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- By _
File l�a. �
Ia �he Matter of �� t� iZMM� � '� i� !! �i�i �+ !
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under P�eliminary Order � approved �ti i� I!�
interm Order appron�.
A nblic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
' having eard all persons, objections and recommendations relative ther�to, and having fully considered . y
�:. the sam ; therefore, be it
RE DLVED,By the Council of the City of St. Paul that�the pre.�ise nature, extent and kind of im-
p�rovem t to be made by the said City is �
t'+s , ' � �N �L�Mra�t � 1r�t s�t�ra � iY�r�,ls �. l�awt �lat it. fas �!t �i
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and the�,Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RE�OLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Fublic Work�s be and is hereby instructed and
directedi to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,,and submit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed wit'h the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
co�cir�EN MAY � 1969
Adopted by the Coun�'
Yeas , Nays
_ Y 6 1969
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V Tn FAVOr •
Spraf�� l� �Otl� Mayor
:�"�,a''�„�;�'� .�. Am�.ingt �
�s-se-a�ie � �t M�1Y 1 Q �e�e�
. °.� t Dist. No. 1
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• � B.S. Aiagnolia Ave. - Rice St. to Park St. g ���'=VS�O
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"� March lOth. 19 69
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To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paula
The Coma�issioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelfminary order
�f the Council known as Council File Noe 242474 approved March 6th. 19 69
r�l�tive to reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of M�agnolia Ave. from Rice St.
to Park St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete
said improve�ttent.
ac�d having inve�tigated the matters and things referred to thereiny hereby report�e
la �he estia►ated cost thereof is $3>50 per lin, fte for standard side�valk S ft,
wide and $4020 per lin, ft, for staadard sidewalk 6 £t, wide,
2> A plaxa9 profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atCached and made a
part thereofa
3o Initiated by the Com�issioner of Public Works X
4o Imp�ovemeat is asked for upon petition
• Cs�mmissioner of 1�W k�`�..