243715 ORI6INAL TO C TY CLBRK 2�3��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' CO CIL R SOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �` � COMMISSIONE DAT � WSffitS�S, Ordi.nance No. 3250 anthorizes and pravides f or paq�meut f or ertime woack, and �i�FIBR$AS, the Cammi:ssioner of Public tJtilities has suthorized overt�.me Work in the Water Department during the period from �pril 19, 1969 to May 2 1969z there ore, be i� BBSOLYED, that �he proper City officers sre hereby authcrized to pay t�e e�eployees who perfurmed at�ch a�vertim�e work in acecrdance Wi.th the prcrvi�ions of Ordinances Nc. 6446 ar�d No. 3250. ; I MAY 61�69 COUI�CILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ', Nays Ca ison I�►Y 6 1��9� D glish Approved 19`_ M�redith � Tn Favor � Sp afka � Mayor A gainst T esco Mr. Presid nt, Byrne ��[�s�E� MAY 1 D 1969 ! O