243658 A - . .. � � � � . . .. .. . : � � . .�:�� �. � .... . .. .� . . . .
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- 243�58
_ BY. '
File No. , iS6t3�'
In the MattEr of recoastt�tisE ti�a sidswalk oa ttit �nst aide sf sarl at.: frN
Jessaa� A�e.; t� �erasi�a A�rr. aid tiy doisg all �tlaer �s�c whial� ia secsss�s� ui
iacidsat 1 te c�late said it�rwa�at.
wnder Pre' inary Order _ 2�►Z9$6 approv� �til 3, 1!�!
The C ncil of the City af St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner`of Finance
upon bhe a ove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:"
1, Th t tne said report and the same is hereby approveti and adopted, and the said improvement `
is hereby o dered to be proceeded'with.
2. Th t the nature of the improvement which the Council recommenda is
t� r�co'u at tl�� sidarilt sa th� vsst si�s et =ar1 St. tstia Jusa�i�e �vt. t�
, �Srast� vs. ssi �y iois; sll �t'ker w�rk �i�L is fsa�ssar� a�i isaide�tal t�
_ _ _�_ :.
_ __
e�lses af�i i�rr�raeats ss��pt whsr� Se•i +a�i stiti�iei�� ��rs+� si�►alks �
with no alte atives, and that the estimated eost thereof is 3.3A per lin. ft. .fer S' �ralk -
- �4.2� per�ia. ft. !or t' walk
Resolv Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemeYrt<on the �r� day of
at'the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber'of the Court'
House and C ty Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
saad meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, atatin� the time and place of
hearing, the ture of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estima�ed.
�y 6 �9g�
Adopted by fihe Council �
Yeas �erlson Nays M�Y : 6 l�f 9
Deigiish Approved
Mered it
Sprafka Tn Favor .
T� �' � Mayor
a� Against
pilBLfSHE� MAY J. O �9��
6-88-2M �� 1