243643 _ 1 ORI6INAL TO QITY CLBRK 243643 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ��L�;s� �c�°II>Il�r�r� UNCIL R SO ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `� May 6, 1969 COMMISSION DAT i ��r,SOL�iT�ll That Applica.+ion Y-10923 for Lrive-Zn-i2estaa�rant and Ci�arette Licenses, a�_:�lied for by Ralco Co., Snc. at 81�1 �%ast TTaryland xvenue, be and the same are hereby granted, subject to the followin�; conc�itions, t,hat the ground be prepared znd maintained so as to be dustless, that the d ebris 'I be picked up and removed daily from the premx.ses and th�-;t the side��alks around the property be cleared of snow and ice durin�; the winter. , R E T�J E A L (llrive-I�i-T-�estrictions) I I I I i , MAY � 1969 CO NCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ��Y 5 ���j9 C�arlson alglish Approved 19—_ eredith �n Favor prafka V Mayor A gainst edesco Mr. Pres dent, Byrne pUBLISHE! �QY �. � �96� O