243695 �— Or[Qinal to City Clerk ORDINANCE r 24369� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ""� � �L'���� ORDINANCE NO — An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. T COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion 1. That the Zon�ng Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusiv , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use D stricts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properti s in .the City of Saint Paul, as amended� be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the followin described property from "B" Residence District to Light I dustry District, to-wit : Lots 3 and 4 and Lot 23, Block l, Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition to Saint Paul; situate on property located between Min.nehaha Avenue and Beech Street and between Arcade and Hope Streets in the City of Saint aul. S ction 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force hirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and pu lication. N►AY 2 i 1969 Yeas Counci en Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Carlso / Dalglis � In Favor / Mered' h � �� Petera n � Against Tedes o fi�;�,t�� ? :. '�Q�iq Mr. Presi nt (By , Appr e • Att : City r� " da �O rm approved Corporation Counsel $y PuB��sHE� �1AY 2� 1969 aDlicate to Printer : N C E 243��5 ORDINA` ENO COUNCIL FIL ORDINANCE NO /� / — �RESENTED BY An ordinan.ce amen�i�� the 2onin$ Cqde, Chapters 6C1 to 64, inclusive, o� the Saint Paul Le�islative�ei�ht per- t�ining to Use Districto� certain Y�istrict� ano� Rezoning of Saint P�ul, pioperties in the City a� amended. T�SE iCOUNCIL 0� THa�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DO�S Oii,DAIN: That the Zonin� Cocle, Chapters 60 to ��, �ection 1. ertaini�� inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative �o��� po� certain to Use Distriets, IYe�.ght Distriets and rezoning be and as amended, properties in the ��urther�a�►ended ao as to reaone the th� ��� i� hereby erty fro�. "B" �eside�ee Distriet to follawin� �.eaeribed Pr�P to_witi � Light Indwstry District, Lots 3 and 4 and Lot 23, Block 1, '�chursneiers Sevent� Street Addition to Saint Paul; sltua te �n property loe�ted between��������n th�nCity�ofB�ech Street an� between Arcade and Iiope Saint Paul. Sec'�ian �. This ordinance $h��� it�gpag�a�e,aaPpr�val force thi�rty (3Q) daY� from and sf a�d publication. ..�Fn �l_. \jC�: w ' Nays Passed by the Counci Yeas Councilme� � Carlson In Favor Dalglish Meredith ��"' Against Peterson �� � � ��,�� Tedesco t�` Mr. President (BYrne) Approved: I . > BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDI G • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 � l � l � ' December 31, 1968 � 2����� Mr. Harr E. Mar hall Y � City Clerk Room 386 I City Hall Dear Sir: This is itten in response to the petition of Wolff Properties to rezone from "B" esidence to Light Industry, property located between Minnehaha AYenue and Beech Street and between Arcade and Hope Streets. This property is desc�ibed as Lots 3 and 4 and Lot 23, Schurmeier's Seventh Street Addition, Block �. The petit oner proposes to use the southern portion of this site, fronting on Beec Street� as part of a site for a 120-car, two to three story parking facility The Zoning Code requires Commercial or less restrictive zoning for this se. This matt�r was considered at the November 7, 1968 Board of Zoning meeting. The st�ff reported that the south portion of the property is apparently illeg lly used for storage of used and wrecked cars. Beech Street, adjoining the pr�perty to the south is not vacated but in part used in conjunction withlthe subject property for parking. 'The north portion of the site is currentlyt vacant. The Comprehensive Plan recommends that this property be used 'for highway purposes and the State Hi�hway Department has indicated that ac�quisition will begin in 1971 with construction starting in 1973. �, It was th� finding of the Board of Zoning that this proposal should not be granted fc�r the following reasons: there are definite plans for acquisition by tY�e Highway Department; the rezoning attempt rspresents over-zaning in tY�at the proposed use would not require a more intense district than Commercial;�and, a rezoning and consequent improvements may increase future public ac uisition costs. _ Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends denial of this,petition to �,l�-;,,� rezon.e from "B" sidence to Light Industry. �,, , ,a�.�.� ' Ver trul ours� ; .l // �_". r � Y . Y Y � � , �, ,�' �` � r`�°"`� „�� G- � ��-- �/�- ar� �� !' ,r', / j���r �� � .�� , /,_��'�/ � _ F. , �.. •_ �George G. McPartlin r'"� Secretary � � � . � 'v.u„�, .� . R4� �;... .'y. GG�IcP:cv �' � � k..»' w., C LS '�`� � �� . Z•F• #6645 j �"'��.._ ..,.�`� �, ; _.�-�.-"�,,. ,� p~ j , �, � � ,u>I y.r t � so �j � ^'� � � , Har�y E. Marshall ; �LT'' o�, AlberF B. Olsoo City CZerk and ' �`�� � y7 Council Recorder Commii�ioner of Registra � E -� ; ����� ,, , �P - .; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Hall St.Paul,Mdnnesota 55102 Nov. 6, 1968 i 7,oning Boa�d Commerce B�dg. St. Paul Gentlemen: '� he City Council referred to the Zoning Board for recommendation the attach d petition for rezoning Lots 3, �+ and 23, Block 1, Schurmeier's Seventh St eet Addition, located on the south side of Minnehaha Ave. between Hope and A�cade Sts., and on the north side of Beech St. between Arcade and Hope Sts., l,to Light Industry District. V ry truly ya�rs, �� +� a- � �City C k � ng <=--�l�f _ II � ; Y � � '� �� I t � 2nd aid over to �rd and app � —Adopted ✓ eas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson ��y,Carlson Dalglish ��°'�Dalglish s . `� Meredith � � ? �``�Meredith ' Peterson ���`''J � Peterson � Sprafka Spre#ke— � � Tedesco '*� Tedesco �. '� Mr. President Byrne �Mr. Presiden+ Byrne ' �O i