04-301Retum copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall js RESOLUTION Presented By Referred To Council File # U�� �` Green Sheet # ��i\ a� 1� 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council adopted Council File #04-237 dated February 25, 2004, said resolution 2 being the Rarification of Assessments for the Public Works Sewer Repair Program for Sanitary 3 Sewers identified as File No. 3SWREPAIRA, Assessment No. 9935, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the properiy located at 1023 Topping Street with the properiy identification number of 6 26-29-23-32-0059 was assessed $20,433.69 with a payback of ten years collected via property taaces, 7 and 9 WHEREAS, the property owner has requested that the payback period be changed from ten years to 10 twenty years, because she would be unduly burdened with the ten year payback period, and 11 12 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Real Estate Division is authorized to make the 13 necessary changes to make the payback period from ten to riventy years. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZO � Green ✓� Sh et�� DepartmenUofficelcouncil: Date InitiaYed: TE — TechnologyandManagementServ 01-MAR-04 Green Sheet NO: 3012637 Contact Person 8 Phone• Deoartment Sent To Person Initiai/D Bnlce Engelbrekt � 0 echnoio and Mana ement S � Z zs6-8854 Auign 1 echnolowandManasement De artmentDirector 3 f)Y Must Be on Councii qgenda by (Date): Number Z ,;n• Attornev Meehan Ri1ev � 3 c For V �� Routing 3 a or's Offce MavodAssis[ant Order 4 ouncil Ma Erickson 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Lowtions for Signature) Adion Requested: Approve the attached resolution to change the payback period from 10 to 20 years for an assessment for a sanitary sewer repair for $20,433.691ocated at 1023 Topping Street. WxFRv � Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Mswer the Pollowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? . Yes No � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? -- Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The property owner at 1023 Topping St had het sanitary sewer repaued and the cost would be a burden for her to payback the assessment over a period of 10 years. The owner requested the 20 year payback. AdvantageslfApproved: Properry owner's burden will be reduced. ��.,�, 3� G� ���� �� ��b'?�.a Disadvanta9eslfApproved: �'=l�lEt (r ' UU None. p°q g �� �F. & � ��k ���@��� Disadvantages If Not Approved: Property owner said she would have to sell her house in order pay the assessment. �^�%'�"`'� ��' ^'"' � ilP1� � � ���5�` Total Amount of 20433.69 CostlRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Fundinp Source: ASSessments Activity Number: Financiallnformation: � ..... .,,, (Exptain) Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green y John Saumweber - Re: Constituent Concem: Sewer Repair Assessment Page 1�. p�-t-361 From: To: Date: Subject: Hi Bruce, Lee Helgen Engelbrekt, Bruce 2/28/04 10:12AM Re: Constituent Concern: Sewer Repair Assessment I am ok with the extention. Please go ahead and prepare the resolution. »> Bruce Engelbrekt 02/27/04 0528PM »> Lee, Cathy Andreotti, one of your constituents (1023 Topping St.), called your office earlier today at my suggestion. I had spoken with her this morning about her concern over a costly assessment for sewer repair work on her property ($20,000), which was ratified by the City Council this past Wednesday (2/25). Ms. Andreotti would like the term of the assessment extended from the current 10 years to 20 years to make it more affordable. I told her the City could do so through a city council resolution, but that I needed some direction from you to proceed with preparing the resolution. A little background: Sometime iast year, Ms. Andreotti was informed by Public Works that her sanitary sewer needed repair because it was causing a depression in the street. A neighbor across the street was also required to do the same. Because Ms. Andreotti's property is situated at a high point on the block, the sewer is very deep, thus making the repair work extremely expensive. (Most sewer repairs average $3,000-$5,000.) Ms. Andreotti received bids from approved contractors and Public Works examined the bids. The work was done by a reputable company. Ms. Andreotti is not disputing the need for the repair work or the cost. She's just worried her ability to afford the the high cost. By extending the term of her assessment, the City can make it more manageable. Would you like me