243765 ORIGINAL TO CITY sRK ,.^�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NQ, � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ,C NCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATG � RESOL , That the Council hereby concurs in the recama�endation of the Purchasing Ca�mit e therefor and hereby awaxds con�racts for f'urnishing READY MIXED COI�CRETE to the i�ty of St. Paul Department of Public Works, St. Paul, Minaesota, Tor a period April 1, 1969 through Maxch 31, 1970. GU CONCRETE CO�II'ANY - for co ract priee of approximately... . .... ..... ...... ........ ... .. .... ..$9,000.00 2�ABiSI X CONCRE�E C0. Por co ract price of approximately............... .......... ... .. .... ... .$9,500.00 at unit prices b�d, as particularly described in aWards of contracts, al�ontract amownts more or less aecording to require�ents, all in accordance srith Ci y speltifi ations and said bidders being reasonable snd reliable ones and the Corpora- tfon C sel be and hereby is directed to drav up the proper form of contracts theref , and the proper City officials hereby axe authorized to ezecute said contrae s on behalf oF the City of St. Paul. � FORMAL ID �3�69 MAY 9196�9 COUNC N Adopted by the Councii 1 _ Yeas Naya Car1s n MAY 9 1969 Dalg ah � Approved 19—_ Mere 'th Tn Favor . Spr ,,,J Mayor A gainst Tede �r. Presiden Byrne PUBLISHE� �AY 1 '7 1969 ��