D001263CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR -� ���_�.,��_�:, : r-, � ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER, Na: � lZt�3 D�: � -� WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation is preparing the design and plans for reconstrucrion of Capitai Centre Plaza, and VJHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation intends to select an artist to create a sculpture as part of the plaza design, WHEREAS, the artist selection process is being coordinated and facilitated by Public Art Saint Pau1 at the request of the Division of Parks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, Public Art Saint Paul will incur certain expenses during said selection process, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Public Art Saint Paul for its expenses for the Capital Centre Plaza artist selection process in an amount not to exceed $8,925.00. . �l-3R040-Q883-331b9 'ROVED AS TO FORM �� � ��� Assietant Ciry Attomey —. Depa ead Adminisffative ASSistant Mayor � �12(�3 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET �� NO. 37227 Parks and Recreation �uC,� V� 6 ���� 97 CONTACT PEft50N AND PHONE INRIALIDAiE INfiIAL/DATE ohn Wirka 66411 P � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR CfiYCOUNCIL ASSiGN — NUMeER FOR Z CITY ATTORNEY 4 CfT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY �DAiE) NOlfi1NG OR�EP _FINANCIALSERVICES OIR. �J PARKS & RECREATION 3 MAYORIORASSISTAM7 _ TOTAL S OF SIGNATUPE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANHFJ ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Administrative Order RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) ar Reject (R� PEflSONAL SERVICE CONTMCTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � Has [his persoNfirtn ever worketl untler a conhac[ for this tlepartment? CIBCOMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? VES NO DISTRICT COUNQL — — 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current city employea? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separa[e sheM and attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Wha[, When. VJhe�e, Why): Public Art Saint Paul has agreed to coordinate artist selection process for Division of Parks and Recreation, to select an artist to create a sculpture for Capital Center Plaza project. rw�� A:",�uh�:::;; � .. � � �: � ., .�. z✓ ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Public Art Saint Paul will be paid for selection process expenses. ��t3 �.� ���� � � �� ' � ';�.F=������ DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECE�VED None ��� � � ��� CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Public Art Saint Paul cannot be retained to coordinate selection process. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S H.9�L�J.00 COST/NEVENUEBUDGETED�CIRCLEONE) VES NO OINGSOURCE HRA ACTNRYNUMBEH C97-3R040-0883-33169 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