243740 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 243'7�� , CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL NO. Lzc��,rs� ca1��� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL O TION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY v� P'!c� S� 19h9 COMMISSIONE DATF � I��SOLUL'1i;That apnlic��tion for the transfer o�' t7n Sale Li lt�.or Lice,,se issued t� Alb�rt Ca.x�l `j'S�r_ia� at 61C Como �venue to Park Lanes, Inc, at the same address� and thei ap�lic_>.tion for jLest�.a.ra;.t, Off Sa1e I�Talt i3evera;;e and Ci�;arette �icenses for e sa.rie location, be and the same axe hereb�T ;ranted on the cDndition that with'n �� C da;�s o�' tl:�is date said Paxk Lanes, Inc. shalZ corn�nly with all requ'rements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, �.nd �the License Insp ctor pursuant to the �t. Paul Legislative �'ode a.nd all other apr�licable ordi ances and. l�,rs. �pY � 1969 COUNCILME Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson 1��� � 1969 � Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Pe�er�aui ' Sprafka (� Mayor Tedeaco A 8ainst Mr. Preaident, Byr e PU6LISFff� MAY 1 � 19� 0 , CITY OF SAINT�PAUL �4�"��0 Capital of Minnesota oLJe a�ti�e�t o k�lic �a et p � POLICT Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PBOTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIBE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Devuty Commiasioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Liaenee Inspeetor I'r�y �s 19F9 Honorable I�azlor and City Council • Sai.nt Paul, Tiinnesota GentleMen: Parlc Lanes, Inc. is joined by Albert Carl Tsci:ida in makin�;, apolication for the tr�nsfer of Or. Sale I,iquor Li_cense ��Io. 751�9� ex�irin� JanuaryT 31, 1970 from Albert �arl Tsciiida at 616 Como kvenue to the �ark Lanes, Inc. at the sarne address. The Park La:?es, Iric. also r�ake a�•��lica;,ion _for :�estaL:rant �ff Sale PTa1t �}ever�.;;e and Ci;;arette I,icenses for the sarie 1oc a.�ior.. Tris location has been licensed for a similar busir.ess s?_nce 1,93l� and the present licensee, �lbert Carl Tschida has held the licenses since 1960. The off`icers of Park Lax:es, Inc. are Leo j'�. r�loell�rr�an, President and Treasurer; and �'lorence i°l. Ploellerman, Vice- presi�iPnt and �ecretarz.r. 'lhe�� also comprise the two stockholders in the corporation. Tir. I�ioellerman has been owner and operator of the Park �ecreation Parlors ancl Lanes, Inc. at 1�i�3 i�orth �?*ielling Avenue for a number of �ears. T�Zrs. i�ioellerman is a housewife and has no outs�.de et?�lo;;T?��ent. Ver`T t�il,;r y=ours� � . a, �� � , t >,_�. c , :;�� ��, , y, +,- .�„ � License Inspector O I . . � „ rlay 6, 1969 � :•:r. :?iJ_'ia�a �. Carlson . Co:,-�issione-r of Public Safety . ?O1 �. T�nt'n Street �t. ��ul , l�in:�esota 55.101 � � :�tten:ion : :-xr. Daniel P. P•7cLaughlin � Gen�le�en : '�".ii is �o a:?vise ��ou t?�at I have sold tlze business ?:�o��m as �I;�'� ' S ?LAC� oner;te� unc?er the on-sale lic!uor license in �:�y �,a:�.e at '.1C� Como Avenue to �AR'•'. L�r?�S, Ii�C. , a i�inne- sot corpor�tion, and :zereby� authorize, consent and direct �;:a u�on nro�er applicGtion by t.ze said PAR'Z LF�IES, INC. , �:;a - you trunsfer t:ze license now issued in my name at 6I6 Com Avenue to th� app?icant, PARK LANES, TNC. P, I w slz to tlzanl: you for your cooperation. � Very truly yours , �� . . ,�!�..��'"��'-��° ./� ' _ . , A1'�ert C. Tschida ACT me � ' ' . .' � ' �aaEin �. �'rJ,c�en ATTORNEY AT LAW . � 641 UNIVfiR51TY AVENUE PHONa� 226•0144 SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55104 � �i l�►� T T � EToerorablr� ��► d _. ty �o�c��l ��' �r �3.� of ;��. ��1 �y C4�»1�r Caux� �cvaa "� . ��, �li��►�►sota t�+�+�t sase bs s�r3.s+�� t.�►a� P�K LAl��, ��t.,, � �a��te �r�►- � +��a 3�► ��rch�ln� tlte tk►-�� �e?�a�l ��+�aoa t�+�+es� smd c�ter �,��s+ea r�c�+ in the �ame +��` �&��!'Y' �. ��A, do#�g s3z�m�s as �,ks�� Plad�, lc�,��+sd a� ��,� t�r� AY�aet ��. Pa+��, �te�ti a�dd re�rp+�c�f'c�ll.y rec�,a��rt �h,�� 't,lae C��,jr �r�c�il ot � er Citq c�f �t. Pd �1, l�ir�est�t�t„ tx+��Ye� �.d t�r.��tl.� Re�,l L qq4r L3�e�ta� ��� Il�.be� C. �'��bl.da �s �'� L,�3��� T�C., � Minneso�t �t�z'��r�t3cn 1c yo�. �a��tt'q� y�,trs� T� L�t�3 �, By aq►t