WHEREAS the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings
has been designated by the Mayor of the City of St. Pau1 as the local liaison
agency for the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of administering 7�nd and
Water Conservation F1�nd Act grants, and
WHEREAS the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings has
made application for a matching grant for the development of Crosby Lake Park,
Mtf�REA5 local share funds are availabl.e through the 1969 Capital Improve-
ment Budget for the development of Crosby Lake Park; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to
execute and file arith the Minnesota Department of Conservation, the State
liaison a�ency for the administration of I,and and Water Gonservation Fund
Act grant�, a projeet a�reement for the devclopment of Crosby Lake Park in
an amc�unt equal to 50� of the dev�lopment co�t, now estiraated to be $48,000,
BE IT FUgPHER RESt�LVED that the proper city officials are hereby
authorized to execute with the State of Minnesota, Depa.rtment of Cons�rva-
tion, a maintenance agreer�ent for Crosby Lake Park.
. Corporat
MAY 1196�_
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council
Yeas Nays M�1Y 11969
Dalglish Approvecl 19—_
�_In Favor
� �
Sprafka J Mayor
Tedesco Againat
Mr. President, Byrne 1�t1�LISHE� MAY 3 �'���
� � STf�TE C.� ";It+tV'�J��1"
&� . . 4 . . . . �• . . .
� T�z,;�r trt�,,..;;:^_' C�'' CO"I.�.�}�'�V:ti''];�pj �
;,� ��-�
1�Fii�1) t�:VJ ��r.�L:�j�'. Ci�'1v.��,!?}I i.T�Vi'i t'li�tL) J::17J,v�l' i1:.}..,.�i�;:.i1�� �Q�
'���. .. _ ._ _.._f�.'-..�.......�.. -- � ---- �
city of St. Paul L1�22-00284
� I�oca:� L:;:.t ci Govc,,, ...�IiG i�2'Ol` �'t ;iuc�iber �
���y Crosby Lake Park _._ �_ _.__.._._. .. R�.°�_________.__-- ---- -
�r ---•-- ---- __..__Y.._..�._._._-----_..______.��__ _ .._ _ _.
` Projec� '�'i i l�e� vCount,y
4 Date� otl Approral to ]2-31-?l . -
��; _ .. __ _ .r� _ _ -- _ _.___.._______--------------_.__..__.___,
� I'ei•�. . _ .. . :�ed by �iti5 ,'.�r�� .. . .
�; '
Y:tOJu;i SCGt�F:
` c The City of �t. Paul will develop Cro�by Lake Ptrk situated within the coprorate
n� liroita pi the City of St. Paul� Ravsey Cot�t�* Minaeaota* 3ec.
�angt Towaship � b� constructing an access road and
�,x co�fort station. These facilities xil2 be uaed br the general public for
�"� outdoor recrsation purpose�. .
�tire �ro�eet
�° ..___._.___.._.._....�_.._....
Sta�e (:OVexP.G. by th�_s A�reeric�nt
� .,.� _. .. , _ .
Project Co�t The follow::n�; ai;tachmer.ts�ire her.�by
Total G�st; ��14$�ppp.pp incorporated i.r:to thi� aE;i•c.e�;«;nt:
Fund Su�l�ort* �0 i, l. General Provi,:i.ot:�
Fund xT, un�" ;i� 2t��00�� 2. MainLer���nce .��reemc:rF,
Cost or�th�.s Sta�e i�� t000. 3. Project }'ropus�:.]. - isC�R r o:r,n 8-:0 �r 8-91
AS;;1St:��ir@ th:is 4.
$t��@ �_?�.�0�� ..,. ._.._.,._....,.__,......_,-,._..._..._...._.___
"Fur.�1 ar.:oar�t: This i� the maximurr a^�ount of federal as;sistance thaL- will be ��rov�.dc�� ar: a
proj��ct. This amau:�t i� daterr.�iiied at the time of projec� quali�ication fro� 5_ni'�-r;::c�.Liu:�
contaaned ir +.he project AIOpOSJ�..
The St�te of 1•+.innesota, by its dele�ated liaison the Uspz:rt�nent of ::ur.�ervationi e.nd '.
