243331 24�1 � INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE N0. ; - By File No. �Z12 � � In the Matter of xecona tructi.�tg the s id�aZk on bo�Ch aides of Flandrsu S t. from Bush A�e. t� 8oss Ave. and by dciag all, other pork �rich is necessa�ry and �acidetital to complete�aaid i$pxovement. . under Preliminary Order 242�73 approved March-6, 19b9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having reeeived the report` of the Commissioner of Finance upon t�e above i�riprovement, and having considered said report; h�reby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is h�reby"approved.and adopted, ,�nd the said impravement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ ' 2. That the natuxe��f the impr,�vement which the Gouncil recommends is to reao�struct the sidecavalk on both sides of FlBadrau St. £ram Btuh-Ave�: to �oss E �l.v�. a�d by doing all other trork which is aecessary and incidental to co�plste , said improve�aenf, except where good and sufficieat poured aid�aral�s av� ezist. � .. . � .. . ..1 . � . . with no alternative�, an,d that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3.50' per li.�. ft. f or 5' walk - $ ,4.20.per li�. ft. �or`.6' wa�� �. . . T .. . . . . . . � . . � . . � ''.. Resolved Further, TYiat a public hearing be hac�=on said improvsement on the i5th day of � May, 1969 , at the hour af 10 a'elock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City o� St. Paul. That the Commissianer of Finance give notice of said meetin� to the perao�s and in the manner provided by the Charter, sta,ting the time and place of hearing, the,nature of the improvement and the'total cost thereaf as estimated. COUNCILMEN , �Pf� 2 '� 19� Adopted by the Council ° Yeas Carlson Nays . : • D�. .�pprovecl. APR 2 2 1969 Meredith � ''"_ . Spr�#k8 �In Favor � TedeSO� Mayor ..,�; .... , � .;.,.. �p �. y. .�;r...::°.2C.`����NiY.E; �G. � AroA�lYlw�4 � .�PR ��� . . . Mr. Vice Rresident� ........ � ��5�� 19�� s-ss-zffi �'� a,.� Ir��p'�+'p'�,,,� .