243402 • 24��Oti • ORI��IAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENiED BY y �� � COMMISSIONE - � �� DATE RESOLVED, That upon the pertinent appeal of Michael F. Krey, under the Zoning Code, to relax the setback and density requirements on property located at the northeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Hazel Street, more particularly described as Lots 6 and '7, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens, that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied in the�r application, as and to the extent necessary therefor, to allow a 2'7 foot setbaek from the property line running north and south along Hazel Street; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That Michael F. Krey be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 55—car parking lot in conjunc— tion with a proposed 41—unit apartment building on property located at the northeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Hazel Street, more particularly described as Lots 6 and '7, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens; all in accordance with final plans dated Received January 24, 1969; subject to an increase in the driveway width to 26 feet and an appropriate treatment of the north property line; and further subject to the condition that said applicant—permittee, and his successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of mun.icipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. Fp M APPR01 E � 11�� Cap�ation CoY �p� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coui.r:+� .. 19— Kr�z���9f 9 Yeas Nays �P� � r, ���� Carlson �h pproved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Fetersorr-� Sprafka (� Mayor Tedesco A Sainst :::����������,��;��-��-��-� PUBLISHE� APR 2 � 1969. ,Mr. Vice Yre�ident � , BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUI 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 1�Tarch 25, 1969 °��i4�'� .,.. 2�r . Harr y E. P�Iar sha 11, City Clerk Room 38 6 c�t,y x�ii and Courthouse D�a,r S ir: This is written in response to the a�neal and a�plication of i�?ichael. E'. Krey to re7.ax th� setback and density requasements of the Zoning Code and to oermit the install.ation of a 55-car oarkinff lot to be used in conjunction with a proz�osed 47.-unit ar�artment buil�.in¢. These matters anol.y to property locatecl on the northeast corner of �.dil.son Avenue ar� Hazel Street and. leg�ll.y �3escribed as Lots 6 ar� 7, Block 2, Hudson Road Gard ens Add ition, Ramsey County. These matters were considered at the February 6, 1969 Board of. Zonin�? meetin�. The sta�f reported that tha site is vacant and that aoartments exist to the southeast althou�h the area imm�iately to the south and that fa�ther to the north is occupied by single-family uses. The front of the site is at the �ade of Glil.son Avenue with the north portion beina 1.5 to 20 f�et lawer . In re,aard to the a�peals it was noted that the required setback from Haze1 Street is 20 0 of the lot denth or 59 feet. The requeste� setback :Erom Hazel Street is 27 feet, a variance of 32 feet. It was noted, however, that the required sethack does not seem reasonable ara� is caused by the very large size of the platte� lots. The requesterl setback