Cit,_v�,...�St. Paul hereinafter r�ferred to as the lcc�l unit of �;o�.�rt�nr:i:t
.; mutuallf � ree to perfar�r, this at;ree^�ent in accordAnce with the L•tzr.c� and 4•'ater Cor�servation
I'und l�ct o$' t965 ('J�S Stat. $97) , the Regul��i,ions of the Bureau o�' �utdoor �?ecre�xtiox� anci wi�:h `
tne 1;e�•�r�s, ipro�is��, c�nditio:�s, pl�r.s, �peeificati�ns, estimate� and procedures at±ac���ed �"
hercto an3 ,rr::de a part her•eof.
The $t• tc c.`:' I�;iniiesoi:a he.reby ���rees, in considerc�tion of the f.ror:iise� ^�r.�d� :,y� t:�-� 1.oc�1
unit c,f �;o�cr�:;h::r�t n�rein, to accert �uch fur.cis fro:n the United Sta�e� aricl to re�.::l_ur���• �..t?c :
�.ocal ur,it of �;overnmeni, for tt;a.t uortiar. c�� thc total ubli�;ation th�at is tlie UnitPd St�:.te�'
FrAare as a••proved hy tY�c Ui:c�ctor of Lhe rur�au of Gutdoor :-�ecz�eation� Departrncn� of t2,e
Interior. It bei.n� ur3d.erstoccl i:hat iiicurrea co�ts. s:zall not be reimbursed without �•rr�{;tr-.n
pr.oof th�it �ach furLds huve bPen paid. �
The lo al unit of �;ovc:i•r:r�e.it h�reby a�;reeu, -in cunsiderAtion of the proc>j.�eU r,ucle by the `
State here n, to eYecute the nr�ject sta,e her�in de�cribed i.n accordanee Y11tY1 t�'1<' terr:�s of
this a;re� ent, �'he lac�I unit fui•t�:er agrees ,to compl.y rrlth the tei•ms, conc?it�ons ar�ci ;
provis�ons contained �.n all o!' the afitachmer.ts .�;rhich are riFreby incorgora.ted :.rito Lh:is
ag.reer�ent, as stated above.
� ,
� Ya�e 1 of 2 7�•es
N�innesota F�orr� OR 3 Februa.x y 1q6$
� :
� ��'� Provic�ed, however, that r.ot�.itnstandin� the �r��nt ap�roved hcrein, the State of
��'��nnesota $hall not b� held liab?e fer st:ch cn�t� as a.re lI?C:':"''�G'd b} tl:e local u�it of
"; gov6rnrsent 'wnich are r.eld tu ��e; r.on.���i�;��uursal;le i;� t}:e i3�_i:•cuu of �tztuoor Recreation,
b?cause of .the failure of said local uaiic to co�n��lete the proj�ct st;xte authorized in con- •
iorrnity �•rith dasi�n, stan;Iu;,u; �;nu -re�;ula-;i.ons, a:� rnajr be detei'CIl].:IP.C: by the State Liaisorl
Official a��n�ir:�.str�tin,; th� pro�r;::;� at t},e sta�:e level oi• ::,�r the i:u�•eau of Outdoor
:'.�creat�onr the �ran�in� F'ede,�a1 �.�;er�^y.
] The 1 cal unit o; goveri.r:�ent furt`:er a�rees that zn tre ev�nt the project ph�se herein
'1 described �ecause of noncor,�pliance a.s ruled to be nonreimbur:��ble, �.n federal mone s
y y
already pai�d on tti�e accour:t of this a�ree^:�nt by t}ie State ".'re�,surer, shall be repaid 1:0
the State for repayment to �iic� Treasurer of the United �t�tes, if so demanded by the Bureau
of Outdooi• iRecreation. .
� It is understood and G�reed by the parties hereto that in t}ie event federal funds a.re
not availab�le for th:�s pro ject �•�ithin a period of one year fr�m the date of this ��reer:�ent
�. then this a�reement is null and void.
'�° It is further understood rznd agreed by the p�,rties t►ereto thai: thi:; agreemer�t shal'1
not obli�atie the State of ?�iinr.esota for any of the project costs described herein� exc.ept
,: the moneys �eceived from the United States in reimbursements for project work completed
by the loca� unit of govern.r�ent.
