of the residen#ia1 care services provided 'oy the
Esslings because they are not capabie of independent living, but are not so incapacitated as to
require either hospitalizarion or institutionalized nursing home care.
A Minnesota Court of Appeals case issued last week supports the position that the.
�sslings are entitie� to the reasonable accommodation of a second kitchan. The Nlinnesota
Court of Appeals has held ihat "the FHAA requires a municipality to �ant a waiver of a zonina
ordinance where the waiver is capable of enhancing a disabled gerson's qualiry of life by
ame3iorating the efiects of the disability while �ot imposm� undue financial or adminis�ative
bwdens on the municipality and is needed to allaw disabled people the same opportunity to live
in a nei�hborhaod as people withoui disabilities." Citizens for a Balanced City v. Plymouth
Con�eQational Chwch 4'.W.2d _, No. A03-190, 2003 WL 22846093 (Minn. App.
17ecember 2, 20C3) (see attached).
� �
� 7aneen E. Rosas
John riardw�ck
Decemoer 8, 200�
Pa6e �
In that case, t�'�e City of iVlinneapous was �r!ned in its decision to �ant the deiendant
Plymouth Nei�borhood Ci!urch Foundation a saacing ordinance, a conditional use pernit, and a
maxirnum occupancy variance, ali as a necessary and reasonable accommodation for a
supportive permanent housing facility for disabled residents. The Minnesota Court of Appeals
considered wheYher the requested accommodation was {i) reasonable, (2} necessary, and (3} one
that allowed the residents an eauai opportunity to use and enjoy housing in a specific residential
neighborhood of their choice. Id. See also Oconomowoc Residential Pro�rams, Inc. v. Citv of
Yiilwaukee 300 F.3d 775 {7 Cir. (Wis.) 2002) (holding that a zoning variance requested by a
residential program was reasonable and necessary unde: the FHAA, where the individuals' range
of residential living choices was restricted by their disability, and the inc�ividuals could not afford
to purchase a home on their own).
The necessity for a second kitchen that is easily accessible to ihe frail, elderly residents at
2187 Bonnie Lane is a reasonabie accommodation that the City may not circumvent with its
zoning policy. The presence of one kitchen on each floor of the Essling home, to serve the needs
of the senior citizens living there, does not impose significant administrative or financial burdens
� on the City, nor does it fundamentally alter ihe City's zoning scheme — especially considering
that the property at 2187 Bonnie Lane has existed with its cusent improvements and residents
for many years already. The home has not changed; the zoning has not changed; nor are The
Essiings requesting a zoning change.
The Plvmouth Conere�ationai Church court also opined that, under the FHAA
guidelines, mere neaghborhood opposition does not constitute an administra#ive burden sufficient
to relieve the City's obiigarion to make a reasonable accommodation. Id. citin Chanhassen
Estates Residents Ass'n v. Citv of Chanhassen 342 N.W.2d 335, 340 (Minn. 1984). See also
Oc�nomowac ResidenYial Pro�rams at 780 (holding that neighbars' objections to the group home
on the basis of traffic and parking conditions was not a"si�ificant adverse impact").
The FHAA makes it unlawful to coerce, intimidate, or retaliate against someone for
having exercised ri�hts protected by tBe F�LAA. ?2 U.S.C. § 3617. The actions undertaken by
the hostile neighbors in the community and the City of St Paul tiu its Fire DeparTmenY and
Zoning Department essentially constituTe harassment against the Esslings and their elderly
clients. The Esslings have peacefully operated their adult foster program at 2187 Bonnie Lane
for years under the current zoning laws obtaining the necessary licenses and complyin� with
annual inspections as rzquired for licensins renewal. To have the City now claim that the
Esslings must �esuoy their kitchen, evict their Iong-term residents, and ineparably damaae both
their home and their business represen?s disparate treattneat violatine anti-discrimination law.
Additionally, not only is the Fiading of Fact r3 incorrect based on both stah:Tory law and
� case law, bui the manner zn which the conclusion was reached is a violation of dus process and
R:+�ea aErv�<:'r
d`f-3a 7
�DEx ��ti�r�T�r, ��,�
3aneen E. Rosas
.;can Hardwic:�
Deceaiber 8, 2�03
Page 6
an enor oi procedure. FinCting of Fact r3 is a canciusory statement. No 1_egal a�lysis was
provided in the Findir; of Fact. At the public hearing, the Board did not discuss or rebut any of
the iegal analysis provided by tlle Essiings supportin� their appeai ta ovarium the Citys order to
eliminate their kitchen.
?. "T�e Boas �'inding {)f �act �4 Is Erran2aus And Irrelevant.
Because the rederai Housing Amendment Act requires the City to reasonably
accommodate the disable� elderly residents livzng at 2187 Bonnie Lane, no finding needs to be
made regarding whether t�'�e property is legaily nonconforming. In the altemafive, even if a
permit for nonconPozming status were to be pursued, it would be for the purpose of establishing
the second kitchen as a legal noncanforming improvement to a single-famiiy dwelling, and not,
as the Board stated in Pinding of Fact #4, a claim that the building is a legal nanconfomung
The Board of Zoning Appeais erred in aff�ming Yhe Zonin� Administrator's Order. Botn
the Order and The Resoiuiion are �iddier� with erors in finding, fact, and procedure. Receni case
law snpports the Esslings' position thaT the City cannot order the removal of the second l�tchen.
We ask that tue City rzscind its Order of September 25, 3003 that the Esslings remove the
second kitchen's a�pliances and sink, cap off the gas line to the stove, cap off the piumbing pipes
to the sink, and find replacement housin� for some of fhe residents at 2187 Bonnie Lane.
Very truly yaurs,
cc wlenc3. by U. S. Mail:
7udith Esslin�
Brdget Ess3ing
7on Leir.in�er, Fester Care {A�+ult) Licensin� for Ramsey County
� 7aneen E. Rosas
3cnn nazdw�ci�
Decembe: 8. 2C0�
PaQe 7
Karen Kief=er, Supervisor Diyision of Licensine,
Viinnesota Department oi Human Services V
� 1069582-7
J ,
� . . c��rX a� saIN �auL
Randy C. Kelly, �Ytwo�
Septembe: 25, 2003
Jud:th Essline
2187 Bonnie Lane
St. Paul, M�t. 5� 1 i 9
Janeen E. Rosas, Director
iOWRYPROFESSIQNALBUlLDING Telephone: 651-266-9090
350 Sc PeterSheet, Suite 300 Facsimite: 651-266-4124
SaimPaul,dTmnesat¢551027�10 H'eb: m+rn•_liep.us
�: 2187 Bt�nnie 3.ane: Iuspe�Yian �'+indimbs and flrder ta �i�move Second Dwelling Unit
Deaz Ms. Essling:
This Ietter is a fallow-up to the inspection I conducted of the reierenced proaeriy on September 19,
2003 in response to a complaint the City received regarding tiie number of peopie residing in fhe
house. I inspected the property in the presence oi your daughfer Bridget, a representative from the Fire
Department and two representatives iror� Ramsey Counfy Human Services Department met us at t�
The house in question is located in an R-LL (Residetttial Lar�e Lot) zoning district. The house has
three Ievels. Located oa the lower level are four bedrooms, a bathro.om and a fulI kitchen. On Yhe
middle level are a bedroom, a bathroom and a full kitchen. The upper level has three bedrooms and a
bathroom. T was advised that the house is used as an adult foster care faeility that serves ten residents.
There is atso a staff person on duty 24 hours a day.
R-LL is a single fanaily residential zoning district. Buildings with two or more dwelling units aze not
per,nitted in an R-LL district. An aduIt foster care facility, when Iocated within a single family home
is a permitted use in an R-LL district. Section 60.204(d) of the City Le�islaiive Code defines a
dweiling unit as " A building, or portion thereof desia ed for occupancy by one family for residential
purposes used or intended to be used for living, sleepine and cooking or eating purposes."
As configured, the house at 2187 Bonnie Lane, with its lower levei group of rooms designed for
living, sleepinn and coaking or eating and i#s separate group of rooms designed for living, sleeping
ai�d cooking or eating on the second and third leveIs, coastitutes a buiIding wi�h two dweiling units.
Therefore, you must remove one oi t:�e kitchens in the build3ng in its entirety. This includes the
remo�al of aI! appiiances and the kitchen si�vk. The gas iine for the stove must be properly capped off
where it comes tluough the tivall and the piumbine pipes for the sink must aiso be nroperly capped ofi
where they co�e ti the waIL li is my understaading that the removal of one of L�e kitchens may
result in .he need to find repiacemettt housine ior some of the facility :esidents so I wili allow you �
mon�.hs frorn the date of this lef�e: to compiy. ���
_-^,-:�A-cE0 Ernnloye;
� _ - - -� �- — - o�-so�
?_ i 8% Bonnie Lane p�, 2. _.
;-� si pou'oeiieve that this dete.�nination and orde: is in e:ror, �°ou may appeal to t�'�e Board of Zoning
AnpeaLs ior an Administraave 2eview._You mus� submit the enciose3 �pplication zor A�peai,
speci�ing the �ounds ior the appeal, alor_g with tne appropr.ate iee to t�is o�ce within 30 davs oi
the recei�t of this letter.
Tne P?anning Commission, foliowing a public hearing, can �ant legal nonconiorming status to
noncon�omilin� uses or structures if the coznmission makes certain findings. I have enclosed an
application form and information on this process.
You have a new house under construct:on at 2170 Snowshoe Lane. i have not inspected that bL:ilding
but these same requirements reaardiag fhe number of dwelling units and kitchens apply to that house
as well.
If you have any questions regarding this letter you may contact me at b51-266-9082 or faY me at 651-
266-9099 or e-mail me at iohn.hardwick(c�ci.st�aul.mn.us.
� 4"'
� ��Ibhn Hardwick, Zoning Specialist
cc: Wendy Lane, Zoning Manager
Pat Fish, Fire Inspector
Peggy Neagile, License Supervisor Ramsey Caunty
Dave Haiey, Executive Assistant Ramsey County
� \.
.�A-�.AA-£EO Emnloye:
�����Ca�a�� ��aR a���,a�.
I3epat3�tt¢nt of �Iunning and �canoanic ➢evetopmsrst
Zoning Section
I400 � Ha11'nnex
25 33'est Fourth Sira¢#
Saint Prtu�, tYdN SSi02-Z534
{b5l) ZG6-65$9
�". , ,,
t e
t+lame Judit:� EssLng and Bssling's 73ome Plus, Inc.
�ddress ZIB� Bonnie Lane
��j St. Pau1 $$. �7 Z¢Q 55119 [�aydi►ne }�i7r�rae o51-270-5527
ZanSng�ileName Leonard Oak Aills No. 5, Lot I3 Bik 1
AdsiteSS I i.oc8tion 2187 Bonnie Lane St. Pau1 MN 55114
7YPE C3� AP�EA�: ApplioatSon is 3aereby made iar an appeat to t1ae:
�>�oard oi Zoning Appeals � City Councii
ta� , Cb). .
Under the pravision of Chapder S4, SectSon 204 Paragraph and (c) "afi �he Zoning Code, to appea9 a
r3scision made hy�e zoning specialist John Hardwick in the Office of License Inspectione
and EnvironmentaZ Protection
on September 25 29 03 . Fife Number: Unknown
(date of decisiots)
GF30l31di3S �i3F3 AP:'�AL:
Ex�la'sn w#ay you #eef t8iers has been an error in as�y requ6rement, perentt, dee9sion
or r�fusa! �nade by an administrative o!#icial, or an error in fact, procadure or
fiinding made by Yhe Soacd of Zon9ng Apgaeais or the Planning Comratissfon.
See attached letter.
{attach addi8ional s�ee# i# necessary)
� �
±pp3ioant's Si�rr,ature L1tcA�:��C,-� �� �aie �� �3 �3 Ci�+j Agent
D �-307
ACwmE°s at Law
, uar.e� L:sen,o
s33 �outh Cree�:S =a:ec
��_r.r 2C0;;
'�E:seaoo�v=.ti1\ 5>LC�
r �:, _. _4p .,cM
. �^v �dr:s«•._o: ;
October 23, 2003
YIA �3A t�� I3ELIVEI21'
Janeen E. Rosas
Director of Office of License, Inspectians
and Environmental Protection
City of Saint Paul
Zoning Administration
Lowry Professional Building
350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
John Hardwick
Zonmg Specialist
City of Saint Paul
Zoning Administrarion
Lowry Professional Building
350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Timothv J Nolan
tjnolan��:iderlaw com
Re: Application ior Appeal and Request for Administrative Review for
� 2187 Bonnie Lane
Our �i1e No.: 19433.R29732
Dear Mr. Hardwick, iYis. Rosas, and the Board of Zoning Appeals:
Please be advised that I represent Essling's Homes Plus, Inc. and Jndith Essiing ("the
Esslings") in regard to their longstanding operation of an adult foster care pro�ram aY 2187
Bonnie Lane {"Property") in SainT Paul. This letter is in response to IVIr. Hardwick's letter of
September 25, 2Q03 and is an attachment to the Esslings' Application for Appeal and Request for
Administrative Review by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning.
It is my understandin� that the City of Saint Paul ("City") is attempting to foree the
Esslings To destroy the second kitchen aY the Property, which could result in the termination of
half their adult foster care program, �hich has operaTed at the Bonnie Lane home for more than
10 years. Such a result wonld represeni obvious and siaiificant harm to my clients and their
elderly residents.
The City's Order of September 25, 2003 thaT the Esslinas remove a kitchen in their home
is a violation of both state and federal law, and is dependent upon an erroneaus interpreTation of
the City's own zoning ordinanc�. The purpose of this letter is to establish the Esslings' �
for appeal and esplain Gvhy the Ciiy's zoning departmenY has made an error in its order.
� �
� 'J�
p`� -3a 1
3aneen E. Rosas �
John �Zardwici
Octobar 23, 2003
Page 2
i. 7'he Use af ?i87 33onnie Lane �s a I.awfal �onforming LTse as an AdulY Faster Care
Hame and "as � iat a Vioiation of the St. Paui Zoning �ode.
The piain language of the Zoxiing Code permits foster care homes as a principal usz for
residential zor.es. Saint Paui Zoning Code 60.412{8). While in the September 25, 2003 Ietter the
City claims the Esslings' use violates the Code, foster caze homes aze specifically allowed as a
permitted use in all residential zones of The City, including the R-LL zone in which the Bonnie
Lane property is locate3. See Zoning Code §60.?07 (R-LL shall canform to the uses speczfied in
§60.412). ' See also §60.412 (8) and (9) {specifying foster care homes are a permittad principal
The definirion of a foster home in §60.20b(fl is, a"dwelling unit in which a foster care
program that is license3 by the commissioner of human services. .. is operated in the principie
residence of ihe license hoide:." Judith Essling does reside at 2? 87 Boruue Lane. A foster care
home is thus a legaliy pernutted exception to the general dennition in §6Q?04(d) �vhich VIr.
Hardwick quoies in his Ieffer: "A dweIIing unit is 'a buiIding, or portion thereof, desi�ed for ,
occupancy by one family for residential purpases ..."'
According to the glain lanb a�e of the zoning code, tke residents of a"dwel2ing° tznit
may be either "one f2mily" or a foster care pro�-�am. The Esslings run a fully licensed foster care
program on the Property. Accordin� to the City's zoning laws, �oup homes may locaYe in
residentiai azeas as a matter of ri2ht, and are not a prohzbited use. See Costley v. Caromin
House 313 :VW2d 21 (Minn. 1981) (hoiding that where group home foliowed all necessary
administrative procedures and obtained necessary constmerion permit, the home fulfilled state
licensure requirements and therefore must be considered a single-family anit by the c:ty's zoning
2. Evan If 21$7 Bon�ie Lane is a Nonconformi�g Use, It ll'iusi Be Allo�erl to Remain
As a PreeYistsng iJse.
The Minnesoia Supreme Court has made clear that a residentiat zoning ordinance may
constitutionally prohibit the creation of uses thaT are nonconfonning, but existing nonconforming
uses mnst either be permitTed to remain or elimir.ated by use of eminent dorzain.
County of Freeborn v. Ciaussen, 295 Minn. 96, 99, 203 N.W.2d 323, 335 {19'72); Oswalt v.
Ramsev Countv, 371 N.W2d 241 (Nlinn. Ct. App. 19$5).
The first time the Essli�gs applied for each of their aduit fcster care licenses at 2187
Bonnie Lane, the �Sinnesata Department for Human Services conducted a licensing study �
pursuant io Mi.*m. R. 95».612�. T:�e Commissioner oi the Depart.ment of Hu�°nan Serv7ces
evaluates the land use plan when consideri�g whethe: te grant a Iicense. See Minn. Stat. §` �
1 ',
0 y-3o7
� Janeen E. Rosas
7chn riardw:ck
October 23, 2003
Page 3
24�A.11 Subd. 4. Also, as par: of the licensing study, "at least 30 days before the initiai license
issuance date, ihe commissione: shali norify the iocal zoning administrator in the jurisdicTion
where The residence is located of the license application." Minn. R. 95�5.6125, Subp. 6.
Each time the Esslings applied for and obtained their inirial licenses for adult foster care,
the local zon:ng administrator was notified and found no objecrion. The lack of objecrion at the
time of application suggests an implicit endorsement that the Property was being used in a
manner consistent with not only the State's public policy for elderly residential care but also the
City's zoning laws. For over 10 yeazs, the Property has been used far an adult foster care
program. During that time, the City Zoning Department and the Ramsey County Community
Human Services Department had full disclosure of the Esslings' use of the Property. The use of
the P:operty has not changed. The zoning has not changed. No pernuts have been applied for
that mighT trigger a zanin� review. Instead, a smail � of hostile nei�hbors have commenced
a campaign with the apparent endorsement of the City, to drive the Esslings out of this
neighborhooa. To suegest that the Property is now nonconforming is an erroneous application of
the City's poiice power.
The Property at 3187 Bonnie Lane has two kitchens; however, the Prope: ty operates as a
single family dwelling, has one main front door for in�ess and egsess, and is recognized in
county property and tax records as a sin�le-faznily residence — not a dupiex. As a single family
dweliing, it is a legal nonconforming use and should be perznitted to remain.
In the alternative, even if the Property is considered to be a multi-family residential use, it
should be allowed to remain as currenYly improved. Accarding to Minn. Stat. § 245A.11 Subd3
any permitted multifarnily dwelling may be used as a group residential facil3ty to house up to 16
residents, even if it is locaied in a single family district. See �enerallv Minn. Stat. § 245A.11,
subd. 3. Although a rnunicipality may reqnire a cnndirion or special use permit, such condit;ons
imposed may not be more reshictive Than those on other residential properties in the same zone.
Id. Surely the City does not mean to suggest that it has never allowed other single family
dwellings in residenflal-zone3 neighborhoods to have second partial or fuii kitchens (colloquially
termed "mother-in-law" units) as part of #he property's main struciure?
3. In 3'his �ase, the �I�nicipal Zaning Code is Preemg�ted by State i.aw and �olicy.
The NlinnesoYa Attorney General has sYated in an opinion Ietter that a municipal zoning
code may net restrict liceasable foster care homes by limiYing the number of residents to less
than the number pernitted by the state licensing law. Oo.Attv.Gen 477b 34 Cr. 59a-32, Aprii 26,
1952. In that ooinion, the City oi Long Lake had a zoning provision requiring a conditional use
permit for bomes providinff foster care far 3 to 5 c'nildren, yet the state law expressly allowed
� state-licensed foster care hor to sen-e 4 to o residents �viThout a conditional use pemit.
�D�� ��:����T, �.L�
Janeea E. Rosas
John Hardwick
October 23, 2403
Page ?
The opinion interpreted Minn. Stat. §§245.781 to 245.812, which were the predecessors
to the current Minn. Stat. § 2�' SA1 i regulating foster care licensing capacity. The attorney
ganerai s#ated, "Municipal zoning ordinances aad codes cannot override state law and policy ,..
If state iaw and the ... zoning ordinance contain pravisions Yhat are ineconcilable with each
other, state law prevails and the zoning code provisions aze invalid." Id.
4. Ii' the City EnforcQS Its {�rder t�at the Esslings 3)es#ray Their Secamd Kfitchen, the
Esslings T�'i�l �ave a Claim �7nder ihe �'a1� Hausing Amend7sae�is Ac# a�' 1988.
The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (hereina$e.* the "FHAA") Pub. L. No. 1d0-
430, 102 Stat. 1619, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 3601, et. seq. extended the protection of the federal
fair housing Iaw to persons with disabilities. The FHAA prohibits discrimination on the basis of
a physical or mental handicap. 42 U.S.C. §3604{f�{1). Saction 3604(�}(1) of the FHAA makes it
unlawful to "discriminate in the sale or rental, or to ot�'�e:wise make unavailable or deny, a
dwelling to any buyer or renter because of a handicap of (A) thai buyer or renter; (B) a person
residing in or intending to reside in that dwelling after it is so sold, rented, or made available; or
{C) any person associated with that buyer or renter."
Furthermore, Section 3515 of the Fair Housing AcY invalidates "any law of a State, a °
politicai snbdivisian, or other such jiussdiction that pnroorts to require or permit any action that
would be a discriminatary housin� practice under this subchapter." 42 U.S.C. §361 S.
The FHAA requires defendants to make 'Yeasonable accommodations in rules, policies,
practices, or services," when such accommodations would enable a person with disabilities to
live where he or she chooses. 42 U.S.0 §3604{�(3){B). The term "disabiliries" has been
construed to include the eiderly. See, e.�.. Hovsons, inc. v. Townshi�of Brick, 89 F.3d 1096
(C.A3 (N.7.) 1996). 'The Esslings' adult foster care has eIderIy residents who are nonambuiatory
and therefore couid be shown to be disabied.
The necessity for a second kitchen ThaY is easily 2ccessi�le To the eiderly residents at 2187
Bonnie Lane is a reasonable accommodarion that the City may not circumvent wiYh its zoning
policy. The presence of a second kitchen to serve the needs of the elde:ly residents at ZI87
Bonnie Lane wouid noi impose signincant administrative or financial buzdens on the City, nor
would it undemune the zoning scheme — especially considerin� �hat the property has operated
with its nnprovem�nts and residents for many years already.
Furthermore, Section 3615 of the Fair Housing Act invalidates "any law of a State, a
political subdivision, or oYher such jurisdiction that purports to rzquire or permit any acrion that
cvould be a discriminatory housing practice under this subchapter." 42 U.S.C. §3615.
"`'he F�I�A makes it unlawiui to coerce, intimidate, ar retaliaYe against someone for ; �
havin.g exercised rights protected by the FN�A. 42 U.S.C. ��527. The actions une�ertaken by ��
� Janeen E. Rosas
John Hazdwick
October 23, 2003
Page �
the hostile neighbors in the comnunity and the �ity of St Paul throueh its Fire Department and
Zoning Department essentially constitute hazassment against the Esslings and their elderly
clients. The Essiings have peaceiully operated their adult foster program at 3187 Bonnie Lane
for years under the current zoning laws, obtainin� the necessary licenses and complying wiih
annuai inspeations as required for licensing renewal. To bave the City now ciaim tYiat the
Esslings must desh�oy their kitchen, evict their lon� Term resideats, and irreparabIy damage their
business represeats disparate treahnent violating anti-discriminatian law.
5. I#' the City �nforces Its �rder that the Esslings 73estroy the Sezond Kitchen, the
Essli�gs 6'�ill HavE a�'Iaim 3'os an ITnconstitu#fiona� Taking qf Property Wit3�out
Just Compensation.
The City of St. Paul has attempted fo avoid the cieaz requirements of the Fifth
Amendment of the United States Constitution, as applied to the states through the Fourteenth
Amendment, by depriving the Esslings of their property rights in their second kitchen used to
maintain their licensed adult foster care pro�am. Similarly, the Minnesota Constitution states
� thac °[p]rivate property shall not be taken, destroyed or damaged for public use, without just
compensation therefore first paifl or secured." lYtinn. Const. art. I, § 23 {amended 1969). The
Ariinnesota Supreme Court has consistently interpreted this canstitutional provision to mean that
a taking or damaQe can "arise out of any interference by the sta#e with the ownership, possession,
enjoyment, or value of private properiy." Johnson v. City of Plymouth, 263 N.W.2d 603, 605
(Minn. 1978).
The City's order that the Esslings remove their secand kitchen constitutes a direct and
substantial invasion of the Esslinos' property rights and deprives them of the practical enjoyment
of their property. If the City forces the Esslings to remove their kitchen, their fostez care license
couid be revoked and their adult foster caze program destroyed. The Esslings will have no
choice but to seek compensation from the City through inverse condemnation io redress the
destrucrion of their kitchea and their foster care program.
The Minnesota Supreme Caurt has stated that an inverse condemnaTion claimant can
recover when There is "a direcT and substantial invasion of his property righfs" such that he is
"deprived of the practical en}oyment of the property" and that "such invasion results in a definite
and measurable dirrinution of the market value of the property." Alevizos v. MeLopolitan
9irports Comm'n, 298 Minn. 471, 216 N.W.2d 651 {1974).
The Essiings wish to continue the use of their residential prapeay as an adult foster care
for the 10 residents who have lived the:e for many years. For the above reasons, we ask thaT the
City rescind its Order of September 25, 2003 that the Esslings remove the second kizchen`s
� appfiances and sink, cap oi� the �as line to the stove, cag off the piumbing pipes to the sink, and
find replacement housina for soLne of tfle residenTs at 2187 Bonnie Lane. ��
i �
R1nEx BeY�IErT
D�f -3a7
��x��N�ET�, �,i.�
Janeen E. Rosas
Jonn Hardwick
October 23, 2093
Pa�e 6
Very truly yours,
Timothy 7. Nolan
cc: Judith Essling
$ridge# EssIing
Jon Leininger, Foster Caze (Adult) Licensing for Ramsey County
Karen Kieffer, Supervisor, Division of Licensing, Minnesota Depar[ment of Human
l ��
C�T�' fl�' � �T'�' ����L
BOAIZI3 ��' Zfl�4�� �'P��.S I2ES��,I��'IflN
ZL3N�� �'�� �iUYIBE�; #fl3-381592
I3���: November 24. 2�03
WHEREAS, Judith E. Bssling has anpeale3 a decision of tile Zoning AdminisTrator pursuant the
provisions of Sec:ion 6a.204 of the Sain# Panl Le�slative Code determining thaT there are two
dwelling uruts in the building at 2187 Bonnie Lane and orde.�ng the removal of one of the units.
WFi'EREAS, the Saint Paui Boazd ofZoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on Novembei
21 2003 p to sai� application in accordance with the req_uirements of Section 64.203 of
the Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Board ofZoning Appeals based upon evidence presenTed at the
public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes made the fol:owing findings of fact:
1. 7n 1990 the app&cant obtained a building permit to construct a single family home on this
site. In 1992 the City received a complaint that #his house was converted to a duplex. An
� inspection of the house revealed that a separate dwelling had been estabiished in the lower
level oi the house and was being rented out. The unit consisted of a kitchen, batluoom, living
room and three bedrooms. The applicant was ordered to vacate the dwelling unit on the
lower level and retun the house to a single family dweIling. In 1993 the lower unit was
vacated and the applicant stated her intention to use the house as a singie family home.
Earlier this year the City received another compliant that the house was again being used as a
dnplex. An inspectior. of the house on September 19, 2003 revealed that there were again
two complete dwelling units in ffie building. The lower level, with a kitchen, bathroom and
bedrooms, clearly meets the defirition of a dwelling urrit as does the upper levels of the
building which also cont�in a ldtchen, bathroom and bedrooms.
Z. The house is being used as a Freestanding Foster Care hone. Adlil: foster care is a pe::�i±ted
use in this zaning district. Under state law, a single family home may be licensed as an adult
foster care for five (5) residents, (Nlinn. Stat. § 25b$.09I9, Snbd. l.} This building
currentIy has two separate licenses {five nnde: each license) issued By the Ramsey County
Human Services Department for adult foster caze for a total of ten (10) facility residents.
These licenses seem to indicaTe that under staTe sTatutes and counry licensing rules, the
licenses were issued to a buildine containing iwo separate dweiling units.
3. The orders issued on September 29, 2003 do not require the appellant to discontinue adult
foster carz at this locarion. The orders only require the appellant to cor>iply wi#h the zoning
regulations regardin� the number of dwelling units allowad in this sinsle family zonin�
� disu-ict. ,�iker tl�e k:tchen is rerioved �orr� the lower unit, the home would still oe ;icensed
Pa�e i of 3
� �� �
r_�� 7a3-ssts9z
�$�-�?-� Decisfions af #he Board af Zoniug Ap�aeats are �n;il subjec# to appeal tn #he
City Caan�il within 15 days by anyone aF%cfed by t$e decision_ Building
pe=mi#s shaii nat be issued after an appeai �as been filed. If per�its have
beeu issued befor� an anpeal lias been filed, iheu the permi#s are snspend�d
and co�as#r�actian shall ceasz until the City Council has made a fz*a�.i
de#eruiination of the appea7.
CERT3FICATIOti: I, #he undersignez3 Secretary fo the Boarri of Zaning Appeais far the City nf
Saint Paui,lS�tinneso#a, da hereby ceztify that I have campareti the foregoing
capy e�tL the original racard in zny of#ice; and find Yhe same to be a true and
carrect sapy af said ariginaI and of #he whole #hereaf, as base3 on approve3
minutes af fhe Safint Paul Boartl of Zon3ng Ap�eais meeting held an
Novembea 24, 2003 and on resard ia the O�ca of License Inspection and
�nviranmental ProtecYion, 3�0 Sd_ Peter Stre`t, Saint Paul, Niinnesota-
SAIN�' P��TI. '�30�R� fl� Z�NTiY� �'pEALB
/ << , 1 , rc� ( ��
' \ � J� 4� `E'�i �` r � �✓ 1 � /�t �5��
;1 /
Debbie Crippen
Secretary to Yhe T3oard
°aae? oi 3
:`-} � �
O� - 30�
zc�r�yc cor��
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Zoaia� Co��ia:�:t Lo,�ning Si�sCem Data
���� _ P.1S: li d Q.1.J I.TiCC L `
� ,,; � cate rece_ved(yy/r�/dd) `7��'�
zonino etstric: � LL comp-a�r.*_ type(see meau) �
ntimher o£ inspect_ons — numbe- o� davs to �espond �.
..:..-c�_O;: =35L@CiJ�IIi ^L'?.^.bcT O_ (:�VS i0 S25C1V2 "
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7cmes Scheibe7, i✓,oyor
C�iCtObET 6� ?a�Z
Jeditn Essliag
2187 Scnr.? e Lane
Saint Paui, ??N 5ji�o
RE: 2187 Bonaie i2ae
Dear ?Ss. Essling:
cF: rc' cF �.:c: �s� r.�sz:,c^o:;s.s�
E.l�liRO\NF'�+T.;7.. PROT`LCt70;}'
.�a�': Xe:tls Dbrtor .
BL!rLDI.NG:,�'SPEC770.N?1.`D Zelepnone: bl2-298-5212
✓CSiG,V Facsimile: 2<"2-2�07
IS W. .Keiingg dokte�ard
Room te5 Giry Hall
Scmt F¢ui, N,Ir.nesam 55702
As you �re awa:e, I inspected the �,ropert� on Septeaber 29th oi this year
and corfir�ed that you have an il?egal dwe2ling unit in the basement. Ia
OL'I QZSCL'SS:.OIIS� you stated that ; h2ve a femily living in the basement
uait. Yovr property is Zocated in zn %-LL zeniag district. This district
permits only one f>miiy dweLings per lot. You a__ therefore in violatior_
o_` b0.407 an3 b0.412 oi the C+ty's Iegislative code (see eac?osed).
Ta order to be in co�pliance, the tznants must vacate the Iower unit and
the lock on the door separaiiag the haseren2 _`rom t�e upper level must be
zemoved. The de�dline <'"or co�aiiznce with Lhis order is ^londay,
fiove�ber 23, 199Z. A reinspection is schedul=_d for 11:00 a.m. on that day
to verify coapliance. You or � responsible adu7,t should be present for the
iaspection. F�i_ure to comply with t::is order could rzsult in further
enforcement acticn.
If you have ary questions, pl_asz cal2 ne at 2,°8-�584.
�� �2 � �
L"=w'rence R. Zar,gs
Zoa_ng Tec2nic_2n
,_, s
� 5/- 307
Orrl� OF ll .�c.�'SE, ?li�SPE...:CNS ?.1�'D
RoDai Kus1a, Duec:or
G�i I' OF SA...��' P�UL
iames Sc'r.ei➢e1, }.ICyor
Sentz�ber i0, 19°2
.iud_th E. Essling
Oeun York
Sopheap C;�nua
2187 Bonnie Lane
St. Paul i!N 55119
RE; 2187 Bonnie Lane
Dear Property Ow
IS W. %llogg BouLevard
Rcom 445 Ciry Ha1!
SaintT¢u1, bflnnuot¢ 55702
T_lepnone: bi2-<98-+2?2
Facsimue: 222-"u'07
Fie have received, a cnmplaiat thaY there are too many persons liviag
at the reierenced address. The proparty is located in an R-LL,
residential Zoning distxict. Ouz recoTds indicate ihar the building m&y
� only be used as a single family dwelling.
Enclosed are provisions 60.204 and 60.206 of Sa3nt Paul Legislative Code
which deiine the terms ° Family" and "Dwellin$ Unit". The defiaiCion of
"Family" in Yhe zoning ordiaance (see attached) allows a m2ximem of four
unrelated individuals living together in a dwelling unit_ Within the
dwelling unit, each individual may have separate sleeping rooms but they
must shared the kitcY:en and zemziaing Iiving space together.
An inspection of the building is necessary ta determine if the use oi the
premises a.s comnl�ant with tne City Zoning Ordinance. An inspection is
scheduled for Tuesday, September 22, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. Z request that you
or a xesponsible adult be ti;ere so that we may inspect tne buildiag
together and address any concerns. You should also have a copy of the
lease agrzement indicating the number of persons residing in the building.
I£ a violation esists, you will be given adequate time to bring the
building into compliance.
Zf you have 2 conilict with the scheduled inspection time or have
auestions, ple2se call me at 298-4�8k.
U��.i�G2_ �`�� ��; ��
�� L
Law7zace R. Zanrs
3or.iag T_ecnnician
cc. Ess'_ia�, -oric C:::^.u� -�iGG Ecdgson Road
� �
t-; s
o� ��
�vovs�� s, 2no�
Scenic $iils A7teraatrve Care
2 i 87 Bonnie ?ane
St Pau� IYIIV SS lI9
To the attent"so� af'F'he Board of zoning Appeals�
WeJI � — l the famiiq member of
�� A_ . who is a r:side� aY Seanic �lllls Altemaiave Care,
beiieve i� would be unfair and nnjust to ma3se 7udith �ssling rcmove the kiici�en in ihe
lower level of her houss at 2fl 87 Bonnie Lane.
Removal af Th;s kitchen mauld mean the reIocation of five ofthe residems thai have
made Scenic k3'ills their �aomes, sc>me of ihese zesideuts have Iived here up io seveu years,
and consider this their home. The relocatnon ofihese residents wouid most likely mean
they would tsave to go to a nursing home-, �vhere they wouid not be able to recieve the
quality or cansistenca oP care they receive ai Scenic �i31s, and #his sn our opinian would
be unjust, considering tiae kitchen in the lower Ievel af #fiis house has �iste� for thirtteen
yeus, and has never cawse�i a prabiem before.
