D001260ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) • _ - Engineer (FIGA) - Contrac[or _ - Project Manager (CPMn No. — "" 1�„` V Date_� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.16-09 r � L • as Saint Pa il Civic enter xpansion CP-4 Building Construction known as Contract L Project No.015ll8 Metropolitan Mechanical, is composed of the following: 2. 3. _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. Provide ductwork for Rooms 123, 124, 125 per CP #4.86. Reason: Relocation of rooms due to floor elevations. Provide drip pan under piping in Elevaror Equipment Room for Elevators 11 & 12 per CP t{4.87. Reason: Code requirement. Provide ductwock further into Emecgency Genecator Room. Reason: Needed to cool room when generaror is working. Total $2,022.00 168.00 3,135.00 $5,325.00 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 5325.00 . said amount to be added ro the lump sum consideration named in the contract, Imown as contract L-. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. A O�� T OR r Assistant City Attorney � ���.-e- Expansion Coordinating Committee Exp ion a din �g Committee Director of Civic nter �'��'✓L�/�/ Architect � � l� and which amount is to be fmanced from: �,.y.� • G -l1 ,9� O�u�� 19� Metropolitan Mechanical Contractor B11�-L� � De ment of Finance 4�%�� j� Admuristrative Assistant to the Mayor �� �85�2 DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET � - � � � � INITIAVDATE INITIAWATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CIN COUNCIL � I ASSICiN CIN ATTOFiNEY O CITV CLERK NU1lBER FOB ❑ BUUGE� DIRECTOR q FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. FlOUTING / OROER �JIMpyOR (OR ASSISTAN �( c p� � I� 1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � Approve (A) or _ PLANNING GOMMISSION I _ CIB COMMITTEE � _ — STAFF _ . _ DISTRICT COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �� ��- � � `-y���� U� � �/���2ec�.'�.� (- ,�. PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personHirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartmeM? YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this pereon/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curre�t city employee? YES NO Explaln ell yes answers on aeparate sheet and ettaeh to grean sheet Whal, When, Where, �`� r ��� � IF APPFQVEO� IF APPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES ' l r F".� ��$n � � � � 4 � `� `n��/> �UP� 1 � 19a7 R� ��� � a,�-.�:� a���� 'k .i `i� � s.�, +° �, � �`S'��' W �� �ECEiv�� dUN 2 6 i997 CITY CLERK T'AL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $�✓�� � COSVREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO /� ���,. � /Y � � �r�s f-�� �7 %3�� 9�.�oo-c�b�5�-c€�`�< FUNDIfiG SOURCE / i��/.�-� /��/�_�� �� C7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFnA710N. (EXPLAIN) �,( y . f �J U� �Z � • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Metropolitan Mechanical 7340 Washington Ave�ue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015118 $7,624,000.00 CO o. C4.16-01 C4.16-62 C4.16-03 C4.16-04 C4.16-05 C4.16-06 C4.16-07 C4.16-08 C4.16-09 • Subtotaf Deduct Add 8, 892.00 7,461.00 11,392.00 21,691.00 10,079.00 28,081.00 50,175.00 17,883.00 5,325.00 $160.979.00 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITIE: CONTRACT DATE: 4 Sune 1997 CP-4.16 Building Construction Mechanical 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $7,784,979.