04-259Green Sheet # 205598 Council File # � l� °�J / Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z3 0 ; Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources through its Outdoor 2 Recreation Grant Program has made funding available to assist local governments in acquiring 3 parkland and developing or redeveloping outdoor recreation facilities; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is an eligible applicant and desires to submit an 5 application to the Department of Natural Resources on March 31, 2004, in the amount of $500,000 6 for the Sandy Lake Soccer Facility Development project; and 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is an eligible applicant and the Division of Parks and 8 Recreation wishes to submit a grant application for the following program, to wit 9 Sandy Lake Soccer Com� - A development project which will upgrade the curent use of 10 the site as a Spent Lime Pield to a 6 field soccer facility; and 11 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation documented the need for additional soccer 12 fields in Saint Paul and gave the proposal to add the addiUonal fields at the Sandy Lake site its most 13 favorable rating in the report, Soccer 2000, published in February, 2000; and 14 WHEREAS, upon approval of its application by the State, the City of Saint Paul may enter 15 into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and the City of Saint 16 Paul certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations stated in the contract 17 agreement and described in the Compliance section of the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program 18 application; now, therefore, 19 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul act as legal sponsor for the Sandy Lake 20 Soccer Facility Development project contained in the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program application 21 to be submitted on March 31, 2004, and that the Mayor and proper City officials are hereby 22 authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for funding of this project in the amount 23 of $500,000 on behalf of the City of 5aint Paul; and 24 BE IT FLTRTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayar and proper officials of the City of Saint Paul 25 are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf 26 of the City. Page 1 of 2 o�l - as9 ` J�J�JL� Requested by Division of Parks and - Recreation �C�OC� By: ��n.s� �� � ����� `��� �� �I Form Approved by City — �r�r� n / � � Adopted by Coun� 1: Date: ��di/�.�3.ofdA� V Appro by Mayox for Ad"option Certif�'ed by Council Secretary Counc 1 � BY: /f%l/ i� � � By: Approved b r�yor: Date: ,� � �� • . � � Green o �l- �s9 Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenVofficelcouncil: � Date Initiated: pR �azksandReaeation ` 20-FE8-04 Green Sheet NO: 205598 Contact Person & Phone= Kathleen Anglo 26fr6368 Must Be on Council Agentla by (Date): �o-nnaa-oa � Assign Number For Routing Order Deoartrnent SentTO Person Initial/Date 0 Iparkc and Recreafion I� 1 �Parks and Recrearion � Deoarmieut I)irec[or O V 2 i A o e 3 or's �ce or/ASSititant 4 oun 5 IaandRecrea'on K lo Total # of Signature Pages 1(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Signatures authorizing the proper city officials to apply for and, upon approval of the application, enter into an ageement with the MN DNR, Outdoor Recreation Grant Progam for the Sandy Lake Soccer Facility Development project which will provide for the coastrucfion of six (6) toumament sized soccer fields and related site work including pazking, reshoom facility, and landscaping at this site Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R); Planning Commission CIB Committee _. . Civil Service Commission �� Personal Service Contracts Must Answer 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain alf yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): i Signatures authorizing the Division of Parks and Recreation to apply to the DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Program for $500,000 in i funding for the Sandy Lake Soccer Facility Development project. Advantageslf Approvetl: This project will provide needed funds for the construction of six (6) new toumament sized soccer fields, a parking lot, restroom facility, and related site work at the Sandy I,ake Soccer Facility. __ „,.� � Disadvantageslf Approved: None � � � zooa � �������� Disadvantages If Not Approved: The opportunity to receive $SOQ000 in funds for the construcrion of six (6) tournament sized soccer fields and related site work including a pazking lot, restroom, and landscaping, will be lost. otal Amount of � 500j000 . 00 Transaction: Pundiny Source: MN DNR CostlRevenue Budgeted: N Activity Number: Financial Information: $500,000 in gant money to be sought. (Explain) ROUTING ORDER: i.>zi�,w are correct routings for the six most &equent types of da.wnents: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized bvdget exists) 1. OutsideAgeacy 2. Depazhnent Director , 3. City Attomey 4. May�/Assistant (for contects over $25,000) 5. Eiuman Rights (for con�acts over 550,000) 6. O�ce ofF"manciai Services-.4ccounting COLTNCII. RESOLUTION (amend budgets/accept grants) 1_ DeparFmentDirector 2. Office of Fin�cial Servi� D'uector 3. City Attomey ' � � � 4. Mayor/Assistsnt 5. CityCoimcil 6. O�ce ofFinancisl Services - Accoimting ADMINIS112ATIVE ORDII2S (BudgetRevision) COIJNCII. RESOLITfION (alt oThers and Oc�inances) 1. Activiry Manager or Department Accountant 1: Department D'uector 2. DepathnentDirector 2. CityAttome9 , � 3. Office ofFinanciai Services Daector 3. Mayor/Assistant d. City Clerk 4. City Council 5. Off ce of Financiat Services - Accomting ADM[NISTRATIVE ORDERS (alt othezs) i. Depa�entD'uector ' 2. City Attomey 3. O�ce of Fimncial Services Director 4. City Clak' EXECUTIVE ORDER 1. DepartmentDirector 2. City Attomey , 3. Mayor/Assist�t 4. City Glezk TOTAL NUMBIIt OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the # of pages on which sigoatures are required and papenlip or llag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Desrn�be what the projedhequesK seeks to eccompiish in either chronological order or order of importrmce, wluchever is most appmpiiate for the issue. Do not write cbmplete sent�. Begin, each iYem myo� list with a veib. 12ECOMbiENDATIONS' � � � Complete if tLe issue ut ques[ion has been piesented before �y body, public or private. PERSONAL SERVIC$ CONTRACTS: 13is information will be used to determine the city's ]iabiliry for workas compensation claims, ta�ces and propec civ7 se�vice huing rv1es. IIQITTATfNGPROBLEM, ISSUE', OPPORTUNITY Explain ffie siNation ar condi5ons that created a need for your project orrequest ADVANTAGES IF APPROVID Indicate wheUtetlliis is simply an pnnua! budget pra�edise reqirired by law/chart� or whether there are speci&c ways iu which ihe' City of Saint P�ul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGESIE APPROVID WhataegativeeffectscxmeJ���B�m��B�'P�Pr���B��P�J�Te9��Pr��ifitispassed � � (e-&, haffic delays, noise, t�c incteases or essessments)? To whom? When? Forhow Ibng2 DISADVANTA(�S 1F NOT APPROVED � W6at will be the nagative consequences ifthe promi.sed actian is not epprovedT Inability to detiver setvice? Confmue higL traffic, �ise, accident rate? Loss ofrevenuel FINANCTAL IA�ACT Although you must tail� the infocmation you pmvide here to the iss�e yon are addressing, m geae�al you must answer hvu qocstions: How much is it going to cost7 FJho is going to pay? � � �