243415 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 2����� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �ci�;sL car���2�� UNCIL SO TION—GENERAL FORM C MM 55 ONE � � � DATF April 2�., 1�69 ��LULa�: That �pnlication K-10156 for a Trailer rten�tal License, ap�lied for by James R. Ayotte at 778 South Smith Avenue be �nd the same is hereb�� gr�ted� subject to the followin�; conditions� that t he trailer parking space noted as I�1o. 1 on the subrnitted plans be eliminated t o maintain sigh-t lines at the street intersection; that advertisin� k�e e19.minated frc�m the s�reet boulevard; that a burn�er �zarci rail be installed to pr�tect the 7� foot buffer ac�jacent to the trailer parking area; and tliat shrubbex�r be installed at least every six feet on center in the now blacktopped buffer area; and further subject to coMpliance with all ap�lieable city ordinances, state statutes and rules and re��zlatior�s of public authorities have cognizance. HEW P��LIT AT TH. C. F. 2t�2661� .. 3-18-69 RESTRIC'i'TONS (set therein� APR 2 � 19fi9 �p1�� � � �ITJIVCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � 1; 1��� Carlson �}g}�� A prove 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor P-ete�se�, ' Sprafka �J Mayor A gainat Tedeaco 4 PUBLISHEr APR 2 � 196� Mr. President, B�e-����� O