243567 . :y � _ 24�5�7 �� COUNCIL FILE N0. CITY OF ST. PAUL � Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By -- � Condemnatian and Awards of Damages File No. t�31' and Assessm+ent Therefor _ __ In the matter of____. _- - - _____-- �_�-�__�,�s,._�"�'�-� ---_ Opening, widening, and extending Lafayette Road (City Project P-347A) by con- � demning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, ell in the � Cfty of St. Paul: All of Lots 1, 2, and 3, of Grey and Cobbs Subdiviaion of Lot Na. 6 in Baae'e Addition of Out Lots to Saint Paul, except those parts thet�eof taken foz � { Lafayette Road. I Also that part of Lot 9 of Jarvis' Subdivision of Lot No. 3, of Bass'a Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, and that part of Westminater Street vacated lying northerly and easterly of the following described line: � Commencing at the point of intersection of the centerline of Univeraity Avenue II and the hereinafter described line designated as "Line A"; thence Westerly ' along the center line of University Avenue a distance of 131.55.feet to a point; thence Southerly at right angle a distance of 30 feet to a point on i the Southerly line of University Avenue, said point being the point of be- �-� - .-.. ginning of the line to be deacrfbed; thence Easterly along the arc of a �'i ' circle to the right tan�ent to the Southerly line of Univ�er ity Avenue at ' sai-d point of beginning with a radius of 67 feet for a di.ata ce of 98.64 feet to a point; thence Southerly along a etraight line tangent to said arc to the point of intersection with a line run from the Southeasterly orner of Lot 1, - as platCed, Grey and Cobbs Subdivision of Lot No. 6 in Bass's Addition of Out Lots to Saint Paul, to the Southeast corner of I.ot 10 of said Jarvis' Subdivision of Lot No. 3, of Bass' Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, and there `� " terminating. _ , _ , �. _. Also those parts of Lots 11 and 12, Jarvis' Subdivieion of Lot No. 3, of Bass' ' Addition of Out Lots to St. °Paul, and Lot 2, Bass' Addition of Out Lots to the . Town of St. Paul, lying between the present West line of Lafayette Road and Westminster Street and a line run from the Northeast corner of said Lot 11 to the point of intersection o£ the South line of Lot 2 of said Bass' Addition� with the said present West line of Lafayette Road. "LINE A" Commencing at the intersection o£ the center line of Grove Street with the original center line of. Lafayeete Road; thence Northerly along the said center line of Lafayette Road a distance of 531.17 feet; thence continuing Northerly on the ex- tended afoxesaid center line for a distance of 309.64 feet to a point and there terminating. Also changing the grade of LaEayette Road along the property described as: ' Lots 4 and 5, Block 1.3 and all of Block 12, Warren & Winslows Addition to the Town of St, Paul, to conform to the grade shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. ____ Byl'f1e � __ ���1 . a Mayor Against ``� � �` Form R-3 �'�°� �,ti � ' -� , ' � ( PUBLISHE� MAY 3 1969 � b IU �l `��a3 , , f. � 243��� 2 <i�; � CITY OF ST. PAUL �,�� ,�J � Report of Commiasionex of Finance on Condemnation of La�ds File No. ��' In the matter of Opening, widening, and extending Lafayette Road (City Project P-347A) by con- desming and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul: All of Lots 1, 2, and 3, of Grey and Cobbs Subdivision of Lot No. 6 in Bass's Addition of 0ut Lots to Saint Paul, except those parts thereof taken for Lafayette Road. Also that part of Lot 9 of Jarvis' Subdivision of Lot No. 3, of Bass's Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, and that part of Westminater Street vacated lying northerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the point of intersection of the centerline of University Avenue