243352 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 243352 ,- CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS , Richard E. Johnson, an eraployee of the Department of Public Safety� Bureau of Police, was injured in a third party accident on January 30 , 1966, while engaged in the performance of his duties ; and WHEREAS, �he City has incurred medieal expense in the amount of $907.00 therefor, and employee was disabled from work for a period of time being paid salary in the amount of 52�817.00 , for which the City raay claim credit at the rate of $�5.00 per week; and WHEREAS, a corapromise settlemer�t has been negotiated between said employee and the other party involved in the accident, which provides for a net settlement to the City in the amount o� $1,500 .00 after deductions for proportionate attorney's fees and costs , now, therefore, be it RESOLdED, thafi the proper City Offieers are hereby authorized to accept in full, final and complete settlement of its claim herein the sum of $1,50� .00 and to execute any necessary rel.eases therefor; that of said sum, $54�.00 is thereby �redited to the Po].ice Salary Fund a�d $96Q.�0 to the Workmen's Compensation Fund. p'ORI�/ qpPR ED st. Corporation Cou�►s�1� APR 2 2 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Nays f Y9�i� CarlsOn p1PR � � �1 Approve�l 19— Meredith ��n Favor Fe4-�e�ee�rr � SprafkG U Mayor Tedesco A Sainst �,��.�� , ,:a.. PUBLISHEe APR 2 6 1969 .... .. :,s..........�. •�:�@ •�Mr. Vice Yresident • r � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N�,� 243�t._ 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF tiafiEREAS , Ri�hard E. Johnson, an employee of �th� D�pai^tm�nt of Pu ' � c_ `; '- � `���� ,��u o.� �'�lice , c��as inj ured in a third party accid _ _ , . >i) , ;c:�G , while en�ageci in the performance oi hi-� �7u � . . �^IHEREAS , the Ci�y has incurred medical. expPnse in the amount of 5907.Ot� ther.efar, and �m.�loy�e was disabled fror.l wor.k for a �er.iocJ of time bein�; naia s�l�ry i.n the amount �i $2 ,817.00 , fQr y, }.� ,_ /� . ,:, � _ - ..� .. .- � G�1111G11 ...1�.' � .,..y� , r � d.�..� lya.���:1.��.!.� .. .{.. 1_���F� 1.�t1.t.. �,.�_ ��.{'�.) s i/V �;�"�,.�.� �N�.l�.e j �nd ` - . '�:?:TLI:LA`� , �� com�ra,-nise sEttlem�nt l�as been negotiated between s�id er:�play�e ancl the other uarty involv�d in the accident, which ;�rc�vi�:��s :rc�;:� �. n�t settZemeiit to th� City in �he amount of $1,500 .00 after deductions for proportionate attarney'� fees and costs , now, �there:�ore, �e it RESOLU:'�, t:hat the proper City Offic:�rs �r�: nereby authorized to acce;�t in �tall, fir;al and coniplete settl�m�nt of its claim herein the surn of 41,500 .00 and to execute any neces5ary releases therefar; tna�t or sai�1 sum, $540.00 �_s tY�ereby credited to the Police Salary Fund an� $960 .00 to the 6Jorkmeri's Co;npensation F�.�nd. ;��:���? � ` ��!�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Carlson � ���`�� � Approved 19— Meredith y�ln Favor P�tersvr� Sprafkz G� Mayor Tedesco A Sainat Mr President;�Byr� ' it t , ;c.�zil Q 0