�U � ,. � �Z�Q C 0 N T ft A C T 0 R' S P ft O P O S A L • � R L ntrac,or Prop a( No.: a aF Proieca:���F• P ul C1viC Ctr. MAR � Y ' A cha in the ;,P .�--- It is reGuesced the completion data he ( 1 ex?ended, ( 1 der,ezsed,XXunchznged by calendar days. The adjus.ed comp(etion daze will be �� 32zs-�/� . � Da.=: 2/?S/ 7 ��' Concrac: No.: CP 4_ 16 e of the work is reGues.ed zs indicated 5elo•.v: �� � 2. Oescription or the change: (r�e�=_r to drawings, speci�icz�ions, aCee^ca, ir appliczbizl. Re��rence RFP Na.: • FO NO.: Tc4e: Rooms 123, 124, 125 Ductwork 3. Basis of payment: (Check one� (} Firm price fof perFo�ming this change is 52. �� � Adequate supporing detaits and intormation (increased) (Oeductl mus2 be attached 2o al4ow Owner to evaluace. () lime and material per contract, 6ut not to exceed S (� Acival cost at completion of work ' S Submir[ed b Mechan}ca� _ Oace: 2/28/97 Co ntracto r �' �" . �si � Con2ractorSignature E.A. Couser FOR CPMI USE 1 2. Ac:ion Recommended_ (Check one� () Change will not be made. EYplain: CPMI Joh No.: 3225 � Proceed on the following basis: � As indicated above, change and hasis of paynent is acceotable. (� Change is accepia6le, basis of payment is not accepiahle. (} Basis of payment shall 6e S ( 1 The fo(lowing modification is recommended: O Change in completion dace is accepteG. (� Change is acceptable with no change in price. � 1 Change is acceptable with no change in compfetion date. ( ) Other Reason for Change: � sign Change I I Client r�equest ( 1 Fe(d Condidon ( 1 Suggested by Convactor ( 1 �esign Omission or Other (explain{ 3. Is this a rart of che origina( convact scope? O YES �d=1 4. (s Contractor's Estimate attached? ES �� No �. A/E consulted. ES ! 1 NO ?rzpared by: C-/ �'��'— (CPMI} .^-�ppraved 6y / 1ll�l'�f� !-C ! /� �i71�HGA) T �� Acproved by (Ownerl � , n..,., e.t Appr by: C7MI Inc., c/o Saint'aui cc Chris Hansen OaL': � — j ! �Jat�: �J' �3L Date: Oacz: LA.O"Shaughnessy P�aza, ti3 `Nes: i-ocr.h �::'°,. Sam:?aul, `M1N' S�1�2'��� Mike ?ederson Dick Zenring 3 ��'' � • Saint Paul Civic Center PR4.86; Rooms 123, 124, 125 Quctw SHOP HRS FiELD }iRS MAT'L & EQU1P QUAN. ITEM Ea. Tot. Ea. Tot. Ea. Tot. Subs 120 Round Pipe 0.10 12 3.00 360 18 � Added Penetrations �� 1 Return Grille 0.5 20 1 Drafting � 37� SF Duct Wrap 450 TOTALS = 1 23 38� 450 hrs $ Total Shop Hours 1 37.25 37 Field Hours 23 37.25 838 Material 380 Tax 27 Subs 450 • Bond 26 Totaf Costs 1,758 Markup 264 Total: z��22 • i�o r�i�4 • J� Z � � ,� _ . • �� ; Proje ':a cr 1. 2. 3. � U • � � . . ���� " . . No C 0 N Y R A C T 0 R' S P R O F O S A L Oa[e: �1�5/A7 Contrac; No.:� L6 _ the Work is reGuested as indicated below: /�il'1 2 It is requested the completion dacz he O extended, ( 1 decroased, (�j unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date wiii be pescription of the change: SRe�er to drawings, specifica.ions, addenda, if zpplicablel. Re`erence RFP No.: 4 •$� • FO NO.: Title: Elevators 11 and 12 Misc. Basis of payment: (Check one! $� Firm price for performing this change is S��R Adequate supporting details and information SlncreasedL(Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evafuate. () Time and material per contract, but not io exceed $ () Actual cost at