243379 ' 24���� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N�. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �� � S DATF WHEREAS, !n connection with the installation of certain Traffic Sign�l revisions at the following locations. �.;, CleveTand � St. Clair Marshall � Cretin � Prior � Marshail Sixth S Mounds Hamline �. St. Clair Arcade � Whitall Hamline �, Randoiph Sixth t� Maria Hamline b Jefferson Seventh � Mounds � Otis � Marshall Kellogg � Mounds Hamline &� Minnehaha Ruth £+ Minnehaha Dale � Selby J Maryland b White Bear Western � Selby Arlington � White Bear � Lafayette � W. 7th lowa S. White Bear Marshall � Fairview Ford Pkwy. £� Kenneth Marshall £� Cleveland, and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul with its own forces and equipment is required to complete this work, now therefore be it�„� RESOLVED, That the City Forces proceed with such work at an estimated cost of $21 ,000.�0 plus Engineering and Inspection costs of $1 ,678.00 or a total estimated cost of $22,678.00, said work to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 and this same fund to be reimbursed as foilows: Minnesota Highway Dept. Agree. # 56017 $6,483.00 County Aid Fund 3,600.00 Municipal State Aid S�spense Fund 12,595•_00 - $22,�7$.00 M-318-C ��� ' �f� '� � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �;;��� ��� _: �969 Carlson n..�n�;e�, pprove 19— • Meredith S� Tn Favor � �— Sprafk� /ftt/ng Mayor '�Against Tedesco �r: �x'esl�il.t, By��i.�:g .. �`'�� PU�LiSHE� ApR 2 6 196 I�zr. V icP President p ,� J G` � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ������' CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��r� �• F�t�r$OX) COMMISSIONER -- DATs �f{i�rR1E�►�, 1n cannectton with the instsilatlon �f certain Traffic S�ignal revt�ions �t �he fall�wring 1+�cat�r�ns. Clerrel�nd t� St. Ciatr llsr�h�ll � Crettn �rlor & M+p�rsh�l i l�fxth g Mounds Ham1 ine 6. St. Clair Ar+r�c�e 8. WW�aait�l l H�onl tn� �. ��ndalph ilxth s Mar�a Namlirxg tr Jeffarson geventh 1� Mnunds #�tis � l�r�hail Killogg 8 Nour�ds H���ina� 6 Mir+nehah� ttuth s !lln�hsba. p�le � Selby Marytand 8 1�lhtte Bear i�estern 6. �elby Ari ington &� 1�thita 8ear Lafay�tte g M. 7th Icyw� S Mlt�it� Bear Aiar�shat 1 6 Fat rview Ford Pk+iy. � tt,ennath Marshall t� Glerrei�rnd, anc! MFIER�IAS. The C i ty of St. �aui ai th i ts own forces snd equt qnent i s requtr�d to canpl�te this v�rkR �r thearofcaree be ie� R�SpLVEp, Th�t the City t�cr�es proceed with such work at an a�timated cost of $�i ,00d.at1 plus �ngtneering and 1n�psction co�t� of $1 �6�8.00 or a tot�l �stimated r.ost of $22,678.(�« ��1d wodrk to be chsrc,�d to the �ermanent Improvom�nt lt�volving Fuad, .Code 6000 and this s�na fuad to ba rslmbursod as foliows: Minr�sots N9gl�+�ery Qept. Agr�. i� 56417' $6,483•00 County A!d Fund 3,6i)0.00 Municipal State Atd Suspen� �und ,�� � . 0 M-318�6 :ad`zx ;' '�.�r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �� 19— Yeas Nays s;;•:;, Carlson ,�,,M� � APAroved 19— �E� Meredith __In Favor P�ersrnr'— � Mayor Sprafku Against Tedesco Mr.President,.'Byrne �_ ��