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OR16�ISL TO CITY CLERK• ����0� �' •. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, That upon the pertinent appeal of William H. Weitzman, under the Zoning Code, to relax the setback requirements on property located at the southeast corner of Hillsdale Avenue and Winthrop Street, more particularly described as follows: All that part of the East %2 of the Southeast %4 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West lying southerly of the line described below, to—wit: Described Line: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Southeast %4 of said Section 2 distant 2106. 50 feet Southerly of the North— east corner of said Southeast %4, thence Westerly at right angles a distance of 708.8 feet, thence northwesterly by a deflection angle of 24°38�30" to the right a distance of 230.g4 feet , thence Westerly by a deflection angle � 24°38T30" to the left a distance of 390 feet to a point on the West line of the East %2 of said Southeast %4 distance 2023. 13 feet Southerly of the Northwest corner thereof and there terminating, � M PPRO F except Lot 1, Block 1, Weitzman Battle Creek Addition, according to the plat thereof on file �L�a� and of record in the office of the Registrar of � � � Titles of Ramsey �ounty, Minnesota, and subject to Hillsdale Avenue, Kipling Street and Winthrop Street; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determin.ed and varied in their application, as and to the extent necessary therefor, to allow setbacks from Kipling Street to be 16 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking; be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �h Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O .1� ORIGINrI.L'f0 CITY CLERK• � }y��o� ' ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE Nd. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF FURTHER RESOLVED, That William FI. Wietzman be and hereby is granted a permit to instal�, a 570—car parking lot in conjunction with a proposed 318—unit apartment development on property located at the southeast corner of Hillsdale Avenue and Winthrop Street and more particularly described above; all in accordance with plans dated Received January 9, 1969; subject to the condition that said applicant— permittee, and his successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. �R 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �P� � �, �.��j� Carlson p�g.}�. , Approved 19�_ Meredith � J Tn Favor Fe�e�sea / Sprafka ,� Mayor Tedesco A gainst ����;: . ,�, �� � " , ��reri�HE� APR 2 6 1��� hlr. Vic� President .......••.••..•••• � . � • � . ����: �'�:-'� BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 March 25, 1969 �Ir. Harry E. Marshall City Cl.erl< Room 386 Cit� Hall and Courthouse Dear Sir; This is caritten in resnonse ta William H. [aeitzman's apneal to relax setback requirements and to his application for a permit to install � 570-car parkin¢ lot for a Droposed 318-unit a�a.rtntent develooment to be located on the soutneast corner of Hi�.lsdale Avenue and t�linthrop Street. This property is further described on the attached leRal descrip- tion. These matters were consid ered at the February 20, 1969 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that th� 7onin�? Code does not deal adequately with setbacks for this tyDe o� d evel.opment and that this ap�eal i� to establish setbacks diff2rent from those provided for this property in March 1.967. The current proposa7. provides for a minimum 30 foot setback for buildins;s and 1.5 f.eet for na,rking along Winthrop Street and Hillsdale Avenue. Setbacks from Kiolin�; Street wi�.