comptetion of work Submitted by:_ Metro�olitan Mechanic-a� �ate: Contractor �� ��� � . Co Signature FOR CPMI USE 2. Action Recommended: {Check onel CPMI Jo6 No.: 3225 () Change wiil not be made. Exp4ain: `�proceed on the follawing basis: � s indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptahle. (� Change is accepia6le, 6asis af paymen2 is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shali be S (� The fo4lowing modification is recommended: (� Change in completion date is accepted. (� Change is acceptabie with no change in price. ( a Change is accepta6(e with no change in completion date. ( � Other Reason fot Change: ( j Design Change i 1 Client Request O Field Condition �;, .,,� /�� ' �A O Suggested by Convactor '�,Oesign Omission or Other fexplainl 9� 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? �{) YES �NO 4. Is Contrac2or's Estimate attached? !� iYES ( � NO 5. A/E consulted. � Apprav by: CPMI Inc., c/o Saini Paul cc: Chris Hansen ?repared by: �� —�CPMi) Approved by._..� `{�'� �Q°`"" 551'� �i 1 �C�'YUl� INGA) T � Approved by "� _IOwner) I.A. 0'ShauShnessy Mike Pederson fla2�: —� oac�� `7" `�� � (Owner) -- 13 Wesc ro�r.h Sve^c. Saint Paul, NN' » i �ick Zennng 3Z�°- - � IZC�Q • Saint Paul Civic Center PR4.87 - Drip Pan Elevators 11 &12 SHOP HRS FIELD HRS MATL & EQUIP QUAN. ITEM Ea. Tot. Ea. Tot Ea. 7ot. Subs 2 Fieid Labor 2 1 Shop tabor 1 1 Misc Material 30 TOTALS = 1 2 30 0 hrs $ Total Shop Hours 1 37.25 37 Field Hours 2 37.25 75 Material 30 Tax 2 Subs 0 • Bond 2 Total Costs 146 Markup 22 Total: 168 • � CPMI � REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion PROPOSAL REQUEST', CP-4 Building Construction HGA REFERENCE NO.: DATEISSUED: OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza CPMI PROJECS NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 U 4.87 30 December 1996 3225 C P-4.16 CONTRACT NO.: TO: Me�opolitan� ��� CONTRACT: Mechanical 7340 Washington Avenue South CONTRACT DATE: 18 January 1996 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn.: Gene Couser Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Division of responsibility shall be consistent with the Contract Documents or as specifically enumerated below. - T HIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DESCRIPTION: 1. Elevators 11 and 12 miscellaneous. • NOTES: 1. MAM to provide doors and hardware per Item 1. 2. MMC to provide drip pan per Item 2. 3. Gephart to provide detectors per Item 3. 4. Proceed immediately on Items 2 and 3. Provide cost ASAP. 5. Reason: Code requirement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. HGA RFP 4.87, dated 26 December 1996. � Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposal referencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no time change. COST, PLANNING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. ��-, C - Jo� a� Susan Campbell Jones Project Manager cc: Chris Hanse� Mike Pederson Gephart Mortenson Jim Carlson Frank Berg Bloomington 3225-416.6 CPMI, WC., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth SSreet, Saint Paul, MN 55102-7299 � `1� � - . � � - f1�0 �2,��_ „ . a C O M T ft A C T 0 ft' S P R O P O S A � r1 LJ Oac=_: a/� Coniract Yo.: A in the cope of the work is rzGuested as indicated belo•.v: /�� � Y � 1. It is requested the completion date be ( 1 extended, ( 1 