apnroaches the avera�� setback of most singl,e-:Eamily structures in "A" Residenc� 3istz•icts and the �aro�os� requirements of the new Zonin¢ Code. The aopeal f.or a variance f�om the density requirements o� 70,350 souare feet for 41 units represents a shorta�e of 470 square feet or 0.7 percent. In regard to the application for a permit to install a 55-car parki.n�? lot it w�.s noted that �Che �lan meets design stard.ards ancl that a relatively lars�e portion o:E the site would remain as ooen sn�.ce. The app�icant pro�oses to instal.l a te;n:porary driveway from Tr�il.son Avenue until the time that Hazel Street is imnroved . It was notecl that the plan should show final el�vations and an anpropriate tre�tment of the north property line so as not to have a detrimental effect on the adjoining �ropexty, arrl an increase-�. driveway width to 26 feet. It was the �inding of the Board of Zonin� that the request to vary the density and setback requirements wexe re�sonable arxl, there.fors, voted unanimously to recommer� approval ot both aD�eals. T���ith regard to the �. ,: r. y',��.Y��`t � ' � t' t�_ � 80 � ' Mr. Harry E. Marshall -2- March 25, ].969 � parkinr lot p�rmit a�pl.ication, the Zonin¢ Bo�rd unanimously recommends approval. subject to an inc�ease in the driveway width to 26 feet and an . appropriate treatment of. the north nro�erty 1ine. Subsequ�nt to the Zonins? Board consideration, the applicant has submittetl revised pl.ans i.ncor�oratin� these conditions. Very truly yours, .� eter J r ietta - Secretary P�7M:cv CLS Z.F. #�6712 #6672 : � �� �Harry �. Marshall Albert B. Olson ' ' City Clerk and ��TY �F Council Recorder Commisz:oner of RegistraEion h,`�' �', ; '�� �. W�, hc OFFICE OF THE CIT1G CLERK , CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510�L Jan. 23, 1969 Zonin� Board, Commaerce Bld�. Gentlemen: The City Council today referred to you for recommendation the attached zoning appeal of Michael F. Krey for a vaxiance in setback requirements on Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens Addn., located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Hazel and Wilson Streets. Very truly yours, � � � � City Clerk i��/� hp � � lU) � _ � � � �� �A� `'`� 196j ..� � _____� zd���C7 F��.� �j-� CIt.Y r1.�tr��rlv� �suAtw �,.,,,,,,�,, aiat Paul� Minne�o� O ;�_ } . �,� � " �'S °� . ` � ��� � STACKER. SILVERSTEIN, BURKE & RADSOM � ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1220 MINNESOTA BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55107 RALPN STACKER � TELEPHONE MAX A. STACKER ° . 222-1761 � � FRED SILVERSTEfN � . AREA CODE 672 � � THOMAS J. BURKE January �21, 1969 � � � S7UART RAD30M HOWARD G.8TACKER R.WILLIAM REILLY KENNETN J. WEIL MORRY N. ROTFiSTEiN . The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386, Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Appeal as provided for in Chapter 6$03, Paragraph J of the Legislative Zoning Code for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1. Name of Applicant: Michael F. Krey 2. Telephone No. : 429-6966 3�. Le�al description of pro erty: Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens Addition, Ramsey County. 4. Street Location: Northwest corner of the intersection of Hazel and Wilson Streets. 