• In ddition: �eei �..��a writ auy a d'ataonal ca ��� ere� J�-e
� !�z�� f7 � � � �, �.�- � ���
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Z � eSC=T"i EL SG �au
sceni� �fIES t�j(�y'!��(iYC (;ars
'��Z �utltlie�;at�c
SL Paui, Niinnesota 551 i 9
To the atta�dpn vf She Board of Ztsning p,ppeals;
'=v1y nama is Kaf-hte�r+ Sundall. I� the aie; e of �vian Fsltand, 2std am respom�"bie for my auni who is 91
years old and requires 24 hour care_ She has recmtly Become a resident at Scenic Hilis .�Iter�ative Care. lt
�� h"� � a����Y P��v� �p�'icz�. The physical, emotional and spiriTuat care at Sce.zic Klls
Aliemative t;are is mrne !han we couid have hoged {or nosv that she �atmoi ;ive alone. The cheery
eavironmenY, �se competen[ employees and friendty atahade is so evid�t every time S visii her.
7 believe it would be unfair and unjust Yo maice Ivdith E�3ing remove ihe kitchen in the Iower [evel of her
house at 22 87 Bonnie Lane. F"ust, it is my undesstanding t}sat the reason for !ke request is thaz the home is
z dupte:c so iong as it has twa> kitd�ens. 'Ihaq is aot only inaccurate - ii's ridiculous. The residents' rooms
are either an the ssppe: rn- t6e ±ma�a lerel, buY they are in no way resuicfed from sithe� leve3 ar the
basement. The horne is used as a whole, not twa senazate and distinct entities. This heme is no different
from any other single famity home with two 1ciTCheas - an aznenity that is becomin� inaeasmgiy popuiar by
the way!
I aiso under<land that some neighbors complain thai ihe home allegedly inereases ifi�e azno�mt of frafFcc in
the area This too is not vafid 71�e residrnts of Se�ic �32s basically neve: leave - they aze mable to do so
on vSe"s own. 'V4ile relatives somekimes do visiY, or take residents to ttte� home for visits, there's c�fainiy
less tratFc in and out at Scenic f3ills than, ;or examnie, at the home of a family wiik three kids tlzaY go to •
difrerent schoa7s [tli oughout their cuiidfeood, atiensi three diftrsznt sparts l�gues, all fhe rauEine activities
of kids these days such as bay sccuu, gsi scauLs, ;�urds, not to mention �e numaous eri of a family
of five, and ihe like. If this is rrally a cancem, than maybe thae should be a haffic study condvcYed. I
wouid not be sarprised if oiher households gw�at..ad more iraffic, even if ii is the same vehide agam and
What �4is really see:ns to be about, is thac someane haz decided for not so loeical reasans, that they want
NFs. Esslings home ciosed down Fram the info�mation 1 have received so far, thae is simply no factua3
Sasis or support ihat Scenac H11s is negativaiy impacting anyane To the contrary, Ms. Ess3ing maintains
her propr.ties impeccab3y_ If anyt6ing, her efforts have inerea9ed the vatue of ha propet#ies since she
This Baard should ai 3east cansider ihe equities and taimess of its decision. Shouid Sce[iic Hitls residents
tose tfie only ihing camfortable and fami3iu To them, because of someone's mean sp¢it� whun? My aunt
is one of zhe more recent airivays to Sceaic Hills Some of her roommazes have lived th�e £or sevece years
or mora. These people aze in the winfer of ihe� ]ives, some af Yhem in ihe last days of thaff lives. A move
would be devastating Many suffer frnm Atzheime�s disease_ Tf�e'u weli being depeads upan comfort,
ruucine, and fazni:iarity. They cannot adapt fo cI�ange. If they iose a familiar ssarounding, ffiey may never
be able to become famiiiar with �eir new Iccazion. Sending them io a nucsing bome won[d be changina
their ec;;tira emivers� smatl as it is_ Tr�eir heaith and we19 beiag would be aegatively impacied. it is
exceptionally d:#3icuit ?o find alternative care openings. V�ivian's prior hane closed recently. I had the
dauniin� �sk of finding a new hoaie wiihin three weeks. 'liie search was difSculL No where did 1 see any
alacement oppoRUnities that even pme clase to Scenic Hills.
if Ms. Essiing is required io resnove her kitcua�, and lose one of her licenses, five people are going io iose
tize'u home. Mnre than that they wiIl lose the�.r way of 3ife, they wiil lose Sfie few peopie ihat they know
aad recognize. They;nay be beyond £heatrility to 3earn ffieir r.ewsurtoundiags and gai¢ any iami&ariLy
wich routine. Re?o�tion wouid most l�caly mean a�-ansf� to a n�smg homa, whae if�ey woutd not ,
receive the qc�aliy ar cnasistaney of cars they receive at Se�ia 3$lls Theu loss would be enormaz�, #he ' �
,' 1
E� eBC=tT 6� 8v %aQ
d� 30�
xov��� s, 2�as
s�r � n�e�c�� c�
2187 Bonnia T a�
S� Pau� MN 55119
To rhe �tention of The �oar.i of zc>ning Appsals;
tiVrJI \" n- �CZr }� S��-t�vv � the family member af
+.;; , i ti!�. S}'..�,yr. , wl� is a rasiden# at Scrnic �s Altemative Care,
be?ieve ii wou€d �e unfair and uniast to make J�Ciih Essliag rantove t3�e katc$en ia the
lowe: 3eve3 of her house ai 2 i 87 Bomsae �ane.
R�moval of this �tc'�eu wouid mean tiss reloca?ion of fve of the reszdents ihat laave
made Srxffic 1�lls iheir homes, some oi #hese residesets 3�ave iive3 $aese up 10 seven years,
and mns:der #his their home. Ths reiccatiaa af these residesYts wox3ld mosi liksiy mea3z
tLcy would �ave to go to a nussu�g home, wi�ere they wonld ncsc be able #c> recievs ihe
qualiry ar caa3ssistste.e:ace a£care t�e3r re�eivs ai Scenic T r�s77c, and thzs in our opinion would
be unjust, conside�ng ihe 3citchen in rhe iower Iese3 s�f this h�usa has existed far thiate�s
yezrs, and has never cansed a proolem before_ .
• � additao� �'�i fi io waite aan� additionad ea�mments here)
1'he question to be asked is why? Why now? C)ne of t;ie reasons why we placed �-Iedvica at
2187 Bonnie Lane was because if fesls like home, i# acss like home, the siaff aze a fami}y to the
peaple who live there. IE is a aommunity woridng tog�iher to give to each other. As the five
residents gathe: together in the family room, staff is preparing home cooked meals that smeIl
geod and taste as good. It wouid seam tha# t�'ais issue only has come To light because of the other
issue that another Altemative Cara E3ome ciare to opeza in an area that some felt coutd take conhol
of—defying the f�z3eral or srate governmant.
As a Boazd of Zoning tne only question to realiy ask is why and why s�ow? 7?oes it realIy have to
dfl wiTh this ane kitchen and previous3y was ek'd by your department?
Znank you for �nae in reading this letcer asFsuPP°�
/ 7
T �2 c�..� � - ��-l.van-J //J/d.�0.3 ..
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'��� e60�TT ED QO �=Q
Novemt:er 5, 2fl03
8cenic �'iis Aiternative Care
Z] 8? Bonnie Zane
SL Paul, NIN SS I 19
To the attention of Tne Boasd of zoning Appeals;
SNelI ���; � l� f� t the family member af
,i��i�l�t11 (','�i�f3� t?f�� who is a reside� at Scsmc �3'3i Is Aiternative Case,
believe at wauid e unfau' and amjust to make 7uciith �ssliug remove the kitchen in #he
tower 3evel cst' her house at 2187 �am�ie i,ane.
Removai of tihis Iritci�en RreuId mean ihe relocation a£five of tha residents that have
made Scsnic 3�ails their hosnes, same aP these residauts I�av$ fivd here up to seven Yeass,
and cons�der this iheir home. The relocation ef these zesidents wouid most likely mean
#hey would have Yo go iQ a nursing home, where ihey wauld not be aiaie t+� recieve the
quaiity or c�nsistenc� flf care �ey receive at Scenic �IIs, and this in our opinion would
be unjust, cc��nsidering the ditchen in i'�e io�ver ievei a£this house has existe�l forihiste�a
years, and �as never caused a probiem be#'ore.
���� s! c�_ �3 C�Zt �: t�l � h; �.;��� � ��t.�
T�ank you for frme in reading this leYter of su�ppor�
�.�: { �.i�-1 � � -� �{��Jl)! t�� i�-l-► S i-�ZVCi� G�- Si ! �-
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G8-� �.;�tL;L t,� ��7�- S�z� f t. �-i-L�.�...5 t� Z�.S�I? �� .
'�=Ca�._�,�!'�'U;�� �`�. � S.S L �.S �-i� ;�
�n add"ation_ (�'eei free #o vvrite any addiiional rz�rumems fiere) � 1
�u.�a�.. - i �-�-s�c.c�-�
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c'd ecncrt nn ;n �art
�ovember 5, 2003
Se�nic Hiils �itert►stive �ara
2187 Bonnie 3,ane
St Paul,1VLN 55 i 29
To the attention af The �oard of zoning Appeals;
c y �
�I G �eRGG f� #� �-aG � �sv.� �he f�i' m�er of
�(18 Y �-r 1} t��.: R scn/ , who �s a resdept ak Sceaic I�ills Alternative �are,
believe it would be un£air aud unjusi to make Juditn Essling ramove tlie �tchen in the
lower Ievel of her hovse at 2387 Bo�mie I.ane•
Removai of #ius kitchen �vouid mean the reiocation of five of the residents thai have
made Scenic �3illls their hoffies, �o�e Df fihese resid�s �ave tived �iere ug ta seuen years,
and consider this #heir home_ The relocation of these residents wouid most iikely mean
Yhey would have to go to a aursing �ome, where they would-uot be abis to recieve the
quaiity or consisten� af car� they receive at $cenic I3iils, and this in our opindon wouid
be nnjust, cansidering L&�e icitchea an the iower levei of this house has existed for #hirteen
years, and has never caused a groblem befare.
� 1n adaitioa: {Fewl &z� to wzite ang additional ca�rsmen4.s her�j �
' - �'i��.� n�.�
��a-�`� ��',��z,.�"�� � ctr��. �--�
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Thazak you for t'sme in read3ng t3us ietter of support, G��� �,�,�%-L�-
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o� 30�
November 5, 2003
Sceuic H�Is �ites-�ative �ar�
2I87 Bonnie Izue
SL Pa►il. MN 55 i 19
To the atte,ntion of 3'he Board of zoning Appeals;
J� tlae �mily rnember of
t,tac�Z. w�o is a re.sident at Scenic i�'i►Is Alternative Care�
believe it would be unfais and unjust 10 mak� dudith ;�'ssiing remova the �tchen in the
lawer levei of her house at 2187 Bonnis I.ane_
Ra�aval of this icia�.chen wouta �eau the retecaton of f ve c�f fhe resideats thai have
made Scsnic I�ills their homes, �me of these residev#s have Iivc� here uB #o seven years,
anct ccjnsider #his their hame. The relocation oa"these reside�s wouid uaast 3ikely mean
they wouid have to ga to a mirsiaav home,lvhere they avouid not be abie to re.^,ieve the
quaiity er eonsistence ai care t23ey rerxive at Scenic �'iIs, and #his in aur opinion •,vould
be unjt�st, cansideriatg tiie kitcneu in ths lomer levet at this hQUSa has ea�sted far thirt�a
years, and has never caus�d a probiem before_
In addi�tioa: ��c3 fr� to wsite any atldatiQnai comments here) p 1,,, ,�� ya. � w
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D�- 307
November 5, 2003
Scxnic Hiils Alternative Care
2187 Bonnie Lane
3t. Paul, MN 551 i9
Ta tlie attenti�n af "T§�e Board af zoning Appeais;
/ � t
WeII �� � ��" G` �i�Ytr' { l the family member of
�p r � who is a�esident a# Scraic F33ils Alternative Care,
be3ieve ii wo d be ' and unjust to make 3udith Essling remove Yhs kiccchen in the
lower level of her �ouse at 2187 Bonnie I.aue_
Removal of this :atchen would mean the reiocation of five of the residents that have
made Sce�ic Hills their homes, same of these reseiients have lived here uo to seveu years,
and cox�sider t3vs iheir hams. The ralocation ofthese residents wonld most likely mean
they would have to go #s� a nursing home, where ihey svould nc>i be abie Eo recieve the
q�alit�� or c�nsistenca oi caze they receive at Scenic F3ilis, and this in our oginion would
be unjust, cansidesing the kiteheu an ihe lower ievel of t9�is hause has existe3 for thixtean
years, and has nevez caused a paoisiem before.
• In addition. (F�l free to wait� any aaditional caauneads �er�)
,' � ° 5 r S5 � � B-vti-'� ���'L
� � �` �h .� � ��r���2 1
a"�, a-�c� e,� �� S' � a� S�� c�'
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Z"�ank�u fas t�e in reading this 3etter aYsuppor� �2 �{j��l ��� /4- ����1'f �
� � .�
� �.�,
� Gu� v��
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� -� I
g•d e8t]�II £D 8D �aQ
yoye��� s, zoo�
Scenic �7Fs �3t�naativs Care
2187 Bonnie I,ane
St 1'aui, MN �5119
T� the atteation of The �oard ofzanaag APP�;
�+'� `.D n ��� the family member of
��'�' ' `��-k� who is a resdent at $a�ic Fiilis AIternatave Care,
beIiave it wauid be unfair and unjust to �alcs Iudith �ss3ing zemave the kitche� in the
lower 3evel of �ter haass$ a# 2187 Boauie I,ane.
ILemovaI of t�is kiichen would mean the reiocaEion af five of the residents thaz have
m4de Sczaic Z�ii1s theis homes, �e afihasa resicienLs hava li=re� here ug io szven years,
and consider this iheir hame. The r.°.iacacion of these residenis �rould tnc3st likely mean
ihey woukl }iave to go to a nvrsing home, w3tere they would aat be able to reciave ttte
quality or consistence ei care ihey r�aive at Sc.�nic Iiil'is, and tivs in ou: opinion �vouid
be uu�ns� cansidering #he �atefien sn #he lower (avei ofthis fiouse has e:cis#e3 for thicteen
years, and has never cacas� a problem before_
Ia addiiion_ (rexl frea to �vrite auy addi#�flnal camme�ats here) •
��'r' Z a�-K.+-!� � i� °t �t� f�"'e°.y ..y'� � �
Z�-'cw --2�� ��,,,,,{_ �r �y� i� -Lr=<� z� L� �
ZI � � �, , ��/ -� G,�r-sK,� .
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r� ��-�� �� ` �..F�-��= � � ( y ��r. � -� �,
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.�.� ��-�. CLU �-C�-� �2_ S � L�--�_ <-e=��
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�r�-� ° f�"`� �'y �l � d�`z`' ' '�.�Y�� u..���
T3i�k you for ti�ae m readiu� #his lefter of suppor� �� vZ-f �c� �--�,' -� --'�
7`-�c-���. �-�� �`-F'{� ��`�'�
Sincerely, � ` �_ ,� ,�
z:��j'� <z-Lz f �-�.��_�_ t .- '�
i�-� � . S c-�� �i�-�-� �- ��.�*-�
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� � . " � C � -���J '� !i>t.�-{ `� `/`
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�-C -��� �-�`' .� l � � 1J� b',..c"`Q �
� /�—`�=�, � // r�'-��
� r -LV"2`.� 4 ��i�t'-..:.�c'c.x�`_`°—t" .G'�'� / f � �� �,
�L�' ��-t't-�CC R".+ � �s Zc�vy '/`.�.,_.0
t� �� �c�-; � � ,��.,_� �
�� �CT�;i 8G �D oarr
05� 307
�Qwe�� s, Z�o�
Scenic �33ills Alterna�ve Cas'e
2187 Honnie I.ane
St PaEa1, iliAi 55 i 19
To the atte�ion of "I'he Board oi zoning Appeals;
We/I �6��s'�� the family member of
� � p� � wno is a resident ai S�nic �'ills Alternative Car�,
believe it wouid be unfair artd unjust to make 3utizYh Essiing remove the kitchen in ihe
Iower leve3 of her heuse at 2i87 Bonnie I.ane.
Removal of tivs kitciaeu would mean ihe relocatian of five of the residents thaz have
made Scecaic �7'iiis their homes, s�me of t�ese tesidents haue l'sved �iere up to seven years,
and consider this #he3r home. The re?ocation ofthese residents would most lika3y mean
they would have to go to a nursin$ home, v+�se:e #hey wouid not be ab�e to s�cieve ahe
quality ar e�nsistence of care #hey rer.eive at Scenic Hilis, and Yhis in our opznion woutd
be unjus� cansidering #he �itchea in the iower level o£tbis 1�ouse has existe� for thirt�n
years, aad I�as never caused a probiem before.
In addition. (Fesl frea to :vcice any additionai camments �sere}
Thank you for time in reading this lei#ez o£ suppc�r�
� ;�� -�� ��p�
� '�-
� i � �
�DI=Ti 80 8D %aQ
November 10, Zfl�3
Scenfc H�71s Alterna#ive Care
2187 Sprutie Lazre
St Pau}� MN 551 I9
To ihe attention of The Board of Zaning Appeals;
��'tti� � t'' Yt li� � � an eirsployee here az Scenic Hiiis Altemative
Cace beiieve itt weuld be uafasr and unjust to maice .�uditta Ess7ing semove ihe kiichen in
the lowe: levei af 2187 Bo�nie Lane.
Itemoval af this kitchen would nac anly mean the reiflcation of five residerns, but woutci
mean a cut in staf�'which wouid resalY in misp3acad work�s, due to the fact if the kitchea
is remo red Z I$7 $onnie i.ane thay would loss one of#laeir licsases, and there wouid be
no need for agproximateiy sax to nine empioyees_
T�Thich wouid mean the iay er"f/ cut in hovrs and the toss ofbenef ofthose nine
� '
���l' �'Lt �/'s � i p,^,� �; being an emp7oyee af Scenic Hills depend on
them far my #inical stai3iiitl, so the removal of tfiis kitchen will not only ei�'ect tfie
residents a�d their families, at aisa effe: ts the tive2y hood af we ihat work az Scenic I3iils.
W:uch in r�tcm well irn�ac ttse community and the vxaemplayment rate.
In addition (Fee1 fr� to a�rite aay additional comments here) �_ � �
CX �-ZLU-Q .��t�' /�P�i l �JLLDy�i� �'6 -/�Q��CL�/fc.Fl�/ TL%
/ J
`�'�� (,u-�l�t �e-t-e.� 1 � �✓�-�2c� F ' � -�'i /2cc� �-o-�w1 a��
���L� � � " ,��- �� �� �- � -(� �aL� �uizv�r
'i�-e2� � � C�L �� �'� � � Lr.�-t� ��z.�i �i.� , , ,
� � ��¢.p7�" < � �
� n � � An ��-i" p �(.' - f, C° iv1Q � �'l(J'L
-�'� �"�IX ..� +.,.X.. .!/J ; c.ti.�-6+l � l ��d.�Q<.vi.c� �J .�t.c¢,Ct2. —�
T3iank you for your time in reading i�vs letter of suppart, U
� '�?,
��/l�� / / C,9�.//�ZN��
!�� ' � 1
�, �
iT'd eGT=TT £0 3� ==C
Ivavember 5, 2d03
Scenic Hills Alterna�ve Care
2287 Bonnie Zzne
SL Fau1, MN �5119
To tha attentioa af Tne Board of zoning Apnrals;
We(! 1 �Y'1!�2: P�`i�LIF.Lj�.�/' thefasnitymemberof
��� �:� 'L7�:.1 ti! `-- , who is a resident at Scsaic H"ills Aitecaaative Care,
bsi4eve it would �e " aud unjust to make Judi#h Essling remove the kitchen "sn the
3awer ]evel ai her house at 218� Bom�ie Lane.
Removai of this kitchea would mean #he relocarion oP five afthe residents thaz have
made Scenic H�l}s iheir hames, some of ti�ese residefl2s l�ave live3 here up to seven years,
and consider this their home. The relocation of these residents wouid mast Iikaly mean
they would have to go #o a nursing home, where Yhey would not be able to recieve tfie
quatity or consistenca oi care they receive ai Scenic Hills, and this in our opinion would
be ungus� cansidaring the kitchen in the lower ievei of tlus house has existed for ihirteeu
years, and has never caused a problem befora.
• In addition: (Feet free t4 yyafte any additional cammerats here)
-�T-- -l� C�t� ��1�� C��� `�3'� ��,�� �-�c��>c�' /s Cz(�� �� ,iy'a
c� �CeU�iC l-1�llS . .�-t- �s �c.l� c,.�� �v,c ��ec�.i b��, �;lace , 1-1� c+-�ts
��X � 1 ��e�t{ - Ca.��. , l-� Ccc4n� --� S c.e.h zc H� U4 `�'rr r a� i,� ,, s i
�� I�lr... p1Li�`� �" � t'`t SA-u �'� 1 G' 0� Y'liAY�jlYL• (-'}t� rYR', (.`� LL{- y � V +/j�rC3l,C.tC.I
�\e.� LL s�-i�� ,=�- �� �.� ho��, !3-i �'�e i�:ci rz:� �-�' �o n i v J "1�l�z-,i S
�v cL �� ���1 Ser-» tU � t 15 � f� � v� u� t-e- -IZ 2 X f s�-- a s 1-�' i�ti,� �� �f1� ��<<;�
�i2_ G,s£ Cxce��'�i�:iS -�z% C'v'G-t� r2�.Fe l�? �L.�e. -1 �- /S G_ q�ra' f'lat� �cv� 1�y
�GCi �: ��eV G�r� CcLi,lSJaz� 1?U `��LYM ?ci a'n t�>l�, . j�fP ��C �� i'fc k�t' 7'��,F� .
r Thank you for time ii�reading #has letter of saPP��, �
� � .
�� l(. l�—��� �'c�G�,�'C/
` I
�� /
eOT�IT 6i 8� ��Q
November 5, 2fl03
Sc:�ic �ills .�3ternative �ars
2187 Bonnie I,ane
St Fau� MN 553 39
To ihe azientioa af T3�a Boaza of zoning Appeals;
WeII ` t l ���, ,.� F !,.1� r� ihe family member of
�/Tr��r� iSJFlc. . u� is a residsat at Scamc �3�ilis AIternatzve Care,
believe it woula be u�faix and u�just to make Ju�atn Essting remove ihs kitchen in tse
iawer ievel flf her house at 2387 Bannie I.ane�
Removal of ifus'_�itahen wocli mean ihe r�loca*_ion of five af ihe residents ihat have
made Scxnic �ii3Is their homes, same af t�ese resiiiiezats have live3 hers up to sever2 years,
and considez ihis their home. T�e relocation of these residesrts would most iikely mean
#hey wouid'�ave #o go ie a aursiag home, where i�eg wouid nrn be a2aie to recieve the
quaPity or �ansistenca afcare t�ey rec..°ive at Scenic I�ills, avd thss in aur oa3inion would
be ungust, cons:desi3s� #�'��itchen in t�e lower levsi ofthis hause �as e�sted fort}airteen
years, and l�as never cause3 a pzobiem before_
Ir add'atio� (€�'�1 free ica u�ite azry adclitiona'� cauame:tts here)
Thank yoa far tims iac rsading ii�is tettar of s+sppt>r�
� � �-- __. ..._ , v
., ,
� -;�— � � � �i/�C�i�V
( ._
�� _ �
�` �.
�I3�T3 E3 ED �zis
o� ��
�ro��,b� s, a�
Scenic Hills Alternative Care
2137 Bonnis Lane
St Pau1, btl1T 55119
To the attention af The Board of zoaing Agpea2s;
WefF � s-�-.t. .�i.,z..�, � the family member of
,�e�-3.osa.� ��.�.+1 who is a resideat at Scenic Hitls Alternative Care,
believe rt would �e unfair and un,jvst to ;nake 3udiit� Essling remove the latchen in the
lower 3eve3 of her bouse az 2187 Bouuie Lane.
Removal of this kiichen would mean tfie relacation of five of the residents #hat have
made Srxz�ic F3iils ttteir homes, some of tfiese msideuts have live3 here up to seveu years,
and consider this their home. '�he reiocation ofthese rasidents wouid most iikeIy mean
they would have to go to a nurseng home, where they would noi be abde to resieve the
quaiity or consistanca of care they recaive at Scenic Hills, and this in our opinion wouId
be nn}us� ransidering the'sttct�ea in the lower levei af filus house has existed for thirteeu
years, arad has never caused a ptoblem before.
• Tn addition_ (Fesl frea to wri*_e any additSonai caanmenis here�� ��-.��� �
� �.�.�.� �--� �" �- � .
���'�`'��`� ¢-^' ,�,�,; �'�.`�_ °
l�.L�, ,a�.�-._ .�-x�,�.., t�, �€�-�` �' �,:.' .�.:�-�t.
� c�,-i.- r�..�.�i. � / �".a�Esr-r' ,�.'t' aQs�.�rr' �
!� �+¢S� G.�to .,le.�is.r�.. ��-•'t—��..(s-i�.�-.�.r.� �...,./+�-cs-.�.-
sTt-rR'e+.�:,�" � �..L�+,�l.'-� A ^-�-..''— �Ll� '�.
Tt�ank yoec fot time in rrading ihis letter of sc�ppor�
�--a-e� ie.- +ti � f.�i�/
; ;
n �
'+: �iI=2'C En Rn =ei'
xo�� s, zoos
Scenic H�is Alter�ative �are
2ZS7 �o�ie Iane
St Faul, �i*T 5§139
To t�e atteution of Tne Board of zonwg Appeals;
tiVzJI �-..: -� ihe family member af
J� y��_ who is a a�sideut at 3c�uc F�lls Altrsnative Care,
8s3ie4ie ii would be `�fair and unjust to make Juditfi Fssling remove the sitchen in the
lowez 3eve1 of h� house at 2187 Bomiie Yaae.
Removai o£this kiicfien wouid mean ti�e relos�tion offive of#he residents that have
made Sce�ic HIIs t�eir homes, some o£ �zese �sdeats 3�ave lived t�e ug to sereu years,
and t;a�sider this their home. 'T#ie relocation af �ese x�sidents wouid most likely snean
they would laave #e go tc3 a m�rsing 2�ome, wh�e 24�ey wauld noi be ahIe ta recieve Yhe
�uaiity or cansiste� of care they receive at 8c�nio I�Ils, and this in our apinioa �voutd
be unjust, cansidering tf�e katcLess iu the low� levefl of this house has �sted for thirteEn
YeaTS, ana 3�as never rat�setl a�sroblem before.
Ia add"atios (F�3 fr� io svrete any addit�onai comrae.nts h�ej �r u.�-d�� G U �
C3 y
� d-� ��2:it��+^ v�-L. �� � ! /'�i �a_rr-��-.�L� �
O< �� � � �y.t �eJ L�d Eze�-'-aeQ�.-iY^�^- /� p0,
/� l*.c� �"-� GQ.-L9�,1�- - -� _ -- � " � .. G% "'.c`'�%�C. w'' ' N" , .ta, 1 h �
)�a �^J l'�e� i �/LrJ fc� ..c�/ �i4.2�.ec..-�.,,,, �r �.0
�—�` J!s—rai�Ci Y'.c.J H../h�. - U � �� /�
�/- � � fLR�:•K�
�(/ ��c.ec�� L �yra/ '
� K
C/?{Y',�/ `%�,� / �JCl1-9'*k-' �
"F'�ank ycni for �me in reammg ' lerter of sugpe3i, �LG��-�� ��.s�, -
�� �
=%�tl �ii=Ii £� SC ��Q
November s, zoo�
Sc�tit Hilis �Itema#ive Care
Zl$7 Bomiie Iane
St Paut MN 55119
To the attemion oz" The Board o£ zoning, Appeals;
�(� i G S'L�-{t,(,LT the family member of
��nl (CP 1 C�LLC `2 who is a resident ai Sc..-nic F�llls Alternarive Care,
beiievs it wou3d be un£�ir and unjust to niake Judith Essling remove the kitchen in the
Iawer level o£ her house at 2187 Bonnie Lan�-
Itemoval of this kitchen would mean the relocation o£ five of the residents that have
made Sceaic I�iiis their homes, some af #hese residems 3�ave lived here up to seven years,
and consider this their home. The relocation of these residents wontd most Iikeiy mean
they would have to go to a veusing home, where t6ey would not be abie Yo recieve the
quality or cansisience of care they receive at Scenic �z11s, an3 ihis in aur flpinion wou4d
be unjust, wnsidenna the kitchen in the lower 3eve1 o�this house 3�as e�sted for ihirteen
years, and l�as never �caosed a problem before.
i In additiou (Feel fr� to write any additianal commenis here)
Gl1c? Gtee-{,t-E- L„�-P�� /.��-�-,��+�� r,�l��....�e, �=�u-� d�u.,i
, � ��! � �� ,9 " ^
�✓L�%��� r//�.��t�'.u.`2�° f�'SSGi�l GS . �.+�L�... .e�C
�,/�� �, y � J �
C�� r ' . , �� 1��1�- %"�' C.F-i-�il L�L,f.L✓t.�_ (.G-vL�(�LL,2t �-d�-w
(wL`T/� i �.�-c.�'-'.�l C/uA-� ��"�. �'�' LC..FV t�c�-GC / �""."'-"�- �
�� Uv-e�. ...e-� .
Thanlc you for time in z°ading this �etter o£suppori,
� o /
t _�,�
J �
�TI%TT EO u�^u �as
o�- 307
Noue�� s, aoo3
sc�uic H'�7S ra1#era,afive C:ara
2187 Bonnie Lane
St Pau� t�A�i T 55119
To The attention of?"ue Board ofzts ' A}�peais; � e `�' � ^ ���'�` ` � '" ` " �
1 f � c <,.� (�`c1 z J C� lZ,s
WeJi //'1 �� J M .-si �✓f l S th 'ly me•nber of /
���•� ' a� is deut at Scanic �ills Alternative Care,
believe it wouid b " and us�just to urake 3udith Essiing zemove the kiic�en 'sn the
?ower 3evei af her house at 2187 Bonnie Iane.
Remflval of this ki#c�en would mean the relocation af five of the resi@ents that have
made Scsnic Iaills ti�eir homes soms ofihese zesidents have lisre3 here up ta seven Yrars,
and cansidsr this their home. The relocation of #hese residerns would most liksly mean
#hey - svauld have to go to a nursing home, where they wouId not be ai�ie to recieve the
quaiity ar cansistence ca�care they recezvs at Scenic Elills, and ihis sn our oginion wouid
be uniusr, r,anszde.�ing the T�itchea in the 2ower ievel af ttus housa has e�sted for thirteea
years, and 1�as never caased a problem before.
In additioa: (�eal free to wri#e any addational co�neuts h re)
� j�,n J � �.• / �r r� ��J ��-
� J �
� ,", ,� � �-z �. G--fv L- / � L-�� ' G �
�� �
tl ^ 2-z, - `!'
C -. �/ fic.l � � � ,� C Z� �� / �u - -,� �
d� s � � J � �-
G J j �
� '` � /�. °.� � � /'� t' < �./? / � 1-f' G � /7 .� �
� y � /
�� G ! N /{../ O G-cJ r� - t ./-7 �C r � ��,.i � �, v r -� _ .-�
1 T6amk�for time �ing Yhis lefter of suPPor#, ..-{� �/t � j� rc �--� r7�
f s��'I � � � s � C �'7 �+—�— / �
G G ��'2 �%'� ^
Sincerely, ����r���� .
//� '
i � f
/ � � r.s ✓ C O 6''< �c,� ��i1 .,J
� .� 1/ .�r c,-�c� ��nti �G . G' c j�
� C.�-�1- t�3� - �'
l'�, .��, `-� x�s �� �, s� -
_� �� �.���;� � C. ,,.,,�- ��� � �-<.�
�.�-z,� s � �'� s ���.� �' �G� 3 -� 2z � - �Y r %�
�-L.�.��/-��-�-� � ?Cc� � J��- �"�v� �;��;
1 � �-� s �1 ?� t� � � j ,�� .
��'d 2zT.az so a� �=a
�royemt� s, zno3
sesnic Hilts �3ternative care
2187 Bonnie Lane
Si Patil, MiV' S5 i i9
Ta the attention of Tlse Board of znnin A;spea3s;
Weli �7'/� L//�l/Sl � the fam�ly member of
__�-�� /��y .yiao is a aesident at Sceuic �il3s Aiterna#ive Care,
be:ieve it would be unfair d uniust 2o maice Judith Ess3ing remove the kitchen in the
lowea 3evei of her 3�onse at 2187 Bonnie i.ane.
Itemoval of this latchen. wouid mean the reloqrion of five of the resideentts t$tai have
made Scemc I3ilis their homes, some of ihese residemts have lived here up to seven years,
and consider this #heff home. The relocation of these residenES wouid mos2 likely rnean
thep v�aild have to go io a nursiug home, where they would a�ot be able Yo recieve the
qualiiy or car3sistence of rare they r�ive at Scenic Hr7is, and this in our opinion would
be unja3st, cansidering the kitchen ia the lower le ael of ihis house has exisiesl for #�irteen
years, and has never cause3 a problem before.
�� ..r�� �•r �-� .t' :r .u.:. .ee�.:sitr.� �. ssrtr't. f� - / . � �,j �
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e;•d Eai�zz sc ee �an
November 10, 2003
Sc�nic $iils r'�Yea�aatave t;are
2187 Bannie Lane
ST. Pau2, MN 55119
To the attention of The Board af Zoning Appeals;
Y> L rv -/�itii /9� y/ �rz,.� an employ� here a# $cania H"ifls Aiternazive
Car�` believe in �vouId be unfair d unjust to make Judith Essling remove the kitchen in
the lower le.•eI of2187 $onuieLane.
Removai of this kiYChen would not oniy mean the relocatian of five residenis, but wouid
n?aa.z a cui in sta#€whict� wc3udd resuIt in m3spfaced workexs, due #o the fad if the iciEChen
is removed 2187 Sonnie I,ane ihey would iass one ofthe� iicenses, and there would be
� need for appraximateIy six to nine employees.
1T�hich wou3d r.�ean the 1ay off/ cut in hours and the toss ofbenefits ofthose nine
�, �d7-/ iia.u_ � .�
J� �''�`Y��i� being an employee of Scanic Klls depand on
them �ir my finical stabiSity, so the r�noval of ihis kitchan wiU not only effect the
residenis and their famiiies, it atso effects the fively hood af we that wark at Scenic HiIls,
Wivch in retum wi39 impaci the rammunity and the unemployme� rate_
In addirion: (Feet free to write any additional caanments here) � Lv�ft+ru�.
w --�,�� �'.
