243733 I
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' and
' Theund ' edhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefolYowfngpublioimprovemeat by tLe City ot 8sint Psul,vts.:
reconstr ct the sideWalk on the south side of Cheltoa Ave. from Prior Ave. to Minne-
; haha Ave , on the west side of. Tatum St. from_Prior Ave. to Minnehaha Ave., on the
north.si e..of�Chelton_Ave:..from.Prior.Ave�. to. and,includi�,Lot 12�B1k 13„�Midwa,y_,
Hei�hts ddition;_on..the east side of Tatum St.. from Minnehaha Ave. to and including
........_.................................................... .............................__.............
Lot 19, lk 16, Midway Heights Addn. and by doing all other wo k which is necessary
Dstsd ,......Z�h.......dsy of....................ktay........................... ........ , f'
. ......-.. .... .
and inci ental to complete said i�aprovement. �
.................. :�� .. ......�:...�.... ........
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WHE � A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, via.:
reconstr ct,_the sidewalk_on, the,,,$o�tt}_ig,��ig_,Q�„�h�,��q�__�yg,�,_,�Q�,���,.p,y�,��,.�g- �`�
haha Ave., on the west side of Tatum St. from Prior Ave. to Minnehaha Ave., aa t�� : ..� .,.--�
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--�tl�-•�s# -•�€--�Itoer..A�e;..fro�r3Lrfor..,Ave.�...t�..aad.--f�mc�u�irg--�.ot---}2-;--�i-k��3;.:�#.dt�p~
Iieights dition, on the east side of Tatum St. from Mianehaha Ave. to and including
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`Zo�°2'�l;' IT�"I�i;"�T�dwa'y"'�ei�'Eifs�'Addn:��arid���iy�doirig--aYl�ot�ier�worf��w�iic�i��is�necessary
�� - -and__incid ,ntal.t!?..�414lP.��.��..��.i.Si_.iA�.�QVe,�o�eztz..---•........................................................_........--
hsving been reeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.............................................•----......_............. _....
; t6erefore, be t _ :
RffiOL ED, That the Commissioner of Publia Worke be and ia herebq ordered and direated:
1. To i vestigate the neoesaity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvemen�.
2. To ' ��atigate the nature, extent and estimated Qost of esid imp�vement, and the totsl ooet thereof.
3. To f ' s plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. - •
4. To te whether or no8 eaid improvement ie seked gor oa�he petition of three or moce ownere.
b. To port upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of l�nanoe.
Adopted by t e Counal..._.....................................�Y.._...7.1969
Co ncilman .Carlson �1Y 7 1969
De1 g 1 i s h Approved.........._......._...............................................
./� , I�e�land
on �
Tedesco .........: .... ...C.l:k�.. . .. .... ......
Mr. P esident BXzrre M83'�r•
�000 T-ac
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Pt�lC�sw� MAY 10 19��