5. Present use of property: Presently is zoned for a C-1 multiple dwelling us e. 6. Proposed use of property: Multiple dwelling with off-street parking. 7. Purpose of Appeal: To allow for a variance of the setback requirement. Applicant's plan reflects the construction of garages on the subject property for the housing of tenants' automobiles. Applicant requests a variance so as to allow a 27 foot setback from the property line running north and south along Hazel Street. w;_ ,� . . . � ' � � � , The Honorable Mayor and City Council January 21, 1969 Page Two 8. Need of Appeal: Applicant needs the setback variance in order to construct the garages to house tenants' automobiles. No variance is being sought for a setback on Wilson Street, which runs east and west across the front of the proposed apartment building. 9. Appeal: This appeal is being taken pursuant to Chapter 64. 03, Paragraph J of the Legislative Zoning Code for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Respectfully submitted, STACKER, SILVERSTEIN, BURKE & RADSOM By: R. William Reilly Attorney for Applicant 1220 Minnesota Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 P. S. Copies of the drawings demonstrating the proposed variance of the set-back provisions have already been submitted to the City Planning Commission sta.ff. .....w�... _ �. , _.. .._ . .. .. ��.��:,� ,�4:,, ��1�`��� �', w �������� ���� `_� �;auuyW 'In�d ��4�5 abN�� ��,��i��tn.�! A�.i� 696� �' � ���� �1 F'�, � �� � � . '„ 1 � . , , ., � STACKEF'i. SILVERST�(;�i, �UrZ-KE & RADSOM ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1220 N,Wl�lESOTA u�.i1LDIf�iG ST. PAI.iL, N,Ii�lNL�OTA 55107 RALPH�STACKER 7ELEPHOtiE MAX A. STACKER 222_;7t,i FRED SILVERSTEIN AREA CODc, 652 ' TMOMAS J. BURKE January �2i� li�JJ STUART RADSOM MOWARD G. STACKER R. WILI.IAM REILLY KENhETH J. WEIL MORRY N. ROTHSTEIN The Honorable Mayor and City Council c;o City Clerk Room 386, Court House Saint Paul, Ninnesota 55102 Re: Appeal as provided for in Cnapter 6 iO3, Paragraph J of ��le Lebislative Zoning Code for the City of Saint Paul, Ninnesota. l. Name of Applicant: iVT,�chael �. �-�rey 2. Telephone No. : 429-6966 3. Le�al descrit�tio: of protier�y: Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, �ludson Road Gardens Addi�ion, R.ams ey County. 4. Street Location: 1\Torthwes� corner of the i��ersection or Hazel and Wilson Streets. � 5. Present use of pro�ert,y: Presently is zoned for a C-1 multiple dwelling us e. 6. Proposed use of roperty: I1/Iultiple dwelling wi�h off-street parking. 7. Purpose of Ap eal: To allow ior 2 variar�ce of ik��e setback requiremer���, Applic�.�tis plan rei'lects the constr��.tion of garages on the subject proper�y for �he housing o� tenar.�s' automobiles. Appiicant reques�s � variance so as to allow a 27 foot setback from the properiy line running north and south aiong Hazel Street. • ' e . , . • � i The Honorable Muyor and City Cour.e�i ' January 21, 1969 Page Two 8. 1�Teed of appeal: Applican� r_eeds �:;e setback variar.ce in order � to cor�siruct the garages to nous, ter.a:��s' au�o:r�obiies, No varia..ce is beinb sought for a se-cu�ci� o.