243753 -� ._ � 243'753 � COUN�CIL FILE N0. � CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. Resol tion Ratifying and Confirming By — Con ation and Awards of Damages File Na— ��� and Asseasment Therefor- In the mat r of �SSt#�1�,1 A��a#�, �dt�s� aM �t� 'I��R � !�► �#.'wr�ttlt� ,��►r�M� to xin�w �r�► q*i� �i �s �erlt i�t �� �1N �oi�t� �ri1�r� �a�ral� w �, �t3�i i�s �i #,�t� �t �ta� l�ol, �ttr�r��t�at TbM �s I�r �Ir� lsw�t ft 3� 1, #2s�c �!, �c� ai �t ttt�t�t �#�#i�t �► �i� , rwt, a� s t�rr tiwr a�lts,r �xt�s�t �jr t�a #'�qr �rt �� �t f.w ti� t+oielt� � �t t�essot ar�ea �irr+�eril�r 4iww�t. i3�o ii � ��r�wr�ms�r�r �rtr�c#� riswrr►�s aa � �, �c�rc t� ��arl� !!a�►t tl�s+�atf �1+�s1t �!, �visrt� �a�i � ��ctir'a t�,1l,t� t�ar �at l�1., asl►��at t�s si�t�r ar�tanMt i�r tl�� i�.ey �! �ai�►t la�, � �+a �� t� t�wt� �f to '�#ir�aeait�r J►��, ��a�r �+�r sl�wt, s�ta �� ttt„Lr� +�ai�is�tii l�► , . �c a�.f ar ,o�w.a�rst��s. .t .lo� ss ti. �a�i#� .�i � o� � iM�f.. ttanrat, ii i�■��MCads,�►�r�t� �at� t�a a■�r�►1� +� dar ��wt �nae�rr��at or 31, 1li�l, �a.t�a�rrt �ts !iri t, � under Preli inary Order �� —, approved �tt� 3�.� 1�7 , Intermedia y Order �� , approved ��E� ��� �� , , „ Final Orde — Z��� ' —, approved �'.��� +�, t1� , ;; , . �=` A pub ic hearing having been had upon the_taking and conde�iation of�:the lands or .�ease�ments_. __,._.. ,.,.„� ,�,.�...,.,,�__._. . ..._ �_.. ,.�.... . therein, fo the above improvement, and the award of damages th�re�or,��and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Ceuncil having duly considered the same, now,thErefore be it � . .. ^� '�.4� � � Resol ed, That the taking and condemnation of,the lands described in the �nnexed assessment roll, � identified y the signature of the Commis,sioner of Fi�ance, and made a�part hereof, and the awards of damages the owners of such'lands for said taking and�condemnation as set;forth in said assessment roll, be an the same is hereby�in all respects ratifi�d and confirmed. . =� . Resol ed further, that the said assessment o£benefits, be and the same �s hereby in a11 respects ratified, a d the same is hereby ordered to be subm'�tted to the District Court for cQnfirmation. CO NCILMEN Yeas Nays MAY 91969 �al �;�t-, Adopted by the Council,_ _ Nle ed�th MAY 9 1 9 P * - � Ap d �� �#kd . Q�� ����" �In Favor • �y t1� ayor Against Form R-s �� PUBLISHE� MAY �'7 1969 �. .- _ -� - � •- .# " � . .. . . � . . . . �� .-.. . . .. � .. B. . � . � � � z4��� 241�9$ � CITY OF ST. PAUL 3 � R of Comnaiss�ner of F'usance n Condemnation of La�da File No. �� In the mat r of �� � #�� � � �� �' � ��� � � � � �� �f !� �R �# ��I�'� � ��� i�M!#�� �t �t� al� � dMt ��r �' � �t� M��t+si !�r �s �1 � �! � �, �t �,� �e#+�� a� 'MM� t?�ws�`s �it+� � � �� sr�! � t�t �l�r �r� � t� �� +�' �t �l #+� tlis MM� #� � �! rr�i� 'i���► �iniwr. �r �t ±�dy �e�r �tl�r � w �a i, � �r i�Ma�► �wt �� �it �#, �r�t a�i �r �"`t �il�#irr Mr h� �,� �,� �r s�#��s +�t ?�` l�r�t �► �' �It �w�i � �r � �M � �' w► �+qr �� r�rrt�r�e� �re �ri+�� � +�r� �r,� +��r�� h► tl�r�t �e s�r�t�t +�i' s� 4► �M �yt ��rt pr�ie� �! �1 �� �daat„ #���•rr tr� � �r ��t �' tw �r l��a�w�rrt ae �, �i, r�1� � i�as� under Prel' inary Order �� , approved � �. �!� � Intermedi Order— � , approved �'�� �r � - Final Orde � , approved � � � . TO THE UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The C mmissioner of Finance hereby reports: That h has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap- propriated or the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own- ers thereof and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amoun of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, an that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the unders gned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. v ommissi er of Fin e Febr�ry 1�+� 1�69 M�. J. Wm. Danavan -----_...._. V�luation Engi,neer � �---���-�. �. Bu�ilding �\�� � �� D�ar Sir: 1 � � T}�e City Cauncil tc�day laid ov r o b�rc th the Resolution Ratii'�ring s�nd Confirming Condemnat3on and ds f es and Assessment Therefor in the matter of psrtially op�nira �ing and extending MARTON ST. f�om University Ave. to ve., o��Fi1e No. 17188A. ,-- __.