243697 CITY'CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL %�4369'� Nv . 3610 COUNCIL RE�OtltT1ON FILE No.--�..— _ � AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS / PRESENTED BY HON. � _ DATE 79—. • RffiOL , That the C�unc hereby appr�ves the award of the Contraet C�mmittee theref� and hereby awards contra,et for fuxnishing all la,b�r, materials, equ3.pment and se ices necessary for �r reasonably inc3.dental to the General C�nstruction of an a dition to and remodeling �f C�mo Park Sh�ps, 1100 North Hainline Avenue, St. Pa , Minnesota for the Dept. of Parks� and Recreati�n and Public Buildings, to ER CONSTRUCTION CO. for the contract price of $16,900.00, in acc�rdance with Ci y plans and specification� �herefor hereto atta,ched and the Fora�.l Bid #3�+39 � said Krue�er C�nstruction Compa,n4Y �uch bid being the l�rest and said bidder eing a reas�nable and rel3.able bidder, and the C�rpora,tion C�unsel be and hereby 's directed to draft the pr�per forms of con�ract therefor, arxa the pr�per City of icials hereby �,re auth�rized to execute said c�ntract �n behalf of the City of Saint Pau1. Formal id #3�+39 Job 8-y6 _ ()(�(� • _ — CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - � s ���J�v.00 DEPT.CONT NO. WpTER CONNECTION3.DETOURS,SOUNDINGS,ETC. - $ ' ENGI EER�S ESTIMATE: FINANCE DEPT.CHARGES - - - - - - - - - S ENGINEBRING - - - - - . - - � - � S � s INSPECTION 2�Jo ' ' - - - ' - - ' ' ' Z FORMAL BI Na. 3�+39 � - � TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - � � S ����O�OO NOTE: TO B CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAII.ABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. - PERMANEN IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: � 1. ASS SED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - � � - ' ' ' S 2. APP OPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVBMENTS— - - CODE � 3. APP OPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE ; 4. APP OPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE � 5. COU TY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � _ _ ' ' ' $ 8. MU CIPAL 8TATE AID PROJECT NO. ,. c. .B. 9768=00��� s 16,goo.00 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - S 1��900.00 COPIES TO: t NEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE If AN UNENCUMBERBD BAL- CITY C RK ANCE AVAILABLB IN TH2 ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTR LLER RHIMBURSfi TH6 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING PUND IN T 6�OUNTB. ,� � ... . PURCH ING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPT6D P�S aG C. COMPTROI�1 F & Pub. ldgs. BY COUNCILMEN �Y 6 1969 YEAS NAYS� ADOPTm BY THE COUNCI� . • Delgish IN FAVOR �a�c`Prafka MAY 61969 Tedesco eredi4h (��aA1NST �ROVE �atossca �x CarlMon Mr. President,]� �Y'T1@ � PU�T.1sWE� MAY 10 1969 M�YOR S00 2-6g �