�. be �6 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking. These setbacks apneax� reasonable and in line caith the provisions in the proposed new Zoning Code. The parking, inclu3ing 305 st�.ces under the structures and 265 open surface soaces, meetsdesign standards and the approval of the Traffic Engineer. Parkin�; is pronosed at a rate of 1.75 spaces per apartment unit and open surface parkino areas adjacPnt to streets and the nark area to the south wi1.l be larxlscaped �nd screened. It was th� �inding d�' the Board of Zonin� that the setbacks nro:posed are reason�ble and that r�arking standards have been met. The Boar�1, therefore, unanimously recommends that both the appeal and application for a parkin� permit be �ranted. Vnry tr yours, , _ , i r ��i . / P � . a .t Secretary PJP,4:cv ._ � CLS �f �� Z.F. #6702 � � � C1 4.,�..��,.,..� #6703 � Attachment � � � .. i � � • I 'Ha�ry�E. Marshall• Albe� B. Olson • City Clerk and clT'' �F, Council Recorder f Cammisioner of Repistration ,��`w�9� x � .i c `� --�••hc' OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Jan. 9s 1969 Zoning Board, Co�nmerce Blclg. Gentl�men: The City Council referred to you for rec�endation the attached zoning appeal of Wm. Ii. Weitzman for setba,ck requirements on property located at the southeast corner of Hillsdale Ave. and Winthrop St. sas�e � - Very truly yours, Notke� y �a ffi�t a Dnbtic � G�`/��/� ��;�p� l6etet[ . � ..•�`.��1� ��\ ���' ,� City Clerk ct "°�°"a''�..�"�`�� tt. hp wi : , °°<� �J� Zoai�n���ode;ta ��e� �a ' �the a�outh����c._.Tow�D �B N. Ranio � .i��Y�sou�er13*t a tt� l�ne de�'xl�� �: Hbt� 6 int oa,the wul,h�east '!a oi safd Seo- 1106,d0 teet'south8s9y Og tha�no���a� eaid �Bthe�a lr tlleriCO W�� Lh�o north- d�stance od 709.8 feet, wester�y b a de8ection anWe of 24° 3g�90"'io �s ri�#t a dfste�ce o!230.94 feet' thence weeterlY bY a deAection j� �� angle�ai 24° 38' 90r' to the letRt�� t�he tance ot 390 � Zo a poih �, " w+�t]3ne vf the eaet 13 of�so uer�v e�st �a distat►ce �S. � of the northwest corngr fhereof and _ thera te an tin6. except Lot 1� Blc>c1s 1,Weit 8attle Creek Addition and �..;f. B�tt�� ��DAS��t, �� ���� R�� ��LE � �p ��� Avenue between 1ing Streets. Dated Mareh 12; ]989. HA�tg,C�MARSF�L� (Msreh 15, 19BB) i . 4A�1 �, t�v� a�. PLA►�1N1►�G �OARD �►mt Pau��M�ns�eset� O r' � _ . �� r/ � l LAW OFFICES DWORSKY, ROSEN & RAVICH a v� i�� ROBERT A. DWORSKY WILLIAM S. ROSEN 630 OSBORN BUILDING PAUL H. RAVICH SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA 55102 OTIS F. HILBERT TELEPHONE 227-7731 AREA CODE 612 january 6, 19 69 Th e H onorable M a yor and C ity C ouncil c/o C ity C lerk Room 386, City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota In Re; Wm. H. Weitzman`s Apartment Pro j ect at Hillsdale and Winthrop Our File No. 2525 Gentlemen: Construction is planned on the above-described site of 318 apartment units , 305 garages and 2 65 outdoor parking places. An application for Special Council Use Permit £ar the parking facilities has been filed. We respectfully submit the following information in our appeal from the zoning code: (a) Name of Applicant; Wm. H. Weitzman (b) Telephone Numbert 222-0586 (c) Leqal Description of Propertys Set forth on EXHIBIT A attached to Application. (d) Street, locationt Southeast corner of Hillsdale Avenue and Winthrop Street. (e) Present Use of Propertyi Vacant land. (� Proposed Use of Property: Development as a multiple dwelling complex £or 318 dwelling units. (g) Purpose of Appeal; To establish setbacks. � � � �� '� ,�� � !