� � � Very truly yours, ----., � City C1erk ng '___.__✓ �/� i ,1 � �����_�....�,,/� _�__��____� I NSa.rch 14: 1969 1` i { 1 I�Ir. J. Wm. Donavan, �.�=-� � Valuation i� Assessment Engineer. \�\�� ,,—� \ Dear Sir: ' The Gity Council t lai.d ov to Aptil. l�.th. ; �he Resolution Ratifying Ass ent i e matter of partie,l].y opening, widenin� and extendin r �Street #�om Univ�rsity Avenue to Como Avenue, under P. ?,�130, apgroved June 30, ��7. /-"-----\ �'� / i Very truly youtx�s, �� � ,-� -�_. hp %: ' City C.lerk ( I � . �,�\ // , � ,�__=,� Apri? 11, 1969 . f I ,------____J _�____ ,� � �� � �. P+1�•. J. Wm. Dcnov^a�n, �'-�� ���;> Va3.ua.tion � Ausessment Engineer � Dear Sir: 7'he City Council. tcsd�, cver tivree wec�ks to rda.y ?nd. 196� the Res�o,��'�o�xieRati_ , l�ss�ssm�r�t in the :nat�tc�r of paxtiai ly openin ;�s'riden an�d. �ndiri�; r4arioz� St. ��'ro� University �ve�su� c�/(',Qmo �ve y und 1'. Q. 23�+13�, approvec� June 30, 19G7. - --�"'-� Very truly yours, �. i' i � City Clc�rk �$ � �'���---=i `_� � � May 2, 1`�9 � i � � . ��� I:1 '���� - ��� � � ���ir. J. i�Tr�. 1:onovan, �`�� � �� , L�'a,lua.tip?�. and Assessment �ngin�r. � ' �� D��.r 5ix: ` ` �� i *r°�,c� C;it,y <'���nc' to y���i� over t� D�ay 9tY.�. the R�u�a1�t-i�r� 'trr.�t�..f',yrs r, . � °u mPnt � th� niattP� o�' �a.rtial�;,� r,�<�naz1,;, y`' enin�; a cxtE=r � �; P�.rion >t. i�•om 'Ur1�.�rersi.t;Y A�re�. L�?�IC mo �ve. , u er �'. 0. 23�4i3o, appx�oved J�un� 30, .1t�6'T, �� � �\ �..�--� ;,_� ;�� Very truly yours, � I �� I ( ih� � \ ; Ci�f Clerk �:��/ j � _�/ I , , ,�.. , , �wr• �' � . .�. ? ��� -�� � OBJECTIONS IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of partially opening , widening and xtending MARION STREET from University Avenue to Como Avenue y condemning and taking for street purposes the following escribed parcels of land , all in the City of Saint Paul , innesota : he Easterly 48 feet of Lot 1 , Block 29 , Robertson and Van tten ' s Addition to Saint Paul , subject to the rights cquired by the City of Saint Paul in the South 20 feet hereof to widen University Avenue . lso condemning and taking temporary construction easements n Lot 1 , except the Easterly 48 feet thereof, Block 29 , obertsan and Van Etten ' s Addition to Saint Paul , subject o the rights acquired by the City of Saint Paul in the outh 20 feet thereof to widened University Avenue , necessary or slopes , cuts and fills , occasioned by excavations hereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving f said Marion Street, said temporary easements to terminate pon completion of the street improvement or December 31 , 1969 , whichever occurs first. � 0 THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND TO ITS COUNCIL , TO THE OMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND TO THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF AINT PAUL : YOU , AND EACH OF YOU , WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the owners of the above-described properties ; ,namely , R & N Corporation and Ron Saxon Ford , Inc . , do hereby and herewith object to the taking and condemnation of the above- d scribed properties , and do also object to the Report of t e Commissioner of Finance as to the amaunt of damages to b awarded in the amount of Forty-five Thousand Seven Hundred ( 45 , 700 . 