243529 ,,sOR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 243529 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL Nd. , , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,�1 � C1 - � � COM M I55I ON E \\ DAT�� RESOLVED: That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase for the Water Department without competitive bids as a patented item und�r �,�ction 290 of the City Charter from Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co, one model 209 copier now under rental a,�reement at a cost ot' $595.0� less trade in of 1 secretary copying machi.ne at $30.00+this item is � available only fx��a this source. `,�«, Ftiind 8000-000 Reqn. 37133 Stauton APPROVED ° , � �� y Comptr ller APPROVED AS. TO FORM chasing A�ent Asst. Corp. Counse �� APR 2 9 1��9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AP� Z � ��5� Carlson Dalgliah ;�' proved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Pste�se� Sprafk2 1� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE, M/�Y 3 1969 O . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ���'��"�' CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE„CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �GLV`.�ll: 3'hat tlie 1'ux�cii�,sing Ag�nt �� autlzorized to purcuase for the W�.�er I��art�en�t w:i.t�3aut c�npetitive "b3cts as a patented item undex sec�tior. 29t3 t�f tY�e C3�� C'h�.rte� frc�� :3ixm.esota ��i,ning �c� A��'�. Co. on� �rYaiel 2t19 copier no�r und�r rental a�reeme2�t at a cost of �595•0� less -�rad� in oi' 3. secreta.z�- cop,yirag r,�achine at �30.Ot};this item is �,tra.il:�ble r�n�.yr frorn ��li� s4uxce. r^unct i:I�OG.,.�GQ ��e�.n. 37133 Star�ton 1 i�'r'F�tJ1i.u1a . _..,_ ...�1:...4%y�G�`q��,.��___._ C'OE11�3'�ICO.�.I@Y' �,.a:�xov�n �s m� r^r���s .�._t!�/,.�.. .____ � c�z�ir.� A��nt Asst.Corp. Counsel .�..."____��._.__...�.o... �F,� � -���,��� F�� }'"^, s,., a,..e .�•.,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson , Dalgliah Approve� 19— Meredith ��"'� - Tn Favor P�eter-se�-- Sprafku � Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O