� �,�. �A� �� ���� �C��� ��� �� �� --� �'��,� ci�r ��r��»c �a��o sa��t �ur, rvf�ri���� . �. • „ . . • The Honorable Mayor and C ity C ouncil -2- January 6, 19 69 (h) Need of Appeal: To amend and modify such setbacks that may have been heretofore established fc�r an apartment complex on the property based upon a previously filed master plan. (i) City section of Ordinance appealing underi Legislative Code Chapter 62 , Sections 62,O 1 (prescription of setback for "�" Residen�e Districts) , 62.09 and 64.03, and such other provisions as may be applicable. Very truly yours, W7NI. H. WEITZMAN By Robert A. Dworsky, Attorney and Agent fp Enc. w ��� ... � �� Z��� �� �� �.� ' - • �'�'( � / City of Saiat Paul, Minnesota �7�� APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CpUI�CIL USE PERMIT � (Please print or type) , TO THE I�NORABI.E MAYOR AND CITY O�iJN�CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minaesota Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLII�G 5TATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks aad capacit.y: � PARKING LOT for (private use) (indicate type) capac�ty of parking lot : 570 vehicles, including garages for 305 vehi�les and outd�or pa�cking for 265 vehicle�. To be used in conaection with:� 318 unit apartment com�l�x. � MISCEIJ,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location � g�u�,��t corner of Hillsdale Avenue and Winthrop Street Legal Description : Lot Block Addition (�et forth on EXHS��T A attached) Applicant's Name � Wm. H. Weitzman Home or Office Address: 810 Osborn Building, Saint Paul, MiruZesota 55102 Phoae Number : 222»0586 �o � an�.icarrr, ROBERT A. IIwORSKY Janua 6 1969 Signature (date Address : 630 C}sborn Buildin , St. Faul, Minnesota Phone No.: 227+-7731 When completed: file three copies of tbis applicatioa form and three priats of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility ari.th tbe City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, 3aint Paul, M3nnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. aad First St. �_ 2. Soutb side of Maia St. between First aud Second 3t. � � `�� / BOARD Q�'. 7ANI�N� REPORT AND ACTION February 20, 13�`� p�t �tp '+3 i � Actinp, under L•gislativa Coda Chaptar 60 thru 64 Fil• No. passed August 22� 1922 as smsnded to April 6� 1968 6703 A180 6702 1. ArPLICANT'S NAME : ?ailliam H. Weitzman 6506 6507 621 2. CLASSIFICATION s 1—LAmandm�nt Q Appeal Q P�rmit ❑Other �21g 622 3• PURPOSE 3 Install 57Q-car parking facility 4� LOCATION � Southeast corner of Hillsdale Avenue 3nd :�Jinthro� Street 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION s Kiscellaneous, see attached 6. PRESENT 7ANING s "C" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Cod� Chapt�r� 60 Ssctions .23 Paragraphs 4 � � 8� STAFF INVESTIGIlTION b REPORTs Dat�� 2/12/69 Bys CI,S , '' ` A. HISTORY: This property. is part of larp_er area rezoned in three ac±ions in 196�, �+ • ��3, and 1967. An apneal to establish setbACks and a narkin� lot oer.ai± on the entire area was s�r3nted on April 15, 1967. Only the easterly nortion oP y'� the site was developed. _,,. .,. f B. AREA ZONIN�: This proper�y and the property to the east i� zoned "C" Residence. ;,. e rest of the area is zoned "A" Residence. C. DESIG?7 STANDAROS: The requested permit is for 305 car p�rkin� within the �tructures �A an appz�oximately 265 cars in open spaces. This will nrovide in excess of 1.75 � . cars p�r.,dwelling unit� The parking areas meet all design stanciards. There � are three points of acaess on Winthrop Street and one on Hillsdale Avenue and t ' three an Kipling Stree�. Acreen planting,s and landscaDir.