243355 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK •�(�C�C�j CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO ����;v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �J1111.13I11 i. Cic3T�.SOT1 � t�p il lg, 19b9 COMMISSIONE DAT T;JH:.REA5, Ordinance No. 3250 authorizes and provides for payment for overtime work and tdH=�?.�AS, The Commissioner of Public Sa.fety has authorized overtime work in his depaz•�;ment (Police � Fire nl.axm Bureau) during the period from kpril 5, 1969 to April l�, 1969: Therefore, be it ` Rr;:�(iLVLD, That the proper city Offic�rs are hereby authorized to pay the employee: who performed �uch overtime work in accordanc� with the provi sions of Ordina.nce No. 6i;1,.6 and No. 3250. AP R 2 2 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � � �1��9 �h Approve� 19— Meredith � Tn Favor P�• � Sprafku J Mayor Tedesco A gainst lv�[r''�resi��;�� ' �' ° '€::: . �UBCISFtEt /�PR 2 6 1969 lr�. ,tc.� President _ �!r � f���� �