00) Dollars , and do object to the confirmation of s id award. That the grounds of said objections are that the t king of the above-described properties is not for a p blic purpose and is contrary to law , and that the award o damages is contrary to law and insufficient and does n t adequately compensate the owners of the above-described n --� .: cr.-.: � � .,.,,, "f1 - {.� .__._. l=-• . '.'i. G,: � --_� -r� , �-r :.,;.. �3 � rry , �. , . r � r ' �_ ,_,�. roperties for the lands to be taken in these proceedings , together with damages to the remaining lands of said owners , and that the damages sustained to said owners for the taking of the above properties , together with the damages to the remainder of said owners ' properties is in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000. 00) Dollars . DATED at Saint Paul , Minnesota , this 6th day of May , 1969 . 0 N C. R LAN WLAND & MER ENSOTTO ttorneys for R & N Corporation and Ron Saxon Ford , Inc . 1100 West Seventh Street Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 222-5589 - 2 - � Z � • �.. .- �.. �' � � v��`� OBJECTIONS IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDIAI6S In the matter of partially opening, widening and e tending MARION STREET from llniversity Avenue to Como Avenue b condemning and taking for street purposes the following d scribed parcels of land, all in the City of Saint Paul , M nnesota: T e Easterly 4g feet of Lot I , Block 29, Robertson and Van E ten's Addition to Saint Paul , subject to the rights a qu i red by the C ity of Sa i nt Pau f i n the South 20 feet thereof to widen lJniversity Avenue. Iso condemning and taking temporary construction easements n Lot I , except the Easterly 48 feet thereof, Block 29, obertson and Van Etten's Addition to Saint Paul , subject o the rights acquired by the City of Saint Paul in the outh 20 feet thereof to widened llniversity Avenue,` necessary or slopes, cuts and fills, occasioned by excavations hereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving f said Marion Street, said temporary easements to terminate pon completion of the street improvement or December 31 , 1969, whichever occurs first . TO THE C ITY OF SA1 NT PAIIL AND TO ITS C011NC I L, TO THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND TO THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF SAI NT PAIIL: YOII, AND EACH OF YOII, WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the owners of the above-described properties; namely, R � N Corporation and Ron Saxon Ford, Inc. , do hereby and herewith object to the taking and condemnation of the above- described properties, and do also object to the Report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded in the amount of Thirty-seven Thousand Two Hundred ($37,200.00� Dollars, and do object to the con� firmation of said award. That the grounds of said objections are that the taking of the above-described properties is not for a public purpose and is contrary to law, and that the award of damages is contrary to law and insufficient and does . . . . . � . n t adequately compensate the owners of the above-described roperties for the lands to be taken in these proceedings, ogether with damages to the remaining lands of said owners, nd that the damages sustained to said owners for the taking f the above properties, together with the damages to the emainder of said owners' properties is in the amount of wo Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars. DATED at Saint Paul , Minnesota, this 23rd day of January, 1969. ,�� jf;' .% �f ...� ' ;� ,� �'/ .r` -;; � _ JOH . ROWLA D�` ROWLAND � MERTENSOTTO Attorneys for R � N Corporation ' and Ron Sa�on Ford, lnc. I100 West Seventh Street Saint Paul , Minnesota $5102 222 5589 � �-- -� � G�-: � —'�C> _..,.._ -�,r- 1"� T� C:.��7 .�.«. � �-...jr� r— -w<t) C3'1 C'� t.1 � �t� ._..3 �� ;:�.�' '='i � C:,:,; t'¢I e� •�`1,..