243603 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 243�03 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. L�_c�T:-� ��o���_?�r�_'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -, n COMMISSIONE � DAT� I`;�y li l�v� ,;�,r'L:?�15: Tilc�resa G. Un�;er, �20u ul. La��o �:r�sso :�l:Td. r.iade Anplication I': 7n17 for I.:echanical ��,r.=usen�en� ilavico unorator licerlse and z^,fas ,;ran-�od Liconse Iio. 653G, uncler C. r. 2�'t1305 on Docera'uer 12, 1��68 ar_d al�o �,�ade Apr�lication ri 9734- f'or i�'ive (5� i'.echanicr�l �=1T..u�o1�_ert Devices, Jecals '_:o. 3G� to 310 ir_clusiva, a-r_d Gne (1� :':usic �<aci�,ine, D�cal 314-, �nd z°.tas �rar_i�e�l Licer,so I:o. <��66 unde�^ C.i'. 2�-2535 on ',;�rch 11, 1969, in connecti��n -.-::��:� l�er coi.cossior_ a-� �JOA:�O tark, and ��(:=1;��'� S: this equipment ;�aas �Eo bo u.sec: �'� 'c;ie Cor.�o Parli Favil�.on �nd ��r�o Lep�r�r:?ent of Parl�s and it�croai�ion arci Pt�blic ;;uildin-•s reques'�eci t�ha� Tl�orosa G. Un{;er re�,:otie i�=ie five mec.,aric�]. a::user:,_ont davicos �ror„ t':ie �or,�o Parl: P�tirili�ri and s'r:e 's�.as st�rreY�uorQd �b'ie llecals ;'�0�, to 31C, ii_clusiz�e; tkiero:['oro, �o it Rk�SOLti�'t�Ds ��ia�t �L-t,e pron�r Ci�l;tr o.if.icQrs cancel License ?`:o. 65�6 for �:ochanical .E�r�uso:lont L`evice �%1�era�or, ',,>�-00.00 and caY�cel `'ci.o �;or-�_on of License i'o. E346n cover?n,�; t:�e rive (5� P�chanical �a;lusy;;iont De�Tices, i)ecals ;;06 �l;0 310, inclusive, `;�175.00 and i•ef'unc� �o `1'���resa i�. Un��;ox•, 3206 '�;. Laxco C;�,asso �lvd. the sum of ;�575.00. (Licenses expirin�� 11-1—���.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �� 1 ���Y'9_ Yeas Naya � MAY 11969 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith `� In Favor n Q � Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBUSHEw MAY � 1��� O