243612 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 2�3s��
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, by resolution, C.F. No. 242323,
approved February 26, 1969, did adopt its final order in the
condemnation proceedings of the following described real estate:
Lots 1 through 7, Block 2, Curry's Subdivision
of Lot 13 of Buell and Mackubins Out Lots to
Saint Pau1, Minnesota, and
WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul is desirous of obtaining this real property for the
purposes of its urban redevelopment program and eventual sale to
the City of Saint Pau1 to be used for Oxford Playground site; and
WHEREAS, The owners of the above-described real property requested
the City, through their attorneys, by letter, copies of which are
attached hereto, to discontinue the said condemnation proceedings
so as to permit the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to commence
its own condemnation proceedings for the purpose o�' acq�wz�ag> �tl�e
said real estate, and it is the recommendation of the City's Land
Committ�e that the Council approve said request; now, therefore, be �
it '
RESOLVED, That resolution C.F. No. 242323, approved February 26,
1969, be and the same is hereby rescinded in its �ntirety and t�iat '
a copy of this resolution be transmitted by the City Clerk to•the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority forthwith.
Copies were sent to Housing ar=1 Redevelopment
Authority on May 2, 1969, as per last paxa-
graph of the resoluii�n.
� �v�. t ;' �
�ORM j �
�IAY � 19�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays � 19��
--�a�r�son--- ��'
Dalglish � Approved 19_
Meredith Tn Favor
PPtPra� �,��� \ �
Sprafk� V Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne ��L�SHE� MAY ;� ����
�f�ce�r�eY a� �.uw ���� �/ �
d ,��,,,-�..� /��
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� ril 8 1969 �' ������ �
� , `' APR 9 1969� �8
� Nousing & Redev, °
� Authority y
� St.Paul,Minn.
ti O
' Mr. John F. Bannigan, Jr.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
421 Wabasha Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Summit-University Urban Renewal
Project, Minn. R-47
Parcel No. 64-20 - 1043 Iglehart Ave.
rirs. riyrtle Pi. Johnson
Dear Mr. Bannigan:
' It is perfectly agreeable with me to have the Housing
Authority to proceed to acquire the property of Mrs.
Johnson by condemnation. My client is willing to nego-
tiate the sale of her property to the Authority as soon
as they have authority to acquire the same.
�,Uery truly yours,
. � :! -i`� ;i" r,
--� � � -i
�:f.,:�.�, i�- , l.:�;�:;,_C�.
� James A. Fridland
JAF:vm .�
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. lAW OFFICE3 OF ����� l � �
li;y 3..�� . c y ,�
1027-26 PLYMOUTM BUfLDIN6 ii ;;� ., � �
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MINNEAPOl14,MINNE30TA 55402 ����_��/ /�
$T6PMCN A.DARD �farcl� 2�, I��J � TELEPMONE
ASSOCIATE 332-5617
City Council of the City of St. Paul .
286 City Hall
Saint �aul, Rsinnesota 55IO2
Attention: J. �Yilliam Aonovan, Valuation L�gineer
�.e: Su�nit—University Urban Renewal Project
Aiinn. R-47�Oxford �'l�y�round Site
This letter is in regard to Parcels 17, 18, and 19 in the above
indicated urban xenetv�tl project. These p�rcels are homestead
nroperties locnted ut 1057 Inlenart Avenue, 1051 I;lei�art, an�
10�7 I�;lehart Avenue, resnectively. These properties are o�vned
by �y ciients, :�:r. and �irs. Lloyd Randall, i�irs. 7tiiinnie �avis,
and ::fr, ancl :.irs. Henry t;foore �,nc1 alI tfnree �arcels are currently
under conder�nation by the City of St. Paul under t[�e nrocedures
• and au�hority of the charter of the City of St. Paul and pursu�nt
to preliminary order 23JS64, approved Au;ust 1�, 1�68.
Aiter nreliminary conferences with r�ir, Biil Donovti.n, the Vaivation
'�'n�;ineer for the City of St. Paul and with Air. Jo�n F. �anni�an,
Jr. , staff counsel for the Iiousin„ ancl �tedevelo�ment Aut�iority
� of tfie City of St, 1'aul, I have corse to t�e de�inite concl�zsion
tsat it �•rould be advanta�eous to all �arties concerned, includin�
rsy c�ients, if these condemnation proceedinns to acquire Lhe site
for the OsForcl slay�round ex�ansion be turned over to tne iIousin�
and Rec3evelopment �luthority o� the City o� 51;. raul. It is r.�y ,
desire that the IIousing and Redevelopment �luthority pic:� up and
continue the proceedings in eminent domain pursuant to the procedures
under Chapter 117 of the Aginnesota Statutes. I �+roulu, t;�erefore,
request that tt�e City of St. �aul, throu;h its counci:l, ta?�e
whatever stepe are necessary to malte the tra.nsfer of these proceedin;;s
to the Iiousing and Itedevelopment Authority for prosecutioa by thera
in a reasonably expeditious manner.
kiy reasons For this request are nuraerous. I believe that such a
transfer would speed up the acquisition and be of mutuul benefit
;-- -
. .,
Page T�►o
!�arch 26, I969 _
to �11 concerned. If an elaboration of, my reasons for this request
is felt to be necessary, I svould be happy to suoplement this letter
u�on request or to appear before the Ceuncil and to make the necessary
►;fould you please notify me as soon as possible what action you plan
to take in reg�,rd to the request contained in this letter.
Very truly yours,
NA'�'F�1tTSG�iT, B�ll�.D & LE'VY
. . . �J/f�,j'�u�t^L �- e r��'"µr��'�
By fY" j
cc: �r. Joizn F. Bannigan, Jr.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
421 ti`�labas ha
St. Puul, LSinnesota
bir. Jerome Segal
Assistant Corporation Counsel
City af St. Paul
C ourt �Ious e
St. Paul, ?�iinnesota
, J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ^ 223-5317
Valuation Engineer �J�^^
ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L �pb�,�
A55'r vai�a��o� e�y�flee� BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
286 City Hell
$ain4 Paul, Minnesote 55102
To the Mayor and Council
of the City of Saint Paul
The City of Saint Paul on September 19, 1968 entered into
a cooperation agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul, whereunder the City agreed
to acquire Lots 1 through 7, Block 2, Currys Subdivision of Lot
13 of Buell and Mackubins Out Lots to Saint Paul, Minnesota,
for the expansion of the Oxford Recreation Center and in accor-
dance with the Redevelopment Plan for the Summit-University Urban
Renewal Area Project Minn. R-47 and the Authority agreed to reim-
burse said City the cost of said land acquisition. In accordance
with this agreement the City has implemented the necessary eminent
domain proceedings to accomplish such acquisition, and such pro-
ceedings have progressed to the approval of the final order on
February 26, 1969, C.F. No. 242323.
The four property owners involved have requested the City,
(through their attorneys) , by letter, to discontinue the condem-
nation proceedings so as to permit the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority to commence its own condemnation proceedings for the
purpose of acquiring the said real estate, and the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority has concurred in such a proposal.
Therefore, we the City's Land Committee recommend that the
City Council also approve such request, and that the final order
in the current eminent domain proceedings, Council File No. 242323,
approved February 26, 1969 be rescinded in its entirety, and that
the City Clerk notify the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
such action, to enable the Authority to initiate its own condemna-
tion proceedings to acquire the said real estate.
Respectfully submitted,
by .._.
� , I��/,� � _ .
���'�� �
''J. William Donovan, Secretary
File 1�316