� V7��so:� S'c�ee�, w:ich runs east and west across the front of the propo�,�d apar��e:t buildir�g. 9. Appeai: This appeal is beinb taken nursuar�t to ChapLer o r. 03, Paragraph J of the Lebislative Zoni:�a Code for the City of Sa�nt Paul, 11/�i"innesota. Respectfully submiti:ed, STACKER, SILV�.RSTEIN, �JRK�, & RA�SGM ;� ,� �� � ;�`� '\`� � � �j� ` ' o' By: � �. �%:•�.- � � ' 'i ��'s R. ��iiliam Reilly - /: . Attorney for Applicant `,� 1220 �:�innesota Building Saint �aul, Minnesota 551C1 P. S. Copies of the drawirgs U�i11O•1S±1Q.LIng �ne �r000seu variance of the set-back provisions have aiready been submitted to tne City Planr.ing Commission staf�. �5auuiy� '�ned �u�� a��09 9�I1�1��H"id AlI� ��i' ��� 696! i' � 11 t,f�' CIT ��;��D �.� , � � � � � � �� 5� gaint Pa ul inriesat<� ,, � � ,-, �:��,__ .�J 1�� ����N� �"��� ..""..' � � _..w.,�,a� . . , .,._. .. _.�... .,..�.._...... ....... . -- . . f,, . . . ., Y 4 . , j. . 4 BOARD OF 7ANING REPORT AND ACTION February 6, 1969 Plat Msp 42 � .. Actin� under L�gislativo Cods Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. passed August 22� 1922 as amondod to April 6� 1968 � °�12 �� 0672 ` 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : p , �'4�'+ , '9ich3el . Kre� �; 2. CLASSIFICATION � �.t Am�ndro�nt Q Appeal QP�rmit ❑Othsr � 3, PURPOSE f 1) Relax setback 2) Relax density � . 4. LOCATION s , :3ort!�west corner of the intersection of Haz�l Street .�nd � c•!ilson Avenue S• LEGAL DESCRIPTION s�' Lots 6 and 7, Block 2� Hudso.n �toa� ^3rdens Addi_tion, R3^�sey 4 County. . :.. �, : + �.� 6, PxESF�14T '�t1i�11ING s ' i"C-1" Residence .'1�'t'J . . � . . . � � . " . � . ?.,.P�UR$�I.l���Ta �on�a� �od� Chapt�r� �4 9rction: -��� Parl�t�s�hs i � ��3 . ' k ii . ' � '� 8• �'�A�f;�1*�T��it�ON ;8 REPQ�Ts Da;t�f ' 1/2'��69 - 8y�� �L, � ` �� � , A: wZ(?i�ING t����l`�S�T�s I3o ac�ion -<, � ` �� •. °�ei.pro,derty was rezi9ned fp "C-1": Resir����e on O,cto�er� 19, l�o�. ,T'�e ' .. " °atal {�eltitio;n was for "�" Resider�ce �bu�_ �as amende3 �y the p��titi�`�►et at ' t�e im.e of�Zoniing 3oard cons�idera�tion. . ' ' , x: ` � :��.. P2�i?, � ,USE;: : Co struGt a �3��t�it ap�tr� �i��.t�in�=;a:�d ac�e�s��,� �rKi.n� area. ��� � :�� � . T�w ` ; �t:.: e s�te plan 3.� de��p,�e�t,'�°p��v€tie ,tfi�¢,.be��t. use of tne site � � � � ��' �e�s�' r� t�PaB�'a;�hical c�rr3':itic�r�s. �e �s#�e dc�sy nd�, h3ve thE are3 �,��a �; ;��u� ' t�ci� � �nits iri � "�-*1�� Res.�;der�`'"�a€t�.n�.�ciistr�.a�t;�� , � � � �- �, , � a�� � ,'tt� '�, ,�A �.� '�and ;area '�+�:qt��r�d `fc� �;�:r�3;����in � "C-�" �es�#.dence district ..� . > �, '"�i � ,�` ,� �n � f � '�t �e I fe+�t, ' Wi��r� a. ��Cn ar �ir ���i3d�nc�±�:disi���.ct occiraies a . � ,� ` n� , ��it�i �� '��'� Resfd�n�� �i�t�ic.t .t3�� �►�� � sretl��c�C 3.�. t'�at re�uir�3 in ✓ � � ,� �'� �.�� ,�k� �` -T,� d�3t�*.i���. . �'fi��. �t't�saa " � � .p�p��ty a.s 59` feet ; � �:� k r� ��ed Qn��� ; � ` �;. :���� �,: �� �� �;��L 5'x:�e �f , � � ._ � � ��� :` ' �, ' . :.-, ��` ��,� �,�� ��� �; � T�tet�i�t �rea is 69�,�8`¢ �qua�r� �+����.��is° f,� 4�t3 sq��% f��et or'U.7 �. _•.; � � " '� ,-, a ;:�q., i� �7 f�e� from t#�z�el� �`+��t,.,32 .�i+�t 1.s�� than i��equire�. , � a�'��� -�"�' �' �% �h�aI; � is zane�i "A" �esic��t�A4- +"��'t� �o. C'��.�oti��i�tst :�►'�ich �is '' ; & TMT y j�h ��� S Y . � ���P�Y� ��.G� � �. �. ,����,�;��� �. 