243411 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�3��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �c�=��s� �ot-�1z'r��: COUNC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.. COMMISSIONE � DATF April 2t�, 1969 R�SCaLVED; That i��,licatior� I�-9600 �or the Transfer o�' Ck� Sale I.iquor License P1o. 7577, ex}�3.ring Januas�r 31� 1y70, issued to Henry Js Scheibel at ?�28 �outh .3abasha �treet, be and the sar.ne is hereb�r transFerred to the Blue �:oon 3ax� Incorporated, at the same address. On Sale Li.:�uor Establishment TN.y:�:SF'� (I,icensees) Informall�T ap proved by coun.Q�i Februa.ry 20, 1969 APP � �� 19�i9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Carlson Nay� ��� � `; ��s� �h pproved 19—_ Meredith n Favor pr-vicrAVlT' • Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco �Y�,���,���;:�.������J PUBLISHE! APR 2 6 196g Mr. Vic� Yresident � � ., , -, � C���-a�_ 6 q ,� y6�--� , . l �_F 2�35��1 C �� ��y w� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL • ,. � � APPLICATI(�N FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE .. Application No. ..� ..._ Name of Applican�.._........�'UE.MOON BAR.,t. INCORPORATED. ._. Age._._ -•-•_.__.._.. ._._. ................... ..............._..-�--�--......_........... _� R,esidence Addresa._.._�28 so+_Wabasha.St.� .St.. Pau1: Minn.,..... .......... Telephone No......_...._......................r....__........._._. Are you a citizen of the United States?_...�........_Yes _........._...._.........._....................._..._....._...._..._..._...._...:.....__....�...._...._.........._._..__ Have you ever been engaged-in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or businesa of similar nature? 3.2 beer tavern 6 _. .__ .._. When and where�......................._----1Q�6--.�...�.8�._�.or.:�h..�.s�h.sr.t...St..,....5.��...�av1.-,-.L�tz�.esc>t�._.._.._......_.. If corporation� give name and general purpose of corporation..................._........_____.._..__..._.__..._....... When incorporated?.._......_._..._.--•----_. _...___.._...._..................... � - If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters Por club members?............................._...._...._..__.........._........._....._....� Ho�,� many members?........,.._...-----_..___...._.__...._...._..___..._.___... Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . .. -��----....-�---�-��Stanl�Y...J•....�immerman�....Treas-pr�as..,...�20� .W'hite Bear Ave; ....................C.�at�d�a-..�.��r-mar�,-...Y...P-.N-Ss��c.,:r....22Q4---.I�hi�.e....$e,a,r....�Q�.w....._....................._....._...._..__.._..__._....._ Naanes and addresses of Stockl�olders: Sa�e a� officer�. . ...�..........................�--..._....__._...._...._._._..._.._._ ................_.........------------._...._...._...._...__...---��----�---....._..__..............__.___..............._.__..__ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known......................1.�_���......__�..�..,.._...__._..., Number Street Side Between What Croas Streets Waxd 428 .So.Wabasha : E. Isabel � Concord � ( ; . . ,. . . . . _.... How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along streets) ?......................None.._.._......,..._..__.___.__..._,,.__,. How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?...................�•---blo�k�..-.------.............._.._..---....._.__.._.._._ _..._..._.__ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....._.... _.... Name of closest school--�•-------....._.5.�.�_.Niat��la.e�as...PaxAChia1:---��---�......................................................_...._...._.........._...._..._...._.__._...._...__ �„ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?._.............�ommercial......,_.._.___........_____.._ ` Onv►�hat ftoor located?.-�................Gr4t��d----�--_...._.._...._.........._..._._....._..................---................---............................. ....-------�--------... Are premises owned by you or leased?..Leased ._„�{ leased give name of owner......hTal.do._.�.�.ca,m�.san.......................... Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?.........................?�......--�-----....---......---............................