� will be provided � between ths open parkinp areas and the adioinin� streets. T'�e south *_+roperty line wx11 be planted with trees and shrubs to �rovide a site seoarat:on be.to�een this property and the park property without detracting from the ar,ienities of the park. � D. FR�JNTA�E Iti�EA � BUILDING COVERAGE: The site is bounded by ��tinthrop Street, s a e venue* p ng treet and park �roperty alon� Lower Afton Road. The bui]�+dings cover 30 to 35 percent af the land area of approximately 1y1,500 square feet. ' � E. T�tAFfIC ENG�NEER: The Traffic Engineer approves the pl.an as it relates to traf.f�c. �' s reccmane ation is to eliminate one driveway on Wint:.rop Street and zt has been ineorporated in the plan. (OV�R) Cout�cil Letter 9. BOARA ACTZON�s To R�seono�tfd L^J Approvsl �De�ial Dstod � ��=, �� �: , t�tov�ci bys McPart�in � TM �: YesS Nays Date of Hsaring `.��. X M1es S�cot�d� bys Gadler Coh�n . X Danna (I�lt) Council Itction X Gadlar : j � Gaugsr . S�cr�tsry's r�ssrkss Mai•tta Dzte X McPartlin (Alt) Msnsur (Alt) . LEGIIL I�TICk�?��THE H�A�1G�,,� THIS SHEET ;"�€r 4 � �. , y„ � �._-� � �. r.: ; � . ; a . ,; , :. ,r, , . �.x , .._.. _ -• � . . ... . ,_ . _ � .. _ �,.__.k,.�_ ,.. ..... � � �� � , ' F. SZTE CONDITIONSs 1'he p�operty ia vacairt and alopea d�ownward at approximately per�e � north to south and east to Naet along Hi�lsdale Avenue. The site is a�p�oxiroatel� 10 feet beloa the grada of the street. The we�t 1/5 of tt� si�� s�d �tb� e�►at 1/4 of the site i,s abov�e street grade. H. AREA ��T�d� s Hfllsdt�ta �iven�ta xas rec�trt]:y graded. Aiong the north side of . -��'"�'����`"`� '�s��e � x`ecqnt2q c��lttt+uCted t�ro-family housas aith singl.e � fsm��y,�� o,t1� st�d vzie�h�3.f blocks t�t y�he north. To thm �at are xecently cx��1� 1�► �v�#as :apd ap�rkmanteE�,: Yo �he rrost is vscant land and to � � �;sa�'�s 4Park 1��rrC A�ps'x`ty'• .� � � � � , „ .. , , � ; - .,. . ,. ;�: �,; � ;, ��= � > � i ,� : i ' 1 � � ; ���� ��: � � . � u �� � ` ` f i �' . ;� M� _� f � " x � e �. 'r , { ' k , f j �: Y ' Z f" � �� �." . ' b � 2.. ���3n:.� x''1 C � f{ �.L V_ . 1 1 � �� 'r� :J '��: �� > > .�� , � � � } x �,� ;'� � ���� � �, >�`,� �s� � � ' � � v. ..i . r� ������ : � � � , ,' �M ,, �xt�;, * ��� � �,� � � i .d�i - a � q ti . + x.�". �-r�5, ��' � ] '+� . . . . � � `��'F ry; � '���A"�'^tip`� < � -�" � � "��a � .�? Fo��� t� . . :� } i a ',i �'" '"'s''`;'��``� �� ��� k .�.t � �r�' ' ,�� r r �: �.'� . 2 F �'�° a ' ��`�� #"�"k` g.i' A �, :� Y�" r �` � ��`� �s�� .�a��,. + 7� �°�' � ` " i � ' i ,'> ?'" • s � , �ti: ��� " a � � ' � � � l.` � i � .rt�"S "�^'r"� r - 4c € �y'�d� �`. .. � . . IS.ie'S��'� 1 �t SA`�� W F�! { �[�� � t ��'� fr �c.tq 3u��tI§ � �3 '�'�"',� Y i �4� � � . . � . � "� +y� F $7� F f �M � �f�-h �. { - ' f 'S�� 1 , ..� . . P S � s � S j1 . ,� � . . . . } 7 � � t � � -F t -'*�* � ` � l . . ,. � . t � �N� �MStf� � � � . .. t t 3 . 1�1 :� ��'� �,'w� � �.� � . . . : . � . ,. . I • . �� F`�lq . , . . . . . . . . . , j. . . . . ,:1�i.. . . . . . . - � � � � . � ,t.i:�� . . ... . : . .. .� . � � � .. �.. . - `�{. � . . . . : . .. . . . . t . , � . .. . i ..,...... . .ea9�i�i. .....i. .u_.. . .,.... ,,�.,�. , . < _.._ .. .�...., -�t.... . ..._,,... ._, .,r.,._..„� ... . . . . � � � I_ I I I ' v� ;,,. . .. _ -- • ,_ _. ._ . _. _ __ � � . � � p O O � O O O � i O O � r � !I . . � ---.��- -------- --- -- '—- ---__. ___ C/ � 4 � �� � � � � � � . � ��- . � ° -�� '__1_. � �_ 4.__�' --�'_ 4 � I� ___._. .___._ _-----. _...___ __ __. � � -I GjL ` N �;IDGE /�,L�` . � . �.:. __ _._ _�,, � � j - ----- - ----- ` z . � _.� . x . -- - _ . _ . __----------I � � __ _.. ..� -, --- — � � �- � � ! ' : ¢ :� � � _` , � 4 � $ � Q i , ---._.�. ��...-i� � �... � S � /� �.'�. ��j .:-_ _ � � --.T,� ..-� .. r �,r.i.:.�+fei--r-rs e�a i�::-�:—m: ' i � ' I }--- �i � � . � � C� i �, �� � � �o � �I ' . � i � � , ; ,' ; . ,I �� � �' c � � ' o �o a ; � ___, . ` i ;C�. 'v ` ; ; � 8 s g r� � � i s- , � � � � , I__. _ _-----—-- � ... .. ._ : ---------- --t- •— .a ...., v � � • �, � —�� ��.. . �. i � i ���; k P.