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a-�L,�. Cc.YS�77� ���.Q �LiiL K� � Lc��k,�i ,
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�a Yor your iime in reading tlns letter of sugport,
� �J✓(ik�t� _
- % 1� �/g'�xx;r,��� l'
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� �
( � ;--
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Ei'� Q�T=TS £� 8G a-Q
Novemiter 5, 2�fl�
Scsnic �iills Alteraative +�are
2187 Bonnie i aM-
St Paul, A�II+T 55119
To the atternion of The Boazd o£zomng Anpeals;
We/I _��, ���, q.,�.� r,rl3�.n the family member of
� � �� r, ,,, , w1'i"o is a resideui az Scenic �3i13s Altemative Care,
beJieve it w'�uld be tuifair and unjust to make Judath Fssiiag remove the ki#chen in the
lower levei of her �ouse at 2387 Bonnie Iaue.
t2emova� af this kitchen would mean the reiocation of five of the residents that haae
made Scsnic Hiiis their homes, some af these resideuts bave Iive3 hera np to sevemm years,
and consider tiiis their home_ The reiocation of these residerns would most likely mean
they would have ta go 2o a mirsing home, whese ihey would not be ab3e to recieve the
quaiiry or cansistenca of care #hCj� FCCEit78 ffi SC.°.ii1C H�SdIS, 3I3d �115 il] OiEI' Op1Ri0II W011Id
be unjvst, casysidering the �tciien iaa ihe iow� level o£ttsis fiouse 4�as e:c'ssted for thirteen
years, and has uever cause3 a problem $efore.
In addition: {��el free fa write any additionai cammsnts here)
�' � 1D C�Y�,`u- `�-�� .�u°`L w7 � t.vr. � �
U� ew,� ��.L..� �,�ei,�`' �+e-c�„� ��Sc� �-���^, 0. ms-�:
-�µ �z �-4a;�;..,�L,a �,-h� .A����� C�c*s�a �=�e�`� V-1� rn�-J
�j.Y "' ., .."- c�' G7uLi ��L.LV� lt3 i` �.SLO�+.aPn`1 L4� � CS�.� il ��..=� U
+(�n'l+u,0 c� R�T�Lk `t�'VvYI. C�>.,`l52 .�� -'� "`L'`-� C7ta.� �,�,,� �1;,,,/�f�vti-�
� u U
�T� �-�-�'°n't ��i�'..t�� { '�.�;,��' �� �.�o V� .
'i'�ank you for time iu reading ti3is letter of supgort,
� 1 ��,�.`u`�,�-. �C�.� �� �.
:�"�-� i� C�.Q�-L.,��
�. �.c.�.,.�.� e,� �� C �r� � z:..
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� �
�?i�TT £0 SG �aG
November 10, 2003
Sce�ic Hills Adternative Care
2787 Bonnie Lane
St Pau3, 3�3N 55119
To ihe atte�rion of The Board ofZoning A�Peais;
z � � _ an em lo
Care etieve in wouid he nnf�ir aa� u ���� ���nic Iiills A2ternative
the lower levei of 2 Y 87 Bonnie Lane. �st to make Juc�ith �ssling remove the kicchen in
.RemovaT of this kiichen wouid nai only �� tha relocation of $ve Tesideny�, but wouid
mean a cut in staffwhich s�rexild re.sutt in misplac°.d workess, d�e to the fact afthe kitchen
� � ��� B O�I� L�� �eY would ioss one of their licenses, a��f �ere wouid be
no nes3 far approximatety six to nine employecs.
�Yhich wonld mean the lay o�'/ cut zn hours aud the loss opbenef�tS op#ho� nine
3, � c � a ���
them for n;y f�� �� being an Empjoy� og Scenic i�ills depend on
LS; so the removad ofihis kiichen wiit not outy affect the
rasidencs and their famiIies, it also effects the lzveiy hoad of we that work at Scenic Hiils.
Whic.h in rehiru will smpact the community astd ihe unempIoyment rate.
In addition: (F�] ¢� t �e ��, �ditional comm� }�
Thank you for your time in reading this teiter of suPPo�
� �`.
�C� �ci�Il £D 80 a�Q
� �-307
ivoveaibea� 10, 2003
Scenic Hil}s Alternaiive �are
Z 7 87 Bonnie Zzne
SL 1�au1, NQI 55? 19
To ihe atteation cf The Board of Zaning t`�geals;
�, ��tXf�l'ifY,'�� �N'C'�C�•?c, an employee here ai Scanic I-Ii115 Altetnative
Caze believe in would be unfair uajasi to make Judith �ssting remove the kitchen in
the lower leve3 of 2187 Bonnie Lane.
Removal af this kitchen woutd not only mean the relocation of five residents, but wouid
mean a cui in sta$' which would result in misplaca3 workars, due to the fact if Yhe kitchen
is remove3 2187 �onnie Lane they would Ioss Qne of#heir licenses, and there would he
no need for approximataly six to nine employees.
Which would mean ihe iay off / cut in hours and ihe 3oss of ben�ts of those nine
� I, ��� �'�{'�� ��j�C*� r�a A 7�4at be�ng an employee of Scenic Hills depend on
them for my fimcat stability, so ihe rem val of this kitchen will not cnly effect ihe
residents and their familaes, it also affects ihe liveiy haod of we #hat wosk at Scenic Hills_
Which in return will impact #he con.inunity and ihe unempioyment rate.
dn addition: �ee3 free to write any addaiional cammenis here)
Thank you for your L"ame in reading tkus leiter af supQoR,
��-�, i
aa•d �s���r e� aa �=a
tiovember l0, 20t33
Scanic �iilts Ahernative �are
2? 87 Bonnis Lane
St Paul, ?S�T 55133
To ihe attenrion of Tae Boazd af Zoning Appeals;
�` „ •, r ; �
I,=����n ; �. :,` :� '1an employee here at Scenic F�ills Alternative
Care beFiave in would i�e un�air au�d un��ist ta make 3udith Ess�ing rerflove #he ki#chen in
#he lower Ievel of 2387 Bonnie Lane.
Removai of this kitchen would noY oniy mean t�e re3ocaaion of five residents, but would
mean a cu*_ in sta�which would resuh ir� mi'spiaced workers, due to the fact ii Fhe kitchea
is ramover12187 Bomue I.ane they would loss one of thheir 3i�enses, and there wo�ld be
no need #'or aupro;cimaiely six to nine employees.
Whic:; would mean the tay off I cut in hours and the iass of benefits of those nine
,, .�.'= ��i - •r.�� �<`; ::-. � 6eing an employee oi Scanic Hilis depend oa
tham for my finicaI stabality, so the reinovat of this kitchen rvili not oniy effect the
rzsidents and their famiIies, it atsa effects the Iively hood of we thaY work at Scenic Hiiis.
13�3uch in reiun wiii impacY #he community and the nnemploymeat rate_
In addition_ �Feel frea to wriie any additional corzEmenLs here)
Thank yau for yaur #ime in reading this letter of supger�
l�� ���,��;,�
, i;�,
GC�tl EcT=ii �� $�J ��Q
�y 3oz
Navember Ia, 2CO3
Scenic �i�7Es A}teraauve Care
2187 Bonnie Laue
St Paui, �i 55119
To the attentian of The Board ofZoning Appeals;
I � � an smpioy� he:e at Scenic Hills Alternative
Care U ieve in wonld be---� ust ta make 3udith Essling remove the kitcixen in
the lower level o£ 2187 Bonnie Lane_
Removai ofthis ldtchen would not only mean the reiocation of five resideriLs, but would
mean a cut in stafFwhich wauld result in misplacerl workers, due to the faci if the kitchen
is removed 2187 Bonnie Lane they wou3d loss one of theis licenses, and there would be
no need for approximateLy six ta nine employees.
Wt�ich would mean the lay off ( cut in hours and the loss of benefits af those nine
, Y, � c ��� ���- being an smployee of Scanic �Ils deaead on
them for my aeat stabt iry, sas #he removal of this lcitchen wiIl not only effect the
residents and their families, it atso effects LT�e lively hood of we that work at Scenic Hilis.
Udhicda in return wiIl lmpaci ihe cammunity and the unemployment rate.
Tn addition. {Feel free to svrite any additional couunents here)
I'hank yflu for your time in reading this letter of suppor�
� �
�Z'd ec`I � i i F:1 RP. =aCf
Tiovember i0, 2003
Scenic Hills A�iernai'sve Caa-e
2237 �omue Lane
St Paul, i�IlV 55179
To the attantion of The Board afZaning APPea[S,
I, ��/,�(�� � Ll �t"�/� an amgioyee hers ai Sc�nic I-�'ilis .�ttema#ive
C� e b��e i�t would �fair aed uniust #o maice .Iudfih Essling ramove the Idtchen in
dae Iower tevei of � 187 Bannie Lane.
Remova2 of this kitchen wouId not oniy mean the relocation of �ve residems, but would
mean a s�i in sta$' which would resiili sn misplaced workars, due ta the fact if the kitchen
is removed 2187 Bonnie Lane they wauld loss one of their lirznses, and there wouid be
no need for approximaze(y si-c to nine employees.
�Nhich would mean the lay aff! cut in i�ours and the Ioss of benefits of those nine
I, NI ��l ��l ! r �,! �� / being an employea of Scanic Hiils depend on
them fe � Cnical stability,,�a the rsmoval ofthis kiichen will not anly effect the
residents and their fams!ies, it also efiects the fively 800d of we that svork at Scenic FIills.
Wliich in retum wi77 imnact the commeu3itq and the unemploymeut rate.
In additioe, (Feel free tc �rrite any additionai comments here)
Tl�ank you for your time in reading this ietter of support,
� �� �
� ??
°ET = T I Ef7 8fl �aII
tiovembe: I0, 2fl03
Scaaic Hil4s 9lternative Care
2287 Bonnie Lane
St Pae3, �111V 55119
To the artention af The Baarfl of Zoning Appeals;
?'���-f��� Ci��:'��1( S an employee here at Scenic Hills alternarive
Care be?ieve in would be and unjust to make Judith Hssiing remove ihe kitchen in
ihe ]ower leve] of 2187 Bonnie Lane.
Removal of ihis kifchen would aet anly mean ihe relocation of five residents, bnt would
mean a cut in staff which zvou3d iesult in rmspiaca3 worke: s, due Yo the fact i£ The kiichen
is removed 2187 Bonnfe Lana they would ioss ane of their licenses, and there wouid be
no neet3 for approximatsly six to nine employees_
Which would mean the lay off/ cut in hours and the loss afbenefits of:hose nine
� I, �{CilG�sa,.� �.i, �-y��`"�•1o:�� being an emplopee of Scenic Hiils deQend on
them for my finica� staoi acy, so #ixe removad ofY}us kitchen wdl9 not only �ffect Yhe
residents and iheir �amiiies, it also efFeets The iively hood ofwe that worSc at Scenic I�ills.
4Yhic3a in reiairn will impact ttae comsnunity and the unemploymeat rate.
In addation: {Feel frea to write any additional comments here)
'1'}aank yrn; for yous #ime in read"ang this l�tter of support,
���. �� �� -(�-� �;�-�
�� 1
sa-d �£,.T? s� a� �a�
jiove�be: ? 4, 20fl3
Steuic HiHls A_3t�rnative Care
21$7 Bonaie Lane
St. Paut, MN 55 i 14
To ihe attemian of The I3oard of Zoning Appeais;
I, ��,/�.t .(�� .�, ,c�"�,r . an smpioy� here at Scenic Hills Alteznative
Care aeiieve in would be unfair and unjusi to make Judith Esslsng remove the kitchen in
�.ne iower leve! of 2187 Bonnie Lane.
Removai of#his kizchen yvould aoL anly mean #he reYocation of five resideats, but wouid
mean a cut in staff which ..uould result zn mispiacad wt�rkers, due to th� facx if the kitshen
is removed Z i 87 Bonnie i,ane thep we�ld loss one of their Iicenses, and there would be
no need ior aaproacimate}y six to nine emgtoyee.s.
Which wou�d :nezn the lay of�! cut in hours ana the loss of l�enefiLS of those nine
- ��� �_�
j, '' �Z,d/(.t�C%Q— � being an employee of Scanic E�'il?s depend on
them for mp fini�rl stabflity, so The reinoval of Yhis k'ttchen wiil not only effect the
residents and their families, it alsc3 e$'ecss the ]iveiy hood af we ihat �vork az Scenic �Ils.
Which in return vnll impaci the cammunity and the �aner�ployment rate.
In addition: (F�1 free to write any ad8it;onal cammenis here)
?'hank you for your time in reading this letter of suPPo�
, �_
�/ IF r � � .C�
,; �
� �d
�-•• e:I=iI ED &� =aLT
o�,i 307
November 10, 2003
Scanic H3Ils Al#erna#ive Care
2187 $onnie Iane
St. Pa�I, IviP3 551 I9
To the attention of The Board of Zoning Appeals;
�� �7��' = ��2.i rrR or- aa employee here a# Scanic Hills Altemative
Cara believe in would be aniair and nnjust to make 3udith Essiina remove ths kitchen in
the tower levei of 2I87 $annie Lane.
Remouai af this kitchen would not only mean the re4ocation of five residents, bui would
mean a cut in staff whic� would result in mispfacad workers, due to ffie fact if the kitchen
is remaved 2187 Bonnie Lane ihey would loss one af Eheir lic, nses, and t32ere wauId be
no nead for appro�mateiy siac to nine employees.
Which would meao the lay off/ cut in hours and the loss of benefits ofthose nine
� �. r1t t �i�C r�' being an emgtoyee of Scenic Hifls depend on
tliem for my finicai stah�litij, o a�e remava� of 23�is �Stchen wild not osily effect the
residents and their families, it aisrs effects the live3y hood or"we that work at Scanic Hills.
Which in retum w;ll impact the cammanity and 4he une:npioyment rate.
In addition: (Fee! frce to write any addational comments here)
T:�ank you for yozr time in readiog this letter of support,
� ��
8z'_ e�T�,TS £C 8n oe�*
Nove:nber 10, 2Q03
Scenic �$s Alluna#ive �ar�
218? 8onnie Lane
St_ Pau3 M�i 55I 29
To the at2ention af'fihe Board af Zonin� Appeals;
�, ��� ��'i ���� 1� �12 5 an empIoyee hese at Scenic Hilis A3temazive
Care be3icve in wo�id be �ufair and unjust to make Judith Essiing remove ihe latchen in
the :ower 2evef of 2 I 87 Sanuie I.ane.
I2e�rioval ofthis idtc:�en would not oniy meau the reiocation of nve residents, but� wauid
mean a cut in staff which wou�d msult in misplac� avorkers, due to the fact if the kitc.'�en
is removed 2187 Bonnie Lane they would loss one of iheir licenses, and tkiese woulci be
aa need far apQroximateiy six to nine emgloyees_
Which would mean the lay offJ cut in hours and the loss ofbanefi2s ofthose nine
�, �/ 70� �� ��'�` being an employee of Scenic i�itls depend on �
them fer r� 5nicai stabi3ity, so the reaaovai of t;�is kitchen wili not only e�s'ect the
resideats and iheir famiizes, it a]so effe�•s the lively hood of we xhai wark ai Scenic kiilis.
Which in reLum will imnas ?he cammunity and the unemployment rate.
In additfon: {Feel fres to rovrite any additioQal ccsmmeuts here}
Thank yAU for your t'sme in reading tiiis letter of suppor�
�� ��t��03
� '�� �
Ec'� e�r:Tr cn sxr �zrt
py 30
�iovember 14, Zfl03
Scauic H�3ls Aiternative Care
Z 187 Boanie Laue
St. Paut �T �5119
To the attention of The $oard of Zoning ApQeals;
� L, u t Gv c_ ! u�- P r� an emptoyee here at Scenic FisIts Altemative
Care beiieve '� wauld be u air and unjust to rrtalce 7udith Essling remove the kitchen in
the lowe: levei of 2187 Bonnie Lane.
Removai of this kitchen would not only mean ihe relocation of five residents, but would
mean a cui in staff which would resalt in misplaca� wackezs, dae to the fact if the kitchan
is removed 2187 Bannie Lane they would loss one of their licenses, and ihere wouid be
no nead for approx.iiaately six to nine employees.
Whi ch would mean the lay off ( cut in hours and the loss af benefits of tiaose nine
� I, ,�—��� a T b-� ,�n being an emplayee of Scenic Hiils depend on
them for my finical stabilii3; so the remova� of this kitc3�en wi1l not aniy effect the
residents and their famiiies, it also effe�ts the lively hood of we that work at Sceaic Hilis.
W}uch in retum w"sll impact ihe cammwuty and the unemployment rate_
?n addiLion: (Feel frea to wriie any additional commems l�ere)
Z 4. m 0. 1� o r' r� ���. 5 rn o-c-h �;,-- o� -�u ��t r � L7 ,� c�' v� � r� .
� v> � � ;�'c�. � �t. � �- ,- +-� � � vt �'1� � C � s�-r : n � � e� v ,r .
� u v-; �� -�-ln 8 Se-�'G. r c� +, ��� t Ye �. c� L, t�. v, eryrP lo�
j `�" W t� t�l � r� � � C�. �t' ir � v , S �- -f- � �P � - �1� i S -�-- �y t3-r � .
�" � i;n c� Gi vl ���-v� S'� �� c3 �n cP Y � S �� c� �2 rit-� c� �
Thank you for your �me in reading t.tiis Ieiter of support,
l'1 �
G£'d e�i:TT Fn �r; oarr
:�•� �e�al
November 10, 2003
Scenic Hills Alternative Care
2187 Bonnie Lane
St_ Pau� MN SSl l9
To Ehe atie�ion of 3'he Board of Zaning Appeals;
I, ��,�� , j� d an employee here at Scanic Hiks Alternative
Caze be2leve in wo d be un€air an+ njust io make 3udith Essliflg remave the kiict�en in
the lawer tevei of 2187 Bannie Lane.
Removai of' Lhis kitcher would not onty mean the re3ocation of five residents, but would
mean a c.ut in staff which wo�ld result i€� misplac�tf urorkers, due to the fact ifthe kitchen
is removed 2187 Bocmie Lane they would loss one of their lic�nses, and there wauld be
na need for approximately si:c Yo niae employees.
Which would mean the Iay afr'! cut in nours and ?he Ioss of berefits of those nine
1, ����f�'iE/��f:r'/ being an employ� of Scenic I�alts aepeed on �
them for my fin��t}� so 4� removat of this kitchen will no# oniy effeci the
residents and iheir families, it alsa ei��cs the livr,�y hood of we fhaT work ai Scenic T-�ills.
Which in remrn will impact #he cosnmunity and the unempioymeirt rate_
� I / n � addition: (Feel free to wrixe any addi2ional co enis here) ��-� /.'G )` :.�� ,-; -,
w / // ,�
yfLe G� �- i �� �.G� G 2Gtt,YY"'/c.L- �CCC_�3� �c,�`���-:'�ilY�ii fri.l .
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✓�� tJ Z�c; c.�c.�.C�r�S � ��'�;f �--'r't�f /r=". :J
�'� � . .
Cr'�.�c�::t.f�'.r�. /lL���%�-�J Slo �`r� �-�%�i' :/7�.0 .��/1fc��i �� ls'--
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Paoe 2 of 10
2CO3 WL 22846�9�
(C:te ^ns: ZG03 Y�Z 22346093 ('13inn_�pp.))
Only tY;e Westlaw ciration is carrendy available.
Court of.�ppeals of l�iinnesota.
FOLnDATION, Respondent,
No. A03-190.
Dea 2, 2003.
Citizens' oiganizarion sought }udicial teview of a
decision by ciry council granring spacing ordinance
waiver, condiuonal use permit, and masunum
occupancy vanance for supporiive housing faciliry.
The Dishict Court, Hennepin Counry, John Q.
�icShane, 7., af3irmed, and citizens' oiganizahon
appealed. The Court of Appeals, Robert H.
Schumacher, J., held thaT. (1) citizens' organization
had standing; (2) spacing ordinance waiver was
reasonabie; (3) conditional use permi.t was proper;
and (4) record supported b ant of variance for extra
[i] Action �'0
13k0 k.
When a pariy does not have standing a courc does
not have jnrisdiction to heaz the matter.
(2] Actlon �0
13k0 k
Because standing is essential to a jusriciable
controversy, standing can be raised at any rime.
(3] Action °��– 0
1=k0 k.
Pa�e '
Standin� is acquired wuen a�arry has su�ie:ed
some injury-in-iac�, or whea a paz.y s the
beneficiazy of some iegis;arice e.Ractmeat �anhng
[4j .�ction �0
13k0 k.
Zhe proper focus for a statutory standin�
detemunanon, foc purposes o[ challengin� s
municipal ordinance rule, regulation, decsion, or
order is whether the parry seeking review is an
"aggrieved" person; a person is "aggneved" when a
municipality's acrion adversely ope:ates on his
rights of property or bears directly upon his
personal interest. Vf.S.A § 462361.
[5] Acfion �0
13k0 k.
To have statutory standing to challenge ordinance,
mle, regulation, decision or order of municipal
enriTy, a par[y must alle�e particularized injuries to
his or her properry rights or personal mterests.
M.S.A. § 462361.
[5) Action �0
13k0 k.
Citizens' organization had statutory standing to
challenge city councii's grant of spacing ordinance
wa�ver, condirional use permit, and
maxunum-occupancy variance for supportive
housing facility; c,tizens' otganization atleged that
city council's decision would create a
hyper-concentracion of those with chemical
dependency or mental �llness, erode nei�hborhood
diversity increase crime, require assistance from
neighbors, and deter positive new business
development. M.S.A. § 462.361.
(7] Zoning and Planning �0
414k0 k.
Zoning determinations aze not t�aditional civil
(8] Zoning and P3anning � ='0
414k0 k.
When reviewin� a zorung determinaTion, appellate (�
courts review direcfly the municipalir�'s
Coror. C West 2063 No Claim to Ong. U.S. Govt. Works
2003 WL 22846093
---v.W.Zd --
{�ife as: 20ll3 WZ 22846093 (i1�Iinn.ApF•))
determination without any re?azd for the dissicT
court's conclusions. V �
(9] Zoning and Pianning �0
414k0 k.
Tne siandard oY review m all zoning matters is
w'r.erher the tacat authority's acrion was rea�onabie;
a municinality's determination ;s "reasonable" when
the stated :easons for its decision are lega$y
sufficient and have a iactual basis.
(10] Appeal and Error �'0
30k0 k.
Interpretation of a federal statute is a quesrion of
law reviewed de novo.
[il] Civil Rights �0
78k0 k.
liniawfiil discr,m'inarion under Fau Housine
Amendments Act mcludes a iefusal to make
reasonable accommodahons in rules, policies,
pract�ces, or services when sucfi accommodahon
r<�z.y be necessary to afford such person equal
opporhznity to use and enjoy a dwelting. Civil
Rights Act of 1968, § 30] eT seq., 42 U.S.C.A. §
(12] Courts �0
106k0 k.
The Minnesota Court of Appeals is bound by
decision of the Minnesota Supreme Court and the
Umted States Supreme Court; it is not bound,
however, by any other federal courts' opinion, even
when interpreting federal statutes.
[13] Courts �0
106k0 k.
Although not binding on ihe Nlinnesota Court af
:�ppeals, iederal court opinions &om beIow the
Supreme Court level azz persuasive and should be
afforded due defzrence.
Pa�e 3 of i0
Page 2
a highly fact-specific inquiry that requues baiancing
of the parries' needs. Civil Riefits Act of 1968, §
801 et seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 3604( fl.
[ISj Civil Rights �0
78k0 k.
To find an accommodation zeasonable under Fair
Housing Amendments Act, it must be capable of
produciag desirable results, and must not ir.�pose
undue financial or admims�ative burdens; the cost
�atysis inc2udes bath fmauci� aad administrative
costs and burdens. Civil Ri�hts Act of 1968, § 801
er seq, 42 U.S.C.A. § 3604(�.
jlb� Civil Rights �0
78k0 k.
When considering a waiver to zoning ordinances,
an accommodarion rzquired by Fau Aousing
Amendments Act must not be so at odds with the
pwposes behind the zule that it would be a
fundamental and unreasonable change. Civil Ri�hts
Act of 1968, § 80? et seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 3604(f}.
[l�] Ciril Rights �0
78k0 k.
Iu the context of [he Fair $ousing Amendments
Act, "necessary" requires a showing that the desired
accomznodaTion wiil affumatively enhance a
disabled person's quality of life by ameliorating the
effects of ihe disabiliiy. Civil Ri�lits Act of 1968, §
801 et seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 3604( fl.
[13] Eivil Rights �0
78k0 k.
Under Fair Housing Amendments Act, a zoning
ordinance cannot give disabled people less
opporiunity to live in certain neighborhoods than
people without disabilifies. Civi3 Ri�hts Act of
1968, § 801 et seq., 42 ti.S.C.A. § 3604( fl(3)(B).
(19j Civil Rights �0
78k0 k.
[1?� C�vil R�ghts �'0 The Fair Hoasiag Amendments Act requires a
78k0 k. waiver of a zoning ordinance if the �varver is
capable of producing desirable results Lvhile aot
The test o£ whether aa accommodarion is imposing undue financial or admims�ative butdens
re>sonable undez Fair Housina Amendmenu Act is on the municipality and u needed to allow disabled i
Copr. � W"est 2003 tio Claim to Ong. ti.S. Govt. Works ���
^:?�: `!7nnt��estlaw_cnm(deliverv_n�l�desr=atn�?zdatairi=a���SR00�!':0�i915�(1O;4 �Fifi9 1 �iA/�l1�;
d y-3a?
Pa�e 4 oi 10
2003 WI, 22846093
_".V �h�.2d"
{Cite as: 2003 R'L 228�6093 {.Ylinn.App.))
aeople :he sane opportunity to live in a certain
neighborhood as people withouT disabilihes. Civi:
Rights Act of 2°68, § 3Q1 et seq., 42 U.S.C.A. §
(20j Civil Righu �0
78k0 k.
Spacing ordinance waivez :or supporave housing
facility was reasonable accommodation under Fair
Housing Amendments Act; one-site sunporlive
services were necessary, supportive housin� was not
widely available, proposed faciliry would fill a need
for supportive housing, prospective tenants wouid
be people currenUy living in the nei�hborhood in
temporary housing, faciliry would be directly across
the street from a church, which would make
management of facility more efficient and zfFecrive,
facility would be in pro�mity to businesses, bus
lines, and recreational and cultural venues, and
assertion that faciliTy was not in the best interesY of
the commwuty was uasubstantiated Civil Rights
Act of 1968, § 801 et seq., 42 U.SC.A. g
j23 ] Zoning and Planaing �9
414k0 k.
Under city ordinance, supportive housing facility
was a pemutted use in Office Residence 2 zone,
entifling faciliry to conditional use permit.
[?2] Zoning and Planning �0
414k0 k.
A municipality's decision to grant or deny a
conditional use permit or variance is a
quasijudicial decision that should be afforded great
(23j Zoning and Planning �'0
474k0 k.
On appeal from a grant of a conditional use permit
or variance, the appellate court reviews the zoning
acrion to deTernvne wheTher The decision was
j24j Zoning and Planniug �'0
414k0 k.
Pnoe .'�,
something more concrete than neienoorhood
opposirion and e;yressions of concem for public
safe.ry and welfaze.
[25j Zoning and Planning �0
414k0 k.
Once an applicani meeu the requuemeats for
�ranting a condiuonal use permit, approval of a
permirted use follows as a matter of right.
[2b] Zoning and Planning �0
414k0 k.
Record in zoning case supported ciTy council's �rant
of variance to supportive housing facility to exceed
the 32-resident maximum provided in city
Syliabt�s by the Court
*1 The federal Fair Housin� Amendmenz Act
requires a municipaliry to grant a waiver of a zonine
ordinance where the waiver is capable of enhancing
a disabled person's quality of life by ameliorating
the effects of the disability whila not imposing
undue fmanc:al or admizustratio'e burdens on the
municipality and is neede3 to a11ow disabled people
the same opportunity to live in a neighborhood as
peaple without d'asabilities.
Hennepin County District Court, File No.
Michael O. Freeman, DeAnne M. Hilgers,
Courtney M. Rogers, Lmdquist Vennum, P.L.L.P.,
Minneapohs, MN, for appellants.
Mary Cullen Yeager, Deborah 1. Mackay, Faegre
Benson LLP, Minneagolis, NiN, for respondent
Plymouth Chwch Neighborhood Foundanon.
Jay M. Heffern, Minneapolis City Attorney, Cazol
E. Lansing, Assistant City Attomey, Minneapolis
MN, for resnondent Ciry of Vlinneapolis.
Considered and decided by �I.APHAKE,
Presidiva 7udge; SCHUMACAER Jud�e; and
PORI1'SKY, Judge. [FN*]
� Denial of a conditional use must be based on OPINION
Copr. � West 2003 Dio Claun to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works
� �
Page 5 of ? 0
ZOQ3 WL 22846093
-- N. �N.2d --
(Cite as: 20t33 WL 22846093 �Iinn.�pQ.)j
Citizens for a Balancetl Cih aud numerous
mdividuals (collec�veIy Citizens) appeal from the
disuict cour,'s suuuxiary judgmeni, which found that
respondeat City of Minneano&s had not acted
azbitrarily, capriciously, or unreasonably in granting
respondent Plymouth Neighborhood Church
Foundation a spacing ordinance waiver, a
conditional use permit, and a masimum occupancy
variance. We affirm.
In early 200?, rhe Foundation a
faith-based-non-profit otganization, purchased an
aba�doned 1?Q-bed nursing home iocated at 2920
LaSalle Avenue. The Foundation intended to
coavert �e space into the "Lydia House," a
supportive housing facility, consisting of 40
efffciency apai'tuents desi�ned as permanent homes
for adult men and women who are curren8y
fiometess or living in temporary sheIters and are
disabled because of inenta? illness, chemical
dependency, or HIVlAIDS. The Foundation
considered 1920 LaSalle a prime locafion because
Piymoath Cangregational Church is locaFed
across the street and already operates related
programs, the proposed resideats currently reside in
the azea, aad Simpson Housing Services—the
supportive services providez--is in close proximity.
The Fouadation considered tke locarion unique aad
did not believe an acceptable altemafive location
Because thz proposed location was wirhin an
Office Residence 2 zoning district, the Foundation
was required to obtain relief irom certain zoning
ordinances before proceedin�. First, supportive
housing is atlowed in an Office Residence 2 zoning
dishict as a condirional use, which requires a pemut
from the city. Second, a new supporcive housine
iaciliry must be locate3 at least a quarter-mile from
ce_�tain types of e;isiing facilities. There is no
procedure for obta inin� a variance from this spacing
requiremeat. Third, the Foundation musT obtain a
variance from ?viinneapolis because Lydia Aouse
would be serving more than 32 residents.
At least seven facilities of the type covered by the
spaciag requiremant c;ureaYly e�st within a
quarter-anlz of 1920 LaSalle Avenne. Those
Page 4
facilities include (1) 180 Deerees Inc., a community
correctional faci2ity; (2} People Zncflrporated tiancy
Pase Progratr�, a coaununity ;esidential faciliry; (�)
Oak Grove Residential Treatment a communiry
residential facility; (4) NZJ Way House a
commuaity residential faciliry; (5) Home Away for
Girls, a communiry residential facility; (6) Project
Foundation, a communiry residentia? faciliry; and
(7) Childten`s Residential Treamment a communiry
residenteal faciliry. None of these seven facilities
appeaz to offer permanent housing to Lydia House's
proposed zesidents.
*2 In 200i, Foundation filed an application for a
coaditioaal use permiY ant3 a maYimum occugancy
variance and sought a spacing ordinance waiver,-
al2e�ng the Fair Housing Amendment Act
prevented the appficarion of the spacine ordinaace
in ttris instance. Area neigfiborfiood organizatiotts
sponsored :he Lydia House Task Force to evaluate
the potentiai impact Lydi.a House might have on t[ie
neighborhoods. The task force concluded Lydia
House would have a deh impaci and
submitted a report to The ciry pIanning department
stating ihe conditional use pemut, variance, and
waiver should not be ganted. The planning
departrnent prepazed a report detailing the facts and
azguments the city planning cou�mission should
The conimission reviewed the Foundation's
application and the plaaning depaztmenYs repon
and held public heanngs. At the canciusion of the
final heariug, the commission voted to gra¢t a
spacing ordinance waiver as a reasonable and
necessary accommodakon im.der tiie Fair Housing
Amendment Act, to grant the conditional use
permit, to �rant the maximum occupancy variance,
and to adopt the planning department's findings of
Citizens appealed the pIanning commission's
decision to the 114inneapolis City Council. In
Novembex 2001, a public hearng was heid before
the city counciPs zoning and planning committee.
The committee subsequenfly recommended that the
city council deny the appeal and directed sTaff to
prepaze findings of fact The city council
uaaaimously adopted These findings and deaied The
appeal. Included in these findin2 was a conclusion
that The Fair Housing Ameadment Aci maadated
?vSinneapolis b ant a spacing ordinance waiver = 1
Copr. OO West 20Q3 No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govi. Works � 1
r ,
Pa�e 6 of 10
� 2003 wZ 2234609�
--- N. �F/.2d --
(�ite as: 2003 WL 22&36093 (_YIinn.App.))
because it was a necessay, reasonable
accoa�ocation ior disabled persons.
Following the city council's decision, Citizens
appealed to the Hennepin County Disuict Court.
The parties su»mitted cross-motions for snmmary
iudsment. In January 2003, the dis�ic. court
�ranted the Foundation's motion for summary
1. Do Cinzens have standing to chailenge
Minneapolis's zoning decisions?
2. Was Ntinneapolis's grant of a spacing ocdinance
waiver to the Foundauon a reasonable action
requlred by the Fair Housing Amendment Act?
3. Was Mlaneapolis's grant to the Foundarion of a
conditional use pennit and a maximum occupancy
variance reasonable?
� [1][2] 1. Mmnezpolis chalienges Citizens' stand'mg
to challenge zts zonmg decisions arguing Citizens
has not complied with general standing doctrine and
that they are not "ag�rieved persons" under
Minn.Stat. § 462.361, subd. 1(2002). When a party
does not bave standing, a court does not have
}�u'isdicrion to hear the matter. Aanandale Advocate
v. Cfity of Annandale, 435 N.W2d 24, 27
(vlinn.1989) (stating standing is essenYial to court's
exercise of jurisdicrion). Because standing is
essential to a jusriciable connoversy, standing can
be raised at any Hme. See Lucio v. Sch. Bd. oJ
Indep. Sch. Dist. No. 625, 574 N.W2d 737, 739 n.
2(Minn.App.i998), review denied (Minn, Apr. 30,
T3 [3] Standing is acquue3 when a pariy ha:
suifered some "injury-in- fact" or when a party i:
the beneficiary of some legistative enachneni
2ranting standing. State by Humphrey v. Philip
Morris Inc., 5�1 N.W?d 490, 493 (Minn.1996).
S±anding to address zoning decisions is statutorily
esanted. Vlinn.Siat. § 462.361, subd. I. The stamte
Any person aogrieved by an oidinance, rule,
regularion, decision or order oi a goveming body
or board of adjustmenu and appeals acting
pursuant to secrions 4623�1 to 462364 may
Page �
bave such ordinance, mle, reguia�on, dec;sion or
order, reviewed by an approprate ramedy in the
dishict court, subjec: to �e provisions of this
Id (emphasis added). Because standing is
statctoriiy define3 in this case, Minneanolis's
refiance on "general standing doctrine" or
"injury-in-fact" analysis is misplaced. See Philip
Morris Inc., 551 ti.W.2d at 495.
j4][5) The proper focus for a standin�
defermmarion under Miim.Stat. § 46236I is
whether ihe patty seeking seview is an"aggrieved"
person. A person is "aggrieved" when a
municipality's acrion adverseiy "operates on his
ri�hts of property or bears directly upon his
personal interest." Stansell v. City oj Northjzel�l
618 N.W.2d 814, 819 (Minn.App.2000) (quotarion
omitted), review deneed (Vlinn. Jan. 26, 2001).
