243634 I ,---^�..�-R-_ _ .._. :...._ , �._ _ .,-�.� ,_..:�,.�.•:� _,. -,_�-_.r, _._ . � . � � 1 � - 2��� � � ; 3� �;�'�• � �IN L ORDER �OUNCIL FILE Na ,ry � BY . � � .,, File No 1�'�+�► , . " k � . ` In he Matter of ����� � •� � y�,*, ��;,MpR �f U�lt�a !t. !s� �: � � �t�►a. o� �+�/ 1�. a� �► i�laiy� �l �1+►r w��lt ri�iasi i� t�a�� aM � �st trr +�►1sa� !� ��at. r � , � � E � � � 7 under liminary Order �!"-� approv�i � u*-1'� Interm diaty Order approved A ublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council : having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered '� the e; therefore, be it R OLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-. provem nt to be made by the said City is a tsrwst dwr ��#c �a i� �i�ir � ttttai.� *s. &�a �irt� �ae. a� ' � �� ,� tij iri� ari� �►de�nr � �i+e�� !�► �►ai��► a�M f�qt� I�r �i� � s�#�t , �►t rM�t ��i aM s��t �i �#�i��ip� tMU► �d�et. � . < � , `, I � � t� ; � ', and th� Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. R SOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directe�l to prepaxe plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approv�l; that upon said approval, the proper city afficials axe hereby authorized and directed to pra ceed w�th the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Co cr�rr MAY 51'� Y� �ry�n Nay� Adopted by the Council �ipprov MAY h 1969 Meredith � , Ret�.T � ; ��prafka � � �� '� � Tn Fsvor ::�::: desco ;:�::� o Aat�ej Mayor •M�•••Vl• Yresideiat � AroA1IISt ��us�.{�i ��[� 1 O � n 1969 6-68-�][ $.1 I � : � ��'��b�S�l Dist. No. 2 -� , �'�.,ti � c'� :� , " �p,�' . . � on St. - Fairmount Ave. to Graad Ave. �5�`�0 - +f, �`� ,., 196.9 ' � �� ,`�` �'ECEIVE �� � � DE D �°' PT• OF e.r � } F7.NANCE �,�' �t � '°bFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS , -`�;.� � ., r � �.�`Y.. � REEORT TO COMMISSI�NER OF FINANCE �� A ��` � � � �< � �-4 March 18th. 19 69 ��. �� T� the Q�m�ni�sioner of Finanee of the City of St, Pauls The Com¢�uissioner of �ublic Works, having had uader consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File Noe 242578 approved March 12th. 1969 r�l�tive to reconstructing the sidew�lk on both sides of Milton St. from Fairmount Ave. to Grand Ave. and by doing all other work which is neceasary and incidental to complete said im�rovement. ar�ci having investigat�d the matters and things referred to therein9 herebq report�e la The estiffiaterl cost thereof is $3>50 per line fta for standard sidewalk S ft, wicle and $4>20 per lin< ft, for �tandard sidewalk 6 ft. �idee 2o A pla�y profile or �ketch of ssid improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereofa 3o Tnitiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4o I�mprove�ent is asked for upon petition • � ' Co�issioc�er of Pub c Wg,rk.��` y