_..........-�---....................._.....----••----._........---........,-•--��---•------�--- Ifhotel. seating capacity of main dining room?....................�..........---�------......._...---................_........._._..._.....---._.................:......._..---•---......--��-�-----�--_..--••- Give trade name---------------�----Blu_�__N1At2�1_..B�.x'�--�n.�.ox'�or�tt�ed--------------------...----•-----------•-------•----•-�-------------•--------- -------------••-- Give below the name, or number. or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: Blue 1�Ioon Bar Inco orated ............ ..................................................�t.._...._...�� ----.......__.._...._...._...._...__._..._...----••------�----........__..---.._..._.____...._._......_...._..... ...................................................._........----...._....._...._...._...__-----�--...............---...---....---•----------•-�---�------........_..............._...-------....._............-•----_..-•-----•-•--..............................................--�-•--��- (T6e i�ornution abo�e must be given for hotels and reatauranta which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?-�-------W.__._.........-----_..............._................_...._..---...--•--....---_..._.---•�------•---....._....._.._...................__...__.__................__.. Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)_._..._..._..__.._._...._......._................._..___...._......._..._._...._..__ .�... Give names and addresses of three business referencea:..._..._..._...._.__...._ _....__.._..:....._..._.__....._.._.:.._.....................___.._.._ 1..___.__k�i�l:���s.�...�t�te...Ba1�ll.k...��...�...�'.�.0 ._�.nnesnta.._.�..�:59� T�it�r ; : _ A�e• ..._.. .. ... ��� r_�.-�....�?a��-�I��n. . 2......___...✓'�illard _Sailor.Y._. ________. _�--- _. _......_............._. _. _._.---_....2Q$S�_E.....1u�.lar.aska..A.v..enue,...St�..Paul,Mi.nn. . ... ... . ... _. .. ... Karen Scholl 10 1 West ,Sh re � 3._.- -�--�----......_.._..._...._...._...._...._....__....__. _ .._....___.__._.....__.---_.._�.._ . ..........__�._.�_._.�''y.�.,...�.#�..�'.�.u1.,Minn. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATtON; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE p sTa�- n�n�sar�, � COUNTY MBEY, �• ....._._...,; tanle J. Zimmerman !lrst dn1Y sworn, z deposes and says that he haa rea e foregoing applicstion and lmowa the con ereof,and that the eame is true to the best of his knowledge� inform� ' and belie�f. ` ---__ . ......... ...._ , ..._..._...----• -- � � an�ey �. �immerman - �Fresidex�t Subscribed and aworn to before m . this..._. 6th_..._....da of_Fe bru 19 � , _ y � ........_.._._..._...._..._._ _.:�_ Public Ramsey County, Minn. � �ar in J. Lyde � y commiasion ' �cemoer 28, 1973 expires....._._._..._.._.�..__....._..._._.._ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY, , , » � - � . � , ..�Stanley_J,� Zimmerman --,........._._..._..__. bein�Srst dulq eworn, depo8e8•Attd•88y8 thA��.....�. h..�..?�.—.the�. Pr��i d�n�,.`.'_ • � ...___..___.�____. Blue Moon Bar, Incorporated of....._...._._.._.._...._..__...._..._................_..............._...._......._.....___._ ....._...._...._.._...__._._ ....�__ � a corporation; that................._....�...�e.................._...._...._...._.._.haa read the foregoing application and knows the contenta thereof�and that the eame is true to the best of.........his...._............._..._...._..........]rnowledge, information and beliel; that the seal af$xed to the foregoing inetrument is the corporate aeal of said corporation; that said application wss signed, sealed and �� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors�and said applicatidn and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. ........ ._.... ...._ .. . ...._.... .__.._. e%��.. �tanle zi rman Subscribed and eworn to betore me thfa....6th......._...._....day_of...Feb ...a.?:�._...._....._..19 69 , _ / ��� � . . � .�...»....«..... . .�...... ... . ..... ..............................�.......«......... �� Y otary Publia�se�CountY� Minn. T�jartin J. Lyden My commission expires......IIec.�ube�.-.2�'i7-�0-�„7.-=.— , � , . . � . ,