Additionally, a parry must alle,ge "puticularized
injuries" to his or her property rights or pezsonal
irnexests. Id.
[6] Aere, Citizens alleged the following harm�
would result from Minneapolis's actions:
(1) [A] hyper-concentration of those with mental
illness or chemical dependency rising to the level
of one-third of the popularion in the defined
(2) [E)rosion of the neighborhood's
well-established divezsity[;]
(3) [I]ncreased crime and behavior requirine
police intervenrion. Slock patrols have
experienced difficulty recmiting patrol walkers as
a result of the existing level of crime and
threatening conditions_ The addition of Lydia
Aouse inereases the population needing
protection from crime and threatening conditions
and increases the likelihood of incidents requiring
poiice intervention[;]
(4) [1]ncreased resources from those living and
worlang within the defined neighhorhood, in
particulaz to assist a project that has been poorly
organized and developed by a group lackia�
experience and expertise in providing for this
population[; and]
(5) [D]eterrence of positive new business
development, dete:rence of retaining current
businesses and deterrznce of families movine inco
the neighborhood, resulting in a dec2ine in the
livability of the neighborhood and an increase in
blight. Thi> includes the loss of the Turtie Bread
� �
Copr. � WesY 2003 tio Claim to Ong. U.S. GovT. 1b'orks
2003 WL 2�846093
--- �-W •?d --
(�Liie as: Z7303 WL 22&1b+343 (�Iinn.Agp.1?
deve]opmenT aY �Y'icallet and Franklia subsequent
to ... (iYfinneapolis's] eranting of the waiver for
Lvdia House.
"1liese statements demonsuate particularized
injuries to Citizens' righzs of properry or their
personai interest. We conclude Citizens is an
ag�ieved person under Minn.StaT. § 462.361, subd.
1 and tfierefore, has standing to challenge
:l�inneapotis's zaning decisioa.
*4 2. It is undisputed ihat the proposed residents of
Lydia House aze disabled, Lydia House is a
supportive housin� faciliiy requiriag a spaci�g
ordinance waiver, the Fair Housiag Amendment Act
app]ies Yo mnaicipal zaning ordiaaaces, and
Minneapolis determined the Fair Housing
Amendment Act required them to grant a wa.iver
because it was a reasonable and necessary
accommodafion ior disabied persons. But Citizens
azgue the distriet court arred in finding the federal
Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1938 to Tide VIII
of the Civil I2ights Bill requued a sgacing ordinance
waiver for Lydia House as a necessary and
reasonable accommodation.
t Zoving detemrinations aze not
"traditional" civil appeals. See Northwestern
College o�. City of Arden Hzlls, 281 N.W2d 365
868 (Minn.1979). When reviewing a zomng
determination, appellaTe caurts review direcfly the
municipality's determination without any regard for
the districY court's canclusions. Id. "The standazd of
review in all zoning matters is whether the local
authoriry's action was reasonable." Sz Goix Dev.,
Inc. v. Cirv of Apple Palley, 446 ti.W2d 392, 397
(Minn_App.1989), review denied (11�Iinn. Dec. 1,
1989). A municipality's detezmination is raasonablz
when the stated reasons for its decision aze legally
sufficient and have a factual basis. Nonhwestern
College, 281 ti.W.2d at �68. tntexpretarion of a
federal staiute, however, is a question of Iaw
zzviewed de novo. V¢ina v. Best W. Inn
�Ylaplewood, 627 N.W?d �24, 328 (Mian2001)>
Cimarron Vill. v. Washington, 6�9 N.W2d 811,
81� (.�bfinn_App.2D03). Therefoze, This court will
review de novo what the rair Housing Ameadment
Act re�uires, but we will :eview Minneapolis's
decision to �rant the waiver only to determine ii it
had a legally suffieient and factual basis.
[' lj Tne Fai� Housing Amendment Act pro�ides
Pa�e 7 oi 1G
Pa�e 6
ibat it is unlawful
(fl (1) To dis�T+m;nate in the sale or rental, or to
otherwise make, unavailable or deny, a dwellino
to any b¢yer ox renter because oi a handicap of-- V
(A) that buyer or renter
(B) a pexson residing in or intendin5 to reside in
ffiat dwe2ling after it is so soid, rente3, or made
available; or
(C) any person associated with that nerson.
{2) To dis 'm;na� againsf any person in tfie
terms, candirions, or privileges of sale or rental of
a dwelling, or in tfie provision of services or
facilities in connection with such dwelling,
because of a haadicap of--
(A) that person; or
(B) a person residing in or inYending to reside in
that dwelling a$er it is so sold, rented or made
available; or
(C) any person associated with that person.
42 U.S.C. § 3604(fl {2000). UnlawFul
disrrin�tion inclndes "a refusal to make
reasonable accommodations in mles, policies,
pracrices, oi se:vices, when such accommodation
may be necessary to afford such person equal
opportunity to use and en�oy a dweIling." Id at
[12][13] The parties provide extensive fedezal case
law zddressing numerous conflicu between zonine
ordinances and the Fair Housin� Amendment Act.
This couri is bound by decision of the Minnesota
Supreme Court and the United States Supreme
Court. Jendro v. Honeywetl, Inc, 392 N.W2d 683,
691 n. I{Minn.App.1986), review denied (Nlinn.
Nov. 19, 198�. We aze not, however, bound by any
other federal courts' opinion, even when interpreting
iederal statutes. Northpointe Plaza v. City oJ
Rochester, 457 N.W2d 398, 403 (Minn.App.1990),
affd 465 N.W.2d 68b (i�tinn1991). Although not
bindin„ these other federaI court opinions are
persuasive and should be afforded due defezence. Id.
*S CiYizens argue this court shoutd adogY the
reasoning of Familysryle of St. Pau1, Ine. v. Ci1y of
St. Pair1, 923 F2d 91 (8ffi Cir.1991), and hold the
Fair Housing Ameadment Act does not apply to
ordinances tfiat aze rationally related to legitunate
state interests. We conclude Familysryle does noc
address the Fair Housing Ameadment AcT's
unambiwous language that failure to provide a
necessary, reasonable accommodation is unlaw;ul
Copr. � West Z00� Vo Claim to Orig. II.S. Govt. Works
o y-3a�
Pa2e 8 of 1G
2003 WL 22846093
---�.w za--
;Cite as: 2003 WL 22846093 (:VIinn..�pp.))
disciimination. See ?2 LT.S.C.. § 3604(�(�)(Bl
f2000). RaYhe;, we find Oconomowoc °esidential
Proo ams, Ine. v. City oj Midwaukee, 300 F3d 77�
(%th Cu.2002) to oe a more well reasone3 op3nion,
consisteat witfi �e Fair Aousia� Amendment Act's
piain lan�ua�e and choose to follow that reasoning.
[1�][15][16] The test o£ whethei an
accommodation is reasonabie is a "luPhiy
fact-specific inquiry° that rzquires balancine of the
parYies' needs. Oconomowoq 300 F.3d at 784. To
find an accommodarion reasonable it must be
capable of producin� desirable results and must not
impose undue financial or adminisnarive burdeas.
Id. The cost analysis iacludes both fmancial and
adnumstrative costs and burdens. Id. �Vhen
considenng a waiver to zoning ordinances, the
accommodation must not be "so at odds with the
purposes behind the rule that rt would be a
fundamental and unreasonable change." Id.
(quotation omitted).
[171[18] Necessary is defined as "(n1eeded to
achieve a certain result or effect; requisite.° The
Americnn Heritage CaTlege Dictionary 9ll {3d
ed.2000). In the context of the Fair Housing
Amendment Act, "necessary" requires "a showing
that the desired accommodarion will affumatively
enhance a disabted [person's] quality of life by
azneliorating the effects of the disability:'
Oconomowoc, 300 F3d at 784 (quotation omitted).
?1us means the zoning ordinance cannot "give
disabled people less opportuniYy to live in certain
neaghborhoods than people wrthout disabilities." Id.
{emphasis added) quotation omitted).
[19) We concIude the Fair Housing Amendment
AcY requires a waiver of a zoning ordinance if the
waiver is capable of producing desuable results
while not unposin� undue financial or
administrarive burdens on the municipality and is
neaded to allow disabled peogle the same
onportunibj to live in a certain neighborhood as
peaple without disabilities.
[ZOJ Having deternuned when a reasonable
accommodation is necessary under the Fair Housing
Amendment Acc, we next consider whether that
requuement was a legally insufficient oasis for
itiiinneapolis to �rant a spacin� ordinance waive:.
1ne .lYiinne2polis Code of Ozdinances provides:
Supporrice housine shall be located at least
Page 7
one-fourth (li4) mile from ail e;is�ng supporCve
housin� and from all of the iollowing :LSes ...
a. Community carrectional fac:lity
b. Communirv resideatial faciliry
c. Inebriate housin�
d ylotel
e. Ovemi�ht sheltez.
Minneapolis, �rtinn., Code of Ordinances §
�3620, Suppomve housine (I) (2003). [_�'1] But
the code aiso requ'ues "th regulauons shall not
be applie3 so as to prevent the city from maiang
reasonable accommodation as requized by the
Federal Fair Housin� Amendment Act of 1988." Id.
at § 520.80 (2003)�Furthermore, we conclude the
unambiguous language of the Fair Aousing
Amendment Act requires a city to make reasonable
accommodation in its generaily applicable zoning
ordinances when the accommodarion is necessary to
give a handicap person equal opportuniry io use and
enjoy a dwelling. See 42 U.S.C. § 3604(fl(1), (3)(B)
, Thecefoie, the requiremenTS of the Fair Housing
Amendment Act are a legally sufficient basis to
grant a waiver.
*6 W"e now analyze the record to deternune if a
s bonificant factual basis e�sts for fmding the
spacing ordinance waiver was reasonabie
accommodation and was necessary to afford Lydia
House's proposed residents an equal opporhmaty to
use and enjoy a dwelling.
The city council's fmdines of fact detail both why
the waiver is reasonable and why it is necessary.
The clty council found The warver was reasonable
because it "will not impose a financial or
administtarive burden on the Ciry. [And Lydia
House) ... will not fundamentaliy alter the City's
land use or zoning scheme." The ciry council
reached this conclusion based on the following
a. The vast majority of housing units in the
surrounding area are multiple- fanuly, rental
housi�g. The zoning of ihe surcounding azea
allows for high- density residenrial use.
Conversion of the former 140-bed nursing home
inYO an apaitment buildin� with 40 efficiency
units is compatible with the surrounding
residential uses.
b. Therz aze several businesses, supportive
service uses, and cultural and recreational uses in
the area. The suppor�ve services associated with
tiie [Foundation] faciliry will also be compatinle
Copr. � West 2003 No Claim io Orig. U.S. Govt. Works
I l
Page 9 of 10
Zfl03 4iR 2284b09�
-- ti.W.Zd --
{�ite as: 29�3 WL 23846093 {,�Sinn.App•))
witti uses in t�e surtoundin¢ azea.
c. Assertions +hat either The existing eight
�acilities rhat aze reIevant to the I/4 mile spacing
requirement for fthe Foundation], or the propose3
[FoundalionJ facility, fiave or wiIl have a
deh-imental efFect on crime leveis, property
vatues, development acfivity, businesss vitalify or
the stabiliry of the azea are unsubstantiated by the
evidence in the record of this matter.
d The impacT of an additional supportive housing
facility in tbis 1!4 mile azea is nutigated by Yhe
eYishng popularion density, the prevalence of
mulriple-:amily residentiaI dweIlings in the azea,
and the fact that three of the eight e�sting
faci2ities are sapazated from 1420 LaSalle by
Intersrate 94.
The city council conc2aded tfie waiver was
necessary because:
a. Cu-site supportive services are necessary to
help residents with disabilities and a history of
homelessness to maintain physical and menEal
healTh employment security, and independenT
living sfatus. (T'nis section also includes a
foolnote that states if the services were provided
oif-site Yhe sgacmg requiremeut woutd nac appiy).
b. Supportive housin� for °pennanenP' tenancy
(as opposed Yo shelYers or traasihonal hovsingj is
a zeIatively new concept and is not widely
available in [Yiinneapolis]. The [Founda�oa)
proposal will help fill a need for permanent
supportive housing options.
c. It is expecTed that many of the prospective
Yeaants wifl be peogle who are curcendy living in
tempornry housing in the neighborhood The
jFounda2ion] facilily wi17 provide an opporhiaity
for permanent housing in Ytris neighborhood for
these and other individuals.
d. The proposed faciliry is direcdy across the
sueet from Plymouth Cangragational Chureh
and (the Foundation] offices, wluch will make
maaa�ement of The LaSalie facility more efficieni
and effective and which will eubance the
opportunity for communify buildiug opportunities
between the housing residents and sponsoring
*7 e. The proximity of 1920 LaSalie Yo
[NSinneapolis'sj cenffal business dishici,
communiry retail services, several major bus
Iines, recrearioaal and culhual venues, and
government and social service providers is
important to #he viability of this fiousing faciliry
for tenants in need of those types of services and
Page 8
who aze exnected to rely fieavffy on public
f. Tfie assertion that ihe estabIishment of the
proposed [Foimdation] facility aT 1420 LaSalle is
not in tfie best interests of the prospective
residents due The number of other people
receiving supportive seroices in the area and
because they aze perceived to be "vulaerable" to
criminal activity in tfie azea is unsubstanriated in
the record for this tnatter.
These facts support Minneapolis's finding that the
a waiver oi the spacin� ordinance was a reasonable
accommodation necessary to afford Lydia House's
proposed residents an equal oppommity to use and
enjoy a dwelling.
Based on the municipality's record and our
interpretation of the Fair Aousing Amendment Act,
we conclude its decision is Iegaily sufficient and has
a factual basis. Yiinneapolis's decision to �ant the
Foundation a spacing ordinance waiver for Lydia
House is reasonable and must be affiimed.
[213[22][23] 3. Citizens argue the graat of a
condi�onal use pezmit was arbitrary, capricious,
and unreasonable because zhey presented suificient
evidence that Lydia House woutd be dehimental ta
the public health, safety, comfort, or general welfare
and therefore, they azgue, granfing the peraut does
not conform to SecAon 525.340 of the Minneapolis
Code of t3rdinances. A muaicipality's decision to
grant or deny a conditional use permit or variance is
a quasi judicia7 decision that sho[ttd be afforded
great deference. Honn v. City of Coan Rapidr, 31S
N.W.2d 4d9, 41b-17 (ivlina.2981). Oa appeat from
a grant of a condirional use peraut or variance, this
court reviews Yhe zonine action to detemline
whether the decision was reasonable. Id. at 4i7.
[24][25] "(Djenial of a condirional use must be
based oa something more concrete ihan
neighborhood opposirion and expressions ot
concem for pubiic safety and welfaze." Chanh¢ssen
Estates Residents Ass'n v, City of Chanhassen, 342
N.W.2d 335, 340 (A�Iinn,1984). Once an app&cant
meets the requiremenis for granting a conditional
use pezmi� "approval of a permitted use follows as
a maiiex of rigbt." Id.
Here, supportive housing is pemvssible itt an
Office Residence 2 zoning districYS so long as tlie
"use compIies with all other applicable provisions
� � ,�-- �
Copr. OO V,%est 2003 tio Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works �
L�_.// ,a . .,� _ _/�_, __.La___tn� . ,. n � . '1 pnrvnnnnnein�n+:nnn nr +nin��n.+�+
PaQe 10 of 10
200_ WL 22346093
-- ti. W'.23 --
{Cite as: 2003 iVL 22846093 (D'Iinn.App.))
of this ordinance." _ltinneapolis;_ vlinu. Code oi
Ordinances § �47.�0(c), Table �47- 1 (2003). The
properry at 1920 LaSaIle is in an O�c� Residence
2 zonine district, and Lydia House is a supportive
housina faciliry. The:eiore, iL is a permitted use.
Lydia House pmduced sufficient evidence for
Minneapolis to make all the necessary findines,
which it did when it adopted the findings of the
planning department and explicitly incorporated the
plannin� department's report by reference. The
requirements for grantin� a condirional use pemut
were met and anproval followed as a matter of ri�ht.
T4ie grant of the condiAOnai use pexmit is affirmed.
*8 [26] The Minneapolis Code of Ordinances
limits supporrive housing units to 32 residents. Id.
at § 5362Q Supportive housing (2) (2003).
Minneapolis may g*ant a variance for this
occupancy Zunit if snecific fmdings aze made. Id. at
§�25.500 {2003}. Cifszens az�ue the:e aze no valid
�indings in this case because they are not in wriring
and do not have "reasonable support." But
Minneapolis's findings of fact mcorporated by
reference the planning depar[ment's fmdings on
both the conditional use permit and tl�e variance.
The planning departmenPs report details the basis
for each fmding required by Secrion 525.500 of the
Minneapolis Code of Ordinances. Minneapolis held
a public heazing and received substantial
correspondence both for and against the aranting of
the variance. The record in tivs case sapports a
conclusion that the city council's =rant of The
vaziance was reasonable.
NLinneapolis determuied it must grant the
Foundation a spacing ordinance waiver because the
Fair Housing Amendment Act requued the waivet
as a reasonable accommodation necessary to
provide disabled persons equal oppornutity to
reside in a certain neighbozhood. The Fair $ousmg
Amendment Act's reguizemenTS aze a legaliy
sufficient �round to gzant such a waiver and
Minneapolis's had a factual basis to conclude the
waiver was a reasonable accommodation necessary
to afford Lydia House's proposed residents equal
opportuniry to reside in this neighborhood. Further,
;VIinneapolis granted the Foundation a condi�onal
use pernut and a maximum occupancy variance
unde: The �Iinneapolis Code of Ordinances after
conducting nublic hesrings. Vlinneapoiis's giant oi
Pase 4
the w�ver, pe.-mit and variance was reasonabie.
4tie a�.um the dishict courCs �ant of summ2ry
FV* Retired jud�e of the dishic, court,
serving as jud�e of the 1Ylinnesota Court of
Appeals by appomtment pursuant to Nlinn.
Const. art. VI, § 10.
FNi. The Foundarion applied for the
conditional use permit, maYUnum
occupancy vanance, and the spacing
ordinance waiver in 2001. The
Minneapolis Code oP Ordinances was
reenacted in 2003. The current lanpuage in
the Code appeazs to be idenrical to the
oxdinances in effect at the time of ihe
Foundation's application.
2003 WL 22846093, 2003 4VL 2284609�
f � �Z�S�I�1��7
Copr. � West 2003 No C1ann to Crig. li.S. Govt. Works
�� _J
Bt3AR�3 flF zi3NI�TG A�'PE_"-�i.5 S'�"AF� �tEP��T
�E.�3LINE ��R A�TI�N:
Adminish Review
November 24, 2003
2187 BOVi� ZANE
November 6, 2003
December 23, 2003
FTI.� �03-381�92
BY: John Hasdwick
DATE R�CEI3iEI3: OcYober 24, 2003
A_ PiJRPt)SE: Appeal of the Zoni�-�g Administrator's decision that there are two dwelling units
in the buiIdine at 2187 Bonnie Lane and ordering the removal of one of the units.
B. SI'I'E A1�I� ���2�A CON3�3T'Id)NS: This is an inegular shaped parcel with frontage on
Bonnie Lane and Boxwood Street,
Surroundin� Land Use: Single family homes.
C. BACKGR�IINI3: In response to recant complaints, zoning staff from the Qffice of License,
InspecTions and Environmental Pmtection ( LIEP} along with an inspector from the Fire
Deparhnent inspected the referenced property. The inspecfion reveaied that there aze twa
dwellin� units in The building and the property owner was subsequently ordered to remove
one oz the units. The applicant is appealing that order clanning that it vio2aYes both state and
federal law and that the Zoning Adm:nistrator erred in his determination that there aze two
dwellin� units in the building.
SecYion 64.204 (c): Any person affected by a decision of the Zoning Administrator may
appeal thaT decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals within 30 days of the decision.
�a>= ; oe :
� �
� File �Q�-�81592
Staff t2epor
Section Sil.?Q4 {d}: Dwellina IJnit: A bulding er portion thereof, designe� for occupancy
by one fzmily for residential purposes used or intended to be used for livin�, stzepin� anci
cooking or eatins purposes. V
Sec#ion 50.407; In the R-LL One-Fzmily Residenti�l Dis�ict aIl uses and structures shall
confonn to the principal uses as permitted in Section 60.412.
L In 1990 the applicant obtained a building pe:mit to construct a single family home on this
site. In 1992 the City received a complaint that this house was converted to a dupiex. A,7
inspection of the house revealed that a separaYe dwelling had been estabiished in the
lower level of the house and was being rented out. The unit consisted of a kitchen,
bathroom, li ring room and three bedrooms. The applicant was ordered to vacate the
dwelling unit on the lower level and return the house to a single family dweiling. In 1993
the lower unit was vacated and the applicant stated her intention to use the house as a
single family home. Earlier this year the City received another compliant that the honse
. was again be:ng used as a duplex. An inspection af the house on September 19, 2003
revealed that �here were again two complete dwelling units in the building. The lower
level, with a kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms, ciearly meets the defirrition of a dwellin�
unit as does the upper leveis of the building which also contain a kitchen, bathroom and
2. The house is being used as a Freestanding Foster Care home. Adult foster care is a
permitted use in this zoning district. Under state law, a single family home may be
licensefl as an adult foster care for five (5) residents, (Minn. Stat. § 256B.0919, Subd.
1.) This building eurrently has two separate licenses (five under each license) issued by
�.he Ramsey County Human Services Department for adult foster care for a total of ten
(10) facility residents. These licenses saem to indicate ihat under state statutes and
county licensina rules, the licenses were issued to a buildino containing two separate
dwelling units. �
3. The orders issued on September 19, 2003 do not require The appellant to discontinue adult
foster care at this location. The orders only req�ire the appellant to comply with the
zoning re�ulations regardin� the numoer of dweiling units aliowed in this sin�le family
zoning districT. After the kitchen is removed from the lawer unit, the home would sTill be
licensed for aduit foster care. The City's order to remove the kitchen and reduce ihe
number of dwelling units in the building does not vioiate state or federal laws or niles.
��Q� � or s � �
File �03-381 �92
Staff Report
�F. -Tne appellant sets forth in he: appeal certain claims to legal nonconformin� st�tus for the
use of the bi:iiding as a duplex. �Tnder Section 62.102 (� le�al nonconform.ing staTus may
only be ;ranted by the Planzung Commission provided that the Commission makes
certain fmdines. However, that is a szparate procedure and uuless the Plaiming
Commission �ants a nonconforming use permit pursuant to this section, the usz cannot
be legal:y noncenforming. The claim of legal nonconfornung stai�zs mnst �e pursued
through the proner channels and is not germane to this appeal.
E. DIST�2IC�' Ci�LT'�i +�iL R�C(�Mi�1EN13ATi�N: As of the date of this report, we have not
received a recommendazion from District 1.
F_ Ct�RRI�ESPf�N�3�i�ICE: 8taff has received several phone calls from neighboring progert��
owners in opposirion to this appeal.
G. S�'AF'�' Ri�t3il�iMiN3� 4Tyf3�d: Based on findings 1 through 4, sYaff finds that the Zoning
AdministraTor di� not err in his determinaiion or orders and recommends denial oi the appea3. �
Paa 3 a 3
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Depmtment �f Pftanning and Ec�namic Development
Zoning Section
1�',(JO C�y Hai[ Anne�
25 fi'est Pourth Street
Saint P�u� M.N 55302-IS34 _
(SSI) 265-6589
• •
�{gy7yg Judith ?ss-in� 2�e r.sslin�'s Ao�e Plus, Znc.
AddreSS 2187 Boaaie Lanz
City St. Pau1 St. yN ZSp 5j11° UaytimePhone 651-270-552•7
Zoning �iie Name Leonard Oak Hil1s No. 5, Lot 13 Blk 1
Addrass/Lacation 2187 Bonnie Lane, St. Paul, MN 55119
'4''!PE OF APPEAL: A�giication is hsrsby made for an appeal to Yhe:
� Board of Zoning Appeals � CiYy Councdf
Under ihe pravision oi Cha�tes 64, Secfion 204 Paragraph and (c) of fhe �oning Code, to appeai a
deCi5iot17n8de bythe zoninQ sp°cialist John Hardwick in the OLfice of License, Inspections
and Enviror.mental Protection
on September 25 . 20 03 . File S�3umber: Unknown
{date of decision)
C,Rt3i3h1t3S �tDR AFP�AL: Expia'sn why you fes4 there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision
or refusal made by an administrative official, or ara error 9n #aot, procedure or
�ind'ang made by the 8oard of Zoning Appeals or the �3anning Commission.
See attached letter.
! ; ,' �
(ai#ach addiifonal she�# if nec�ssary)
Appiica�,#'s Si�na#ura�rr/:�G, .�i�-� Daze ��/ a3 U3 Ci'sy
%'� �
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1.n /
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.{t.ome}s ct La�-.
...c�;m L<e�L;y Pzrmersn�o
:�] SCLLti:.'IBVP;Ith SCR?:
Sc.e %000
V-Lanezpous, �iV na0?
':e'eot;ane � 6 >- 3.Q • 89V0
r�•2��310� �.^�0
3`imothv J. No3an
(612) 340-891 I
October 23, 2003
Janeen E. Rosas
I3irector of Office of License, Inspections
aid EnvironmentaI Protection
City of Saint Paul
Zoning Adrninistration
Lowry Professional Buiding
350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300
Saint Pau3, iVti�' S� 102
Re: Applicaron for Appeal and Request for Administrative Review fer
2187 Bonnie Lane
Our File \o.: 19433.R29732
John Hardwick
Zoning Specialist
City of Saint Paul
Zoning Administration
Lowry Professional Building
3�0 ST. Peter SfreeT, Suite 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Mr. Hardwick, Ms. Rosas, and the Board of Zoning Appeals:
Piease be advised that I represent Essling's Homes Plus, 1nc. and Judit3z Essling ("the
Esstings") in resard to tt�eir longstanding operation of an adutt foster care program at 2187
Bonnie Lane {"Property") in Saint PauL This letter is in response to Mr. Hazdwick's letter of
September 2�, 2003 and is an attachment to the Esslings' Application for Appeal and Request for
AdminisTrative �2eview by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning.
It is my nndersTand;ng thaT the CiTy of SainT Paul ("CiTy") is attemptin� to force the
Esslines to dest:oy the second kitchen at tne Property, which cauld result in the Teruination of
hatf their adult foster care program, which has operated at the Bonnie Lane home for more than
10 years. Such a result would represent obvious and si�ificant harm to my clients and their
elderiy residenis.
The City's Order of September 25, 2003 tkat the Esslin�s remove a kitchen in their home
is a violatior. of both state and federal law, and is dependent upon an erroneous intarpretation oi
the City's o�un zonin� ordinance. The purpose of this letter is to estabIish the Essiings' grounds
ior appeal and explairi why the City's zoning department has made an error in its order.
n l�
RRn�,"���,1x�T�, L�P
� �3LBSIl t',. �6535
?onrl �-?ardwick
Octooe: 23, 2003
PaQe 2
�� Q+��. �
L'J _ vZJ f�
T�e i,se at 2187 �onnie Lane is a Lawfnl Conforming tise as an �dult Foster Care
i�ome and is �ot a Violation of the Si. Paul Zaning Code.
The plain language of ihe Zoning Code pernuts foster care homes as a principal use for
residential zones. Saint Paui Zoning Code 60.412(8). While in the September 25, 2003 letter the
City claims The Essiings' use violates the Code, foster care homes are specifically allowed as a
permitted use in all residenTiai zones of the City, inciuding the R-LL zone in which the Bonnie
Lane property is located. See Zoning Code §60.407 {R-LL shall con£or_m to the uses specified in
§60.412). See also �560.412 {8) and (9) (specifying foster care homes are a permitted pzincipal
The definition of a foster home in §b0.206(� is a"dwelling unit in which a foster care
program that is licensed by The commissioner of human services. .. is operaYed in the principle
residence of the ]icense holder." 7udith Essling does reside at 2187 Bonnie Lane. A foster caze
home is thus a legally permitted exception to the general definition in §60?04{d) which Mr.
Hardwick quotes in his letter: "A dwelling unii is 'a buildine, or portion thereof, designed for
occupancy by one family for residential purposes ..."' V
According to the plain language of the zoning code, the residents of a"dwellin5' unit
may be either "one family" or a foster care program. The Esslings run a fully licensed foster care
pro�am on the Property. According to the City`s zoning laws, group homes may locate in
residential areas as a matter of right, and are not a prahibited use. See Costlev v. Caromin
House, 313 NW2d 21 {Minn. 1981) {holding that where gzoup home followed all necessary
administrative procedures and obtained necessary consiruction permit, the home fulfilled state
licensure requirements and therefore must be considered a single-family unit by the city's zoning
2. EvQn If ?187 Bommnie Lane is a Nouconforming Use, 3# Nlust Be Allowed to IZemaiu
As a Pr�exfisting iTse.
The �/Iinnesota Sapreme Court has made clear tha# a residential zonin� ordinance may
consYitutionaliy prohibit the creation oi uses that are nonconforming, but existing noncanfom7uzg
uses riust ei#her be pe:lnitted to remain or eliminated by use of eminent domain.
Countv of Freehom v. Ciaussen, 295 Minn. 9fi, 94, 203 N.W.2d 323, 325 (1972}; Oswalt v.
Ramsev Countv, ;71 N.W.2d �41 (Minn. Ct. App. 198�}.
The frst *.ime the Esslings applied for each of their adult foster care licenses at 2.87
• Bonrue Lane, the �Iinnesota Deparhnent For Human Services conducted a licensing study �
parsnant to Minn. R. 9�55.6125. lhe Commissioner of the Department of Human Se�nces L'�
evaluates the land use plan when censidering whether to �rant a license. See �Iinn. Stat. §�^ �
��� ��,Y�,� �x, �.�.�
Janaen E. Rosas
John Hardlvic:�
October 23, 2003
Paee 3
2^-.SA.l1 Sabd. 4 Also, as past of the licensin� study, "at leasT 30 days before the initial license
issuance daie, the commissioner shall aotify the local zoning admiaistrator in the jurisdiction
where the res:dence is iocaTed of the &c:nse apptication." vlinn. R. 9555.6i25, Subp. 6.
Each time the Esslin�s applied for and obtained t� eir initial Iicenses for adult foster care
ihe local zoning admixristraTor was notified and found no o6jectio�. The lack of objecYion at the
time af application su�Qests an implicit endors�me�t thaY the Property was being used in a
manner consistent with no# only the State`s public policy for elder3y residen�ial care bui also the
City's zonin� laws. For over 10 years, the Property has been used for an adult foster care
program. Dur.ng that time, the City Zozring Department and the Ramsey County CommuniTy
Human Services S3epartrnent had fizA disclosure of the Esslings' use of tl�e Praperty. The use of
the Property has not chaaiaed. The zonin� has not changed. No permits have been applied far
thai might trigger a zoning review•. Instead, a sma1: �oup of hostile neighbors have commenced
a campai�, with the apparznt endorsement of the City, to drive the Esslings out of this
neighborhood. To su��est that the Property is now nonconforming is an ezroneous application of
the City's police power.
The Property at 2287 Bonnie Lane has lwo kitchens; however, the Property operates as a ,
single family dwelling, has one main front door for in�ess anfl egress, and is recognized in
county property and Yax records as a single-family residence — not a duplex. As a single family
dwelling, it is a leQal noncanforming use and should be permiited to remain.
In Tne altemaTive, ever if the Property is considered To be a multi-family residential use, it
should be allowed to remain as currently improved. Accordin� to Minn. Stat. § 245A.11 Subd3,
any permitte3 muItifamiIy dweIling may be used as a eroup residential facility ta house up to 16
residents, even if it is located iu a single family district. See �enerallv Nlinn. Stat. § 245A.11,
�ubd. 3. Although a municipality may require a candifion or special use pemut, such conditions
imposed may not be more restrictive tkan those on other residential properties in the same zone.
Id. Surely ihe City does not mean to sug�est that it has never allowed other single family
dwellings in residential-zoned neighborhoods to have second partial or full kitchens (colloquialiy
termed "nother-in-law" units) as part of the property's main structure?
3. In This �ase, the':IaniciQal Zoning �ode is Preempted by State Law and Palicy.
The Mumesota Attomey GeneraI has statzd in an opiruon Ietrer thaf a municipal zoning
code may not restrict licensable foster caze homes by limiting the number of residents to less
than the number per.mitted by the state licensing law. Op.Attv.Gen 4776 34 Cr. 59a-32, Apri12b,
I982. In that opinion, The CiTy of Long Lake had a zoning provision requiring a confliYional ase
per:nit `or homes providing foste; caze for 3 to 5 chil3ren, yet the state 1aw expressly atlowed
state-ticensed fflster caze homes to serve 4 to 5 residents w�thout a conditional use permit. ���+
� `v
05� 307
�21DER ��VNE'i'T, �Z�
�; ��� _�-
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Li ,; �. 2 c G' G, ^.
f ) �-,�
� 7aneea E. Rosas
7oh� i=�ardwicY
October 23, 2C0�
Paee ^-.
The opinion interpretzd l�iinu. Stat �&245,781 to 2?5.812, which we:e the predecessors
to the current lYlinn. Siat. � 2?SA.11 regulafing foster care licensin� capacity. � ne attorney
�eneral stated "l�Sunicipai zonin� orZinances and codes cannet ove�ide state law and policy ...
If state law and the ... zoning ordinance cantain provisions that are ureconcilable with each
other, state law prevails zad ihe zonin� code provisions are invalid." Id.
�. Ii t�e �it�,� �nforces 3ts {3rder that the Esslings l3estray Their Se�ond 3�itc3�en, the
Essiings Will Have a�3aim Under the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1938.
The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 {hereinafter the "FHAA") Pub. L. No. 100-
430, 102 Stat. 1619, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 3601, et. seq. extended the protection of the federal
fair housino law to persons with disabilities. 7he FHAA prohibits discrimination on the basis of
a physical or mental handicap. 42 U.S.C. §3604(fl(1). 5eciion 3604(�(i) of the FHAA makes it
uniawful to "discriminate in the sale or rental, or to otherwise make unavailable or deny, a
dwelling to any buyer or renter because of a l�andicap of (A) that buyer or renter; (B) a person
residing in or intending to reside in thaT dwelling after it is so sold, ranted, or made available; or
(C) any person associated with That buyer or renter."
Furthemore SecYion 3615 of the Fair Housing Act invalidates "any law of a State, a
political subdivision, or other such jurisdiction that purports to require or permit any action that
would be a discriminatory housing practice under this subchapter." 42 U.S.C. §3615.
The FHAA requires defendants to make "reasonable accommodations in rules, policies,
practices, or services," when such accommodaTions would enable a person with disabilities to
live where �.e or she chooses. 42 U.S.0 §3604(�(3j(B). The tenn °disabilities" has been
consuued to include the elderly. See, e.�.. Hovsons. 3nc. v. Townshi� of Briek, 89 R3d 1096
{C.A3 (N.J.) 1996). The Essiings' adult foster care has eideriy residents who are nonambulatory
and iherefore couid be shown to be disabied.
