243660� 24���0 . INTER EDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE NO. By File No. 88�24 In the �tter of rece�strn►cti�es the siis�ralt os tl�s �ast siis of =arl it� trra ka.�lis a. ts Jassa�i�ts �va. azi by iois� all mtbsr �rork which is wsaessa�r a�d� i�ciissta t� c�lete ssii i�prrra�eat. under Pre . .n$ry Order 2�9� approved April 3, 1li� The Cou cil of tlze City of St. Pau1 having received the report of the Commissioner of Fina�ce upon the ab ve improwement, and having considered sa.ia report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ' is hereby or red to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement vyhich the Council recommends is �s r�ceas� ct el`e a i1�wa lIc e�a ti�e �as� s iis st Earl =t. ir�a Ms�ael ia �in. t.a Jessariae . asi tir i�i�� all ot�er wri� whiah is �ecusa� a�ui i:�aiib�al t� <,+�iats s i iaprrvNen�, pc�elt �sre �osi a�i sstfiairati �srsd sidawslks �rnr iestst. wi�h nar alte ativea, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3,SfJ ptr litt. i`t. l�ar 5' wali� � 4.�a per lis. �t. t�r i' walk Resolved urther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3ri day of , at the hour of 10 'o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Cit Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commission�r of Finance give notice of said meeting t the persons and in the manner provided by the Chaxter, stating the'time and place of hearixig, the ture of the improvement and the total c�ost thereof a»s estimateti. _ :. MAY 61969 COUNCILM N Adopted by the Gouncil Yeas' Carlson Nay� DaigliSh Approv ��( !� 1�6� Meredlth � Pe�seF� ; : Sprafka _�=�—In Favor ' Tedesco - Mayor �� �Ag�inst �� �I�1Y �- � �9�� 6-se-za� �� �.