243590 �OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 243590 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � r� OFF�CE OF THE CITY CLERK ��\�ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY R o b e r t F�, t e r s � COMMISSIONE DATF APPROVAL OF PLANS 6-1683 � S-1127 In the awatter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material LEONE AVENUE f rom 40 feet West of S i gurd St, to Ker�nard St. and S I Gt1RD ST. f roaa Upper Afton Rd. to Leone Ave,, also construct a sewer for storm water purpc>ses, also construct water service coAnections, under Preliminary Order I�o. 237659, approved Marct� 19, 1968, and Finai Order No. 242763, approved March 25, 1969. ALSO, In the �natter of constracting a public sanitary sewer ir� LEONE AVENUE fro� Sigurd Street to Ke�nard; also i� SIGURD STREET fro� Leone Avenue to Upper Afton Rd.. Also construct sewer service connectior�s, nnder Preli�inary Order No. 238217, approved April 23, 1968, and Final O�der I�o. 242762, approved March 25, 19b9. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as suMaitted for the above improve�ent be and the same are Mereby approved, and be it FURTNER RESOLVED, TMat the Pu�chasing Agent be and is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improve►�ents as per plans and specifications. FURTMER RESOLYEg, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the i�provements. ,�"`'" .� MAY 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��' MAY 11969 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � _�___In Favor ��e�ers�r" ' Sprafku (� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �1A���HE� M�Y 3 ���� O DUPLICATH TO PRINTER � ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i'tobart.F. P+�t�erswn COMMISSIONER DATF AP�L� 6-1683 s S-11Z7 In the �natter o� grading �rr�d surfacing with btte�mino+n matewtal L�AI+IE AV�Nt� frcm �O��aet l�ast of Sigurd St. to Kennard: St. and S1,6U�1 �T. frc�m Upp�r Ai�tQn I�d. 1ro Leona Ave.,, also cor�str��t � s�wer for. starm Mrater purp�ses, also constrc�ct water a+�rriee �+�nn�cttons, under Prel imi�nary �Irder No. 237b59, aPproved Mar�� t g,. 19Er8; rnd �'i n�l Elyder Ncs. �42763. appre�rr�ed March 2S, �19b9• � Af.S9, I n tk�e. m�tt�r of construtt i ng �r pcibi l c saA i tsry smr+ar i n 1.EON� AYEN UE f ran S i g�rd S t reset tcr l�enne rd M �1 so i n $!G I�Q STI��T �r�c�n l+�n� Av�nue to tJpper l��t�r� Rd.. IAl�so constract �ver s�rvice� c�noctions', undar Prel imin�ry tl.rd�,r �Na: 23$217, spproYed Apri l. 23� 19�• ,and �F1ni►1 ,Order No. 2�+2762. sl�prs�ved Narch 25, i 969. � RESOl.YEQ►, Tha�� �i�e� p1�ns �ind spettf�icstfQns a� s�+b�nttte�d for tEie abavs imprQV�ment be �r�� the same ero fio�et►y ��praved, and' b� i t FtHtTHER RLaOLaEti, 't'hat the Pur+cl�i'r�g Ager�t be �amd is hereby di rs��ted to cabta�in b;tds fa� th� tm�provdnents; ars per plans +�nd sp�cific�tt�►n5. �- FtiRTH�R RE50�,11'�fJ, "t'hst the P�trei�sing Agertt b� and is he�reby di ra�ctad to advert i se for b i d� fo"r the tmp►�rovements: ��1 ' ' , , � ��„�,,,� � �;� :� � . �.._ ,y;�=. � °4�(��: �r ����' f`J � �c�'�. }'' ,-�''� �'�y��� �� � � � . . �'A Y' �' r3 t�.i•.� ;, �^,� �� � �tr c�-r� ' �,y ' i,i �;;4�.�;,k COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � j 19— Yeas Nays Ca�sair-� ��, . Dalglish Approved ' 19— Meredith \� _�n Favor ��etF,�rsa�� i� Sprafku �� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O