The necessity for a second kitchen that is easily accessible to tbe elderly residents at 2187
Boruue Lane is a reasonable accommodation that the City may not circusnvent with its zoning
policy. The presence of a second latchen to serve �he needs of the elderly residents at 2187
Bonnie Lare would not impose si;nificant administrarive or financ:al burdens on the City, nor
wouid it unde:�ine the zoning scheme - especially considering that the property has operated
w?Th its improvements ar.d residents for many years already.
F�.Lrthermore, Section 3615 of the Fair Housing Act invalida[es "any 1aw oi a State, a
politicai subdivision, or other such ju�-isdiction That purports to require or per_nit any action that
� would be a discrimina4ory housing pracrice under trss subchapter." 42 U.S.C. §3b15. �
The rHA.r� makes it unlawful io ceerce, inlimieate, or retaliate a�ainst someone for t
navin� exe.cised �ghts protected by the FH�A. 42 U.S.C. §3617. Tne actions undertaken by
�Ex ��:v��� r, LLm
Janeen E. Rosas
John Hardw�c?c
OcYober 23, 2003
Page 5
_ �
thz host-ile nei�hbors in �e community and ihe City of Sf Paul fhrough its Fire Deparhnent and
Zozun� Depar�nent essentialiy constitute harassmenY a�ainst t.he Esslings and their elderiy
ciients. The Esslin�s have peacefully operated their adult ioster program at 2187 Bonnie Laae
for �ears under ihe curreat zoning 2aws, obtaining tt�e necessary liceases and complying with
annual inspections as reqnired for licensing renewal. To have the City now clai�m that the
Esslings must destroy their kitchen, evict their long-term residents, and 'ureparably dama�e their
bnsiness represents dzsparate treatment violating anti-discrimznation law.
5. 3f the Cfiy E�forces Its flrder tha# tbe Esslings I3estray the Second Kitc�eu, �he
�§slings �,3'ill Have a Ciai� for an [Jnconsti#utionai 'I'aking of Prapea�y Witl�out
Just �ompensalion.
The City of St. Paul has attempted to _ avoid the cleat requirements of the Fifth
Amendment of the United StaYes Constitution, as applied to the staYes through the Fourteenth
Amendment, by depriving the Esslings of their property rights in their second kitchen used to
maintain their licensed adult foster care program. Simiiaziy, the vlinnesota Constiiution states
that "[pjrivate property shaii not be taken, destroyed or damaged for public use, without jus#
compensation therefore first paid or seeured." iViinn. Const. art. I, §13 (amended 1969). The •
Minnesota Supreme CourY has consistently interpreted this constitutional grovision to mean that
a takin� or damage can "arise out of any interference by the state with the ownership, possession,
enjoymen# or value of priva#e property." Johnson v. City of Plvmonth, 263 N.W.2d 603, 605
(tilinn. 1978).
The City's order that the Esslings remove their secand kitchen consritntes a direct and
substantiai invasion of the Esslings` property rights and deprives them ofthe practical enjoyxnent
of the:r property. If the Cit j forces the Esslings to remove their kitchen, their foster care license
could be revoked and their adult foster caze program destroyed. The Esslin�s will have no
choice but Yo seek compensation � the City through inverse condernnation to redress the
destrucTion of their kitchen and their foster eare prob am.
The Minnesota Supreme Court has stated that an inverse condemnation ciaimant can
recover when there is "a �rect and substantial invasion of his property rights" such that he is
"deprived of the practicai enjoyment of the praperty° and that "such invasion results in a definite
and rneasurable duninution of the mazket value of the property." t�levizos v. Metropolitan
Airoor�s Comm'n, 298 iYfinn. 4'71, 216 N.W.2d 651 (i974).
The Esslings wish to conTinue the use af their residential property as an adult foster care
for tse 10 residents who have Iived there for many years. For the above reasons, we ask that the
City rescind its Order of September 25, 2003 that the Esslings remove the second kitcnen's
appliances and sink, cap oii the Qas iine ta the stove, cap off the pluv�bing pipes to the s:nk, an� '� �
nnd renlacemenc housing for some of the residenis at 2187 Bonnie Lane. � j�--
R1n�� B�:v�vE�r�r, LLP
� 7aneea E. Rosas
7c� Hardw=ck
October 2�, �C4�
Pa�e 6
Very tru?y yours,
�� 6
� , \ � �'
� �
�v W� � � � �
Timofh� 3. Nolan
cc: Judith Essling
Bridget Essling
Jon Laininger, Foster Care (Adult) Licensing for Ramsey County
Kazen Kieffer, Superviscr, Division of Licexisin�, Minnesota Department
! o�ies�-i
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of Human
� '�
,� ,
Janeen E Ras¢r, Drrzctor
RmnljrC. KeZdy,.LPayor
September 25, 2003
Judith Esslina
2137 Bonnie Lane
St. Paul, Nl�T. 5�119
i.OWRY P.40FESSION�IL BL�7LD�'G Tetep'none.� 6�7-256-9G90
350St. PetzrSo-eet, Suite 300 FacsimiZe: b�7-266-9124
SainePauZ,M"vmesota55102I570 Web: vnvw_hen.us
i2E: 2187 Ba�nnie I.ane: Inspection Findings and t)rder ta Remove Second �wel3inb Unit
Deaz Ms. EssIing:
T'r,is letter is a iollow-up to the inspecuon I conducted of ihe referenced property on September 1R,
2003 in response to a compIaint the Ciiy received regazding the number of people residing in the
llouse. I inspected the property in the presence of your dau�hter Bridget, a representative from the Fire
Deparhnent and two represeatatives from Ramsey County human Services Departnient net us at the�
The house in question is located in an R-LL {Residential Large Lot) zoning district, The house has
three IeveIs. Located on the Iower tevei are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a fuIl kitchen. On Yhe
middle Ievei are a bedroom, a bathroom aad a full kitchen, The upper leve] has three bedrooms and a
bathroom. I was advised that the house is used as an adult foster care facility i11at serves ten residents.
There is also a staff person on duty 24 hours a day.
R-LL is a sinale family residential zoning district. Buildings with two or more dwelling units are not
permitted in an R-LL district. An adult foster care facility, when located within a sin�Ie family home
is a permitted use in an R-LL dzstrict. Section b0.204(d) of the City Legislative Code defines a
dwelling unit as " A buildin�, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one family for residential
purposes used or intended to be nsed for Iivina, sleepine and cooking or eating purposes."
As canfiwred, the house at 2187 Bonnie Lane, with its lower level group of rooms desi�ed ior
living, sleeping and cooking or eating and its separate a of rooms desi�ed for Iiving, sleeping
and cooking or eaiina on the second and third levels, constimtes a buildina w�th two dwellina units.
Therefore, you must remove one of the kitchens in the building in its entirery. This includes the
removal of ail appliances and the kitchen sink. The gas line for the stove must be prope:ly ca�ped off
where it comes through the wall and the piumbing pipes for the sink must also be properly capped off
where thev come through the wall. It is my urderstanding that the removal of one oi the ?�itchens may
result in the need to fmd repiacement housing for some of the faciliry residents so I wiIl aIIow you six •
mor.tl�s irom the date cf this letter to cor.lply. �
A�1-.�DA-EEO Enolover
�'°�<� -_ .
2187 Bonrie Lane paQe 2. ����-
;.,'; _ � � ' ..
Y -u-...`s=�._-.- � �
� Ii yoL be?ieve that this dete.=mination and orde: is in error, vou may appeal to tre �oard of Zoning
.�p�UE21S �0I' � r�ii:T."x1P�15t"iat1V� �P.VieOv. 1'OLI iIlUSt Sli�iJli111 2�C' �7Ci05�� f��L`D11C3ii0I'i i0Z n1J�7C'd!.
specifyino the �*ounds for the appeal, alone wit�'� the appropratz iee to �'us ofrice within 30 days o*
the rec�ipt of ihis ietter. .
T'ne ?lannina Co�us�,ission, iollow�ng a pubiic hearing, can �ant legal nonconfornina status to
nonconiomuna uses or straciures ii the commnission makes ce�ain findinas. I have enclosed an
application form and iniorrnation or this process.
You have a new house under constn:ction at 2170 Snowshoe Lane. I have not inspected that buildins
but these same zequirements reeazding the number of dwelli��e uniis and icitchens apply to that house
as well.
Ti you have any questions regarding 1us letter you may contact me at 6� 1-266-9Q82 or fa,� me at 65? ,
266-9099 or e-maii me at iohn.hardwick t'�vci.stnaul.mn.us.
� lohii Hardwick, Zoning Specialist
cc: Wendy Lane, Zoning Mana6er
Pat Fish, Fire Inspector
Peggy Neagile, License Supervisor Ramsey County
Dave Haley, Executive Assistant Ramsey County
AA-ADA-EEO Emplover
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4i'i�C.fl'.^,. OTCE=S �. �^i � 'J'_O �Il51v5�cIIL�B:`.2G
al ' OF S�'�v'T PA�J� ,
:cmes Scheibe?, Mava� �
Sep£e�rzber �0, ? 992
Judith E. �ssliag
Oeun Yoric
Sopneap Chhur.
2I87 Bonnie .T,aae
St. Paul, uI 551�9
3E: 2i.8% Bonr._e Laae
De�� Praperty Gwners:
O�� OF �Cu"iSE, L�SPECZ707�S �n
EWIROhT:E.A�T."-.i. PR0 cCiiO:�
Robelt A'uTa, Di: saor
BL'ILDINGINSPECZIGNAND 7zlepnor.e: 61?-<"98�Z12
DEJG.N Fncsimite: 222-2307
IS'rV. Kel�gg Baulevard
Raam ?45 Cfry Ha[1
Sauet Pau1, Mlnr.esot¢ 35IO2
G;e have receivad a complaint that there are too many persons living
at the referenced addrzss. The properCy is located in an 3-LL,
residea�ial zor.i:g district, Our records in3icate t'r,at the buiidin� �ay
only be used as a sing_e family dwelZi:tg.
Er.c2osed are provisions 6Q.:?04 and 60.206 oi Sainr Paul Legislzt_ve Code
which defiae the te "Family" and �'Dwelling L'nit". The de�inition oT
"Family" in che zoning ordinance (see attached) aliows a maximum oi four
unrelated individuzls iiving together ia a dwellia� unit. Within tne
dwelliag unit, each individual may have separate sleeaing rooms but they
c�nst shared the kitche�z 2nd re�reair.-ng 2iving saace togettter.
�1n inspzction oi t!�2 buildirg is necessary to determine if�ti�e nse oi the
premises is co3pliant with the City Zoning Ordinaace. An ir.spection is
scneduled ior Tuesday, Sentember 22, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. I:eauest that you
or a responsible adult be t'�ere so that ise m2y inspect the building
togethez ane addrzss any concerns. You should also have a copy of the
Iease azree�zn� indicacing the number oi persons residing in the build-n�.
If a violaL=on exists, you will oe givea adequate tir,�e to bring the
bu_ldiag into ccmnliance.
I_ ycu have a cenzlict �,ith �he scheduled inspection time or :^.ave
questions, p�ease call ne at 298-b��s6.
� �� ' �` � ' �
r�l,t%��=hC� �/ � � � ��rc�
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L�w:ence ?. Zanes ��
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05� so7
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Acam =+' C:rv ,", ai?
Saint ?aul, 1J,/r.r.esorc _:iJ2
: eie?'r.or.e: 5I<"-?S8=2i2
Faciiaiie: ?�2-?iG7
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2:�� �OII.^.7.2 T_2i12
Sair.t Paul, lL1 �5119
BE: 2187 Bor,nie L'ane
Dear *Ss. Essling:
�s ycu are ��:are, I inspected tne �roperty on Septeeuber 24th of this ;�ear
�nd confirmed that you have aa il_egal dwzlling ur.it ia �he oasement. In
our discussiov ycu stated t;at }'cu h�ve a family iiviag ir. the base�eaC
u.^.it. Your property is lccated _.. an R--L �er.ing district. This district
permits caly ona f&mily dweliir.gs rer �ot. Ycu are therefore in v_ola�ior.
of oO.�;C7 ar.d '00.4?2 oi the City's legis_ati'�° code (see enclosed).
1n ord2: to �e in compli2nce, the :ena�ts mnst vacate the iower unit znd
tne lock on tre door separzting t:^.e baser..ent i�em the uyper level nust bz
re�oved. The ceedline Ter conplisnce with t;is ordez is '.�ior.d2y, �
\ove��er 23, i992. 9 rein=pectio� is scheduled for ii:00 a.m. on tnzt day
to vezify couplisnce. You or a re=por.s;'ble adult should be preser.t for tne
inspection. Failure to comply wicn tni=_ o;der could result in s"urt'r,er
er,force:menC action.
?i you have 2ny cuestior.s, please ca11 mz at 248-4�84,
{ ( / / ` ��� � / I /� ( ����� p �( �
V cL�AJ�'W�- q ( �
Lawrence R. Zzrgs `���
Zc^_ng Techr�ici2n
c?7 C .
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�fl!��T� �'�.� N�i ���: �fl3-38�592
���'�: N�v�a�ber 24, 20tf�
zN�IIEREAS, Judith E. Essling has appealed a decision of the Zoning Aduiizustrator pursuaut the
pmvisions oi Section S4.2Q4 ofthe Saint Pau1 Le�slative Code det�+ining that there are two
dwelling units in +�e building at 2137 Bonnie Lane and ordering the removal of one of ihe units.
WI�BREAS, the SaanT Paui Boar� of Zoning Appeals conducied a public hearing on Novamber
24, 200� p�rsuant to said applicafion in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of
the Legisiative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evideace presented at the
public hearing, as substaatially reIIecYed in the minutes, made the following findings of fact:
1. In 1990 the appticant obtained a building permit to construct a single famiiy home on this
site. In 1992 the City received a complaint thaY this house was canverted to a duplex. t1,
i*ispec�ion of the house revealed tiiat a separate dweiling had been established in the lower
level oi the house and was beiag rented out. The unit consisted or a lfftchen, bathroom, living
room and three bedrooms. The applicant was ordered to vacate the dwellina unit on the
lower level and retum the house to a single family dwe3ling. In 1993 the lower unit was
vacated and the applicant stated har intention to use the house as a singie family home.
Eazlier this year the City received another compliant that the house was again being used as a
duptex. An inspection of the house on September 29, ZQO� ravealed that there were again
two complete dwelling units in the building. The Iower level, with a latchen, bathroom and
bedrooms, clearly meets the definition of a dwelling uuit as does the upper levels o£the
bulding whieh aiso eDntain a kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms.
The house is being used as a Preestanding Foster Caze home. Adutt foster care is a permiited
use in this zoning dis�ict. Unde: state law, a single family home may be licensed as an adult
foster care ior five (�) residents, {Minn. Stat. § 256B.0919, Subd. 1.) This building
curently has riuo separate licenses (frve under each license) issued by the Ramsey County
Human Se:vices Z3epartmeat for adult foster care fer a total oi ten (lOj facilityresidents.
These Iicenses seem to ;ndicate t�at under state statutes and county licensing rules, the
licenses were issued to a building contauung two separate dwelling units.
3. The orders issue3 on September 14, 2003 do not require the appe2laat to discontinue adutt
fosTer care at this iocation. The orders orly require the appellant to camply witti the zonin�
re�lations _e�arding the nu_Ynber of dwelling units allowed in this single family zonina
dis�et r�fte: the kitc?�en is removed from tl�ie lower unit the home would still be'.•icensed
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for adnit ioster care. The City's orde: to rzmove the kitchen and reduce the number oi
dwalling uni+s in the building aoes not violate state or fe3e:al iaws or ruIes.
4. The appe:lant seis forth in her appeal cert�n ciaims to legal nonconfor�ing status for the use
of the building as a duple°>. Under Section 62.102 (I� legal aonconforming status may only
be santed by the Piannin� Commission provided that the Gommission makes certain
fisidings. However, that is a separate procedure and unless the Pianving Commission grants a
nonconforming use permit pursuant to this section, the use cannot be legally nonconforming.
I'he claim of legal nonconforming status must be pursued through the proper channels and is
not germane to this appeal.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO"LVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the
Zoning Administrator did not arr in determining that the house at 2187 Bonnie Lane, legally
described as Leonaxd Oak Hills No. 5 Lot 13 Blk 1, has two dwe3ling units and hereby affirms
the order to remove one of Yhe units in accordance with the September 25, 2003 order of the
• Zoning administrator.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that this appeaJ is �ereby �enied.
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Tt�A3L�ID: November 25, 2003
'I' t� �.L's��T: itio order of the Boa�d af s oning Appeals permit#ing the erection or
alteratian of a building ar off-stree# paricing facility shall be valid for a
�eriod longer tha� one year, sanless a bui�tiing permit for suc3a erection or
altera#ion is obtained within sac3� period and such erection or alterataon is
proceading pursuant to the terms af such permit. Tl�e Board of Zoming
Appeals or the Cfify Council may grant an Ea�Yensian not to exceQd one year.
In granting suci� e�tension, �e Board af Zon3ng �ppeaIs �nay dec3de to hold
a publac hearang.
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:�PE �I.: �J, ecisaflns o#'the Board oi Zaning Appeals are finai subjec# to appeai to the
Caty Cauncil srat�in 15 days hy anyone aff'ectetl by the decision. Bu5lding
permits shall nat be issued after an appeal has been fiied. If pernafits have
been isauea be#'ore an appeai I�as been fiied, i�aen tlie pesmits are suspended
and cottstruciion shall csasa untii the C9#y Council has made a final
determination of the appeaL
�E�21'IFICEi 3 iflT7: I, t�e unt3ersigned Secretary to the �earrl of Zoning Appeais for the City of
Saint Paul, YIfinnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared t:ae faregofiug
sapy witi� ttce originad recard an my oi�t'ac, ; and find tiae same to 8e a trae and
carrezt copy of said original and of the whoie thereo� as base�l on appraved
minutes of the Saint Paul $oard af Zaning Appeals meeting held an
November 24, 2003 and on recnrd in #he Of�ice of L�cense inspectfion and
��vfirou�eniai Protec2ion, 350 St Peter Str�t, Sain4 Pau3,14Sinnesota.
S�N"i' PATJL ��A� t)F Z���'tiG APP�ALS
I3ebbie Crippen
Seczetary to th� �aard
� � .
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C?TY COL�vCSL C?�1.41BERS, 336 Ci"� HALL
ST. P:�LZ y t1'�i ��ESOT�, tiOVE�ER 24, 200�
PRESEN�S': �Imes. YIaddox ar,d Vlorton; YSess.s. Courtney, Duckstad, Faricy Kleindl, aad W;l<�r. of
ihe Board of Zoning Appeals; ylr. Warner, Ass:stant Ciry Attorney; l�Ir. Hardwicic and
V1s. Cripnen of the Off;ce of Licease, inspecrions, and Eavironmental Protection.
ABSE�'?' Vone
The meeting was chaired'oy Joyce Maddox, Chair.
JudiYh E. Essi'sna f#03-38159�) 2187 Bonnie �,ane• An appeal of the Zonme
Administrators decision that there are two dweiling units in the building at 2187 Bonnie Lane and
ordering the removal of one af the units.
11r. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report �vith a recommendation ior denial.
About ten letters and eight phone calls were received opposing the appea2 of the Zoning Administrators
One letter was reeeived from District 1 supporting the appeal of The Zoning Admimstrators decision,
• statmg that they did not feel ther� was enough evidence that there were two separate dwelling units.
The appellant JLJDITH E. ESSLIlVG, 2197 Bonnie Lane, was present. Tim Nolan, attomey from Rider
Bennet Law Firm, stated he is representing Ms. Essling. Mr. Nolan stated that they are not in attendance
to request that the zoning be changed on this property. SYaring that 2187 Bonnie Lane is in fact a single-
family home that happens to have two kitchens. But the home iTs self has one main enh-y way and one
rear door. The house is completely open, there are no locked doors between the various levels and it has
been treated as a single-family home since about 1992. There was a complaint made in 1992 and Ms.
Esslmg did have someone renting out the lower level and was not aware she was violating any zoning
requirement. As soon as Ms. Essling learned of the violafion she fully complied with the order. Mr.
Nolan read a letter from Larry Zangs dated October 6, 1992, or3ering the property owner to vacate the
lower unit and remove the lock on the door separating the upper unit from the lower unit. Ms. Essling
did that and there was no request from the City at that time to desiroy the second kitchen. tVir. Nolan
expiained that Ms. Essting opened an adult foster care facility in the home. Admitting that Ms. Essling
does have two licenses for foster care at her home. He argued that the County insgects the property
annually and norfies the City as part of the inspection and relicensing processes. Stating that it shoeid
nof be news to the City that Ms. Essling has been operating a single-family home in this fashion. Mr.
Nolan state3 that 1�is�. Hardwick's letter of September 23, 2003 requires is that Ms. Essiing destroy this
second Idtchen. On a related note Ms. Essling has purchased anothe: properiy and is renovaring the
home on Snowshoe Lane, and she wanted to add anothar ldtchea to the home. The City of Saint Paul
has refused her a buiIding permit for the second ?dtchen in the home or Snowshoe Lane. Mr. Nolan
stated that YIs. Essline had � hen aske3 if she coi:id puT in a sink in the Snowshoe Lane home and was
again deaied. He argued that this s;mation has caused a great deal of turmoil in the neiehborhocd, as
• well as to vis. Essling and her residents and L'�eir families. He argued #hat the City by way of the Zorina /?
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Deaartment has ordered that Vis. Essling destroy a?citchen, cap rhe pIumbing cap The gas line, take out
the re&igerator, take out the stove, tak,, out the counter tops. Stating that he does not think that this is
eiTher lawfui or justified under the City's ordinance. tVlr. ivotan argued ihat the City is discriminating
a�inst the Fosier Care Facilities by using the Ciry's Zoning Ordinances and Zoning Requiremenis. So
the City saying that this should be treated like a single-family home, with a family in it, is in defiance of
the State Law and Pohcy. 1VSr_ Nolan requested That the Board reverse ihe order from LIEP allowirtg Ms.
Essling to keep the secand kitchen, and ihereby :ceeping the ten residents. He stated that there nas been a
lot of oppositian to Ms. Essling's faciIiry ana on some levet ke can understand that. However, the
facility provides a valuable service to the community. Nir. Nolan submitted thu2y letters of support for
the Essling appeal, from neighbors, residents residenYs fatnily members, and staff.
iVls. Essling, stated tha? she owns 2187 $onnie Lane; the frail eiderly people who live in the house are
very stable because of the nome envirorunent that they live in. They are being carzd for on a four/five
residents to one stafi person caring for their needs, in the nursing homes they were in it was rivelve to one
staff person enviranment. She stated that her staff is reqllired to oe more caring and conscious than
nursing home staf£ Ms. Essling stated she built the home in 1990 and at that fime was runnine a child
foster care and was licensed for ten children. From 1985 to 2992 she served the unaccompanied minor
proeram, taking orprans and refugees fror.i Thailand. During that time she started a mentoring pmgram
for mothers and babies. It was at that time that the seeond kitchen was added to the house. In one
�tchea Asian food �,vas cooked. The ather ?dtchen was used to teach and train the new mothers how to
cook znd feed their children. In 1992 they switched the focus to adult foster care for frail elderlv. In
I492 to 1998, Ms. Essling stated, she was first licensed ior the caze of five people in the home. Then in
1998 with the raismg demands for more placements and long waiting lists Ms. Essiing requested a
license for the upper portion of the home and was granted a license for three more people. Then in April
of 2002, another person was added. Again in March of 2003, another person was added to the home,
which bnngs the total to the ten that they now have. Ms. Essling stated that the County has been
inspec:ing the residence at 2? 87 Bonnie Land since 1990, inspecring the property and books, and how
they canduct the home. She argued that the word duplex has never been used to describe Yhe home. Ms.
Esshng stated that her residents would have to go back to nursing homes if she loses her second license.
If one kitchen is Taken ouT, they wiil lose five residents, back to mssing homes. She thought that the
State was trying to take people out of nursing homes and placing people in non-insfituizonal settings.
Mr. Courtney requested that Mr. Nolan address the findings and specifically, fmding number two. NIr.
Courtney stated that if you do not have a response to it that is fine. However, it sounds to him, that
whoeve: is licensing the ioster care has a ven rivo licenses and treating the home as a duplex. Which
brings us back to the quesrion of whether the home is a single-family home or a duplex. Ms. Essling
reauesred that she be allowed to show some pictures of the home so the Board would have a better idea
oi what they are doing in the home. Mr. Courmey stated that he wants them to understand his quesrioa
an� he wants an answer to the questien. VIr. Nolan stated that the use has been under two Iicenses ior at
least 5-7 yeazs now. He noted that Ms. EssIing has done noYhing to ehange the struchire of the building
since 1492 when she was ordered to removed the door and lock between the two areas. It has been a
s.n�le-family home, zithough it is taree and has Ewo ldtchens. Ms. Essling has no intention to convert [he
home into a duplex. He stated tY��at he tmderstands Mr. Courmey's quest;on, "what does ?he county do ia
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respor,se to their reQulations if this is a s;n�ie-iamily home with hvo :icenses." Ae stated thaT they will
dea2 wit�: rhe County, aaid work ivith them in wha2eve. way they can. Vfr. Nolan ara ed that they are
being forced by 1he City to remove a ldtchen, jeapardizing their 2icense with the County and requin_ng
them to remove fiye resiCents.
Ms. Maddox asked wheTher the Counry required one kitcnen for five residents. Mr. Nolan repiied yes.
VIs. iVfaddox questioned whether the licenses were applied for separateIy. :vIr. Nolan replied yes, chey
applied the first licease for in 1992, the second in 1998.
YIr. Kleindl questioned whether both licenses were applied for with the same address. Mr. Nolan repiied
thaf they were applied for with the same address. Mr. Kleindl further questioned whether there was on2y
one address at this location. 11�fr. Nolan reglied there is only one address.
41r. Wilson questioned that m 1992 they had orly five people staying in the home and one kitchen. Mr.
Nolan replied there were two kitcHens in 1992. 141r. Wilson quesrioned whether a kitchen was added in
order to get ten residents. Ms. Essling replied no. i�Ir. Nolan replied that the kitchen was added in 1992.
Mr. Wilson questioned before 1992 was Ms. Essling in the foster care business. NIs. Essling replied yes,
and has been since 1985. Sne siated that when she built the house in 1990 she had one kitchen. Then
� when she started the mentoring program, they needed to do two types of cooking, it was at that time that
the second kitchen was added. Mr. Wilson quesrioned that it was when ii4s. Essling sYarted the foster
care for five peopie. Ms. Essiing stated ior the aduit foster care yes, and it was in that kiYchen that she
was ticensed in 1992. NTr. Wilson further questioned that in 1998 she applied for more foster caze people
and received three more people. Than twice more applied for one mare person on her license. Mr.
Wilson questioned whether sometime in that time she was told to take out one of the kitchens. lYls.
Essling stated that she was never told to take out one ldtchen.
Mr. Hardwick recited that according to the Ramsey County Licensing Division at Human Services Ms.
Essling was firsT issued an adult foster care license at this address in April of 1993. The second adult
foster caze license was issued May of 1998, which wa; ;ssued for the upper portion of the building. The
first license was issued for the lower portion of the building. To get back to Commissioner Wilson's
questron, in 1992 the Zanzng Admimstrator inspected the building pursuant to a compIaint, and found
rivo complete dwelling units. The lower portion of the building was bemg rented oui as a separate
dwelling unit. The inspector aC that Yime ordered the applicant to vacate that dwelling unit and return the
home to a single-family nome. The definition of a dwelling unit, according to the Zoning Code Citation
unde*. fi0.204(d} "a building or a portion thereof designed for occupancy of a single-iamily for residenhal
putposes. Used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, and eating." He noted that ihere are
several ways ro tell someane �o take a separate dweliing unit and turn it back into part of the sinole-
family home. Explaining that the appellant could just as zasily have been told remove ali the bedrooms
in Yhe lower unit. At the rime the inspector spoke Yo lZs. Essling, and they agreed +hat she would use the
house as only a sin�le-iami?y home, she would remove the Iock fram the door separatin� the upper unit
from rhe lowe: unit. The inspector accepted ±;us as cor!mpliance with his orders. In other instances the
• Zon;ng .? dministrator has ordered the removal of a kitchen which is typicaliy easie: to do than removing�-
the en�ire bedrooms. Tne idaa is to take this eroup of rooms inLended ior all these things, �
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cooidn� eating, sleepino, living and to somehow cflange that in this case the easiest way to change that
is to remove the kitchen.� The entire lower part of the buildina could'oe ordered to be vacant. In This case
the most appropriate way is to orde: the IaTchen to be removed to assure that there is r.ot a se�arate
dwe3ling unit down There.
VIr. �Vitson questioned that Ms. Essling now has ten residents, and the only reason ;hat she can have ten
residents is that she has a two family home. Mr. Wilson stated that accordine to what he is reading a
single-family home can have five foster care adults. A more than single-family home can have five more
foste* care residents. He stated that Ms. Essling has ten, or more than five, so she must have mare than a
single-family home. Only single-family homes are allowefl in this zaning districL Mr. Wilson stated that
according to what he is reading Ms. EssIing is operating he: home as more than a single-famiiy home.
ivir. Nolan asked to respond. Ae stated that according to the October 6, 1992, letter from the Zoning
Deparhnent, says that in order to be in comoliance the tettant must vacate the lower unit, the lock on the
door separating the lower nnit from the upper unit must be removed and that was done. The inspector
come bac's and found the home to be in compliance and io be a single-iamily home. He azgued that now
we are faced with neighborhood opposition and opposition from the City to this use. Not just opposition
to this location but oiiter neazby locations. So the City has gone through and found a way to eliminate
the ldtcnen and eliminate a license. But we are in compliance with what was required back in 1992. Mr. •
Noian staTed thaT he does not see anywhere in the Zonu�g Code that two Ictchens eqeals two dwelling
units. He sta;ed that they nave not had two dwelling units since October of 1992. NIr. Wilson stated that
no one is saying yoa cannot have foster care, that is not the point here. If you can only have five foster
care individuals in a singie-family dwelIing, and you have more than five, you must have more than a
single-family dwelling in a single-family dwell'mg area only.
NIr. Klemdl requested that Mr. Hardwick give the City's definirion of a duplex. Mr. Hardwick stated
right off hand he wouId say it is a dwelling with tsvo living units. However, to quoYe the City Code, a
dc�elling, two-family is defined as "a building desi�ed exclusively for or occupied by no more than rivo
far.Zilies living independentIy of each other in two separate dwelling units." That is the definition of a
�vo-family dwelling, the City does not ach;ally define a duples othe: than that. Mr. Kleindi further
questioned Mr. Hardwick, so if a private resident would want to put a second kitchen in a lowe: level of
their home they could not do that. Mr. Aardwick sTated that is not correct. There is nothing in the
Zoning ordinance that says that a singie-famiiy home caamot have two kitchens. What iT says is that yoa
cannot have two separate dwelling units. The kitchen is one element that defines what a dwelling unit is.
If Yhe: e is a recreation room in the basement and a wet bar, a tdtchen, and a refrigerator are wanted tha2 is
fine. Because that recreation room does not constitute a dwelling unit. T`'�ere are no bedrooms and a
sepazate Iiving room in addiuon to The kitchen facilities. But if you put bedrooms and a bathraom in
addirion to thaY latchen and a separate entrance that constiTutes the definition of a separate dwelling ur.it.
1VIr. Kleindi questioned a dwellin� evea thou�h there are not separate entrances to the lower and uppe;
i:nit the City stiil eonsiders it tw dw�llings or a duplex. iyL*. �Iardwictc replied that the City considezs
that �onp oi rooms oa the lowe: un:t, That consists of a kitchen, bedrooms, and bathroom as meeting
Zon:ng's defmition oi a sepazate nrit. ldr, Kleindl questioned evea though ihere is not a separata
eaaance, vlr. Hardwick repLed that it;s hin understaadia� that the basement is a waik ou: basemeat wit?z '
W sepazate e�trance in the baek. �; ��, .
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'�L-. Warner ques,;oned whezhe: ihr. Kieir,el is aslang 12r. Fiardwic� with resDect to this buildina. jafr,
�leiadl replied yes. tilr. Hardw�ck state3, yes there is a separate �trance irt the back aT. eh2t 1_evel. VIr.
�olan state� thai there is a front door and a back door.
�?s. VIaddox questioned Ms. Essling whether she lives in the home, and'now many staff she has. !✓Is.
Essling replied yes she lives in the home and there is a siaff of 15 that covers ine house araund the cioc:c.
�Is. l�Iaddox furthe: quesuoned how many staff would be in cne home at one time. Ms. Essling replied at
one time there would be three staff people in the house.
�?s. Eddie Miller, 160 Kel:ogg Blvd. Hast, stated she is the contract manaser for Ramsey Counry. She
noted that Lhe Ess:ings nave had a conkact with the Counry for ten years. The Esslings have become a
mode: c�rporate foster care provider. She prefers to bring new people to the Ess;ings foster care facility
because of the excellent care they received there. There is a reliance on the Esslin2s for the foster caze
they nrovide to the Counb�. She argued that ?hey are talking a6out more than kitchens, front doors, and
back door, but peopies lives and The frail elderiy. From a Coun±y perspecTive as well as a personal
perspective she is concerned about the implication if the five seniors who live t�e:e, ara required to mova
because of whatever lieensing, ar the Zoning, whatever the case may be. She stated that the Couniy is
concemed if the ldtcnen has to be removed, that this will be a significant disruption and compromise the
� safety ar.d healfh of the seniors that live in the house, if they are reauired to move these seaiors, some o:
whom have lived there for a number of years.
Mr. HardwSck questioned whether Ms. Miller was representing the CounTy. Ms. Mil:er stated that the
County is ativare that she is attending the hearing. �;r. Kleindl questioned whaT the County's position is
on the residence. How do they see the house as a single-family home ar a duplex. Ms. Miller stated she
is not a expert on that and cannot answer that question. That is more of a licensing question and smce
she 3s not ,n the hcensing uniT, she cannot answer that. Mr. Kleindl stated that according to the Sta±e it
lcoks like ibey are considered it two dwelling uniTs, because there are oniy five residents allowed per one
residerce. NIs. iV(iller stated she does not lmow, however, she ]mow thaT the County has had meetines
with the Stated to discuss that issue.
Mr. Wilson queshoned whether the State w;ll only license a single-iariily home for five resideats, or
would they allow ten or greater than five. Ms. Miiler stated that what she does imow, and again she is
not tt licensing person so cannot speak expertly, but there are several other homes, in the Couvty thai
have more ihan one license. Sne has nat visited s11 of the homes, and does not :aiow how the,✓ are ?aid
oct, but they io have othe; foster caze homes that have more ihan one licease. She does not know if the
issues are the same but thaT there are co-operate foster caze homes that have more than one license and
ser�e ten people.
ir1r. Duc'�tad qeastioned whether Ms. yiiller based on her exper?ene� and what she does, is she aware of
any single-famiiy homes or faciiities that have more than five ;icensed aduli ?aste: residences. Ms.