to prepare a resolution to extend the term Ms. Andreotti's assessment from 10 to 20 years? Thanks. Bruce Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall js RESOLUTION Presented By Referred To Council File # U�� �+"� GreenSheet# �i1a� 1� 1 WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #04-237 dated February 25, 2004, said resolution 2 being the Ratificarion of Assessments for the Public Works Sewer Repair Program for Sanitary 3 Sewers identified as File No. 3SWREPAIRA, Assessment No. 9935, and 5 WHEREAS, the properiy located at 1023 Topping Street with the properiy identification number of 6 26-29-23-32-0059 was assessed $20,433.69 with a payback of ten years collected via property taxes, 7 and 9 WHEREAS, the property owner has requested that the payback period be changed from ten years to 10 twenry yeazs, because she would be unduly burdened with the ten year payback period, and 11 12 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Real Estate Division is authorized to make the 13 necessary changes to make the payback period from ten to twenty years. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Zp Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She t�� � � Department/officelcouncil: Date Initiated: TE - 'lechnologyendManagementServ 0'I Green Sheet NO: 3012637 Contact Person & Phone• Deoartment Sent To Person � Initial/Date Bnlce Engelbrekt � 0 echnolo and ana ement / 266"8854 ASSign 1 xhnolo andMana ementS De artmentDirector 3! bY Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ; Anorne M han Ri1e � 3 ` For v �� RoUting 3 a or's OfSce �Sa or/ASSi [ant OfdOf 4 un il �'la Erickson 5 i Clerk CiN Cierk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: ' Approve the attached resolution to change the payback period from 10 to 20 years for an assessment for a sanitary sewer repau for $20,433.691ocated at 1023 Topping Sueet. W �RD ,� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Foliowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? - Yes No 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The proper[y owner at 1023 Topping St had her sanitary sewer repaired and the cost would be a burden £or her to payback the assessment over a period of 10 years. The owner requested the 20 year payback. AdvantageslfApproved: Proper[y owner's burden will be reduced. ���� �;� �- ��y . �. �,Y �. a �, Disadvantages If Approved: I� � U u None. ���� � R ������ Disadvantages If Not Approved: Properry owner said she would l�ave to sell hec house in oider pay the assessment. �� =-"? `�"'�"" � N �1AR � G� 2��'4 Total Amount of 20433.69 CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: FundinA source: Assessments Activity Number: Financial Information: � . ., ,,,. (Explain) John Saumweber - Re: Constituent Concern: Sewer Repair Assessment Page 1 p�t-361 From: Lee Helgen To: Engelbrekt, Bruce Date: 2/28/04 10:12AM Subject: Re: Constituent Concern: Sewer Repair Assessment Hi Bruce, I am ok with the eutention. Please go ahead and prepare the resolution. »> Bruce Engelbrekt 02/27/04 0528PM »> Lee, Cathy Andreotti, one of your constitue�ts (1023 Topping St.), called your office earlier today at my suggestion. I had spoken with her this morning about her concern over a costly assessment for sewer repair work on her property ($20,000), which was ratified by the City Council this past Wednesday (2/25). Ms. Andreotti would like the term of the assessment extended from the current 10 years to 20 years to make it more affordable. I told her the City could do so through a city council resolution, but that I needed some direction from you to proceed with preparing the resolution. A little background: Sometime iast year, Ms. Andreotti was informed by Public Works that her sanitary sewer needed repair because it was causing a depression in the street. A neighbor across the street was also required to do the same. Because Ms. Andreotti's property is situated at a high point on the block, the sewer is very deep, thus making the repair work extremely expensive. (Most sewer repairs average $3,000-$5,000.) Ms. Andreotti received bids from approved contractors and Public Works examined the bids. The work was done by a reputable company. Ms. Andreotti is not disputing the need for the repair work or the cost. She's just worried her abiliry to afford the the high cost. By extending the term of her assessment, the City can make it more manageable. Would you like me to prepare a resolution to extend the term Ms. Andreotti's assessment from 10 to 20 years? Thanks. Bruce