The followin� speci��l project terms and conditions were �dded to this agreement before
' it was si�n�d by the parties hereto:
�>��� N� � � � � �
I '
`� This agreement is bind�.n� on the ttpplicant-recipient local unit. of goverrunent, and
�; the persuns whose s�.�natures appear hereon are authorized by statute and resolutiori to
sign i;tii� a�surance in behalf of the aforesaid governmental subciivision. In witness whereof,
the parties�hereto have executed tnis agreer�ent as of the date entered belo�i.
'` STaT�. OF 1•IIt��+L�01'A LOCAL UNTT OF GOVF.Rttt•iEtdT
BY For
Deputy C Mmissioner of Conservation City�
t Date
� ;
�• � ' Mayor AFame and Title
Attorney General
�` gy
� C1erk hame and Title
Department olf Ndmir�istration B� __
. � SEAL AFFIXID Cit� Ca�p�rollsr
State �luditor
pmge 2 of 2 pages
'�linnesota Fo}�m CR 3, Fehruar•• 1968
� ; � Asst. Corporation Counsel
, �, •
� �
�i�a��., � �
; �
� . t.���:' ,�,cYi�n �,-����,���.i�:?:;TJ':' or' C�)]�;.s��;_,��i'i��i�,v '
� �� . ��� . � . p.;,,. .,� ,n+, ,..1,,..� . ...�i� .
� I � �' � � j';/i�i�.��Li���:1:�..L' e1v.::.L�':I:,i�. , .
� I �1:='%---��--',_,._ 'I'he City of St. Paul _. ._�.. �, 1�;c-��� ,.��.. '. c,i �;oJ�.rr::..:�:�, oi'
, tti:V :. . _�'.,e a'_ :. . . ;�'�, ... , . ._ . ; . . �,,;_c _. �. .. ±: --c�:� �� L'_. _ 4�gvelOt�mea�-•--
� •� CrosbYi.I+B�k@ Petz'k - ,.. .. _+ �t.:^�Il �• t�;. ' �i: . ; , c,���c:, ;� i:.;c:t. t.o_ _•o�c.•�. �;�r
��C.�P.":t�! l�t!; ,� {.;�':i: c? ?LI::i: O: 24�0��� _.. ___� t)� �l '�'G�i:`Ct, �-i.r'C:. i71t
b:'•t:d: � j:}:L :�� !�.C' Ol , _. �. .'.�:�.�. (a.. i i.l!C, ��,1': (J i %-�i.^t.�g '1' j'OZ':':�. U!7 �_�__�__,_���
�Jy ',�11�. i11T'c:CtO 1 � ;_ �� ; 1. Ui i ULC:001' :;"CY'Cit�.' O � w
. I ..:1.....�.���. '�.Zi'�o, ..l' •i..C) ��1 r r� .--` � •i' �;'.l �' i..i
� ,. ti;e � ,�ve �.� ��:,, .1� :;• --d loc :� r t u, �,o,:�•r�� ii� hus
er:te:•ecL i:�to �, ;�,.c�„c:, - .. �nt ��;,r�tirec? on ___._._�. � 1;� f,;.°
. �.OI::�:'.1` C31i:T1n1' lUr :..?.�^: V� },....,.. .tCt]T:f; iC�' t;1C :itcitE` Cf r.i.7:''.C,.`.;C>; 1 'f;2'CE',.111 , �.O `i;?'�,?L•>j�g.