�Siller staYed that she :mows of at ieast one horne, :hat has more ihan five residents. Howeve:, she has
nat bee:� r� ;� facihiy and does aot l�ow' if the way t�he nome is set up is sirniiar and waeld ?�ave F�:e �
. �' �,
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the same conc�ns. NIr. �uc?cstad quesnoned whe.v ihat home is locateci. Ms. ii�Iii3e: replied ihat one dic'�
come up in the discussians at the County ;o sne does 1_mow that there is one. 14Ir. Courtney auestio,.ed
whether that :s 1 Saint Paui. Vis. MitIer repIied ues, she be?ieves so. Mr. Duc'sstad stated that re asked
thaT question oecause apparertly the State Law says thzt a sir.g?e-family hor.ie may be licensed as an
2dult foster care hame for tive res:dent;. He further quesrioned whether Ms. Miller were familiar with
thaz iaw, that five res:denYs are athibuted to a single-family home. �Is. �tiller stated agai� that she is not
an espert :n ihe iicensing area. NIs. Nl2ddox euestioned what NIs. xYfille:'s job is. Ms. tV$iler sta#ed that
she is a cont�act �anager. Ms. Maddox requested further explanation of wisat Ms. lYliller's job entails.
Ms. iYlille: replied that she �urites ihe con+sacts and oversees if there are issues with the faciliry, she does
planning for services �umd service seYu�, oversees ail ihe contracts �or saniors, tIo-teoh, TVS, and pubfic
health m:rsing.
Mr. Wilson questioned w'�ethe- Ms. Miller had a_ways felt that the Ess:ing house was a single-_`a,�ily
nome, �Is. Miller stated thaT it has that feel, and unril this issued carne ap she was not awaze oi all th�
laws and Zonin� and the things that impact i±. NIr. �+Vilson questior.ed i; Ms. VIille: writes the conffac:s
bet you does not have a�ything ta do wish Lhe ?tcettsmg, an& i�owledge tells her hat a single-family
home can only have five individuzls, is she writing contracts for all Lhe peopie there? Ms. Millez stated,
what happens is that ihe iicensing department goes out ar.d views the nroperry and makes the �
recommeadations to the Siate whethe* or not the liceases should be issued. When she writes a contract it
is written to the Esslings in generai, and 2hen the Licens;n� Unit will ?icense whateve: difierent homes
they have_ A21 the licensing is done separately and ihan that information is brought to her division. �Ir.
Wilson stated that by a m2tter of osmosis you must Imow tnat only five residents are allcwed in a single-
family home. Ae questioned wrether?vts. Ntiller had ever discussed this with the licensing departmenT.
Vts. VliIIer stated that she Imaws that they have two licenses and during her tenure that issue has not
come up, because they iake the word of the Izcensors ?o have the ;mowledge that the space is adequate
ana the square footage is adequate. iVlr. Wilson questioned whether Fne license required a kitchen for
each license. Ms. ?vIiller reptied yes, for each license a separate kitchen is required.
iVlr. K;emdl questioned wnat address each license was made out To. Ms. i�lille: stated 2187 Bonnie Lane
is the address on both contracts.
M;chelle Youngberg, 201' Hyacir_th, staxed ihat she is a supervisor and'nas worked at the home for seven
years and until tiiis issue arose hati not considered the house anyYhing but a singIe-iamily dwe;ling. This
is not a small house it is a large house, with a 1ot of square footage on a large lot, the house has seven
bedrooms ar!d three bath� ooms. She st3ied that not only will this affecT the five -esidents ihat may be
discharge3 to a nursing horne, this is �oing to affect up to aine empioyees who �.viil have to be iaid off
�ecause ihe residents will not be the:e iar them to take care of. �'his will have a greater impact than just
removing a kitcnen and rzlocating residents, it also affects the uremp3oymeat rate. Ms. �Iaddox stated
That she aapreciates Ms. Younebe,-g sharing that infermahon, howeve:, iT is aot oae ef ihe findines the
Board must cons:der. Ms. �Iaddox asked for any questions from ihe Board.
�.1-.�1DA-EEO Empioyer
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�Iinutes Novenber 2?. 200�
Pa=e Sevea
,�ir. Jonn Storm 2485 Camabury L'nve, Little Canada, stated that h;s mother is a resident of the Ess.ino
hor=e. When :iis moiher aot sicic they did not'�now whaY to do and they we:e lucky enough co .`ind
Tudv's. He state3 ?hat this a plea, he does not have facts and °�wres of whaT the Board is a'ying to fieure
out two ldtchens or one Idtchen. 'Phis house sne lives in, she ioves and :s taken caze of, she is also dyma
oi cance.-. He stated that he feeis som� ior the people who brought this on, it wasn't just about ihe ien
residents at the Esslma home. It is because ai another home ihat �Is. Essling bought and wanted to help
out othe� sen:ors, it is not about Bonnie Lane it is about Sr.owshoe Lane. He stated that if Judy has to
decide which :ive residents hace to Ieave her home, he hopes that the nei�hbors and this com.mittee can
vote on which :ive have to be displaced. Ms. Maddox noted that is not within the Board's pe:vie�v.
Mr. David Pa��iak, 2184 Bonnie Lane, stated that he does not think that ihese issues can be separated just
by the issue of a kitchen or a door. He stated that ne and his wife live between the two Essi;ng homes at
2187 and 2188. Noting that they are police officers and have lived next door to the Essings for more thaa
ten yeazs. As police officers they know good and bad neighbors and see the impact of their acrions every
day. The social and financial conttiburions the Esslings make to the neighborhood and the City are
numerous and positive. The effort to keep These people from living in their neighborhood stnkes them as
ungrateful and short s:ted. Noting that we all may need this type of care for ourselves and our ioved
ones. Seb egating this type oi faciliry and by estension these people into remote locations is not healthy
for us, eur faaniiies, our neiehborhoods or cities. The Essling's provide employment with aoove average
wages and benefizs to a numbe* of people who might otherwise be unempioyed. Some oi these peaple
also reside in the neighborhood. He sTated ihat the most persenal beaefii his wife and he receive is 2iving
beriveen two oi the best neighbors they have evez had. The Esslings scrupulously maintain their properry
and have consulted and informed the Pavlak's of any changes ihey have made or cansidered making.
Concems have been raised about traffic, ihe number of residenTS and the operation of a commercia]
business in a residential area, agam he stated he has a unique perspective on all of these concerns. Tnere
are no traffic problems, he and his wife wark various heurs and days of the week and have observed the
Traffic pattems at all hours of the day and mght and neither of the Essling's homes have caused as much
traffic, as a family birthday at his home. T'r.e daycare business on Bonnie Lane, which is just up the
street, and other residential delivery and services that people get create more 7affic than either ofthe
Essling's homes. Peaple rarsing the traffic concerns are not ;n a location to accurately evaivate the
nature of that traific. Once traffic tuz�s off of Boxwood onto Birch Street, only the immediate aeighbors
can see where that traffic goes. He added thai the daycare and the Esslings add value to the
neighborhood and he supports their presence. They do not degrade the neighbomood but ennance the
livability of the neighborhood.
Ms. Vla�dox instrucYed the audience that the Board's purpose is to see if t}ie Zoning Administrator made
an e:ror, aot about the heaith and concems we have about the elderly, rot because of the noise and traffic
in the reighborhood. Further instructing that the speakers need to rein ir.to tivhat we are here for and•the
Board is 'r�ere to determine if thas is a single-fami]y residence.
=NIr. Wamer espiained iha±we are here because �.he Zening L*�;cecYOr ordered ine Ess:in�s to brine the use
into nairpiiance with what they *lunk is a sing?e-famiiy dweiline. T'ne order provides for them io
AA-.�DA-EEO Bmnioyer
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O�+ - 30�
Fiie �03-381592
Minutes Noaember 24_ 2003
Paee Eight
z:iminate a:a.chen which ;n the jucigement of the Zoning Administrator appears to be t�'�e act ihat wi?1
bring the praperry to a szng2e-fanuly home. There is notning in the Zoning Administrator'� order that
discusses traffic, or noise, or :mpact or, the neighborhood. They feit that it was in essence a tv✓o family
home being operaied so theoretical2y removing the I�tche:� woutd bring :t into compliance as a sia�Ie-
iar,nly home. �ny discussion or points about wheiher the Essiings use is good or bad is not relevant.
The Essli�gs use as an adult foster cae in tbat neighborhood is a peanitied use, unde: s�te statuTe. The
question the Zoning Admimsr.ator addresses in his order of Septe�ber 25, 200�, is wheLher there can be
five or ien residenTs in the home. IY appears fron the Zoning Aciminisirator's orde: that only five
resi�ents can be in the home. So the issue is, ";s thax an e�ror, or not " He stated that he is explainina
±his sa as not to have Yo cuT someane off, and wants the audience To understand whaY ihe issue is.
i here was opposition presenY at ti�e hearin�,
YIr. ��Iilliam Wate:kamn, 2173 SnowsY:oe Lane, stated he and the rest of those spealang in opnos;tion ae
not in attendance to discredit Ms. Ess3ir_g or the way she does business. Nofiing thzt she does pravide a
great serviee for the County and the Siate. We are here ior a zoning issue, and malce nc mistaice this is z
cammercial enterorise. What they are 3oing is trying to increase their business and ma�mize the
corrorate pront. We are not trying to geT them to mave out or anything ?ike that, but the fact is that the
neigkoors would iike io see the area rerr,ain as a sinale-family residentiai area. He azgued that fhe idea
that these pe�ple will be returned to the nursing home is not correct. yis. Essiing nas purc:�ased the
property ai 2? 70 Snowshoe which remains emp� at this point, and she can mave the residents inio that
home without a problem, so it is not a mat[er of them beine sent back to a nursing home, that wau;d be a
misstatement. y
M'r. Couriney quesrioned whether V1r. Waterkamp coeld explain the relationship between Bonnie Lane
and Snowshae Drive that the everyane keeps referring to. Mr. Waterkanp explained t�'�at Snowshoe is
like a big horse shoe that comes back out or.to McKnight as Boxwood and continues on to �TJinthrop and
Bonnie Lane is a cul-de-sac eff that street. IYir. Caurtney stated i4at it seems that they aze all pointing to
this being an arb meat relating to some other property, he ques,ior.ed whether he were misunderstanciing
the statetnent; about Snowshoe. �YIr. Water?camp ;eplied that they would like to think Tha# this is an
argumen[ about 21 %3 Snowshoe. Nis. Ess:ing owns ihe properly an Bonniz Lane, she owns two
proper:ies down the-e. She bought tne properry up on Snowshoe Lane at 2170, remodeled it without
pulling pernits, s�e tater on putled the �emuts. S$e has made it very cleaz that she infends to house 9-10
people in tha2 property also. So what she is trying to do here is set president, by getting the araa re-zoned
as mulfi-family, he stated that would be his contention. Mr. Courtney fin quesrioned that l�Lr.
Water'�camp lives by the properry on Snowshoe. Mr. Waterkamp state3 directly across for it.
Heather Weyker, 2189 Boxwood Avenue, stated ihat the house at 2137 Bonnie Laae buits up io her
prooe-ty. She subr�iiied letters from The neighborkood and a copy of a lette: ser.t to the Esstings by the
STate of NIinnesota regarding zhe violaTion that they have committed and ordering them to camply with
ai: zor.ing. Also included in the packei ;s ihe i 99_ deczsion forn the Zoning Board. Ms. Weyke: quoted
from the sa±e le*te: nating the viaiat�on. "It has come Yo ihe Pepartr.�ents attention that two pro�zms
AA-ADA-EcQ En�m7�yer
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� Fi;e -0�-381�92
Vli�utes �iovembe: 24.200�
PaQe \iae
liceased numbers 23 i�� I& 80900�, eac7 with the license capacity of five, are operat out oi a single-
*amsly aome at 2187 Bonnie Lane, Saint Paul. Two licenses were issued to this setting based on ihe
cor.ur,issior_ers unde:standia� that the se:ring was a du�lex, but it is not a duplex. This is not allowed
under the pe.-�nitted speciai :,ondirions for residentrai use secrion in ihe Human Servic�s Licensinb Act
�I;nnesota Statute Secrion 2?Sa. i 1. During a vis;t to this site or. Septiembe; 19, 2003 the Ciry of Saint
Paul Zoning Department confumed that ?en residents are residing at the above address an3 #hat the
bnildine is located in a single-family residential zoning distr.ct. Zt was confirmed that five residenis l:ve
in the lowe: leve? of the home and five residents live in the upper two levels of the home. Samt Paui
Zonina'�as deter.ninec't that while two dwelling units ex:st at this address the home locateti in tl�is distro`
tl�at does not allow muiYigle dweliing units within the same building. The City of Saint Paul has b ven
you six months to compiy with all zoning regulations that apply to this address. Because you have
violated the restrictions connected to your rzsidenrial zor,in� location, by operating two programs out of
your single-family home, your license to pravide adult foster care is placed on conditional status for six
monThs." Then undemeath there is a fist of twelve terms of conciitional license, Ms. Weyker stated that
;he �vould like to address the fourth area with�n Zoning's domain. Siating that what the Essiings are
doing is diminishing the character of the neighborhood and the surrounding area by allowing so many
people to live within one s:ngle-family home. Because of whaT the business has done it has
corporatetized(?) the neighborhood. By purchasing several nomes in the neignborhood and putting in the
� residential foster care. What she is asking for is ta iurn the neighborhood into a multi-family res3dence,
which is ±echnically an aaarhnent building, wnich would diminish their prope: ty values and make it
diffcult to sell hornes. She stated that she lmows ane person in ihe neighborhood that cannot sell their
home which has bean on the market for several mon#hs. Zt wouid not only set an presidert for the
Esslings but to other people so that they can come inw the neighborhood and buy ,ingle-family homes
and tum them into cor.lmercial busmess such as adult foster care and basically take over the
Grace Schm:dt, 1172 SouTh Winthrop Sfreet, stated that her understanding is that ane foster care license
is equal to one family and two foster care licenses are equal to iwo families. also her understanding
from the Coenty is that the Licensing Care E;aminer who authorized the second foster care license, no
longer works for the County. She statec� that her undersiar.ding ;s Yhat it is an aoortion to have two
Iicenses in one sin�le-family home. That Ms. Essling's operahon is probably the only operaTion m the
state of Minnesota, where that has been zllowe3 to happen.
Mzchael Austin, 2233 Snowshoe Laae, stated he is an attomey but zs reprasenting himsel£ He s2ated fr.at
one more observation an whethe: the residence at 2187 is a single-far,rily residence and that is related te
restrictive covenants tha* are noted on the abs�7act for tne property which show Lhat the use of the
prope: ry must be restricted io a single-family. ;yls. \�Iaddox stated that is noi relevant to the case. 141r.
Austin staten he is sur�risea. ��Ir. Wame: explained :hat it is not relevant because, Yl:e issues that ihe
Boazd of Zonin; Appeals �ar, deal with are relatively Iimited. The issue is that ihe Zoning A�mi.°iisgatoa
nas issned an order ie a properry owne.- to do a certain fning, i ne prope: ry owner has the right to appeal
that cecision io this $oard. The $oa: d is l;miteci in maiang a decis;on to only what is in the Zor.ing
�dmin:c�atos's order and ;mpiacabie ;aw. So unless the Cnair staies otherwise there is nottung leaaiiy
• reievar=_t ?o :na: erder, wiih ;espeot te restric.ive caveaants. �Ir. Austm stated, then aii *,hz issuzs 2re
covere�. �
a�.-npa-rzo E�p�oyzr v 1 1
�y 307
Fi1e r03-38?593
Mmutes Vovember 2�. 2003
Page Tzn
�L=. Harc:+wick s:ated ihat :he Zoning AdminisTraier's leT:er does r.ot say anything about reducing ;he
numbe* residents. What rhe Zoning Adzninistrator's lette: does say is that one of ihe dweIl:no units �ust
be re.*nove3. it is Yhe Zoning A�minisrcaYar's undezstanding *haT by removing one of ihe dwalling units
the number of residents may have to be rednced. But the Zoning Adminisvator never ordered any oi
resideats to be removed. The �ssue �ere ss the nurrtber oi ciwelling units. �. Har�wic;t staTed that in
: elation ±o that he had heard nothing but good about the Essling'; pro�am. Acaording to the County
?icensing peonie he has ciealt with t�ie EsslinL's operation is a ve.ry good or.e. 1':�at is not the issue.
Everyone, the Ciry Administrarion and this Board aze cqnce:ne3 about Yhe weliare oi ou elderly
reside�zs. .That is not t'�e issue, the removal of ihe second kitchen is, and if :ts removat resuIts in tiie ioss
of some oi the residents the City is not callus Yo thaY. The City always has in the past, and will in ihe
future take into censiderarion ex#enuatina circumstances, if eldzrly reside:its need io be relocated ihey
will'oe given a reasonable amount of?ime to 3o sc. Agam adult foste: ca:e is not the issue, adult foster
care is a per:xutted use in thiG district. tifs. Essling has another operation in ihe area on Bonnie Lane, she
will be opening another faciiity on Showshoe Lane. 1Y�. Hardwic!� stated that he believes that Ms.
Essling awns anotner piece of proaerty in iEie azea, however, he does not ?mow if that is
a ioster care or not, but that is :rrelevant. FosTe: care is permitted what is not pernntted and the only
th:ng that we car. address at this hearing, is whether or not there are two dwelling units ;n tiie: e an�
��vhether or r_ot if there aze two units in there, whether or . one of them has be removed. Anyone who
nas anything to say thaT will acidress these two questions, is weleome to speaic. Otherwise we have heard �
a lot of testimony irom a lot of people about things that are oi concem, but thinas that this Board aoes
not ha�e the gower to address today.
1YIs. Maddox stated ihat, ho�Never, if Ms. Essling bought a dupiex she coiild have two licenses. ti�Ir.
Azrdwick replied if that duplex were a leeal duplex she certainly could.
Mr. W�Ison noted but not in that particular zone, because it is zoned single-family only.
�YIs. Maddox recalled the applicant, inss�ciing ihat the only thing that ±hey need zo refiate is wheTher this
is a su;gle-family home.
Mr. Nolar. stated that the enly indication thaY this home is a duplex is that it has two kitchens. They aze
faced with an order from the City af Saint Paui to destroy a?citchea, with the City kaowing Yhat :nay
impact the licensing. The nar; ow issue is does a second ldtchen equal a duplex, has Ms. Essling been
c'�eahng the home as if it were a dnple�. W1ien ihe City ordered her to remove t�'ze interior door that
senarate� these two iecels, she did that back ia 1992: T`here are no separate dwelling cnits. Therz are
two �ciichens aad a num�er of bedrxms, and a number of baths. The point ihat oae ai the neighbors
made that she can s;mply move these people into t;�e Snowshoe Lane or some place else :s not accsate.
The places ar Snowsnoe Lane are al*eady taken. He thankad the Boazd and requested that they aliow
them to cor.tirue with hxo kitcheas. Ms. Essl?r.� thaniced the Boa:d.
Hean.ng no iu-ri.e: testim,or.y, Ms.'_Yladdox closed the public aortior. of tne meering.
r, IDziRvE.' C.i T�:�°. 3llQ;Z1C� Si3f�,Cl SiYe t:aQ �JE.°,:1 �11T:� iC E�L iYlE 3tt�IIt:Qri'Ji E.^,Z C�131i i0 SDe2�i. �
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��iinutes iio�embe: 2a, 200�
Page Eleven
y1s. ivlaedo� reopened ��e hearing io heas �om the speaker who had not nad a chance to soeak.
Pat 3ones, �IS W. Siate Sireet, Cannon Fails, stated her mother iives in ihe :,ome, asg�ine ihat movir.�
he: aizheirner's suffe:i�e mothe.- ;rort �he hone wiii be a problem. She stated that she has never ihought
of �he home as being z duplex and cons;ders a dunlex as being two iamilies living in separate secrions
cannot int�*ude on ezch other. �IotinQ ihat anyone can go anywhere withing the home witheut
Ms. Maddox recognized one more speaker nohng that she would aliow only one more speaker.
Mr. Hal Banon, Ylinneapolis, stated he does not live m the area, but does accounting for the Essimg's
Corporatian. These are no legal 3e�.nitions of family, duplex, dweiling unit, he stated ihat *he Board is a
pol�tical body and cannot sepazate ihe legal fror.i the human process. Arguing ihat Mr. Hardwick has
arbitrarily deciding under political pressare what a duplex, a family dwelling unit, etc., are. Stating that
if he had a pzivate family home there and he petitione3 to build a kitcnen, a bedroom, ete., for his son to
live in, there woutd not be a problem with that. The Board is claimsng that all of these people were not a
family, which is arbitrary. The Board cannot base their decision strictly on legal descriptions since there
are none. ? he Board needs to take into considerarion the problem oi definition and the human oonce:�
thatis being expressed here.
Ms. Yiaddox noted that ihe Board bases fl�.eir decisions on the f'�ndings and canditions. She closed The
public portion of the meeting.
Mr. Coutney stated that the Board is not +.hat imnotent and not the poliYical body. The pol�tical body is
maybe, the City Council, the $oard is here just to review the findings of the staff report. Noting that the
reality bere is that there are two dwellings. Not only does it look like we have two dwellings here, but
the County treats it iike it is two dwellings. Mr. Kleindl noted that this is the most difficulY decision the
Board has had to deal with since he has oeen on the Board.
Mr. Cou,• moved to deny the appeal oP t�e Zoning Administrators decision and the resolution based
on fmdin,tr,s 1 through 6.
ivir. Klemdl seconded the motion, which passed on a roll cali vote of 7-0.
Submitte� by:
Approved by:
� Johr. Hzrdwick Jon Duckstad, Secretary
.1�::\DA-EEQ Empsaye:
r �
tiaTovembe: 24. 20��
Board of Zonina Appeals
C/� 7ohn Hardwick LIEP
Ciry of St Paul
350 St Pete: Street, Suite 300
St Paul, NLN �5102
IZE: �'iie No. Q3-38i592
In regards ta the Essiings' appea? to a re-z�ning of 2137 and 2188 Bonnie Lane, we ue
not in support of a re-zoning of these iwa addresses a.nd hope that you uphold yaur
originat decision.
We fee: thaY a:lowing the Esslings 4 people inside one single family residence is
reasonable. If the Esslings would like to apply for a 5 peagle to liue out of that rzsidevice
that is a licensing issue, nat a zoning issue. It is a singie family residznce in a Rl zaning
area. To ailow the Esslings to operate tivith as a muiti-unii dwel?ing would give her *.he
possibilities to put up to 16 peeple inside one house. This wouid de-face the
neighborhood and'oring down ihe iifestyle of neighbors.
�Je feel the Esslings have created their own issues. If the Esslings would �ave follow�
the laws to begin with she woula aot have to move 5 peopie from one of the houses. t�7e
also feel tnat due ta her aecept;on by pass;ng an inspection in 1992 when tiie Zonin�
Board informed her to �e-convert one of the houses {2187 Bonnie Lane) and then after
the Zaning Inspectors 1efr, ske put he kitchen back in and resumed business with I O
people says that she has no rejard for the laws. The Esslings have also lied to Yhv State
of Minnesota and Ramsey County by informin� them their business was a dualex thus
aliowing them a dual license which is a license iss�ae. The Esslings have also pwchased,
remodeled, and defaced a housa oa Snowshoe Zane Yo operafe as anothe: "Adult Foster
Care" business. They defaced it by removing both garages and tuming them into
apaztments. The Esslin�s in�`ormed us in August that ihey intended to puz IO peapie
inside that house alsa. t)nca a�ain their de�eption has created their own issues. They
didn': pull a buil�in� permit untii after the neiQhborhood calied and complained_ Thep
also Iied to neignbors about what was �oing to occur at that house. I find it really
interssting that the Ess&ngs by-pass the laws and Bridget Esslin� herself use3 io be a
Ramsey County Tax Assessor. They know the grope: way #a do thin�s and they ignore
the laws.
We feel the impact on the nei?hborhood woLla diminish the residential character by
increasin� the traffic flow: their employee's, doctor s, nurses, service veiuel�'s {there are
a Iot ofthem}, t�e patient's families reIigious persons, etc., Ehis is also 24 hours a day, by
allowin� them to cperate as �ulti uni± dwellin� would 'oring �'own the property value's.
13'e als3 feel the Esslings violated t�e neighborh�od covenanTs, �long with �he City,
Gow�i;�, and State taws. � �
r� i�
i .
� Tne Essiin�s ow� 4 houses �Niv~, in an eighth oi a mile. 2 oi which are businesszs. 1 oi
the aouses �e iicense is on hold pending �he out came of t�e zoni�e beards 3ecision.
Tne:e aze aiso 5 total adult _`oster caze busiaesses in a 2 olock radius. The other adult
foster businesses den t ebe:ate as a con;mercial business i?ke the EssLnas do. The}� run
them as law abidina homes.
+tie also feel the Esslings are setting a precedence for #he rest of ihe neighborhood. I£
Zening �ants them a special use variance pe:znit, who is io sa� U'iat they or other peoole
woa' � continue to buy singie family homes, canvert and de-face them into mini-nursing
home comme:ciai businesses. A"mul#i family residence" would allow too many people
living in one singie family home. It �Nauld aaain diminish property value, and has posed
difficulty in seIlin� homes for some residence.
The fi$h point, the Esslings aze not foliowing the laws. iier is she licensed properly, is
she a"residential care facility" or an "aduIt foster care"? They are they only person in
Ramsey Ceunty or the State of 7Vtinnesota who has obtained a dual licanse for one house.
The Esslin�s didn't request a variance for her secand licanse for that either.
� inally, even thoug'r, the Esslings run a nice bus�ness and aze probably very good to their
patients, the only reason they are looking to change their single family homes 2187 and
2188 Bonnie Lane, ta "multi-unit dweliings" is to increase the value of their business
� investment. The Zonin� Board would be doing a great community disservice by a anting
the Esslings a vaz;aace to enhance their investment.
YiVe appreciate yanr support of the neighborhaod bein� zoned Rl resideniial. It has been
a great place to live. Please contact me if addit?onal comments or information is needed.
Thank You,
Heather and �tike Sanders
2189 Bowvood Av
St Paul, �ITi 551 i 9
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CI-'( CF Sr�?NT rf;UL
�i'iianesaia fle�arc.me�� ei ��;rrac� Se��c�s
October 35. 2003
Licanse numbet: 809008
6Ji �bo ti�i4 r.Gi��c
� 7 D C.Z � O l
G�R + IF:PP '+�A7t
Judi;h Essl,ng
Esstings tiomes Plus 1nc.
2t@? ncnnie Lzr,e �
St. Paui, A4N 55119
pear �Lis- ESSling'
°ased upon a racammenda±ion by �Camsey County Human Senice'Jepartment, p�rsuant ta Mir,nesaa
S.aiuias, sectien 245A_D6, the Comm�ssioner ot the Dapartment af t?�man Saroicas {°pHS") is placing
your license to prcvi�e .aduit Fosc�r Care under the provisions af t�Sinnesois Rutes. naFts S555.5405 to
9555.5265 on oondiiienal status iar a pericd ai six montbs. The teasorts �or the ac:ior. ara as follows:
�tinna_o4a Statuies, section 2d5A.06 CflRRECTION ORDER AND CGNDITfONAL LfCENSE.
Subd �. ContenYS at �orreaion artle:s and condi:icna2 licanses. (a) If the co.mm�ss:oner
finds ?hzt °.he 0ppjiCan. cr license holder has #ailed 4o c�mpiy with an epp�icaDSe I aW of Nl8 ar,d
th,; tailute coe= r.ot immi�e�[ly endznger!h° haotth. sefe.ry, cr ri9hts of the persons served by che
prr.gram, :he commissionef may issue a correction ar�?r and an nfdar of a+^.ndi.iona+ ficense to
the applicani o! licanse haidee. When issuing a canditionai ficanse, Yne cemmiss�oner snslf
cansider th2 nfltute, cltfORIClty� Ct 52vEriiy O� ifle YiClatinn Df law or ruie and Ine eftect of the
v;okatian an ihe tieaith. satety, or rigrtLS oi persons served by tne program. 7he carraciian ofder or
conditional license must State: (�} ihe conditions thet conSt�iute a violatio� af the :avr or rute; (2}
the specifrc law or rule violaietl' (3j the Gme aliowed to correct each viata6on; and (a) if a license
is made cn�dilional, the length and terms ot ti+e corditiona� ��csnsa. (t) Nothing in this seciion
prohittits the carrtmissioner irom proposing a sanaion as specified in sxtion i4�A.Q7, prior to
i�<�1ng a correction erder or conditionai 3icense.
xinnesoty SYaiues, section 245A.'11 bPEC1AL GOiVt3f"ffOP75 `DR RESlDEN71AL PROG(?AMS.
Su6d. Z. Pvmittetl singie•fami{y residentiai use. Res�dential p�ograms witn a licensed capacity
of six or tewer persons shali be cansidered a perm�tted singie-family sesidenYsa( usa oT property
foi the �urposes of zoning ar.d oihsr Iand use regulauons, except thyi a residential program
wz�ose primary purpose is to treatjuveniles who 8ave violate� criminal statutes relati�g ia sex
eftensas ar have been adjudicaked delinquent on tF:e hasis of ccnduct in viola[ion ai criminat
siatutes rslanng fo sex arfenses shall not be considered a parm�ttea use. This excep?ian sha➢ not
app�y to resitleniiai proarams licensed betora ,luly 1, 1995. Proorams otherv+ise ailowed und=r
thu subdivis�cn shail not ba prohibiled by oFeration ol residc:iva covenants ar similar testrictions,
regardless oiwhen encered inta, wh�ch cannot be met because ot tbe naiure oi the licer,sed
program, induding prowsions which require the bome s cccupants tre rel2ted, and that che home
m��s� be occupieG by tt�e own°r, or simiiar provis�ons.
��Y4 ��ay[:t: kcad Nc:ti • J<v+t P.+ul, Mincrrafc` •..`l;. • An ty�.a! Ocpofr��iq E
NCU-:c-2r�3 I6;2�
� �\
NDV-.H-e663 14:30 �:�Y Gr' SRIMT PF'UL 65] �.�.6 8574 F.JGiub
vt;NUei �v, c�v-+ O/7.�1r�?
Judith EssLng T •��� �
Fage 2
�coC. 2�. Aduit :ostYr care iicsnsa czcaciC/. {_) An aduit `osier care liczn=_e hoVder may nav= a
i�eximum i;CersB CopBC.:y �^.� ��VO ii HIi �B(SORS ifl Cdf? a!: 2C° �J7 O� OV�(2P,u' �.O ti0i �1aVE 3
s_rious anc pe;sistent mental iiioess oto deveic�mentai di�bifiiy.
Vialaeioss: ; Ii hzs c�me to ;ne Depznmer ace_nGon :�a; f.�e prc 5l3/:7S {liC°OS2 $ 2,7 i BSl d75Q IIC8q52
n805005), e=ch w�ih a 1ic2nsetl capaciry of ive, are cparating cut ot a single tamily herr�e at 2?H7 8onnie
Lar,e, St. Faui. Two iicenses were �s=�ed to rhis setting baszd cn ;ne commissioners unders:anetna ?hat
the =_aC;ng was a dupiex, b�t i: is no: a aup�ex. Tri, is nc; =1lcwed ur,der .he o=rmitle7 speciai ccndit?ons
`er; esi�e;�t: � usv setiion in'.1^e Humzn Ser�icas Licer:sing Act. Mirn=_sota 5?a:utes, eact�on 2<SA. i1.
Guring a vi=: ?c ?; �is sice cn Septemoe: i9, Z00_, the Giry oi St. Faul Zanmg Deca rtment cen �rmed trat
��'' i?SevE eiL r�siding c? 3}12 2uOV° vCCfESS ci:L' :i121ty1� x7Lt ���^P �CC'd�?G 7fl'c s}np!e familv
res�CenLal znning �+istnct, it was confirmad that five res�deais live on the tower levs! of the home ar,d fve
tesidents I�ve cn the upper nvc �evels of the ncme. St. Paui Zontng has aet�;m;rsd ttiat��+te two
dweliing un�[s exist 9t ihis 2ddiass, the 'noma iocafed in a distric! that does nnt permii m�!tipie dwe)ling
units v�ithin Ne same buildina.
Tbe CSty o15t. PaW has yiven you sa mcnths to cosn�ty v�+?h atl zoning regulations 4hat apply t0 ihis
Because you have viota*.ed the restricaens cenneCed to your r°sidential zoning )�cztion by aperating iwc
pro5iam5 Out Of a sing?� tamly hcme, yout lic2�se to prov�de adu3t �ostef ca�B is placed on cnnditionai
statue tor a pe�iod ot six months.
Yau may coniinue to ope;ate with a conditional liccn5e untler the icllowing stipulation=_•
� 1. You foilow and compiy with ali parts of �linnesota Ruies, parts 9556.SSOS io 9555.52E5
2. You musi subm�t a pla� to i2amsey County Lic9n5��g by OMOber 23, '?fla3, whieh detdils how
yo� inFenO !o come into comptiance wit� zo�ing regutztinns antl iicensting tapacity
3. You mus4 comply w�in o�ders of the fire andlor zoning inspec:�rs.
q, No addiiionai residents may De adoed to Nis ��cansed site.
S. You iorward io Ramsey Count Lic�nsing any requested variancas io zo�ing or fi�2 co4es
and/or appeafs of decisions ftom those agencles.
8 You forward to Rams�y Caunty :icenssng eny resAOr.ses received regarding vnnance
req�es;s Ro zoning or Rre codes and/or appea� tlec,sions.
7, You previ�e che staif schedute and sta',fmg pa4teins fnr [his site to RamsBy Gounty Licensing
by ihe 5" of each month, which documents ihe prevwus monih's staff schedule,
8. You psovide a schedule of acuvities af ihe residenL� fior :his site to Ramsey Covnty Licensing
by the b'� of eaC17 month. w�ich tlocument5 ttle dady aciivl(ies O( i�e pfevi0u5 mOnin.
9, You inform Ramsey Couny Licensing oi any changes rega/Cing residen;s' seli preservation
'0. You intorrt Ramsey Gounty �icer,sing of a�y plans tc seek a difterent rype ot )icPnsure or
registrat;on at tnis s'�te.
��, You maintain atl requ'ved coneacts with case managers and Iicansmg statt regarding any
changes w;th res�den�s andror telecation is=ues.
12, I! you de no! �revait in abtaining vanancas or w2ivers to loczl zoning erd�nances or do not
o6tam permar.ent apptova! of your buildcng'S use Dy the 1cca1 2oning aufbcriry, yau must
decrease :�e pcpulation serv2d to no more th2n five peopl6 zt thiS addrass 7y Apnl 15. ZflOa.
� nCU-?�-2E05 :6:2g c5129�249�
�� ��
� ��
i V
NOV-:B-260� i�:�6 Ci?Y CF StiIN' P°UL b�i 256 85i4 °.��/HE
���0� JUOiYi1:.5b1�(7g '
, Page 3
Your iic�nsor wilt n;Qrrf;ar ycur r.amfiiant: ;v;tn the52 •erms <'nd with ait �f �tinnesota Kutes, parts
9555b9G5 40 °5�5.626;. Ti�is may inc:ud� unannounczd visias. Fa,lura w comoty vritfi ik�e stipuiaGpns of
yOUF rOf:Qt2:4^31 iiG�RS2 Cf rn� .n.�R2! r!Oy'r5iCR5 Of :'Y'rf711�<Ctc �,�iUlES 3^d t 8WS , i�ay f25it{� :!� tEVCC21:CYt DP
y04I icCBllSC?.
