243650 • * 243�50
File No. 173818
In the M ttQr of csade�aiss aa� takisg aa �aseu�►� im the lani naaessuy !or the
slepas, ca s ui fills, iaclai�tg xi�ht •f raravsl ot lat�ral sagp�rt fraa snbja�at lami
�r ra�aia4� r ther�f, occasi�asi � ezcavatieas th�re�f or coas�ractioa of sl�pes is
the tradia and snrfscias Mith '�itmtiaonsaatarial aad cswstr�ct c�crate c�rb a�ui
gntter � P �?. froa 4t� St. to Sth St. (C-1571)
under Prelim ary Order 2�449 approved >La=ch 5, 1969
The Cou cil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Coxnmissioner of F`inance
upon the abo e improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1: That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ord red to be proceeded with.
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
te co�d� tate aa aaseseat is the lssd.aeaessarp f�r tl`s slelss, c�es asi fills,
iaclniis= ight oi ra�wal sf lateral sap��rt froa smbjeet laad �r ra�ai.�iar thas��i,
�ccssi�el sacavatiess tUer��f er �sautr�ati� of al�sa is t�e sraiias sai sgr-
facis� Ni tiit�aia�s �sterial sai c�asts-act erurets �arb a�ui -�E��r �a il��+�! at.
fr� 4th S . to 3th 8t., is acc.�rlasce Mith �las �l�apriat �eret� ataaci�ei aai �ais s
�art h�rs� , the hstehad gssti�ss shrwia� �ha asts and ths shaiei portins sbwtl.s� th� fill�,
with no alter atives, and that the eatimated cost thereof is $ 25.F�18 (0-1371)
R,esolved urther, That a public hearing be had on said ixnprovement on the �ri day of
at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and Cit Hall Building in the City af St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting o the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, the tare of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
cotnvci N �Y b 1969
. Adopted by the Counci
Yeas Nays
DalgfiShi APprov
Meredit ,
Sprafka Tn Favor ►
�edes � Mayor
BY� Against �5�� �AY 10 1969
6-66-2M �°Q 1