243755 OriQinal to City Clerk , . � ORDINANCE 243'�55 !' � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ( � ORDINANCE NO _ AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF STATE IFARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY AND ITS INSURED, JAMES C. MOTT, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE OUPdCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby aut orized to pay out of' the Tort Liability Fund o035-�21 to tate Farm Mutual Automobile In�urance Company and its ins red, James C. Mott, the sum of $272.2�F, in fu11 settlement of heir claim for damages sustained on or about January 30, '`196 , as a result ot' an accident involving a Ci�y vehicle dri en by George Larkin, at or near the intersection of Dea ton Street and Benson Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota . . � Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants I upo their execution and delivery of a release in full �o the Cit , in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, fo all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid . Section 3. That this ordinance �hall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and pu lication. I I Yeas ouncilmen Nays Passed by the Councii MAY 2 7 1969 arlson algliah eredith In Favor � eterson Q prafk�. � Againat edesco MAY 2 7 1969 Mr. resident ) Appr d: ttest: , C' y Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHE� MAY 3 �- 1�69 DnDlicate to Printer � , , ._ ORDINANCE 2�3��5 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — AN OF�DINAN'CE SETTLIN(� '1'HE CLA?.�I OF STATE F.�RP� �1UTUAL AUT�MQBILE INSURANCE CQMYANY 1�ND TT,� INaURED, JAMES C. Y4�4TT� AGA INST T'HE CI`.1'Y OF SAINT PAUL � COIUNCIL ON� �IE CITY QF SAINT PAUL Dc�ES Of�DAIN: Sectian l. That the proper City off�.c�r� are h�rehy su�ha ized t� pay �ut of the Tort Liabil�.ty Fund 0035-�21 to St te Farm P�Iutual AutamobiZe In�urance Company and its invurRd, James C. Mott, the sum of $272.24, in full settlement of �h�ir claim for damages sustalned on or ab�ut January �0, �-9j9� �s a resul� of an aecid�nt invalving, a City vehiele driven by Ge�r�e �►arkin, at or ne$r th� intersee�ion af Dealtc�n Street and B�nson Avenue, Saint Pau1, �Iinne�ota . ' �ection 2. That said sum sha�.7, be paid to the said clai,mants upon their ex�cu�ion �and delivery ot a relea�e i,n f'u.11 to the City, in a Form to be approved by the Corg�rati.�n Counsel, far a�.1 dama�es sustained in �h� manner afare�aid , �eetion 3. That this ordinance ehall take effect �.nd be in force �hirty days after its pa��age, approval anu publi�ea�ion. I � � �'VI��" �' r' �9�� Yeas Coux�cilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carl�on Dalglish MerQdith n Favor Pete�son � Against Sprafka Ted�sco ;(� . . . 4 Mr. Presudent (Byrne) Approved: � - ��I:� I st �� ~ 2nd Laid over to � �� �g 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \ Carlson Dalglish ������J 4`°` Dalglish Meredith `° Meredi+h Peterson ��eterson � Sprafka � �prafka Tedesco �Tedesco �/ � Mr. President Byrne \ Mr. President Byrne O