You have !he ricnt ta teGues; ?hzt ;hA Cemmiss:or.er o1 Humar Servic`s r�cansiGer the Crder ai
Cenbitienat tscerse, at yoL c;,00se tc azercise inis r!gh?, ;he request must be made in wMing, and ii must
b2 (�C°_IVQt� b}' ��� (.'G7T10?{BSiO�iO/ .rJ;d C°r'- (`:.�:! `r'11:.`;i^ I°� �jtil C2'8^�a`; Ld- $ ' i)?j
=y ���r yc:; r�c�:v2 _ S
neiica �'�at your !icens� has be�n mada ceneitionai. You sneum submit wri„en argumenf o� evidenw in
suppart ef yout �requaR. (See Minne:aia Statu!es, section 245A.6o', subd. 4j. A�smely request +or
recons;�e�;3tiGn ct th� Cord�Eionak Lic�:�s2 5�<i s.ay i,�z terms o! ;he Conditional Licens� until t�,e
Cemmissianer issues a Oecis�ep en !he sequeSt for reconsieera2ien af :he Orde!. Pleasa naie Yhal wiiA a
siay od terrns, you are siilt reGuired io camp3y with aiE �pplicaDie lflws and rutes.
1( you fE�uesi �ec�r,sidetation o.' Ihe Otd2r(s) Ofi Condit;ona� ! icerse ;he reGuas: must be sent 20.
MinneSota Deoar,men? o£ Human Sz^.icas
c,to Licansing t3ivisian
AP?ftiion: Krisiin Johnson
44-? Lz#ayette Road
St Paut, Mi��espta 55155-3842
The Commissioner's dupcsi4on ci ycur requeet fic; rec�nsiderotior is finai 8nd �s not s�bjeu to apoezl
unCer Minn2s�ta Statvtes Cha�ter i4.
3! yoU nave any turther questions tagarding this mai;er, ycu moy coatacY XrisGr Johnson. L3ni2 L7anaoer wt
{551) 29E-_>589.
��,� �--�
Karen Kiefter. S . isor
Division o{ Licansing
c Jon Le�ninger, Ramsey Caunty Adutt Foster Care
s \
� r'� i
� s � V
hC0 ?5�2? 65f2�71 P_�4
NOV-18—�H63 14�3i �iTY GF SFIhC PFUL ES? 256 657G F,a�iLS
� �-3`►�
,, . ,
� 'Y1i�r.e...<o�a [3eCarrmer:; of�-?�trc� �er+t�s�s
Oc:ober 1E zOit3
L;canse num�eG 231551
Cc-;-:^;`,'_� ; �=<i;_
J�Cith EssDng .
_ssi;r:gs Hames Fiu<_ I:^.c.
2187 8onn�a ��ne
St. P3ul. Mtd �5 i 1 S
Dear t�AS. cssimg:
6ased upon a recommer,da[ion ny Rsmsey Goun,y Numan Sarvic° OapaRment, putsuant ta Mir,nesola
S:a[uces, sedwn 2d5A.06, the Commissioner of ahe Deoartment af tivman Serncas (`DHS`) is �tacmg
your license to provide Aduit r"ostel Care untler ihe provisions of Minnesota Rulss, paRS 95:5.5�05 to
9555.E265 on carditional status ior a pe:�od of six monihs. The reasons for the action are as follows:
Srlinnesaia Statu4as, secsion zas�..06 C�RREC3�O�v OROER fiND �o�a1TiO�Ai. LiCENSE.
SuDa ?. Con4ents ot correc2ion orders and conditional licensas. (a; If Yhe comm;ss�oner
Fnds tha[ tha appiican[ or Iicense holder has failed io comply with an applicable law or tv9e and
� lh�s ?aiNre does not immineni!y �ndan9°r the hea)ih, safe4y. cr rights oi :he persons served Dy tt�e
program, the commissianer may issue a c�a2dian flr�e% anC an erder of conditlona! ;icense 70
ih� applrcant ar license hotder. 1Nhen issving a cendiifonal >>cense, the commissioner shali
consider ihe r�atur>, cnronsciry, or severiry of tha vioiation ef �aw or ru!e and the effect of th2
vivlaeion on the health, safety, or rights af persons served by tha prcgram. 7he correction order �r
wndifionai licen5s must >tate: (1} Ihe eonditions th&t constitu!e a viotatiGn of the law or ruie; (2)
ihe spec�(�c iaw or rule 4iotatad; (3) che iime 2tiowed to correct each violation; and (n} if a 7icense
is made condi:ional, th8 lengib atltl tetms of ihB Conditional licer150. {b1 NOthittg in thi5 sec2ion
prohibits the commissionar frorrl Proposing 2 sanction as SpECiied in section 245A.07. pricr to
�gsuing a carrec:ion otde� or eondiGonol licens¢.
Nlinnesota Statues, sacYion 2d�A.i� SpECiAL C�PdDlT10NS FOR R6SiDE�771F1L PROGRAFAS.
Subd. <. Permitt2d single-famiry resiCential use. Residentiei programs with a licensed eapac!iy
o( s�z or fewer pefsons shall be consioered a permitted sir,gle-fiamily resider;ial use ot p�operty
for the purposes o{ zoning snd other land use regulatians, except that a resiaeniial program
wnose pnmary purpose is to eleat juveniles wno h�ve vioiated criminal statutes relating to Sax
otfenses or have bepn adjudic�Ped delinquent on ihe basis Of cOndJC, in violation of criminal
si2tutes reiating to sex oHenszs sFau not bP considered a paRnittad usa. 'Th,s exceprioo shaii noi
appiy to residen(ial pro 3ica.^.sed be!are July 9, 1995. ?roStams otherwisa aliowed under
th�5 subdivision shail not �e proni�iled �y operauon nf resiric:ive covenants e� simiiar ress�icucns.
regardless e! when enterea inta, which cannot Ce me! b:cause o( the nature oi the {icensed
p�ogr;m, inciudino prowsions svhich require the neme'S occupan�s bz related, ard that ;he horne
n.USt be occupied hy the ��r.ar. or stmitar �rovisions.
� � '{
U �
#59 L,rfaynr� Ron�:Ja��b
h'C� 1o�2i
5'.rmr P::i. M+h���cm ' ::I55
l�n ::qvcf Cipjaq;ni� �� .fn:o:a�e.
NOV-iC-G�Hz -'�'�i L: Y CG Snli� ��U�
r ���� .�tl�I�'i LSSii[1s
�T�' PaaA z
b�l Gba C_�iu r.ua��o
S�6d. ,ta. Adui1 fas;er :2rd hc�nsp caA=c�ry {�) An aduFt 'cstar car2licanse hold�� may have a
�sI,T ��G2��SE Ca{]Ht;t�f 4fi iIVL '+i eil ¢EfSBT$ ;r Cc7: 3f? �6� �5 Ot OY@f citd d0 i1.^.� �.`,dY� 2
s2�iou5 and pers;sient menal iilnzss or a developmeniai disaoiii,y,
Yioiation: it 7?as come io th20epartm.ent`s att°nticn that twc programs (iicnnse» 231bo1 and iicense
:809COS), each wiih a licen�ed capaciiy c! five, 2re oFefatine o�! a! a single famiiy harne at 2187 i3o ;nie
! ane, St. Yau1. Two licenses wer=_ issue� Io ihis sec"sng based or, the �ommis;ione�s undarstandina that
tne s=ttinc was a 4up3ex, but it is not a duF�ex. This is no! aticwed urder tha permitte-d sp�`al canGitions
for r�sidential use secticn ir. the Human Services Licansing Rct, Niinrteso±a Statuies, szciion 245r",.19.
Dut;ng a visd to fhis site on Septem�er t9, 20Q3, Vte City oP St. Paul <ort ��e �spaZmBn2 c0ltfivr7�et' tnat
10 PESidenL 2re tesidinc af the abov2 �ddres=_ 2n�' that the tvilding is tocated ir, a singie ;amily
r.eidentiat zor,ing distr� it K�s confirmeC 2�1at flve res�tle^1s Gve on ihe ;ow�r levei oF tre hcme and fave
resiearts Irve on the u�oer two lev=ls ot !he home. $i. P2u1 Zor,ir.g has determinad tha; whii2 tv,o
dw�elling units exis[ at .his address, tha home IocateC �n a disirict that daes nct permiY multiple tlwelling
units wiihin the same Cuilding.
T� �e Giy ci St, Faul has given you six mer,ths ?c compiy wich all zoring reou7atiCns that apply to this
address. �
8ecaus� you have v'roleted tne restrictions connectPd io your residentia! ton:nc iaca?icn by operatlrg iwo
pregrams aut of a sineis family nome, ycur license [o provida atlulc !ester care is alace� on conai?ionat
st2tus for a per�od ot six mon4hs.
Yau may continue to oper2te wah a condlt�ona: hC2r,5a�ur.der the to3t0�++ing sUpulaGcns
1. You (ollow antl comply w�th ail gar,s o? Nlinrescta ftules, parts 9555.510b to 9555.5265.
2, Yau must submit a plan to Ramsey County tica:�sing by Octo�er 23, 2003, which cetails how
you �ntand .o c�me inco comp�ianca with zenirzg regelatians.
3. YGU mus campiy w�th orGers of the fire andlor zoning inspectars.
4. No 2dditionai ;esiden:s may be added to this ltcensed site.
5. YOU prcvide Ram:ey Caunry Licensing with a capy af any teque5ed vanarces io zen+ng o�
fire codes ar,d/or apFea!s of decis�ons from those agenaes.
6. 'fou ptavid8 Ramsey County Licansing witF a ccpy o' any respanses seceived regarding
variance requests to zoning or fir= codes and/or appeal decisicns.
7. Yflu provide the ;;af� scheCutes and statfrno pc!terns tor ihis lIC°nse to Ramsey Gounty
Licsnsing by th> 5'" ot each month, sahich dooumencs the Frevious martth's staflschedWe.
H Yau provide a schedute of aciiviues of the residents for ihis Iicense to Ramsey Co�n.y
licensing by She 5'" D} eacb month, u+hictt documente the daily activities ot ?he przvio�s
9 Yau inforh� Ramsey Counry Licensing of any changes tegarding residents' salf preser�ation
10. Ycu intorm Ramsay Ccunty Licansing ot any plans to seak a di(�erent type or licensure o�
tegisiration at Shis siie.
ti You mainta�n al; requir>d wn�ac:s with casz managers and licensing staB regardirg zny
changes with residenL andlor relocatio� issues.
12 tf you do not prevai( in odtaini�g vanarces or walvers ;o iccat zor;ng Qrdinances or dc nc2
catain nermaneni apprcvzi cf your building's use Dy ;he ;o�I zening 3u;hcnty, you must
oec�225e the pcoulation 52:ve6 ta r.o fnore tha� 6ve peeple at this aodress by April 15, 200n.
� � �
i ; . �
� �
V�.V-14-G2G'3 �5�2i 55.eS714°_^G 'r.C�.'S �
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.iudiGl ES51ina ON 3
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',+our licansar .ntl ;ncr.itar ycur comyi:�ncz witn ;]^ese tems and wim alt oi L1inrQSata ftules. parts
_SSS.S �OS to 3555.6eS�. ?r�is mzy inciude urarncuncad visis. �ailure to comply ,vith �ts stipulatiens cf
�: CLi ,:; r,Cit:cna! )!G�;^.S° Cf 2114 O?i'9f �tcvlsicr.s �: ,uiir.ne=er Rules a^'4� 1.2M/5 IDBY (eSiJR i!7 :'�vecaiion oi
ycur !iC8:i5c.
�F!GHT TC Re�UES; ftEf'.t'iNSIGtR.
YOU n2v2 the rio�t io re4ues: :113t th2 Cof77mi55icnef Di ;�Ufiman SeNiC°s r2catisider IhP Order o�
C�r.�iticn�l Licer,se. Sr you c:�no:e ?c exerciss this rchc, the reques; tr,ust Ce made ir wsitina, and i+, must
c: ;eceivzc �y , he �en�iS3.e'y' �y Gs�:�� ..,�i? wit;,in :�^ (;61 safr_nc�r c'ays a^rr vou .'srP!`>E (�ySS
�ouca ?hat yo::r iicanse r:as czen m�de ccr,diticr<!. Ycu shculd suhmii writte^ argume;,t ot ev'�derca in
;u�per; ci yout reGuest. i�ee Minne_o:a SYotute5, sectien 245A.0o", subd, 4). A tSmaly requast �cr
re�cnsiCe:�tSan ci i,'�a CDOC•l::v:i3: LtCB!iS2 S�'�2I} si�y ihe t�rm:; ci i172 Co�;d�;;oral liten5e un+i� 2ha
Com^�is�ioner i�sues z deci�ien on the request {cc ;emnsderacion e,` ,he Order. ?leasa nofe ti�at wiih 3
s:ay ci zerms, you ara siill tequir�d ;a compiy wltn ail apolicabie Iaws aad rules. �
•It you sequcst rec�nsideration c� tne Ordeqs} oi Condi?ional License Sbe recuesi musi be sent 2�:
Minnesota Deparfinen! ot Numan Serncas
cJO Licensing Div)sicn
ariention- i(ristin Schnson
444 Lafayette Road
St. Pau�. Minnesota 55 �55-3842.
The.ComRnssior,e;'s disoosihon of your requesi �or reccnsitleration is fnal zns� is ret sunjec; te appe�!
undes A.1lnnesota Statuies Cnspter Sa,
If you �avE: any f�riher ques4iOns 7egarQ�na thts fnatler, ycu may coniacf KriStin Johrscn, Uni! Manager Ft
(E51j 290'-2597
�� Llt��� 1 S^^�"�
K ren Kiaffer, S�perviso���
Division of Licensirlg
c Jon Leininger. Ramsay Covnty Adul! Fosker Gare
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21_87 3onniz Lane
St. Pzu�, :IIv' .Sli9
RE: 2187 Sonnie iane
Desr Property Owners:
Crtt� GF uC-.:.��Sc., u�5PE�0`S Ah'D
EYZ7ROti'v:'r.1�T::L PROir.._.^'iON
�ZoDC: X� T•br,:os
1� W". Xel!agg Bou�svcrc
Raom �4.` Civ Acii
Sast?au1,:dlnneso[a SSi02
:eienF.or.e: 6i<'-293=2i�
Fac;imi?e: <'Z%-??G7
We hzve zec2ived 2 co�p�aint tha� tnerz are too many persons living
at the re:erenced 2ddress. T_he property is located in aa R-LL,
resideat�al zor.ing dist�_ct. Our records incica�e that tne bvi3.dino say
oaly be used as a sinole iaLily ewell_ng.
rnciosed are pr��;sicns 60.2G4 a^.c 6G.2�Jo of Saint Paul Legislative Code
wnicn de*ine the t2rms "sasily" " n� Un_t". ?he definicion cf
and Dwelli �
"ramily" ir, t?:e zoniag o:dinance (see att2ched) allows a m2si�um of four
uarzlated individuals living together in a dwelling unit. Wi�hin the
dwelling ur.it, each individual m2y h�ve szparate sleepin� roows but they
mest shared the kitchen and remaining licing sp2ce together.
An inspection of the bu�.ldir.g is aecessary to eeterWiae if t�:e use of tne
premises is compliant with tne City Zoaing Ordinsnce. An inspection is
scheduled for Tuesday, Septenoer 22, 1992 at 2:00 p,m. I:eauest that yoc
or a responsible adult be there so tfizt we may inspect the buildir.g
together an� adcress aay concerns. 3ou should also na��e z cepy o_ the
1e2se ag:eement indicating the nu�oer of perso;s resid=n� �n tne building.
- o
If a ciolztion exists, you wiil be given ad2quate time to brir.g tre
buildir.g :nte com�l:arce.
I= }cu 'r_zve a ce�rlict with t�e scceduled i�spect�on time c_ h2ve
cuesticr.s, plzase cail c�e at 248-4�84.
�/ s
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RE: 2187 3cna�e iane
Dea. `:s. Ess'_i,^.g:
o�� ct � i��s" t�s�s�c�s n.��
���,;:�o:,ua�1.=.z. ��o_�::.�eu
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3'u�1D(A'G:XSPEC710.N��'D ,
:7cSiG.V pccs:c.iie: 2�?�i�G7
IS N Re!Zogo Boulev¢rd
P,ccr,. 4<° Ciry;:ci!
Saint ?c¢!. b7lr.ne=ctc j510Z
�s ycu arz z;;�_<, Z'_n<�ectz? t:_ - =operty oa Septe��er ZSte oi ti:is yes:
ar.d co-f_r�ed *_na yeu have �.-. i=1e�a1 aweii_ng u^.�t _n t�e base�.er.�. Ia
cei' ..i5cusslc, 5, you sta�ed tF.at ;'OU have a L=.,._'_y livi�� ia L'nz basemer,t
uni[. Ycur p_operry _s located i-: zr. P.-LL zoa_n� cist=iet. Th:s discrict
per-its criy oae fenily c�ellir.�_= :er �o*_, Ycu aze tnerefo:e in violat:or. �
o: 60.4C7 and 60.412 0' �:e Cit�'s 1F;isiative coce {see enciose?).
ia o_.;�r tc bz in cor.,p=iance, t'r.z ce:a.ts must v2c�te tne l_ewzr uait anc
[he ?ock o: t:,e door sepe_acin� t:e basenent ire� t. uc�er _evel �ust be
re�o��ed. ?!;e deac'1'_.�_ =or cenplia,ce w_th this o:eer is Mor.c2y,
l'o 23, 1992. A�;ei�spect�c^. '_s schedul=d fcr 11:00 a.�. en that czy
te veri,gy co�p�ia-ce. :cu or a_e=_�ens:ble acuit shou:id be present fcr tne
ir.spectiCa. F2i1u_e Lo L.,^p:; wit:? this o*3er could S25L'�L iII iur[;;e�
er`orce:cent acs:o�.
I: you nzve ar.y quest:;er,s, pie2se cs�i r,�e at 293-��84.
� I n �
/,,�, r \ ,�
La�nce R. Z�C�s v j �
Zor.ir.g Technic_<.. �
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� Trom: "Sob Johnsan" <Sob3YiJonr.san�nsn.com>
To: <1enn.hardwicrCiG.,,�aut.mn.us�
Cc: "Boo.iohnson"<Bcp3�r�Jnhnscn@msn.com>
Sent: Mcnda�, November 17, 2D03 �:`s9 P�A
Subjeci: Zonirg 8oard Appe2i - Essiings
To: John Hasdwitk
From; Ro6ert and Susan 3ohnson
Subject: Zoning Bo�rd Apoeai - Essiing
Date: November i5, 2D03
V�le have r�ot been active in this issue but now fe�i �ve must speak uo prior to this hearing,
i spent about an hour with the Essiing= and tourec� their ihree properties recer�tly. They 52am to
c�re about the pecpie, they told me flf some good support from some neighbors keep tne
groperties cleac;, are �oiag a#ine;oo in r�modeiing the Snowshoe property, and told me they had
fo{iowed the rulas and ragulations. Tne fact that they had 10 people in ane home did bother me
as does the increase in tra5fic. My initial thoughzs were that a second kitch�n in the Bonnie Lane
prope3 was like having a"nother-in-Saw apartrnent in ttae lower ievei. They seem to be
providing a yood se.>vice, are invesiing in ihe proper�ies, and overall in their opinion are fc3lotiving
� the ruies.
Ho�roever, after receiving and reviewing the recent "Dear Neighbors" ietter, ? believe there is a
whole different story. it seems like the Lss}ings are and have vfalating the law, have c�eceive�
the city, county, and s�ate, are saying one thing and doing another, and are now basically
raquesting tn have cur neigFborhood re-za�ed fram R1 to aiiow multt-unit dweil9ngs.
Sy this one 4act alone �se sars �so� su�s�sorY the9r ag�eaf.
The sacand kitchen must t�e removed, ihe occupancy reduced from 10 to 5 maximum, and the
zoning maintained at R2 only. iT �rrould be beneficiai to determine ii this business is an "Adult
�as:er Cara" facility or a"Residential Care" faciliiy and which rules and regu(ations shauld be
enforced. Additionally, cansiderat;on shoui� be given to Fining tha Esslings for past infractions
and providing for s2mi-annual on-site inspections of the propertias.
W° appreciate your support of ihe neighhorhood being zoned R1 residential. Piease contad ma if
additienal commer�ts or in#armatian fs needed.
B�st regards,
Bob Jci�nson
651 738-3�51
i i=9I N/'snthra� St. S.
�t, Paul, MN 5�3i9
�,� �,
� ?!� �,�zca�
I�ove;-:�er ?&; ?n0?
Board cf Zonir,g AppeGis
c/o John Nardwick. LIEP
City of Saint Paui
35Q St. Feter Sireet Suite 3C0
Sasni Paul, MN 55902-9510
RE: File Ivo. G3-381592
Dear tUlembers af ihe 8oard o� Zoning �ppeals:
Thank ycu �or the Pubfic Hearina �lotice we received regarding the two dwelling
units at 2187 Bonnie Lane in St. Paul.
1 urge you to uphold ihe decisian oi the Zoning Administrators and io reject the
appea! by J�dith �ssling. 1 also ttrge you to reject iU�s. Essling's appiica#+on for a
conditionai use pen at this �roperiy.
!t is exfremeiy unfortunate tha# tnis single-family home was ever given �+,vo foster
care licenses by #he State af Vtinresota through Ramsey Ceunty. Sy giving one
home �iwo, or maybe even tnree, fioster care (icenses so zhat � 0 or '! 5 people can
)ive in one home circumvenis the laws #hat apply to larger residential programs,
exp}oits the foster care conce�t, and makes a rnoekery of the Ciiy's �aws
perzaininG io larger programs ar,d tfie zoning regulations. The Zoning
Admiristrators have made the riqh# - not the easiest - bui, the right decision in
this case.
!'m certain Nls. Essiing wiil work hard to biame #he Ciiy of St. Paul Ramsey
Ccunty and �he SiGfe of lVlinnesota for disrunting the iives o; these residents. !f
�r1s. Essiing had operated vvithin the spirit of ihe laws from the beginning, she
wouldr't be Tac�� with the relocation of individuais who have .ived in this home
;or seven years. Her business decisicns have resuited in this siivaiion - ihe City
is not to be btamed.
Than4c you again fcr the aoportunity to ccmment.
G. Q. Scnmitt
1172 Seuth Nlir,thrco S±reet
Si. Paul, �%1i�1 �51i9
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One (1? to Fi=tV-iive (55)
The governmer_t to date ar.d hour hereoi.
iSSUED A i ST. PAUL, MINfVESGTA, THsg Twenty-sixth
DAYOF Sep�ember A.D.79F
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ir t�:e bui?di�?g at 2I87 Bonrse Lane and or�erin� the :er�ov�l oi o�? os tne �nits_
P�i�3�E�T� �I3i2���� 2'$%' ��nnie Lane �
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�11 Puhlic Hea�Lg� ari ��1r �� �cam 330 on iY�e t�ird fioo: of City � all, ?� W_ Kello�g S�eet.
You �ay se�d wri?�cn �.3��,� ��• Zoning Admia:strat at the address listed on tY��e other sie�e
of iY�is caid. Ple��e c��i An� tfiseller District 1 Com�uairy Coancil, at 6� 1-SQl-5�d5 or ?ahn
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�rom: <HcwardGit2!scn@tcjs.orc>
30; <weomaser@c.��auw.mn.us�, <;so1@ci.stpaul.mr�.us>
7ate: liJ?SJZCO3 �:16 PM
Subjec#: Build"+ng inspec*icn / Coces
+ne folloavinq was submir2d by Howard u M�rlys Gitelson on Tu�day, November 18, 2003 at 2:i4 PM
- - - - - - — — - - - - — - - - - — - - - — — - - — — - - — - - - — - — -- - - - -- — — -
- -- — - --- — ---------- --- ----- -- --- -- --- ---- --------
�l�me: I�oward & Mariys Giieiscn
Regarding; Sui(ding Inspedian J Codes
Address: i163 Souch Winthrop St.
City: Saint P�ui
State: MN
Zip: 55119
Phone: (652) 501-097Q
Email: HowardGitelson@ccjs.ora
November 28, 2Q03
Ciy of Saint Paul
Office of LIEP
350 Saini Pecer Street
S�inEPa�l, t�7N Sb102-15?�
Dear Ann M�elier,
I am a r2sident of the South Highwood area_of Saint Paul, at
1163 South Winthrop Street. I have been an opponent of
the "taking over" of our neighborhood by any commercial
establishmens. And I oppose ihe rezoning of any houses in the
area as muitiple dwellings. Our neignborhood is very unique,
quiet and secluderi and the streets are, by design, very narrow
and not fit for much t, afric. I oppose [he Essiirgs reque�t io
cenvert any of their homes or adult residenc2s to multiple
dwe+iings. There ar2 many people, somecimes with their small
chi)dren, ihat walk these quite streets. If we allow r;�ore
tra"m"c on the streets, there are likely to be problems. i do
not wish in ary way that the sreers be widened or have trafiic
controlled. The area shouid remain as ft was desianed and
designated �y :he c=iy - a s�eciai singl2 ;amily, resie�entiai
area, with a unique cnaracter and char�n.
The Esslings have �eceived the neighborhood, tt��e Ciy, tne
Courty and che State. They shauid r,oc be allowed to rutn cur
specia! neighborhocd beczusz ef Lheir greed.
Mariys J. cnd `ic��rard ,S. Gitz!scn
L'c3 Scu�h Wi��hrco Si,
I11E:�;(.:��, iL?C:17;iti.^,tS��n.�'�7�llu�%��i;�ZtTii?5�137ZWe^.^.��i,C:C3i%��5�'.:iincS'�:
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Si. Faul Zoning Administration
I have receiveC a ca.*d ir the mail abou# a neighbor trying to change one of
the rzonses they own to sflmething oti�er :ha� a"single family ciwelling".
(file '�`03 � 81592 / 2? $7 Bor.nie Lane)
�'lease say no tc these zoning changes. They have defaced another one af
the houses they own in the neignborhood by taking both �ouble garage doors
ouT and replaci�� them with iwo single entry doors where the garage dcors
once werz. Besides look�ng ridiculous, ,1 believe this will be next on the list
to turn inta a dupiex c�r multi unit facility.
Why are ti�ey do�ng this in an area that is zoned fflr single family dwellin�s
and getting away with it?
. Please protect the gflod people in our neiahborhood. Please say no to
appeals to cnange zoning from an�hing other than sin61€ familq dweliin�s.
(aiso....�,vhy are building per�zts being issued by the city to turn singie
family �wellings into multi housing units in area's that aren't zoned for
Thank You, /'\
j � � / 1 �
f �t.�✓�'v<;`�_._�' 1���"'�
Dick Pfiffner
2221 Boxwoad Ave.
St. Paul, Mn
� ��
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Cit� oi Saznt i�aui
Office of LIEP
3�0 Saint Fe,er Stxee:
SaintPaui. Ni1� �Siv2-15I0
Dea.r John Harawick.
.�.��.�_ ��
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::�n a:esident of the South H:ahwooc' area o= Sain*. Pani, ac :? 63 Souih Wintilxop SYreez.
i have been an opnonent ot the " takina over"' oz our neighbornocd by any co�sunercial
zstablis.'lments. And : c�pose the zezoning of any houses in the area as multiple
dweilings. �ar neighbarkooa is ver5� uniqne, quiet �d secluded and The streeis are, by
�esian, siery nar_'ow and not fiY for much traffic. I onpose the Essiin�s :eauest �a convert
any of thei; homes or adult :esidences to muitinie drvellings. There arz many people,
somedmes witL dleir smaii claildren, �at u=al2c these quite streets. If we allow more
_rafiic on t1��e sueets, �here �e Iikely ic be problems. ��o noc wish in any way that the
s�reets �e widexied or nave ��ic controiied. ?he area shoul� remair� as it was designed
an� designaied by ?he ciry' — a special single fami?y, resideniial area, with ti unique
character and charm.
The Essli:�gs have deceitied tne neighborhood, the City, ine County and ine Siate. They
sho�;id not be allawed to ruin ou: specia: neiahborhood becanse of ti;eir �reed.
�� �!,� / ��
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�Iarivs J. an� t�oward A. Gitelson
I i63 South W?r:throp St.
Suint Pau:_ Nl�" 55i19-5620
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November 16, 200s
3�ard of Zoning Appeals
c;e John Nardwic!c, Litt�
City o{ Saint Pau1
35Q St_ Pe#er Sireet Suite 300
SainY F2ut. t�AN 55102-1510
R�: File Nc. 03-381592
Dear IUlemb�rs oT the Board of Zoning Appeais:
(^'� JJ �� C° � r
TP�2nk you for ihe Pubiic 1-{earing �fetice we received regarding the fwo d�,vetling
uniis at 2� 87 8nnnie Lana ir: St. Paul.
[ urae you to uphoid ti?e decision of the Zoning Administraiors and to rejeci the
aopeai by Judith Essli�g. 1 a(so urae you Te r2ject Ms, Ess�i�g's application for a
conditicnal use permit a± this proc�e:ty.
It is exiremeVy urforiunate±ha� this single-family home was ever given twc foster
care licer�ses by the S�afe oT Nlinnesota througn RatTSey Cou�7iy. Gi»ing o�te
home two, or maybe even three, foster care Iicenses so that 1 tl er 15 peo�ie can
3ive in one home circumvents the laws that aop(y to larger residentia[ p;ograms,
exploits the foster care conceot, and makes a mockery o` ihe Gity's laws
pe�ainina to larger proarams and the zonmg regutations. Tt;e Zoning
F.dministrators have made the right - not the easiest - bui, the right decsion in
this case.
I'm cettain f41s. Essling evill �Iame tne �ity of St. �aul, Rams2y County and the
State oi �tinnescia tor disrupting ihe Iives cr ihese residents. If Nis. Essline h�d
cperafed property ,`rom the beginning, sha wouldr't be faced with the relocation
of individua(s wno hcve iived in fhis heme for se��2n years. Her business
decisicns have resulted in this situat+on - tne Ciiy is not Fo �e blamad.
Th�r� you again �or the opporiunity 4o comment.
� � �
�. o. s�n��
i �?2 Scufh Winthrop Stree*_
St Paul, MN 5b119
; ,,,�,�----
, J
Page i c'r 2
��h�: �3ar��+>>c� - ��+�a�� ��ar� ���eal - �s�l��gs
�r�m: 'Bob ]onnson" <5oo3MJonnson@msn.tom>
30: <jenn.nardwick�ci,stpaul.mr,.us>
�at2; �1/i%/Z00.'s 5:40 PM
�ubjeet: Zoning Board A�peal - Esslinas
��: "Eob Johnson" <Bob3M;ohnsan@m=n.c�m>
To: 7ohn Hardwick
From; Robert an� Su=_an Jonr.san
Subjec�: Zonirg Board Appeal - Essling
Date: November 16, 2Q03
We have nct been activz in this issue oui now fee3 we must speak up prior to this hearing.
i spent about an hour with che Esslings and tourad their three properties racen'tfy. Tney szem io
care about che people, chey told me of some good support ;rom some neighbors, keep the
properties c;ean, are doing a fine job in remadeling zhe Snowshoe property, and told me they had
followed th° rules and regu(ations. The fact th�t they had 10 peopie in one home did bother me
as does the ircreas2 in traffic. My initiai iheugh�s were that a s2cond lcitchen in the Sonnie ! �ne
property was like having a"mother-in-law" apartment in the lower level. They szem to be
providing a good service, are investing in the propertie=, and overall in their opinion are following
the rules.
Howrever, after receiving and reviewina the recent "Dear Neighbors" letter, I believe there is a
whole dinereni story, It seems like the Esslings are and have violating the law, have deceived
the aty, county, and siate, are saying one thing and �oir�g another, and are now basicaliy
requesting to have our neighborhood re-zoned frotn Rl to allow multi-unit dweliings.
8y this one fact alone �n✓e c�� ra�� sas�ps�rt ttseir aa��seal.
�; e secer,d kitchen must be rem�ved, the occupancy reduced from 1Q to 5 maximum, and the
zoning maintained at R? only. It would be benefic;a! to determine if this business is an "Adult
Foster Cara" faciiity or a"R2siden'tiai Care" facility and whicn rules and reguletio�s should be
enrorczd. Additionafiy, ccn=ideration should be giv2n to fining the Essfings for past infractions
and providing ior semi-annuai on-site insy�ections of the properties.
VVe aoore^ate ycur suaport of the neighbcrhoea bein� zoned Rl residentiai. Please contact me if
additionai comments or infcrmation is needed.
Best reg�rds,
o�i 738-30�1
� T .
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Kathy Lantry - Fw: City Councii Meeting in 7anuary - Essiings
From: "BOb Johnson" <Bob3MJohnson@msn.com>
To: "kathy lantry" <kathy.lantry@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 12/18/2003 1:16 PM
Subject: Fw: City Councii Meeting in ]anuary - Esslings
---- Original Message —
From: Bob Johnson
To: kathy landry_@ci.stpaul.mn.us
Cc: john.hardwickC�a.ci stpaui_mn.us
Senf: Monday, December 15, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: Fw: City Councii Meeting in January - Esslings
Hi Kathy,
I understand there will be another hearing on this subject for the City Council in January. I will
be out of town but wanted to be sure you had my input. 1 believe I stated our position in this e-
mail. The Esslings lack of compliance and outright disregard for the reguletions should be
addressed immediately. And of course the neighborhood must continue to remain zoned as Rl
residential homes.
--- Original Message --
Prom: B ob Johnson
To: john.hardwickCa?ci.stpeui.mn.us
Cc• Bob Johnson
Sent: Monday, Novembef 17, 2003 539 PM
Subject: Zoning Board Appeal - Esslings
To: John Hardwick
From: Robert and Susan ]ohnson
Subject: Zoning Board Appeal - Essling
Date: November 16, 2003
We have not been active in this issue but now feel we must speak up prior to this hearing.
I spent about an hour with the Esslings and toured theis thsee properties recentty. They seem to
tare about the people, they toid me of some good support from some neighbors, keep the
properties ciean, are doing a fine job in remodeling the Snowshoe property, and told me they had
foilowed the rules and regulations. The fact that they had 10 people in one home did bother me
as does the increase in tratfic. My initial thoughts were that a second kitchen in the Bonnie Lane
property was like having a"motherin-law" apartment i� the lower Ievel. They seem to i�e
providing a good service, are investing in the properties, and averall in their opinion are foliowing
the rules.
However, after receiving and reviewing the recent "Dear Neighbors" letter, I believe there is a
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\lantry�I,ocal%20Settings\Temp\GW}00021.HTM 12/18/2003
o �--307
Page 2 of 2
whole different story. It seems like the Esslings are and have violating the law, have deceived •
the city, county, and state, are saying one thing and doing another, and are now basically
requesting to have our neighborhood re-zoned from RS to allow multi-unit dwellings.
By this one fact alone we can not support their appeal.
The second kitchen must be removed, the occupancy reduced from 10 to S maximum, and the
zoning maintained aY RS only. It would be beneficia! to determine if this business is an "Adult
Foster Care" facility or a"Residential Care" facility and which rules and regulations shauld be
enforced. Additionally, consideration shouid be given to fining the Esslings for past infracYions
and providing for semi-annual on-site inspections of the properties.
We appreciate your support of the neighborhood being zoned Rl residential. Please contact me if
additional comments or information is needed.