3����� z.� � dt'�t� �i��.�it�r fi��,,����::h�tl�f �S �31.ai�i�e.�.y 1.?v�r���;�nd �� .� r r � � ��i o#� 1sor��,-A�ren�e. The nor�h pOrtioi� is 15 ta ;2� feet �:owAr than � ,,� , � � ��.-��ti � • � �� � � � W��a�� , r � ir# ��! � .;. :�.�� �`�I�t�S:' 'lsa��Avenue ���`p�ved. T'here i� a la�QQ a�rs��!t��it �.v�}.oamen a �. � , , Y, . . . -�§ . '� ��. q ; �,`'�,� � ; � � �� I�at��,; Haz�l $treet is net �z�ad�d and �wil1 have t��' .��, � , :' � ��� � f��i � �� ; } �� i�, ',.�, �� � �., `� � ��t�c+�r � ,�,, -� f {. 7 � �"'� �� �{? ti� �i � �t, � l��is �Ta,�Oa��ld L:.J APP:'pval t�.1 Dsnl�a]r � x . �� - � � � , . � 3 at. ° � f � � �s � - �'' f� �. t�o!v,r�d lbys � 1) M�ietta Y�MSS Na�►�r tyat�t'o� � �i���r► ` > 2) t�aietta X �y; � $ � Si��� �t 1) ��u$er � Coh�t1 � ' , : � � ; � 2) c�dier X I�ns (Alt? Council A�tion ; � � ��r , � f . X �ar � 5�crstsry'� ra�s�cs::t,�. ._. . ,� Msistta ` ^` Dtt� � . ,. , � . � : _ McPart�.�� (h3.t} � ; . � � Mamur �Alt)� . : � T,Et�IIL I+�iTICES ON TH£�`B1�K bF•THIS SHEE'F . . � ti + y:,,,, � . . � k. BOF�RD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION February 6, 1�36�.3 Plat Map 4?. � Actinn under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No, � cx�ssed Aup,ust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1968 `'�'�� Also �712 ' 1. APPLICANT'S NAME ; �.�lC�l�o� T� ;r�Y ';�+34 2. CLASSIFICATION s � Amendment 0 Appeal 0 Permit ❑ Other 3. PURPOSE s Install 55-car �ark�n�? lot to '>- u>ec in con��iacti�n �.�ith 41-un�t anartment `�uildi:�� 4. LOCATION s Tlorthe3st corner of ';ilson :'�venue .3nd ?{azel. S*r?�t S, LEGAL DESCRIPTION s Lots =� and 7, 31ock 2, Hudson �o�-i "�rr.�^.; 6. PRESENT ZONING ; "C-1" 2esidence 7. PURSUANT:TO Zoning Cod� Chaptsrs 6� Section: .23 Paragraph: '� ,�- S� STAFF INVESTIGATION '� REPORTs Dat�s 1/27/09 By: �;,:; ,�e,.: 3�._.:.,� . . . . � � A. NIST3�Yt The property was rezoned to "C-1" ResidPnce on ��c*o':�r ?"�, 1��3`;.. The � oiiQ 1 netition was for "C" Residence but was amer.ded }yv the �titi�n�r at ���, the time of 7oninQ 3oard consideration. � , 3. AREA 7ArIIV,: The area is zoned '!A" Res?_dence except to t`�e southeast ;�`:_ch is .� .. zon� � Residence. �3�e` C. `JESI aN �TAPIDARJS: The nlan suhmitted meets the desian standard:; as �erta i.ns to � _. , � �ur a.n�?� cur inQ and manuevering area. � _,, D. FRONTA('�c. ''AP1� AREA: : Fronta�e is 235.04 feet alon� Hazel Street and 2�7.31 feet ���`` a on� i �on venue with an area of �i9�879.74 square feet. , ' : E. 'i'RAFFIC 'EPiGI*�i£ER: Reccmmend a�proval as it relates to traffic but will reauire `• a � oot acc ss driveway. � ">,�,�`�. . Sz'�E C�t�DITIOiJS: ' The sit� is v�cant. The south half is relatively level and ,� `° ' ,. a'� t `e ,o_ra e of Wilson Avenue. The north por±ion is 15 to 2�J feet iow�r than � ` t tlie south portion. h}}. � y,F�, 4 C. '�TtEA 'COri1�JITIONS: Wilson Avenue is paved. There is a larae a�rtr�ent developmant a4 ;� � '" a t e sout east. H3ze1 Street is not graded and will havF to I:a develo�ed. � k. r ` ty}��F� a r'��Z l :�� � .. � . � .. . �� . .. . � � . . . .. ��� i�� , � .. .. � � � � � T'�. — . . . , � . ��. . - . . . w "W V Council Le��er � r r �.� 9. �OA1tD ACT�ON: To Rrcoiere�nd LXJ A.pproval i—.J Denial Dated � � MoV�� �by: Gad1e� Yeas Nays Date of Nearing �F' :.