dec;ezsed, (��rchanged by calendar days. The adjusced complecion dat� will he "Con.raccor Prop saf No.: r AP� rp{e�t. t. aul Civ u 2. Oescriptian of the change: (Refer to drawings, speciiicztions, addendz, ii zppliczble�. Re�erence RFP No.: � FO NO.: F4.97 Ttle: Emergency generator duct work revision 3, 8asis of payment: (Check ane) (� Firm price for perfo�ming this change is S 3, 135 Adequate supporting details and information (lncreasedl ({le�r�c�} must be attached to alfow Owner to evaluate. O Time and material per convact, bu; r,c: to exceed S () Actual cost at completian of work $ Submitted by: Metropolitan Mechanical _ Oate: 4�9/97 Cantr ctar . 2- t . r � Con2ractorSignature E.A. Couser FOR CPM[ USE 1 t� Actian Recammended: (Check anel ( � Change wiit not he made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 (} Proceed on the following basis: ( � As indicated above, change and 6asis af paynen: is acceatah(e. () Change is accepta6le, 6asis of payment is not acceptahle. ( 1 8asis of payment shalt he S i 1 The foflowing modification is recammended: (} Change in compleiion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is accaptable with no change in completion date. ( } Othe� Reason for Change: (} Design Change ( 1 Client Request ( l Feld Condiao� ( 1 Suggested by Contractor ( i Oesign Omission or Other (exp(ainl 3. Is this a pari of che original contract scope? ( 1 YES ( 1 NO 4. is Contractor's Estimate a2tached? ( 1 YES () No 5. A/E consulted. ( 1 YES ( 1 NO Prepared by: ICPM11 Appraved 6y • ' Appraved by Approve by: C?MI Inc., c10 Saint Paui Civic Cencer, cc: Chris Hansen HGA) (Owner) IA. 0'ShaughnessY ?iaz3, 713 Wes; ,=ow' htike ?ederson Dick Z=hring �at=_: C OaiO:�-- Date: Saint ?aul. ; 3225- �� �2(� • Saint Paul Civic Center Emergency Generator Duct SHOP HRS FIELD HRS MAT'L 8� EQUIP QUAN. ITEM Ea. Tot Ea. Tot Ea. Tot. Subs 500 LSS Shop Fabsication 33 15 990 LBS instali 32 31 500 LBS Fitting Material 0.60 300 490 LBS Straight Material 0.70 343 60 LBS Angle 0.02 1 0.01 1 TO7ALS = 16 32 643 � hrs $ Total Shop Hours 16 37.25 609 Field Hours 32 37.25 1,175 Materiai 643 Tax 45 • Bond 37 Subs 0 Totai Costs 2,509 Markup 376 Total: 2,885 • - - - - - - -- - - _ . . �� f�---=— -��aGla-T� EXISTI r4 G �Z DoM. WT�. L 7h1� --- ' -' _(�o lAFSU�ATIoN� � f� ; ' -�- - �- ---- �� -- '� -' � �, -- - - -- -- - - �' . ; � �� ; ; , . ; i ;� , � ,� , -�� - - - - - - ; � � ;, ; ;; ;� '! i , �' �� ' � l ' i' V✓w"G "• - - - ---- - - - -- — �- — `i' � - — -- � - - i; � - --._. I �l 'i I � i i �, ! �;— ----- - ---- ----------�_�--- —� -- - -- - - - , - j , � ,� �� , _ �; ; i; ' ii il ;E.� ---- ---- �- --- 1.� g-� - ---- - - -- � - -- - - --� - , i � —; --- ; � ;, � �a_ , _ --- -------� — --- -=--- - — �i- �------ , _ i � -- ----- - --i -- - -- , ., ; � ' ----- - --- - - -- -- --�I-- ---i I---;=j� --- --- --- — --- - � -- -- ---- — --- --------- - �� � —=- _ ' � � !� � _ ;_ � i � � ; , - i�-- _ . ;� -----.� --�--- � -� --- _- --=- -� , - :� �, ; � —�� -- --- --- --- ----I-- - �--.-'-�- -, il -L-- �—� -- --� -- - -- � � �;, , � � : , ,. ( , ; , � � - I� i � „-"�'_� -�-�-- -� - -- -� - ( - --� - � - , �. : � :. --�_°--, . - , , �,.�., , � „ � ,. �,'� ; . , i ... -- - -'-'�J-;=,I - ---- --� - - ------ - i r �� �, � �, . - . — — — - � �'1 "— -�--' � � � - -- - - -- — � �,�,— —i ' � — -- , — � � � 2�ssai ': , ' I � � � � � ��� i _. � i i , ; . � �- ---� - i � "��.