SUC� ril!!C'S �:S rl'�'. ]'E?Ci'.7r . :.: t', r� i.E:C� .`.i�,i1.C`.� :UY' t:;�.i: . �;t'j)O;;C;:i Y..`1^7'E::..21 C.E'i'C1'�'.�`.3C:s
_ fr � �.:e L_.--
��1:'.:�.'._,..�, ii: �... r:•",�i:z�cr;, t__�a.t t'rie a� ;�licat:t-reci.:,:.<�t�t: .loca? ttt�'�t c�.f
r"' �over.... .•,t ���.c;u�����1.�- _ °o�•�.c;e fo� t:.e �. �.r;tc,,�.tr:ee oi' '.;'_�Le zr�:a r�r.: i:_!e fr.c.:i.)__; t_i.�.,
" COY::�t:Tl.�iCt'.C(i ',�':!`.,C'02t _'t� I't:�'l�:i"'i:(1 UYi(�f:7' t.�1C '?2'O\��_61UTl:i Of Sil._C: i�G� F�l'e,� �:I;E T'�vS'.l�.i i C::1S
.:k ' �
�-� Of ��'lE' :�1.;'ttL'L Gi � CG7 ..C�I'cL:t10Ii�
I i:G. _ _,.,_._ � ..,� }__c, c fCreSa-i_d loc�:i?. ur:;.t oi' (;ove:rn:,c:nt CAOE)S ci;;;'�(� i.o �.: rfor�l
�� i1IiG� _ _"OI'�'�_C:C'. t,' fo?_1Q'�i�''.v: �.;lE? �I'UjJCI't.�j' :il''.cl�_Z bC :'l�.11lt;u'.12?CC3 SO `c::i �U c :(.;'i' i..'.,{.Y'c1.C�
j:lV� �t:�'..�. :i.ii`J.i-t. !'-��. LU ..:P. 1]U(�1.1C• :�:1?17t:^t7.0:. r.I1C1 SFiTllt�l:"'y i::C:i�_lt:i E.'i :ti:z�� �if', i:�£-x.1'1�-
4�', �.'u�117�JC1 �1? ��CCGI'i'.=a71Ct' .._t:'!l i;'fici u_)��.iCc D.�.0 St�lt:@ i.lI:Ci Z OC:.l `�U��iC �"iPc��v11 :it_'.1tC�.i1]'U�. .
�'' Prop�.�l�es s}::il. ae �:::�.:t rc�..:cr:��;�ly s�fe ior publ�c u.;e. Fire tlY'i:VC:_{;_ CI�� l:i..tet;�,::*_�d
i�:1.Q S11'. J.�_c�.^ «Ct'.i_t/1�;_fi:i .`iti!;'..].�_ �'.^.. ."i�<11.I2i:�iL`'1G�:1 �lt: rea:;on�bl�: lr•v�1.s t:0 �'ii'C<'•'.T({: 1.Uf.;S; C?
c:..T^. �7. �� "»�•' . r _. �' r „ �l pL', ,:••.i'�' :1•..� '1 .
life o_ u �.._ .�� �u__ .:.;..,,:;, :���,I:�, ,,r:;il� and other �i;ructu..e:. �:ii.. ir.�;;,•a; ��e _�.., ... .1�
be kE�a' ;.n x•�,�::;c;r.�:��?_e = - , ... ;:�:rou�'r_out thei.r esti.�:«^..ted 1i�:et;i�:;e so nc� i;o pr�:,��:nt
UI1dUE. CyCi.E:�•:.C7'.'+t�C:: �`7'i ,i::)� t.0 disccura�e. u;;e Ori ttile f0].Z.U:;lri� C1CSC1'lU�G j:'l0)i'C::
The �ity of Pa�fi vrill devslop and vaiatain Croab� La1ce Park located vithin the
corpa�rat� li,its of the City of St. P�ui, Ra�sey �oatity, situatsd ia.3�a
�aag�, Towaship . Conatrnction will conei�t of aa aecesa ..
road ;and co�iort station to be used by the gensral public for� outdoor recrea�tion
� ,
, AIlt), i.t i.: :urt�er a�reecl t�,at t?ie loca]. unit of �o:�ernr.l��nt wi1.l '_�:eep tti,e
facilit'�y open to the general public at re�sonable hour:: �,nd at tir�es of tne year
ecnsi�t�:nt �•��th the type of faci�it;,r, ��nd will further ob:,ain the ;:ecretGr•y of the ,
]:nt;erior's a�>,,roval in ti��riti.r�; he�ore any c:zan�e from tti�:e ori�;in�l`i°ccre�ticnal ��
� purpose or jurisdict�_or}al control is effected on the above desuriber jroject; ;
1 .'s
I �
� � ' : ,
. � + �
i n
� ;
�. 6$ 1'a�;e 1 c�f 2 pageg �
�� Atinnesat� Form OP. 4 February 1.Q
I . . - _ ,
� �
� 1. , i.i..nr. .. ...i F, � �:t; .`;�"�(Ll�C� �`.;C 1.��� =1. U?ll� Or ;rn��P,'il'��'rllt i�C:j_�
�:.fT�y 1t'. 1-`. rL17'�1., c�i,.�C 'l� 1lc . � � �.
to provi•ue for adec;u�:i:� r.:�::in� 1��.iLc,E ��; t�rovidec }:er•::;.r: ;,��:c� :�trzte ::;uy wit,�.;o1.d fu:.ure
payrneuts to t}��c; 7_oc�:l t�rit oi f;over����cnt on any oi• �11 .^.i1rrei�t or fut;ur�e ;�rojec`..:-
until the situation �n��o�.v�:�d :is corrected; ti•ri.ttihold fro-:� cu�i�erit or futu;-e ��vr.1a=={��
the amcunt a� as:]S�<i.10E ;:rE:Vl_011:�].y pai.d out for t=�e ��rojc�c:L- or projeci;s ii�volvnd.