�, t . . � � . . {/ . A� . � . �; r _ . . . ' ' ' . A �111��5 � . � Secondad bys �n� Cohen , X D�nna (A.lt) Council 14ction. �.� ; X Gadler s X Gauger 5ecratary';s r�markss . N;; X Maiatta Date > . � ` McPartlfn (Alt) �j; Subject to proWisiop concernin� Mansur (Alt) ��<• : : . retaini.r�g �el].1 to p�otect pro�p�rty �o - � nortt�,. .; LE,.dAL NQTI�ES. ON TEIE HACK OF TH�S SHE£T . , , _ ;: .. , . ;, , {; . . .,. t , �: . . . . ' . 1 . '� - . . . '" _-- ___--_�___J 1 ,I, Y ~ . _ . �- . - , ;-- , -, -.� � . . ; _ � _ , ; -� ;_ � � '" i , . , • ; �`N�RD S �- � —.�.—i r�:-, � ; � :G 'C_'� jG; � i;�� ' ,; °. � __� -���---� ��' � � I i � � � � � � ', , ' f :, ' , � � ' : � ' I ; i � � , � ! � �� li-= ' ;� v�v �v+v Q � i � � 0 . `� -j Q �� Q ' ;O ; ,O; ip; I 'p; � � � � ! ' ; � ( � ---�' �_ � ' ' i � � � � ! ; ► � ; �� � � ; � i �; ► ; I �' � ! . . . 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Jan. 29 1969 � St. P�vi Pla��ni��c� F�oc:rcl, Date. . ' ���J P���erfiy under co�sic�Lr°�tior . � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL . MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT DF FINANCE . 113 Court House 55102 MarEh -14, 1969 City Clerk File X6��, Page Xo�.� are h�reby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Cc�.r.cil Cfiamuers of t.ie City Hall an3 Court House in the City of �r_. Paul at 10:G0 a.m. on March 27, 1969 on the application of Michael F. Krey for a permit to install a 55-car parking lot to be Lsed in conjunction with a 41-unit apartment building on the fa?lo;�in� proFerty, also relax setback requirements on Lots 6 :�:u 7, Biock 2, Huclson Road Gardens. The property is located at the r.o�theast corner of Hazel Street and Wilson Avenue. For f..�;�trQ� �.n£ormation contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce �,;z�7�:�-ag cr ghone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance O ; ���. ���. � - � � ' �.��p � � City of Saint Paul, Mitu►esota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PER�dIT (Please print or type) TO THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI�iCIL qo the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconatruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islanda and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING IAT for (customers) (empioyees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot ,S"'.S' To be used in coanectioa arith: .�/ U��� �` � MISCEI�LANEOTJ3: (indicate type such as Drive-ia Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaniag Pick-up 8tatioa, Ice Vendor� etc.) Capacity of parlcing area: *Locat ioa ' �,��� �o n r" �cx Z.e.' ��"r S. Legal Description : Lot to + 1 Block °� Addition Applicant's Name t"� u c� s o n Q cj�c� � C��,��,�,<<� F. �c��y ���,��,, Home or Of f ice Address: 3 � s � '� d � --�o�� �_ r c�� Phoae Number , y.�r�` �q�� FOR✓BY TI� APPLICANT, _ �� � �v��.-- 11 l s L'�d Signature ate Address : Phone No.: When completed: file three copies oY this application form and three prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facilitq with �tbe City Clerk, Room 386� City Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. 3outh side of Maia St. between First and Second St. 3l