� � � €. `,�;, � w r � l � � i_ - . — — i � � r�,:. � :�I =� . o�. e� � � i ' _ .� 3. L� _ �{ -�.' S e �I ) ' � � � 6 ✓'^� � y �ti—�� � - _ . i I 2 l i ��� a ; � � I i ; f _ ' I y f�r� I � � ' � ' S.-f � � �LJJ_ •' ',.� � I £ �� . � � I � � � . � � � .�L� � � � � I I I � - I � � � _ � �� I _� � ���� �� � I � I �� � � � , � F }`' ' _"_ ` P _ ' I SY� ' ;� � 4 4r� � I � �._ 75 . � � t,� I l�i _ � I . � � �i� i I � i� _ � _" � � � , F �_� �I L� �� L_ � �� � , � i���=1 ' I �°� r_� � � �� , � � � � � � �� � � �{ ', � � � I � ` � � ' � . "' � �� 1 I � I j �� ��r; � � � i I : __ . � i i i _i w_ -� J' � � � �`e.^F� � � � I ,_,� � � � ::I � ; I �� -�°� � 1 i ' `_ -' � --, ... _� I — � i �` -'� i � � ' � � � ! i ' i _ ' i � I — �— � ' '--�—; � —�— — ; I �� -- I I� `` , i i � i : i � ' �Ii _ I � � ��--- — ' � ,'v..� � � �. i� � z: 1—.� — — -iI I - -- � - � , - - --- -�I I I � -ai _-___ I �: � I� 1 �I � � �� • �� I . -';I--�{^k, I -'i _. '_�_�__ ' �.___'"- �. _ I �, ' i ' i ..' I I . : . � , _ ,.. � � � i li '_"_-- - 1t__ �_-_,""_ __ -�_. _ - '_ __" - . �) I -. -_'_ ij _ i .' ' . � �' " , . :- ,i � I ��) I ' � t -- - -- -- ---- - --- - --��---------- - � _ _. , ' � � ' ; �i �, -� il l_ � � I -- ---�----------- - - - — -- _ -- -- - - -- � �.I �i � �-� - � ��_ �-=-�I--- � � � -, CPM1 Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 � FIELD O-RD-ER PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion FIELD ORDER NO.: F4.97 CP-4 Building Construction OWNER: Metropolitan Mechanical 7340 Washington Avenue South F�:D DATEISSUED: CPMI PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT: � -���.�Q 4 April 'I 997 3225 CP-4.16 Mechanical Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn.: Gene Couser You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum and Contract Time. If you consider a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to CPMI immediately and before proceeding with the work. DESCRIPTION: TO: Duct extension from S-26 fan into Generator Room 105. N07ES: 1. . 2. 3. 4. Extend ductwork from the S-26 fan into the new Generator Room 105 for the sum of 52,885 (pe� attached quotel. RelocaYe the 1/2" diameter copper water pipe which feeds the electrical shop water cooler. Relocation not to exceed 5250. Turn in timesheets DAILY to CPMI. Reason: Need more make-up air for generators (change from CP-3 workl. ATTACHMENTS: Metropolitan Quote for Emergency Generator Duct. COST, PLANNING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. t�0�.- �.-r�.�.�,-� Q� Mark Gunderson Assistant Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Gephart Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Mortenson Bloomington 3225-416.5 0 • A\FOFMS\FIELDOD.DOG _ q?R. _ 2,. 1997 4: 35PM N0.993 P.2i2 �� L� � � Saint Pau4 Givic Cenfsi�__-=_=_ _:-.– _. _,�- .°.::_ �._—_ � _ = _� � __i�=_-=- _� __ — Emergency Generafor Duc� . � � SHOP HRS FfELD HRS MAT'L & EQUIR QUAN. ITEM "_ �a. 7ot Ea, Tat Ea. Toe. Subs 500 LBS Shop Fahrication 33 15 990 L8S fnstall 32 39 500 LBS Fifting Material 0.60 300 q90 LBS Stfaight Materiai 0.70 343 6a LBS Angle O.Q2 1 0.01 1 � TOTALS = 16 32 643 0 . hrs $ Total Shap Hours 16 37.25 609 Field Hours 32 37.25 1,175 Material 643 Tax 45 Bond 37 Subs p Totai Costs _ 2,509 Markup 376 Total: 2,8$5 