243303 ORIGIN�L.�— CITY OF 3AINT PAUL � �„� �:�K . ' COUNCIL 243� Np 35�I� COUNCIL R�SOLUTION RILE No._ FOR � AUTH RI ATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. _ DATE • 19� • RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Contract Committee, therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for ox reasonably incidental to the follo�aing, new traffic signals, revise existing traffic signals, conduit installation, City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works, to the CONIMONWEALTH ELECTRIC C0. for the contract price of $31,360.00 (plus Engineering $2,363.28- Inspection $627.20) in accor�ance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and Formal Bid �k3442 of said Commoawealth Electric Co. being the lowest an� said Commonwealth Electric Co. being a reasonable and reliable bidcier and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper Eity officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid ;k3442 • 69-M318 �A� — CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - - � S 31,360.00 DEPT.CONT.NO. WqTER CONNECTIONS,DETOURB,SOUNDINGS,ETC. - S ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: FINANCE DEPT.CHARGES - - - - - - - - - S ENGINEHRING - - �UM{I - - - - - - - S ?�363�2� . s 34,675.00 INSPECTION�L% � ' ' - - - ' � ' ' ' S 627.20 FORMAL BID N0.3L}42 . ToTA� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a 34,350.48 � NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT iMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS� FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - "S 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE ; 8. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED RROM Capital Improvement BOND ISSUE—CODE 1969-�' � 5,247.55 s. couN�rv A�o . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 926�-4��ti►_a _ _ s 3,975.95 6.� MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. 1(�6C� �21�Z7O�/O �• Minnesota Highway Dept. Agreement 7156017 3.856.28 roT�u. - - _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ ;34,350.48 COPI6S TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- . CITY�CLERK ANCE AVAILABLB IN TH6 ABOVE 8TATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMEN'� REVOLVING FUND ' PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. �- �� � � PURCHASING � DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED � COMPTRO��r BY COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIt_ APR 1 8 1969 . • DBIfjISI1 IN RAVOR ��t Sprafka /�pR 1 � �969 � Tedesco Meredi4h p�ROVe D_a_�� GAINST � ,�-e.Q.a. � XCa�cxC ar l s on Mr. President,�fayAVt� Byrne , PU�LISHE� APR 2 6 1969 °R soo z-as �� �� � � + Page #1 of 2 � .�Y3,�o3 ROBERT W. BEAUDRY C I T Y O F S T . P A U L PURCHASIN6 AGENT TH E R E SA F. B EY E R C O U N T Y 0 F R A M S E Y This number muat appear on your envelope. DEPUTY PURCHASING AGENT DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 3442 PHONE: 223-4225 253 Ci+y Hall and Court House FORMAL BID NO� St. Paul, Minnesote 55102 Bu er Harold Rafter TELEPHONE: Y � 13uyers 223-4225 C.F. No. 242356 � rmal Quotation Contract No. 6S-M-31 (� SEALED BIDS addressed to the Purchasing Agent for furnishing material and labor as specified below, will be received by this de artment until 2:00 ' March 19, 1969 p p.m. o clock WEDNESDAY, BID SEPAftATELY ON EACH ITEM NOTE: EXCISE AND SALES TAXES: THE CITY OF ST. PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PAYMENT OF ANY FEDERAL EXCISE OR TRANSPORTATION TAX AND THE MINN. SALES TAX UNDER MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OF THESE TAXES ON YOUR BID. YOUR PURCHASES ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM STATE SALES TAX. DEBCRIPTION TMIB COLUMN TO B6 UELD er eicoen AMOUNT Each bidder, being ramiliar with the local conditions affecting the work and with the contract docwnents, including the Inetruc- tions to Bidders, Form of Proposal, General Conditions, Special Conditions and Technical Provisians of the specffications, the Plans and bond reauirements on file in the office of the Pur- chasing Agent, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and services neceesary for or reasonably incidental to the following, in accordance with the plaas and specificationa. I. NEW TRAFFIC SIGNALS: (a). Minnehaha Avenue and Ruth Street $ (b). Lafayette Road and University Avenue $ (c). Jackson Street and Mt. Airy Street $ ?T_ BRSZTtP EYTCTinu� Tvev�rr+ eTnxtete. f ♦ INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDER S All Bids mast be submitted in Duplicate on this form, enclosed in aealed envelope ad- dres�ed to the Purchasing Agent. In case detailed apeci8cationa are neceesary, attach same to Iliis furm. Contracts will be awarded to the loweat responsible bidder. The right is reserved to, re- ject any or all bids or any parta thereof. In all communicationa regarding the above, please mention this formal bid number. _ _� THIS BID MUST BE ACCOMPAN�ED BY A CERTIFIED CHECK OR AN INDIVI�iJAL BID BOND PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL AND THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY AS THEIR INTERESTS MAY APPEAR, AS FOLLOWS: 3 � S � Of THE AMOUNT OF THE BID. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a writteri contract with the governmental subdivision or divisions within ten days after notice that the contract and bond are ready for execution. The successful bidder shall be required within the ten days aforesaid to furnish a surety company bond for the full amount of the contract price conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and for pay- ment of all labor and material used in connection therewith, and such other condi- tions as may be required by law. Individual bid bonds and contract bonds must be executed by and furnished by surety companies authorized to do business in the state of Minnesota. Failure or neglect of the successful bidder to enter into a written contract and furnish such bond within the time aforesaid will be considered a refusal of the con- tract and the check deposited by the successful bidder may be forfeited, or collection made under the bidder's bond, and the contract awarded to the next lowest bidder. The award of the contract to the lowest bidder shall not be deemed a rejection of the other bids until the successful bidder has actually signed a contract and bond. O