and the hereinafter described line designared as "Line A"; thence Westerly along the center line of University Avenue a distance of 131.56 feet to a point; thence Southerly at right angle a distance of 30 feet to a point on the Southerly line of University Avenue, said point being the point of be- ginning of the line to be described; thence Easterly along the arc of a circle to the right tangent to the Southerly line of University Avenue at said point of beginning with a radius of 67 feet for a distance of 98.64 feet to a point; thence Southerly along a straight line tangent to said arc to the point of intersection with a line run from the Southeasterly corner of Lot 1, as platted, Grey and Cobbs Subdivision of Lot No. 6 in Bass's Addition of Out Lots to Saint Paul, to the Southeast corner of I.ot 10 of said Jarvis' Subdivision of Lot No. 3, of Bass' Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, and there terminating. Also those parts of Lots 11 and 12, Jarvis' Subdivision of Lot No. 3, of Bass' Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, and Lot 2, Bass' Addition of Out Lots to the Town of St, Paul, lying between the present West line of Lafayette Road and Westminster Street and a line run from the Northeast corner of said Lot 11 to the point of intersection of the South line of Lot 2 of said Bass' Addition, with the said present West line of Lafayette Road. "LINE A" Commencing at the intersectian of the center line of Grove Street with the original center line of Lafayette Road; thence Northerly along the said center line of Lafayette Road a distance of 531.17 feet; thence continuing Northerly on the ex- tended aforesaid center line for a distance of 309.64 feet to a point and there terminating. Also chang-ing the grade af Lafayette Road along the property described as: Lots 4 and 5, Block i3 and all of Block 12, Warren & Winslows Addition to the Town of St, Paul, to conform t.o the g;rade shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. April 9, �9�9 I ' /�-� ' '�� �,`. � '�. Mr. J. Wm. Do�ovan, r,.-� �'�� V�,l.uation E� Aaaessa�nt Engineer. ,/ � / ,, near sir: / / `� �, �' , The City Council toda ai er on� we�k to April 16th. a Re�olutio� Ratitying and o z�a,i,ng Cobdemne�tion an+d Aw�'ds oF Da�magea �1'id t Th fo�'s �File No. 17327� in the mattar of ope �{ig, wid , a �xt��clit� Lateyette Road (City Pro�eet 47A) by c �mning arzd ta�king property described a�: All Lc�ts l, 2 3 oP Grty and Cobbs Sub. oP Lot No. 6� on� H '� Addn. o t Lats. Al�o part a#' I,at 9, Jarvis's Sub. of Lctit\ . 3 of �'� Addn. of Out Lats. Alao paxta of L,ots"",._�'7.�,�and 3�„ s 3ub. of Lat 1Po. 3, Bass's Addn. of,iqa£ Lot� and Lat , Bass's Addn. af Out Lots. �� � ; � '', � ver�r truly yOnrB, � �. `� \ � �-______-'"�% �---`� City Clerk hp Apri]_ 1��, l�i� � � � j , 1 � �._� E P�. 3. Wm. �onovan, ` _�_-_-_� �. Valuatior� � Asseusment Engineer. ��V� �°'�.—��. � Dear Sir: ,'�'' �{\� i ' The L'ity Council �tdc� laid q�� one week to �`ipril 23rd. the i�esolutiori Ratif�iri�� ,� es �'it in the matter of openin�, �hriclenzn� �.nd extend?r������e �,oad (City �roject P-3t�7.��), unuac�r �. C). ?' .,_�_;��prov�c��ct. l, �.�>�i. �, .\ �f� � �L� � , � Very truly ya�trs, � ___—> --____ -'�,/ ;"j" C3ty Clerk hp �� � � ; � , ����� a� i ��� '� April 23, z969 ��1 � ; , r j v 9 �� :�._..__.__��-.� ��. �\ `...,\ '..\ �•�Ir. J. �dm. Donovan, � � ,-�'�� � �> Valuation & Asse��ment Engineer.;`;'�; � �'�/� �l�i Dear 5ir; � �% ,_ %,� � The Gity Council tod�a,� �ver to 'Phursday, t�iay Zst. the Resolution R,,,�,.tifyin�. A essment in the matter of opening, widenin�,,�,�--�° ?�di�n� g , ayette Road (City Pro�ect P-347A), ur�� P. 0.��!�0427;'�, proved Oct. 1, 1968. r �; `� f P � �`. � J ' � � � `;F�V�ry truly youra, , _ .� �,.� ,�--- �� •'�.��-,;`� '�f City Clexk hp ; P �� ��:� , ,, / � , �\�:.