243395 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2���9�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT � RESOLVED, That the Purch ' g Agent be authorized to purchase frc�m Minnesota Toro Inc. for the use of' the Water Department one (1) Toro 31 "Whirlwind" Power mower with reverse geax and cutter bax, powered with a Pull 9•2 horaepower, at a cost of $703.00, LESS TRADE IN: #31" Heavy Duty Spineway Rotary Mower at a cost of $123.00, the total of the Power Mower is $580.00, pursuant to Seetion 290 of the Charter of the City of Saint Faul as the only bid received on Informal Bid #3098• CODE: 8000-000 Reqn. No. 37067 Water Depaxtment APPROYED AS TO FORM: APPROVED: � ��r�7�,� ASSISTANT CORPO �ION COtJl!tSEL C RO LER P CHA,SING AGRNT COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council APR 2 :� 196�9 J Yeas Nays Carlson aP►� 2 � 1969 T����-- prove 19— Meredith S� r �n Favor � Sprafk2 V �tl�i Mayor A gainst ,� Tedesco ' . �:�a�t, �r�� � �� PU�LI�HEr APR � � 196 , ..�°��°° ` � � Mr. �ic.. PreSident 2 �/14/69 �tichaua/b� d �� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER /��C��`�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N��� ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVk�3, That the Firrrchasin� Agen� be authorized to purchase from M3nnesota �oro Tnc. for the use oP the Water Depar�tment one {1) Toro 31 "Wizixlwind" Pc�rer mow�r with rever�e �ear and cutter bar, pawered wi�h a f�7.1 9.2 hor��pcnaer, �t a cas� af �703.00, LISS TI�AD� IN: #31" Heavy Duty �pir��way Rotary Arower at a co�t of $123.00, tk�e tota]. aP' the Power Mawer is wS80.00, pursua,nt tp Section �qU of the Charter of the Gity af Sa3nt .�aul as the only bid receiv�ed ap Inforraal Bid �'#3098• CpDE: 8000-000 Reqn. No. 37�b7 Water Department APPROVED AS TO �'QRNt: APPROVED: ASSISTANT COR�"ORATTGITU�COUIY5�L � C0� - OLLER � C ING AC'�NT COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council " 19.— Yeas Nays Ca.rlson ` � ���� Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Petersaa— � Sprafka �, Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr.President, Byrne `_ . ` _ �/1�+/69 Michaud/bf O