243593 Orisinal to City Clerk ,
� 243�93
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An. ordinance granting permission
to Ben M. Melquist to connect his
homestead at 1545 West Hoyt Avenue,
Falcon. Heights, the same being the
West twelve (W. 12) feet of Lot 3 and
the East forty—four (E.44) feet of
Lot 2, Block 8, Northome 2nd Addition,
Ramsey County, Minnesota, to the sewer
system of the City of Saint Paul, in
�, Hoyt Avenue, for the disposal of
�`�s�; sanitary sewage, and regulating the
«� conditions thereof.
Section 1. That permission is hereby given to Ben M.
Melquist to connect his homestead at 1545 West Hoyt Avenue,
Falcon Heights, the same being the West twelve (W. 12) feet
of Lot 3 and the East forty«�four (E. 44) feet of Lot 2, Block
8, Northome 2nd Addition, Ramsey County, Min.nesota, with the
existing sewer of the City of Saint Paul in Hoyt Avenue, upon
the following conditions:
a. Said permittee or his successor in
interest in respect to said real estate shall
pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of Six
Dollars (�6.00) per frontage foot of said real
estate on West Hoyt Avenue, said sum being in
lieu of special assessments and taxes, and upon
payment of said sum, said permittee or his
successor in interest shall be given a permit
to construct an extension to the Saint Paul
public sewer system as extended on Hoyt Avenue;
b. Said permittee or his successor in
interest shall, in addition to all other require—
ments, annually pay to the City of Saint Paul such
sums as the Council shall, by resolution, deter—
mine from time to time, provided the said sum
shall be as nearly as possible equal to the
amount charged through taxation to properties
of ' similar value located within the limits of
the City of Saint Paul, as and for the propor—
tionate share of the annual cost of the
maintenance ef the sewer system of the City of
Saint Paul, while the a�oresaid sewer connections
shall be maintained;
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish In Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk a
Form approved Corporation Counsel B �
� 2�3���
��r �
Page 2.
c. That said permittee or his successor
in interest shall pay, in addition to all other
sums required to be paid or to become payable
hereunder, all sewer rental charges rendered
from time to time against said property for or
on account of said City' s apportioned share of
the expenses of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul
Sanitary District , and other related expenses
of said City, pursuant to the ordinance or
other provisions of law having regard to the
location of such real estate without the
corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul;
d. That the necessary sanitary sewer
extension to connect said premises shall be
installed, maintained and operated t the
expense of the permittee or his s ccessor in
interest, an.d shall be made with the approval
of the Commissioner of Public Works and under
his direction in accordance with such rules
and regulations as he may from time to time
prescribe. Al1 plans and profiles of said ex-
tension shall be approved by the Chief Engineer
of the City, and all parts of said extension
and connections thereto located on any public
way shall become a part of the sewer system of
said City;
e. The Chief Engineer of the City of
Saint Paul shall be given the right to enter
upon said premises and inspect said extension
of said sewer and the connection thereto at
any time deemed necessary by him;
f. That the permit hereby authorized
shall be subject to revocation by the City
Council in the event of default by said per-
mittee or his successor in interest relative
to any of the conditions herein specified if
such default continues for more than thirty
days from and after written notice thereof
given by or at the direction of the Council
. � ' .
r�i �
Page 3.
to the party in default; and said permit shall or
may be revoked and terminated by the Council in
the event it shall find that the sewage from said
connections cause an overload upon the sewer
system of the City of Saint Paul . That such
hereby authorized connection of said real estate
with said Cityts public sewer system shall be
restricted to the drainage for disposal purposes
of sanitary sewage materials originating on said
real estate. That such sewer rental charges
hereunder made payable additional to other charges
shall be paid by or in behalf of said permittee
or his successor in interest in respect of said
real estate, unto said City of Saint Paul as
rendered by said City, from time to time, on
account of said sewer connection, against said real
estate, pursuant to applicable City ordinances,
resolutions, rules and regulations and statutes
of the State of Minnesota;
g. Said permittee or his successor in
interest shall at no time permit storm water,
rain water leaders, ground drainage water or
cooling and condenser water from air-conditioning
units to be directed into said sewer;
h. Permittee or his successor in interest
shall agree to indemnify and save harmless the
City of Saint Paul from any liability arising
from the construction, maintenance, operation, or
connection of said sewer system with the system of
the City of Saint Paul;
i. Permittee or his successor in interest shall ,
within ninety (90) days from the passage of this
ordinance, file written acceptance thereof, specifi-
cally agreeing to all the provisions, terms and
conditions herein, and upon compliance therewith
the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized
� '
OtIainal to City Clerk
� - - ORDINANCE 243593
Page 4.
to issue a �ermit for said sewer extension,
subject expressly to the provisions of this
� ordinance. � � � � �
� �`'"`-� Section 2. ''e This ordinance shall take effect an.d be in
force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval
and publication.
` MAY i b 1969'
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C uncil
/ --�6ar�e�r- �
( Dalgliah In Favor
V Meredith �
Sprafka v Against
Tedesco �►Y 1 6 l��g'
Mr. President (Byrne) Appro
At st•
City erk Mayor
orm approved Corporation Counsel By
+ 'PlTl�C[�HEr �,�Y �� 1969
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Ma.y 26, 1969
To the Honorable, the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by
all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 243593,
being Ordinance No. 14162� adopted by the Council on
May 16, 1969.
�\ w ^� ;
Ben . Melquist
Duplieate to Printer
� ORDINANCE 2�3���
Page 1�.
to is�ue a Qermit for said s�wer Qxtension,
subject �xpxessty to the proviaions of this
Seetion 2. This ordinanve shall take ef:��et and be in
force thirty (30) days from and aF�er its passage, approval
and publication.
�' � � i����
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by th Council
Dar� �
Meredith In Favor
Peterson �', Against
Tedesco �� �, � �,'�;��
Mr. President (Byrne)
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� � � ��
�+ 26, �969 .
Mr. Ben M. Meic�ui.st
1545 w. Hoyt Ave. �,
S't• P8Lil., Mi11rie80't8 '
Dear Sir:
We e�close a copy ot` Ordinan o. 62, granting you permission
to conneat ycur homestead at 1 est Hoyt Av�., Falcan He3ghts�
being the Weat 12 f � t 3 the East �4 Yeet of Lot 2�
Block 8�, Northome Addit to eewer system of the City of
Saint Paul, in H Avenue, the lsposal of sanitary sewage
and regulating �t e conditions ereo�; al�o b�.11 in the eum ot'
$33.34 to caver coat of p icstior� of th3s ardina�ce.
We call ���cia rr to Pax�e�graph i of Section 1, s�hic�
rtquir� � iling acceptance o� the terms oY thi� ordinaace
in th,� o�#'ice, R 3�d, City Ha.11, within 9�0 deys Prcm the passage
oF tk� s ordine�nce IP not so ffled, the ardinance becomes noid.
� Very ttuly yaurs�
City Clerk
, Is�t 2nd � "
' � Laid over to
3rd and app � ..—Adopted "
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Carlson .�rr--
Dalglish Dalglish
Meredith Meredith
Peterson ' Peterson
Sprafka Sprafka �
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne