243721 , _
�` 2�3'7�1
Resolutio Ratifying and Confirming By ---
` Condemna 'on and Awards of Damages File No.�?1�
an Asaessment Therefar
In the matter o
_ _ _ _ __ _
--- -j
- -
____ , ,
I _. :_ .__.__ _ ,
' Open, widen, an extend T�NTH STRE�T by condemning and taking . �, �
the followir.g d scribed tracts of land: �
�izose part of Lo�� l, Llocic 5S, Irvines i,nlar�e;:;e�L' oi Rice �:.nd �rvines
Gda�.tion i: th�� ta��,i oi Saini: Paul, and o�f Lo� 9 �xcep L t'r.e nor Lilcas�erly
, � �., _ . . _
� � ., -� t -
7,. _ � <� �� ' � 1 - - n�
� . .75 �e�.t ����i�ol, Llo�lc 3, Lazil and Guerii. s l�c.ai�ion to Saint 14u1,
��:hich lies �ai��hin i:;l� area bounccd l�y ti�e Follo��ain� desc-ribed lines:
�e�inninJ t �i.he poi�.t of in��ersec�ion oF th� sou�h�as�,�^1y line o�C �lock 3,
E�zil and uerinis 1-lddi�ion �o SGi;�� Pau1, and �L-h� easLcrly nrojeci:icn oF
-c,e southc ly 1in� oi �loc'.< 58 , I��vin�s L'nlar�e;;;ci�-t oF Rice and Irvines
�d�ition t �:�:c town of Suint �aul; t3�ei�ce noi^L�:casterly alon� the said
sc.:theas-�e �ly �ine oi said l�locl< 3, beir.g 'che no�i:hw,si:crly line of iench
S�ree�, a i5tance o:C 75.64 i,et t-o a poin��; zhence in a sou��l-icaesi:erly
directio;� lon� a curve io �he ri����c ��aii:h a rudius o£ 200 i'ec��, a central
an�le oi � °2G' , and t:n�eni: �to s�id southeusieily line oi Block 3 a dis-
tur,ce of 1 ;4.63 feet to G poini. cn tlie sou��:he-rIy l�ne oi said Blocl< 53,
being th� or�h.�rly l.ine oz `�'eni:h S�t��ee�� 75.G�� fee� w�sterly oi �the poin�
�o� be�ir�ni �; tl:enc� eastcrly alon� the s�id souLherly line and the eas�erly
projec�ion -ci-�e��or, a distar�ce of 75.64 reei. to tne point oi i;eginnin;.
, w� ,�.�.,
o�bene�its th efor; �ra��LO -c�rsra�rea tne �ame, now tne���-�i�__ -- `- .y._.
Resolved, hat the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by t e signature of the Commis:sioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to th owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment
roll, be and th same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved urther, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified, and t e same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Coux•t for confirmation.
Yeas �� Nays
Q�lgtis . Adopted by the Council �Y 7 1969
lN�sredi n _ _ 7 l��i�
^ prove
&prafk = ��
Tedes o � In Favor
$yt�e D Mayor
Form R-3 O
'�uetiswE� MAY 10 1969
�r , -- �
, ,�r _ -. �
r �
! .,2�,�!2��5 �
Repo of Commissioner of Finance
on Condemnation of Lands File No. ���
In the matter of
—� - - -- _ _--
_ _._ _._�_____ ,
Open, widen, a d extend T�NTH STRE�T by condemning and takin ���" �� �
g �;,
the following escribed tracts of land: �
Ti:ose parts o� Lo�� l, �;locic 53, I��vines Enlar�ernenL of Rice and Irvines
addz�ion io �the �o�ti,i oi Saint Paul, and oF i,oi: 9 excep t fii�� nor�ti�eas�erly
24.75 iee� ti�ez�eo�, L'loelc 3, Lazil and Guerii:'s Adcli�f:ion to Saint Paul,
��:hich lies wi����in �i�� a�^,a bounc.cd liy tl�e follotain� described lines;
Be�innin; t -�h� noiiit of in��erseci:ion oF the sou�he�s�2i^1y li�ze o� �loek 3,
B�zil and u`rinTs ��c'idi�ion io SGin� Paul., and �L-h� eas�erl� nrojeci;icn oF
�c:�� southe ly 1i��e oi Blocl< SS, Irvines Lnlarge:;:en-t oF Rice ar.d Zrvines
addition t the town ot Suin-L- Paul; �hence nori:heasterly alon� the said
south�as-�e� Iy line oi said B1ock 3, l�eir.g 'che no-ri:hwesi:erly line of Tench '
S�ree�, a istance or 75.G4 ieet �o a poin-�; thence in a sou��hcaesterly �
d�rection lon� a curv� io th� ri�h�� wi�h a radius of 200 �ee�r, a central �
an�le o.i � °2G' , aiid �an�ent fio s�id southeasi:erly line ot Block 3 a dis- �
tar.ce of 1�,4.63 feet to a poin� cn �1�� soLr�herly l�ne of said Block 58, �
beinu th� n r�he��ly line o"r T�n�;h S�L-reet 75.Gt� feei wes�erly of -the poin� �
�o� be;ir,nin ; thence eas��rly alons the said sourherly line and the eas�erly
projecfion ' ize�eor, a distarice of 75,64 Fee� �o the poiri-� of b�ginning.
_ �tn� va sioner ar�ance nerepy repores: _ _ __ _
That he ha fixed and deterxnined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap-
propriated for t e above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own-
ers thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined
the amount of enefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost
thereof, and tha attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of
the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
ommiss' er o ance