243651 .
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File No. 17396
.- In the M tter of tarre�i.as N�CO!?� Sa=C! tros Y►e�.logs slvi. to l�at1► St. (Cit7
` Pr�jsct P-4 � as �ella�ws s c�as�r�et bit�l.a�s patreasat; Q�astruct s trNt retwrris; ,
coastract s Mater draiaaga iamilities; aw�sts�ct aarss� vrt�sr aa� �as s�ics '
cowa�io�s; re�lacs mr a�d� �isein� laad �atar ssrvies �sctiw�; a�ad i� all
o�6sr rark icti ia ascaasaty aai ia`Qiiaatal to co�let� a�id 3�rr�n►a�eat.
under Prelimi ary Order 2���2 approve� B��ti�= 13, 1� , ,. .. �
The Cou cil of the City,of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of �nance
upon the abo e ixn�rovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That he said report and,the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ord red to be proceeded with.
' 2. That e nature of the improvement which th� Council recommends is
te 3arprove 8�! fro� Leilou Elv1. t�o T�� St. (�it� lroj�� l-45e� as _
itillwrat a trn�c� tii�i�a pav�ent; c�astr�ct strest re�; c�tstrr�� ,a.��e � r :r;-�
xatar ira laailitiss; e�as�ruct savsr, ast�r asi � s�rie�a smssti�e�
rslls�� '�r lrssi� pcistis= lead �racer, servie� aurm►aa�io�u; ud di alI e�3�r �rl�
whicti is sa ssa� aai ixciiest�al te ca�plata saii iaprweaea�.
with no alte tives, and that the est,imated c�at therevf is $ �0*7�•�
R,esol�ed rther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the �tj , day of
at the hour of 10 o'c�lock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court :
House and Ci Ha,il Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting o the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, atating the time and plac� of
hearing, the ture of the improvement and the total co�t thereo� as estim�ted.
COiJNCI EN Adopted by the Counci �Y �
Yeas Nays � b ��
�artson _
D�igllsh �proved
�prafka Tn Favor •
��deSco . � , Mayor
�iyn�e Againat �� �1Y 10 "1969 �
a.ea-zac 4�� 1 . , `