Best regards,
651 738-3651
1191 Winthrop St. 5.
St. Paul, MN 55119
file://C:lDocuments%2Qand%20Settings�tanhy�I,ocal%20SettingsiTemp\GW}00021.HTM 12/18l2003
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� I)ece�ber ? 7, 2G03 ' � ��
Zaning ��minsstra�on
Cit �i St. Paul
t3�ce oi LIEP
350 Si. Fe�er Street — Suiie 3fl0
Saar.t Paul, l�i � 55102-151fl
Reference File NC'i.: �03-41�45d�, �'ssling Appeal.
�7e are Ruriting tc� yo�a in order t� state o�a€ positimn on the �ssling I-�p�eal af
Yhe �ecisi�n +sf #��e �c�ard �f Zca�i�z� t�ppeals.
We built our home at 2 i 55 �oa^�vood Avenue in 1977. f3ur pr€�perty �s
directly across the street from �e back �f the �ssli�g praperty at 21 �7
Bc��,nie �ane. �ur �?eigttbor�aood �s zoned for s�tagle-far�r,�ly dw����s only.
'�'l�as �s �ne c�f ihe pr�nary r�ass�n� w�ay �ae bu�1t our home i� t�ass l�s�ati�n
� ovei 25 years ago.
�'l�� �ssl�g k�a�ae �t 2i87 B��e �.ane curr�a�tiy ��rri�s �a� ad�alt fcast�r
�are �ice�ses gr�t�d fro� the � I3e�ari�ent c�f I-��amax� Senrices. �y
requirenaea�± �2d ciefu�?tio� �f t.�e �epartr�ae�at of �aaman Services, each
1��:.nse cc�v�rs �rse �vae�ling unit. S°s�ce tne Essl'a�gs hav� two l��enses f�r
21 �7 I�a�s�i� �.a��, it is �onsidered b�• the St�te as twa dw�'Ld�ng �ts, As
�is ?s a darect vi�lai�csn af t�ae zc��� re�ations i�r au�° n�ig�ibcsr�QOC�, �e
ask the �it-y �c�u�a�i �� dea�y ti�e ���I��� ���e�l �aa #�as �aa4#e�°,
T'he z�nirsg regulations are quit� clear �a?d �e �'ss]a�zg's �ranerty at 2? $7
�3o�e Lane c�ant?a��;es ta b� 3n direct vialatior� 9f tho�e rega�latians.
IZzsp�e#fu31y submitted,
� � s � �'�
1 _ ,� �,.�`'�,.�.`-�_;,
T� & Ilfary Pef�°ea �
2155 �csxwos�d t�,v�, E.
� St. �aul, i1�T 55119
;v�w =
� - ;'�/ Uc �
� St. Paul Zoning Adminish
I am writin� in response to the card sent to me of yet "another" appeal by the
Essling business. (file # 03-410460)
I am very upset that these people do not respect the Iaws and the decisions
made to uphold them, so I am going to try and keep this short.
�l .....Please review the file on this property. (2187 Bonnie Lane)
You will see LIES, DECEIT, and FRAUD.
Don't be fooled by the "poor me" act. As I said......review the file. She is
very deliberate in her undermining of the neighborhood, the city, and the
The Zoning Board has made the riaht decision in oxdering the Essling
business to convert this property back into a single famiiy dwelling.
Hopefully this time she will have to remove the kitchen to insure that a
• repeat of the early 1990's does not accur again. It would be nice to once and
for all put this _behind us.
The city of St. Paul has many areas zoned for duplexes, multi family
dwellings, eta I hope the Esslings will at last see the black and white of this
issue. Their duplex business does not belong in an area zoned for single
family dwellings.
Thank You for al� your efforts, and please stand by us once again.
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John Hardwick - judith essiing appeal
�'rom: "Peter Joseph" <petejoseph@hotmail.com>
To: <John.Hazdwick@ci,stpaul.mn.us> ,
Date: 12/30/2003 12:14 PM
Subject: judith essling appeal
John, I'm writing to express my support for the zoning decision made 2187 Bonnie Ln back in Nov I
beleive. We do not want more than one licence issued to this home or any other in our neighborhood.
Living directly next doar to the new home on Snowshoe lane that the Essling's own that was converted
to a nursing home, I have already seen my share of dramaticly increased traffic, noise levels, trucks,
vans and cars parking in front of my driveway and using my drive as the local turn around spot. Adding
another licence to Bonnie Lane opens the door to another licence at all her other homes, thus increasing
even more traffic, noise and a host of other issues. I ask that you and your colleuges please stand firm
on this issue in not allowing anymore licence's. If possible to even remove some that have been already
issued, particulairy on Snoeshoe.
Thank you for you attention to this matter
Pete J:
Take advanta�e of our limited-time introductorv offer for dial-up Internet access.
fi1e:!(C:\Documents%20and%20Seitings�hardwicj\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW }00002.H... 1213012003
December 31, 2003
Mr. John Hazdwick
City of St. Paul
Office of LIEP
350 St. Peter Street - Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55102-I510
Reference File NO: #03-410460, Essling Appeal
I am wrifing to state my posirion on the Essling Appeal of the decision of the
Boazd of Zoning Appeals.
I have lived at 2155 Boxwood Avenue for over 25 years. Our property is direcdy
across the street from the back of the Essling property at 21&7 Bonnie Lane. It is
my position that our neighborhood should remain the way it is currently zoned:
Large 1'ot, single-family residential.
The Essling's currently have two adult foster care licenses for 218'7 Bonnie Lane.
By requirement and definition of the Deparhnent of Human Services, each license
covers one dwelling unit and up to five adult foster care residents. Thus, the
Essling's have two dwelling units at 2187 Bonnie Lane.
I respectfully ask the City Council to deny the Essling's appeal on this malten It
is cleaz that the Essling's property at 2187 Bonnie Lane is in direct violation of the
above stated regularions.
Thank you for your rime.
Aimee K. Petra
2155 Boxwood Ave. E.
St. Paul, MN 55119
To: All members of the St Paul City Council
From: Heather Weyker and Mike Sanders
2189 Boxwood Avenue
St Paul, MN 55119
RE: The Essling appeal letter, set for hearing on Jan. 7` 2004.
January 02, 2004
This is in regards to the Essling's appeal to City Council in regards to the Zoning Boards
"Residence" is defined by Minnesota Riles, Parts 9555.5105 — 9555.6265, as a single
dwelling unit in which foster care is provided with complete, independent living facilities
for one or more persons. As defined in section 405 of the Minnesota Stated Building
Code (MSBC). St Paul Legislative Code (SPLC) defines the terms "Dwelling Unit" as "a
maximum of four unrelated individuals living together in a dwelling unit. Within the
dwelling unit, each individual may have separate sleeping rooms but they must share the
kitchen and remaining living space."
On Sept 29, 1992, 2187 Bonnie Lane was inspected and found in violation of 60.407 and 60.412
SPLC. You were ordered at that time to remove the second kitchen and a door sepazating the two
Upon re-inspection on 01-04-93, the door was removed but the second kitchen wasn't. At that
time, the Essling's informed the Zoning Board that they would remove the second kitchen prior
to it being occupied. This is the Essling's first attempt to skirt around the laws of the City,
County and State.
Back in 1992, 2187 Bonnie Lane was and still is in a Rl — single family zoning azea only. Not a
multi-unit dwelling.
This area is also not a COMMERCIALLY zoned azea.
On page 2 of the Essling's appeal letter, 5` paragraph, the Essling's stated the house is still a
single family residence and not a duplex.
Please note the following:
Minnesota Riles, Chapter 9555 (Rule 203)
Subp. 3- Adult Foster Care — means the provision of food, lodging, protection, supervision, a��d
household services to functionally impaired adult in a residence and may also include the
provision of personal care, household and living skills assistance or training, medication
assistance under part 9555.6225, subp 8, and assistance safeguazding cash resources under.
Subp. 5 Adult Foster Home — means a"residence" operated by an operator who, for financiaf
gain or otherwise, provides 24 hour foster caze to no more than four (4) functionaliy impaired
Subp, 14. Functionally Impaired — means a person who has:
A. SubsYantial difficulty carrying out one or more of the essential major activities of daily Iiving,
such as caring for oneself, perforxning manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking,
breathing, learning, or working; or
B. A disorder of though to mood that significantly impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to
recognize reality, or ability to cope with the ordinary demands of life.
Subp. 31. Residence — means the single dwelling unit in which foster caze is provided with
complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons. As defined in section 405 of the
MSBC, the residence has permanent provision s for living, sleeping, cooking, eating, and
Subp. 38. Variance —means, written permission by the commissioner for an applicant or operator
to depart far the provisions of parts 9555.6105 to 9555.6265 if equivalent alternative measures
aze provided.
*** Please note they have never applied for a special use variance prior to 2003.
Part of the Essiing's application process to the State of Minnesota Foster Care licensing was to
document any vaziances needed to operate their commercial business
(9555.5515, Subp J)
9555.5605 Assessment—
Subp. 3., section E- Placement standards — states that a person shaIl be appropriate for aduIt
foster home placement of the person does not require continuous medical care or treaTment in a
facility licensed for acute care under chapter 4640.
*** What this states is that the State of Minnesota Human Services licensed the Essling's
commercial businesses wrongly. The Essling's commercial businesses azen't "Adult Foster
Care' ; they are "Residential Care Facilities."
9555.6115 — section C- License Application process —
Separate licenses are required far residences located at separate addresses, even if the residences
aze to be operated by the same operator.
*** The Essling's have 2licenses for 2187 Bonnie Lane and �cill attempt to get a second license
for 2180 Snowshoe Ln. At 2187 Bonnie Lane, the Essling's don't have 2 addresses and they aze
staring they aren't a dupiex or multi unit dwelling. But, in order for tiiem to obtain the second
license, they had to tell the State of Minnesota that they are a multi unit dwelling, thus meaning
they have 2 kitchens, and two completely separate living quarters to obtain an extra 5 people to
live inside this "single family residence".
9555.6125, subp 7. — Period of licensure; nontransfer — means a license shall be issued by the
commissioner for up to one yeaz when the applicant complies with parts 9555.6105 to
9555.6265. A license is not transferable to another operator or residence.
9555.6165 — Subp i& 2— Licensed capacity and capacity of roomers and residents — means a
maximutn of four residents may live in the adult foster home at one time. The total number of
roomers and residents in the adult foster home at one time shall not exceed four (4).
Subp 1. — Residential Occupancy — the residence must meet the definition of a"Dwelling Unit."
In a residential occupancy.
Subp. 2. — Living room access — means each resident must have use of and free access to the
living room.
Subp. 3. — Dining area — means each residence shall have a dining area fumished for group eating
that is simultaneously accessible to resident and household members.
*** The above laws restate that the Essling's are going around State laws to benefit their pocket
book by having a"single family residence" but having two (2) licenses to operate an illegal adult
foster care facility that should be a residential care facility. The Essling's have two living rooms,
two kitchens, and multiple bedrooms for the purpose of fulfilling the Adult Foster Care license
The Essling's fraudulently have 2187 Bonnie Lane listed as a single family dwelling. Although,
with the State of Minnesota they are double-licensed and considered a duplex to obtain the
double license for one dwelling.
In the State of Minnesota Human Services Licensing section 245 A.11,
Subp 2— Permitted Single-faniily residential use - states a residential program with a licensed
capacity of six or fewer person shall be considered a permitted single family residential use of
property for the purposes of zoning and other land use regulations...
Subp 2a. Adult Foster care license capacity — An adult foster care license holder may have a
maximum of five (5) if all persons in care are age 55 or over and do not have a serious and
persistent mental illness or a developmental disability.
Subp 3. — Permitted multifamity residential use — states unless otherwise provided in any toun,
municipal, or county zoning regulation, a licensed residential program with a licensed capacity of
seven to 16 person shall be considered a permitted multifamil} residential use of property for the
purposes of zoning and other land use regulations. A town, municipal, or county zoning authority
may require a conditional use or special use permit to assure proper maintenance and operation
of a residential program....
5ubp 4— Location of Residential programs — states in determining whether to grant a license, the
commissioner shall specifically consider the population, size, land use plan, availability of
community services, and the number and size of e�sting licensed residential programs in the -
town, municipality, or county in which the applicant seeks to operate a residential program. The
commissioner shall not grant an initial license to any residential program if the residential
pmgram will be wi#hin 1320 feet of an existing residential progrun, unless a conditionai use or
special use pernut was granted by zoning (which zoning didn't approve, nor will they due to
zomng and neighborhood rejection), or the program is a foster caze.
�`*�This is how the Essling's aze doing the commercial businesses that they aze doing, at 2187,
Z 188 Bonnie Lane, and 2180 Snowshoe Lane. They have obtained an adult foster care ticense
instead of a"Residential Caze Facility" license which would regulate them to 1320 feet apart in
distance. Now, because the State(County has made a mistake and gave the Essling's 4 adult
foster care license, when indeed she is running a mini-nursing home, we are stuck with fighting
for laws that are clear and the Essling's continue to fight for financial gain.
**�The type of residents/patients living at 2187/2188 Bonnie Lane, and 2180 Snowshoe, aze all
elderly (which is fine) but tfiey are atI 24 hour nursing caze for bed ridden patients, patients who
are do not high needs, and patients who don't meet the requirements for "Adult Foster Caze°
license because they are not functionally impaired as stated above.
2. The Zoning Boazds finding of fact is completely relevant. Yes, having an adult foster care
license is permittec3 in an Rl zoning district. But, part of the reason they have the second
kitchen is to be licensed with two adult foster care licenses, and they are using the second
kitchen to obtain the second license.
***The Essling's are not permitted to change zoning laws to enhance financial gain. The
Essling's aze a commercial business; they own 4 houses less than a quarter of a mile apart. 3 of
the Essling's houses are used as commercial businesses for profit. The law states cleazly that
changing zoning laws for profiUcapitoI gains is not permitted.
3. There is not vioIation of the Fair Housing Amendment Act.
***The Zoning Board has not discriminated against people with disabilities. They followed the
zoning laws set forth by the City of St Paul. The Essling's were ordered by the State of
Minnesota to follow all zoning laws. The following is part of a letter sent to the Essling's
regarding 2187 Bonnie Lane, iicense #'s — 231551 and 809005, on October 16, 2003:
VIOLATION: It has come to the Departments attention that two pro�ams Iicense # 23I551 and
license # 809005, each with a licensed capacity of five are operating out of a single family home
at 2187 Bonnie Lane, St Paul. Two licenses were issued to this setting based on the
commissioners understanding that the setting was a dupler, but it is not a duplex (this false
in£ormation was provided to them by the Essling's). This is not allowed under the permitted
special conditions for residential use section in the Human Services Licensing Ace, Minnesota
Statutes, section 245A.11.
During a visit to this site on September 19, 2003, the City of St Paul Zoning DepartmenY
confirmed that 10 residents are residing at the above address and that the building is located in a
single family residential zoning district. It was confirmed that five residents Iive on the upper two
leveis of the home. St Paul Zoning has determined that while two dwelling units exist a t this
address, the home located in a district that does not permit muhiple unit dwelling units within the
same building.
The City of St Paui has given you six months to comply with all zoning regulations that apply to
this address.
Because you have violated the restrictions connected to your residential zoning location by
operating two programs out of a single family home, your license to provide adult foster caze is
placed on conditional status for a period of six months.
*** There is no violation of the FHAA, people can still live at 2187 Bonnie Lane and 2180
Snowshoe Ln, but only 5 people aze allowe@ in each house. Therefore, they aze being regulated.
And again, they can't request alter of zoning requirements for financial gain.
The Essling's quote a court case "Citizens for a balanced City v. Plymouth Congregational
Church." In this neighborhood, it is zoned for multi unit dwellings. This case doesn't appiy to the
case against the Essiing's. Also the state has also told the Essling's that they are in violation and
to de-convert the house for only 5 people. •
On pg 5 of the Essling's appeal letter, second pazagraph, states — The necessity for a second
kitchen that is easily accessible to the frail elderly residents at 2187 Bonnie Lane is a reasonable
accommodation that the City may not circumvent with its zoning policy. The presence of one
kitchen on each floor of the Essling home, to serve the needs of the senior citizens living there,
does not impose significant administrative or financial burdens on the City, nor does it
fundamentally alter the City's zoning scheme — especially considering that the property ay 2187
Bonnie Lane has existed with its current improvements and residents for many years already. The
home has not changed; the zoning has not changed, nor is the Essling's requesting a zoning
�** In this paragraph, the Essling's admitted to knowledge of wrong doing according to the laws
provided. In 1992J1993, when a re-inspection was done, the basement was vacant and no one
was living there. The Essling's stated they would comply to get rid of the second kitchen if things
changed. They never did.
*** To state that no significant burdens would be placed on the City is false. If the Essling's are
going to be allowed to purchase multiple homes in less than a quarter of a mile and operate
commercial mini-nursing homes as Adult Foster Care and obtain commercial businesses funds,
then the citizens in the Highwood Hills neighborhood would like a complete rezoning to state
that it is a commercial business area, our property taxes to reassessed and dropped and then invite
other people to do the same thing that the Essling's are doing.
The only "scheme" at hand is the one the Essling's are attempting to pull off now.
No one is stating the Essling's can't have their commercial adult foster caze businesses in the
neighborhood, the State and City have already stated they are just regulating them.
4. The City is reasonably accommodating the disabled elderly residents living at 2187 Bonnie
Lane. They are allowing 5 people to live in one house, no more than 5. The State has deemed that
4 �-3a7
If a11 the Essling's are arguing about is a second kitchen, let them keep the second kitchen but
regulate them as a single faznily dwelling, give them only one license to operate, and correctly
Iicense them as a"Residential Caze Faeility".
The City of St Paul Zoning $oazd did not violate any laws. They are reasonable in theu findings
and they should be upheld. The Essling's stated they aren't asldng for a zoning variance, which
means the letter from the State of Minnesota ordering them to remove 5 people and that they are
canceling one of their licenses will still be upheld.
As a neighborhood, this is not a personal matter. The Essling's run a reputable business and take
good care of their patients/residents. We want the Essling's regulated so that they or other people
can't continue to purchase single family homes, convert them Yo a commercial business and
continue to deface the neighborhood of value, traffic, and personal well being.
We live in this neighborhood because it is RI — not zoned for commercial businesses, traffic and
whatever else comes with living in a commercially zoned azea. We want to preserve the
neighborhood and make sure that regulations aze being upheid.
We hope the City Council will uphold the Zoning Administrations decision.
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bl/0b/2004 16:09 6517307523
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by-'�7 ��
David and Cathy Pavlak
2184 Bonnie Lane
St. Paul, D�IN 55119
January 2, 2003
Dear Councii Member Lantry JAN 0 6 2003
We are writing in support of 7udy Essling's appeal of the zoning ruling ag��tFh��LANTRY
property at 2187 Bonnie Lane.
Cathy and I live at 2184 Bonnie Lane which is directly between Judy Esslin�'s homes at
2187/21$8 Bonnie i.ane. We have.lived here sincP 1992.
The issue before the council is whether or not the home contains a second dwelling unit.
We have been guests in 2187 Bonnie Lane numerous times through the years and have
been through the entire house. At no time have we ever construed the structure to be anything
other than a large, single family home. The downstairs portion of the home is open to the rest of
the house allowing the residents freedom of movement throughout the entire house.
We also attended the zoning appeals hearin� where the status of the home was discussed.
It is our understanding that this issue was addressed in 1992 and its current confiauration was
approved by a housing inspector at that time. There were also discussions about �vhether a
kitchen area ln the basement would make this home a duplex or multiple dwelling unit. The
zoning representative indicated that permits are routinely granted for second kitchen areas in
homes to accommodate the residents lifestyles. Based on the ensuing discussion, it appeared that
the board members made their decision without having visited the home. The discussions
included statements about whether the home "felt like a duplex". It is apparent that this decision
was made subjectively, and without a standard that can be equally applied throuehout the city.
Cathy and I are both St. Paul police officers. Cathy is a 20 year veteran, and I have been
with the department for 15 years. Cathy has lived in St. Paul for the last 21 years and I have been
a life-long resident. From our perspective as police officers and city residents, as �veli as our
unique position as immediate neighbors to both homes for over a decade, we feel strongly that the
Esslings should be a]lowed to continue their role in the community unimpeded b}� any changes in
their zoning or licensing.
In our profession, Cathy and I see every neighborhood in the city. We ha� e first hand
experience with and knowled�e of housing conditions throu�hout the city, both in the commercial
and residential arenas. We have seen other homes that are subdivided, over populated and in
disrepair. We have witnessed residents whose housing conditions and lifestyles have seriously
affected a neighborhoods quality of life None of these conditions are present at the Essling's
homes. To the contrary, the homes are scrupulously maintained and the Esslings are the best
neighbors that Cathy and I have ever had.
Although the issue at hand is very narrow, it is bein� vigorously pursued by a handful of
neighbors, most of whom live 1-2 blocks away. It appears that they are attempting to block the
use of another of Judy Essting's homes for elderly residential care. It is disingenuous to attack
this home, its residents, her employees and our neighbor for these purposes.
To our knowledge, there has never been a problem between any of our neighbors and the
Esslings. On1y recentty has this technicality been raised. Those behind this complaint have gone
so far as to erect signs in their yards voicing their displeasure. We think it is quite telling that
none of these signs have been put up in the entire two blocks of Bonnie Lane.
Concerns have been raised about traffic and the operation of a commercial business in a
residential area.. Agaan, Cathy and I have a unique perspective £rom which to comment on these
concerns. We work various shifts and days of the week which allows us to observe the traffic
patterns at all hours of the day and night. Simply stated, there is no traffic problem. The
occasional neighborhood party creates more of a traffic problem than any of the Esslin�'s homes.
The day care business on Bonnie Lane, other residential deliveries and incidental service people
coming off Mcknight Road onto Boxwood Street cause more traffic than any of the Essling's
homes. It is our impression that some of these concerns are bein� raised b}� people who are
unaoie to ielt where ihe traffic goes once it goes souih on Birch Street. Only the immediate
neighbors can see where those vehicles go. By providing local access for our children and elderly
to these services, the quality of our neighborhood life is improved. The presence of the day care
and the Essling's homes enhance livability. There is no comparison between most commercial
businesses and these places which provide safe places for children, and homes for our elderly.
Iudy Essling ptovides stellar care for the elderly. Her homes have been cited by the
University of Minnesota as an example of "best practices" in their field. The Esslings provide
employment with above average wages; some of these emp3oyees also reside in our
Reducing access to this home from ten people to five will not improve our neighborhood.
It will only displace five wlnerable elderly from what is now their home and deprive people of
well compensated, important jobs The effort to keep these people from licing in our
nei�hborhood strikes us as ungrateful and short-sighted. Segreeating this type of facility into
remote commercial locations seems discriminatory. It is not healthy for us our families, our
neighborhood or our city.
We realize that there are many issues at play here beside the mere designation of a single
house as a"multiple dwelling uniY'. We hope that when all of these factors are weighed, you will
come to a decision that displays compassion and recognizes the value this home provides to our
Please feel to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
����c��� �cr,�� �c�'��
David and Cathy Pavlak f
a� �3�
Deaz Councilmember Lantry:
Please knowI supportthe decisions the Zoning Administrator and the Boazd ofZoning Appeals have
made regarding the two dwelling units at 2187 Bonnie Lane in St. Paul. I urge you to uphold these
decisions and deny the Essling's appeal.
Below, for your reference, is a copy of my message to Mr. John Hazdwick regarding the two
dwelling units at 2187 Bonnie Lane. Thank you for your attention.
Crrace Schmitt
1172 South Winthrop
St. Paul, NfN 55119
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
Thank you for the Public Heazing Notice we received regarding the two dwelling units at 2187
Bonnie Lane in St. Pau1.
I am writing to restate my support for the decision of the Zoning Administrator and the Board of
Zoning Appeals regarding the order to remove a second dwelling unit from the house at 2187 Bonnie
The presence oftwo foster care licenses is an indication that the property contains a second dwelling
unit. My understanding is that the State of Minnesota issued two licenses to this setting based on
the belief that the property was a duplex.
I have heard Ms. Essling state directly that she desires for the home to continue to be a single-family
home, so it seems she would accept the order to remove the second dwelling unit.
As I said in my letter of November 16, 2003, the Zoning Administrator made the right - not the
easiest - but, the right decision in this case.
Ms. Essling's business decisions over the course of several years have resulted in this situation. The
City s not to be blamed for any disruption to the lives of the individuals who live at 2187 Bonnie
Lane. If Ms. Essling had operated properly from the beginning, she wouldn't be faced with the
relocation of five of the ten individuals who live in the house. (She could, it seems, move these
individuals to 2170 Snowshoe, the property she just purchased, a portion of which appears to be
within 350 feet of 2187 Bonnie Lane.)
Thank you again for the opportunity to comment. I will appreciate the forwarding of my comments
to the members of the City Council.
Grace Schmitt
Please do not rezone our South Highwood Neighborhood
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�. � . . �i ii �i• � � � :i• �i� �i�� �i�� � •
From: <Howard.A.Giteison@wellsfargo.com>
To: <wazd7@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 1/6/2004 ll:54 AM
Subject: Please do not rezone our South Highwood Neighborhood
January 6, 2004
City of 5aint Paul
Saint Paul City Council
Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510
Dear Katky Lantry,
I am a resident of the South Highwood area of Saint Paul, at 1163 South Winthrop Street. I have been
an opponent of the "taking over" of our neighborhood by any commercial establishments. I support the
zoning decision about 2187 Bonnie Lane. Keep our neighbarhood the way it is currently zoned - large
lot, single family residential. Our neighborhood is very unique, quiet and secluded and the streets are,
by design, very narrow and not fit for much traffia l oppose the Esslings request to convert any of their
homes or adult residences to muitiple dwellings. There are many people, sometimes with their small
children, that walk these quite streets. If we allow more tr�c on the streets, there are fikely to be
problems. I do not wish in any way that the streets be widened or have traffic controlled. The area
should remain as it was designed and designated by the city - a special single family, residential area,
with a unique character and charm.
The Esslings have deceived the neighborhood, the City, the County and the State. They should not be
ailowed to ruin our special neighborhood because of their greed.
Marlys J. and Howard A. Gitelson
1163 South Winthrop Street
Saint Paul, MN 55119-5620
(651) 501-0970 home
(651) 592-2085 cell
file://C:�Documents%20and%20Settings\vickis\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00008.HTM 1/6/2004
December 17, 2003
Kathy Lantry
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Reference File NO.: #03-410460, Essling Appeal.
DEC 1 � 1p03
We are writing to you in order to state our position on the Essling Appeal of
the decision of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals.
We built our home at 2155 Boa�vood Avenue in 1977. Our property is
directly across the street from the back of the Essling property at 2187
Bonnie Lane. Our neighborhood is zoned for single-family dwellings only.
This is one of the primary reasons why we built our home in this location
over 25 years ago.
The Essling home at 2187 Bannie Lane currently carries two adult foster
care licenses granted from the MN Department of Hwman Services. By
requirement and definition of the Deparhnent of Human Services, each
license covers one dwelling unit. Since the Esslings ha�e two licenses for
2187 Bonnie Lane, it is considered by the State as two dwelling units. As
this is a direct violation of the zoning regulations for our neighborhood, we
ask the City Council to deny the Essling's appeai on this matter.
The zoning regulations are quite clear and the Essling's property at 2187
Bonnie Lane continues to be in direct violation of those regulations.
Respectfully submitted,
--- ,
/ . c,�,u .,-t– � � \`r�
Terrence & Mary Petra
2155 Boxwood Ave. E.
� �
St. Paul, MN 55119
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A �,:�.�
"Theresa Watschke" <I.watschke@comcast.net>
<ward1@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward2@ci.stpaul.mn.us>,
<ward4@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward5@ci.stpaul.mn.us>,
<ward7@ci.stpaul.mn. us>
1/4/2004 4:55 PM
Essling's Appeal to City Council Regarding the Zoning
<I.watschke@comcast. net>
<ward3@ci.stpaul. mn.us>,
<ward6@ci.stpau{.mn. us>,
Board's decision
January 04, 2004
We, Lloyd and Theresa Watschke who reside at 2195 Snowshoe Lane St. Paul, are writing in regards to the
Essling's appeal to the City Council onthe Zoning Board's decision denying Judith Essling's, as per the Essling
Corporation, requesting for a variance for 2187 Bonnie Lane.
We agree with the Zoning board's decision denying the variance. This area is zoned R1 and we are against
changing the zoning to allow multi unit dwellings or granting any variances as to what constitutes a single family
dwelling. We don't want the area changed from R1 to be zoned commercial which would detract from the
desirablity of living in this neighborhood.
If the Essling's request were to be granted it would set precedent and there would be a subsequential request for
a variance at 2170 Snowshoe Lane, which is owned by the Essling Corporation, or other variance requests for
other group care homes in the area.
Lloyd and Theresa Watschke
file://C:�Documents%20and%20Settings\vickis\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00009.HTM 1/5/2004
ov-3o7 ��
January 2, 2003
David and Cathy Pavlak
2184 Bonnie Lane
St. Paul, 1VItV 55119
Dear Council Member Lantry JAN 0 6 2D03
We are writing in support of Judy Esslin�'s appeal of the zoning ruling a����'h`��tANTRY
property at 2187 Bonnie Lane.
Cathy and I live at 2184 Bonnie Lane which is directly between Judy Essling's homes at
2187/2188 Bonnie T.ane. We have lived here since 1992.
The issue before the council is whether or not the home contains a second dwellinQ unit.
We have been guests in 2157 Bonnie Lane numerous times throueh the } ears and have
been through the entire house. At no time have we ever construed the structure to be anythin�
other than a large, singie family home. The downstairs portion of the home is open to the rest of
the house al(owing the residents freedom of movement throughout the entire house.
We also attended the zoning appeals hearing where the status of the home was discussed
It is our understanding that this issue was addressed in 1992 and its current confi�uration n�as
approved by a housin� inspector at that time There were also discussions about �ahether a
kitchen area in the basement �vould make this home a duplex or multiple dwellin� unit. The
zoning representative indicated that permits are routinely granted for second kitchen areas in
homes to accommodate the residents lifestyles. Based on the ensuin� discussion, it appeared that
the board members made their decision without having visited tlie home. The discussions
included statements about �chether the home "felt like a duplex". lt is apparent that this decision
was made subjectively, and �vithout a standard that can be equally applied throu�hout the city.
Cathy and I are both St. Paul police ofticers. Cathy is a 20 year veteran, and I have been
with the department for 15 � ears Catliy has lived in St. Paul for the last 21 years and I ha� e been
a life-long resident. From our perspective as poVice officers and city residents, as �vell as our
unique position as immediate neighbors to both homes for over a decade, we feel stron�ly that the
Esslings should be ailowed to continue their ro(e in the community unimpeded b} any changes in
their zoning or ]icensing.
]n our profession, Cathy and I see every nei�hborhood in the city We ha� e first hznd
experience with and knowledge of housin� conditions throu�hout the cit}�, both in the commercial
and residential arenas We have seen otlzer homes that are subdivided, o��er populated anc in
disrepair. We have wimessed residents whose housin� conditions and lifestyles have seriously
affected a neighUorhoods quality of life. None of these conditions are present at the Essiin�'s
homes. To the contrary, the homes are scrupulously maintained and the Essline_ are the bzst
neighbors that Cathy and I have ever had.
Although the issue at hand is very narrow, it is being vi�orousl}' pursuee by a hand:ui o;
nei�hbors, most of whom li� e 1-2 blocks away. It appears that they are attempting to blo�k the
use of another of Judy Essling's homes f'or elderly residential care. It is disingem.�ous to at:ack
this home, its residents, her employees and our nei�hbor for these purposes
To our knowledge, there has never been a problem between any of our nei�hbors and the
Esslings. Only recently has this technicality been raised. Those behind this complaint have gone
so far as to erect signs in their yards voicing their displeasure. ��e think it is quite telling that
none of these signs have been put up in the entire two blocks of Bonnie Lane.
Concerns have been raised about traffic and the operation of a commercial business in a
residential area.. Again, Cathy and I have a unique perspective from which to comment on these
concerns. We work various shifts and days of the week which aliows us to observe the traffic
patterns at all hours of the day and ni�ht. Simply stated, there is no traffic problem. The
occasional neighborhood party creates more of a traffic problem than any of the Esslin�'s homes.
The day care business on Bonnie Lane, other residential deliveries and incidental service people
coming offMcknight Road onto Boxwood Street cause more traffic than any ofthe Essling's
homes. It is our impression that some of these concerns are bein� raised b}� people who are
unabie to iell where ihe traffic goes once it goas souih on Birch Street. Only the immediate
nei�hbors can see where those vehictes go. By providin� Ioca1 access for our chiidren and elderly
to these services, the quality of our neighborhood life is improved. The presence of the day care
and the Essling's homes enhance livability. There is no comparison between most commercial
businesses and these places �vfiich provide safe places for chiidren, and homes for our elderty.
7udy Essling provides stellar care for the elderly. Her homes have been cited by the
University of Minnesota as an example of "best practices" in their field. The Esslin�s provide
employment �vith above average wages; some of these employees also reside in oar
Reducing access to this home from ten people to five will not improve our neighborhood.
It wili onty displace five wlnerabie elderiy from what is now their home and deprire people of
�vell compensated, important jobs. The effort to keep these people from li��ing in our
nei�hborhood strikes us as ungrateful and short-sighted. Segre�ating this type of facility into
remote commerciai locations seems discriminatory. It is not healthy for us. our families, our
neighborhood or our city.
�'e realize that there are many issues at play here beside the mere designation of a sin�le
house as a"multiple dwelling uRit". We hope that when aH of these factors are �ceighed, } �i�ill
come to a decision that displays compassion and reco�nizes the �•alue this home provides to our
Please feel to contact us if you have atty questions or concerns.
��.�r�� � �ci G�c�U� �c��t{�
David and Cathy Pavlak �
Oy-�7 �3�
Bonnie Lane
There isn't any doubt that the services provided by the Esslings aze needed, and in the
coming yeazs there will be an even greater demand for these services. Most of us have a
family member or have friends that are dealing with these types of issues. Recently
Alzheimer's disease became an issue with a member of my own family, but this is not the
matter before us. This is a zoning question, and because demand for these services is
only going to increase, it is even more important rules are followed so that city services
can be properly allocated.
This is an attempt by a business to take a shortcut in order to maximize profits. The
Bsslings knew how the property was zoned before converting it. To put this in
perspective we need only look at recent history concerning their newly acquired property
on Snowshoe Lane.
When the Esslings acquired the property at 2170 Snowshoe Lane they began to convert it
for business purposes without pulling any permits. When called on this they filed a plan
that did not acknowledge they were converting it to a duglex. At a community meeting
7udy Essling herself acknowledged she planned to house nine clients at that address, even
though she knew it would have to be a duplex in order to do so.
If the best way to do business in Saint Paul is to ignore the rules, do business as you see
fit, then ask for forgiveness, and be allowed to continue as you piease, why should any
business, or resident for that matter, bother with zoning laws?
State and Federal law allows for these homes to be licensed. IVowhere in these statutes
does it say cities give up their rights to zone, and that multiple licenses must be issued at
a given property. They tell us that these types of facilities belong in residential
neighborhoods and how they aze to be configured to be licensed. That is, you must be
considered a multifamily unit to have more than one license.
Only by using good zoning practices can cities hope to maintain adequate city services
for everyone and avoid the pitfalls of the 60's and 70's as prophesized by Jane Jacobs in
The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Ignoring the zoning in this instance is not
good CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) planning. If not held
to zoning standards much needed facilities as these will become the problem not the