����2ry . � . � , . . , � ----- - � �.0�`�J�.� �,�'�� '�a ���s.� c a��i n j tl . i ' � -- — ; I � � � � � � � � � . ; ' ! . l-�i�����s��P� ����m. H. "Jeitzman . l�6.��.,l��1V� , P��.€����- Install a �?0• car par};in� facility ����� :���r�° � �� Est?blish a setbacr: line �� _ _-- -- _ . _ __ O ONE°��;��/liL.Y P�`�t..r"-_���"-.i�4`! �Oiti11NG ����� Resi�ence ' -¢ 11'�!0-i Ai�il1...1� � � `�'1-IF;C�-- F��i:11LY F'G�'I�I°IO�a SiGN��-;� . � ' - FOU���rAt��l L.Y . �' �,;U L'i i° f=l\�;11 L�Y FIL..0 No. 6702 , niaP�,Y� 0 �nCO;',�1i�:1�4C1111.. ��: . 6703 , n n INDU�T�I,�L � � v � vACn-.rd�r . St_ �c;u1 �Pl��nr�in� Ronrc;_ nc�t�e: ��h_ ll _ 1�(,9 [!f'l;� Pro��i-�v ����r'r?r �r,s��?fi��r:�,�nc � , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 � March 14, 1969 City Clerk File X668, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on March 27, 1969 on the application of William H. Weitzman for: 1) a permit to install a 570-car parking lot to be used in con,junction with a 318-unit apartment building and 2) an appeal to relax setback requirements for all that part of Che east 1/2 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 2, Township 28 NorCh, Range 22 West lying souCherly of the line desCribed below; beginning at a point on the east line of the southeast 1/4 of said Section 2 distant 2106.50 feet southerly of the northeast corner of said southeast 1/4; thence westerly at right angles a distance of 708.8 feet, thence northwesterly by a deflection angle of 24 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds to the right a distance of 230.94 feet, thence westerly by a deflection angle of 24 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds to the left a distance of 390 feet to a point on the west line of the east 1/2 of said southeast 1/4 distant 2023.13 feet southerly of the northwest corner thereof and there terminating, except Lot 1, Block 1, Weitzman Battle Creek Addition, accordfng to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and subject to Hillsdale Avenue, Kipling Street and Winthrop Street. The property is located south of Hillsdale Avenue between Winthrop and Kipling Streets. For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Buflding or phone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance O .�r._, .�. .r,..��..�..�,�..�.,-..w ��...�"� ���T. ..��'. . . . . . .. . . r�-% - . , - � k.!�' � A�l thst par� of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of "`���.� � �„ Section 2, ?o�+nship 28 North, Ranqe 22 ilest lyinq southerl;� �,�. � � of the Iins described below, to-Wit: ��` � � . Described E�ine. Bs�inning at a �int on the East line of t"�""ie.��"out aaat /4 of aaid Section 2 diatant 2.106.50 feet Southerly ot *_hs North�ast aorner of said Southeaat 1/4, ;, < thence tiestsrlq at right angles a distance of 70A.8 feet, thenc� northrrestarly by a d�flection angle of 24°38'30" ' to the ri�ht a diatance of 230.94 fest, then�@ Westsrly by a d�flsction as�qlo O$ 2k�3S�90n to th� �eft a distance - �f �90 fast to a po3nt on the West lirN of the East 2/2 of said South�ast 1/4 distance 2023,13 fe�t Sautherly af the Morthwest core�sr th�raof and th�era t�rmi�ting,, �-:"'. � : �j� ��ocept Lat 1, Blxk l, Hsi�tzAan Battle� Cr�ek Addition� ��cordir� � to the plat thersof on filo and of racord in the offics of the � ` Registrar of Titlas af Ramsey Caunty9 Ninnesota and subj�t to � � Hillsdala AMenus, Kipling Street and iiirithrop Street. � �, �.- ".���� � "'�- ��� " ^�...�,....p ...w. :.�f.a.;■$ vva-vvuii• •USC� . , . . ��� �i �ti�'��1a' d�C1��l,�t� 38: � i� _ . � . . � . . � ' � Al1 that pe4rt o! the East 1/Z of ths Southeast 1/v of ` � '° ' S�atian 2. 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