In the eveni; �f def�?ult thc ut�.te shr�ll h�:ve the ri�ht to ra��intain the project ancl
s�.al.l �be author�i�ed tc, ch�:r�;�� such cos�: of maintenance bacic to Lhe loc�l unit �f
� government. It is ftzrther �.;reed t1-Lat such costs of rnainten.-:r.ce shal.l coiisti.tu�e
a de'�t' aue ana ot•,Zn�; to �::�� :�t�i1,e.
This a�reer�ent is bindin� on the applicant—reci}ricnt loc?1 unii. of
governtnent, and tlle per:�c:��s ��'_io:�e si�;nati;res ap�ear hereon are authoi•i�ed by st�ztu�e
�nd resolutic,n to s��r;n this assurance in belialf of t:ie aforesaid �,OVAI'Ilr�antal.
subdivision. In 4rit:ness ��:liereof, the parties nereto have executzd th�.s a�i•eer:crt
� as of the date entered belo�,.
STA^tE OF' t•4IP�P��50'I'/'i LC�AL UIdIT OF' GOVE.ti11•iEP1T
�' B - - For _i --- �._._
�, y�.,�.._�____.. -----
De�uty Cor.:�iss�.oner o� Conservation City,
Date By
Mayor �ia�rx�a�.?+am�Tii;le
+�' Name and '1'itle
Attorney Gener.al Clerk �
City Comptroller
Dep�.r. r�ent of Administration
:;:�.. ,
State I�Auditor : ' FORM APPROVED
�. I Asst. Corporation .Counsel
� i
.� �
�. ' .
�<� i Pa�e 2 of 2 pages
Minnesdta Form OR 4, Februarv �-9'$
� y • •
. ,. / . . � � . .
�iER�AS the Camm�.ssiur��r af k�� �nd Rec�eatir�n sn� Pa.blic ,�u3.3.di�.��
has bee�a desigaated by the Ma,yor af �he City raP �t. P�z�,1. a�s t�2� Iocal l�aal.atin
ag�cy for the City of 5t. Faul, �cr t�� purp��� o�' aclmini.etea i�a,,� ,�,,nd and
Watex Con,r�erva�ion :�id Act .. �rants, aud
i�Fi�AS the Cc�mrnis�.auer �af P�rk� �;t� R��re�tiarx arid Publi.c ��:,�c�3,ra�s ha�
rna,de applica.tic��. �c►r �. €�atehing grant �'t�r t�ie dave�,opment of Cr,�sr�by I,ake Parkr
�AER�AS 1.oca1 ��; �nc�s are avai.labl� �hr�
txgh the �.9�9 Capital Tmgrove-
ment Bud��t for the develapmen.t c�f ��o�'by Lske Park, now thsz��foz°e
BE IT R�:S4LVEII that th� prc:p�r c3,�y a�'fiai�� ar� h�r+�by �u�hc�rized to
e�ecute �c3 f�le wi�h the M3.nn��a�a� �3epartm+eAt cr£ Conservatian, the State
lia,isan a�ency ��r the ac�m33.ni�stx�t�on of L�nd and W�ter Conse�vatian Fund
Act �.ran�s, a pzbjeat r�rsem�at �'r�� �� developmen.� of Crc�sby 7,�ak� I�rk in
an �naunt equ,�» �o � of �he dev�].o�$n� co�t� nc�w es��.a�ated to be �4$�pppy
BE IT F�I�1'� I�S�fL"fl�D that '�he� pzro�er c�;ty ofat�,c�.a;L� �re hereby
e�uthorir�c� to execute wi�h t�e S�,�e crf' 1Minn�so�a, Depar�Cment c�f Cos����.•
tion, a m�t��nanc� a�r�emeut far Groaby I,�€e P�,r�C«
�,�,.�" �,,n
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' 19_
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19__
Meredith 4�
�_ Tn Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
►Rr.President, Byrne