243299 O�IGINAL TO CITY CLERK 24���9 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � , � � � COMMISSIONE DAT BE IT VFD h aeco ance th Ordiaanee 1Vo. 8829, Couneil File No. 137998 as am�e d, the s r maintenanc� charges to be made fro� July 1, 1969, to Jtu�.e 30, 1970, agaiast the followi�g co�mercial, industrial, and residential properties other than single an.d two-famil.� dwellings, vrhich axe located in the City of West Saint Paul and which are connected to the Sa3nt Paul Sewer System, be and hereby axe determined to be the amounts set opposite the location of the connections as folloxs: A�NIIAL CHARGE ADD S US� AI��UNT 824 �,11en Tavern $11.�+7 834 A].len Apartment s 27.20 899 Al1ea 1�ltiple Dwell3ng 12.80 1525 Atlea Apartments 128.00 66 T. Annapolis Store aud gesidence 8.80 �28 E. Annapolis Store 17.60 26�+-266 E. Annapc3lis Apartments 14.40 40 W. Annapolis Apartmeats 25•12 183 W. Annapolis Apartme�rts 31.�8 213 w. Atinapolis Apart�ents 9`7.60 218 W. Anaapolis Apartmen�s 18.60 226 Y.,.wn�`aPoLi.� Apa.rtments �t2.4U 234 � �apolis Apartarents �+.08 330 1t. Aaaapoiis ,A�artmeat� 54.00 404 W. Aaaapolis � �age 12.80 93 E. Arion �ar� 68.63 972 Bello�s 8hop & Residence 9.60 163 W. Bernard �tfice 9•$� 217 W. Bernard �avern � Residenee 10.82 220 W. Bernaxd Store & Apartments 12.80 237 W. Bernard Apartments 32•3$ 338 W• Beruard Shop & Apartm�ents 10.74 36�-66-68-74 W. Bernard ShoPPing Center 192.00 8&� Bidwell Apartments 27.20 1425 Bidwell Apartments 56•00 1�+35 Bidwell Apartments 56.00 1�+5 Bidwell Apart�ent 56.00 120 E. Bntler Shop & Studio 33•�+Z 188 E. Butler 8hop & Daplex 11.18 996 Charlton Apartmeats 29•12 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor y Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �� ' , OR'61NAL TO CITY CL6RK 24 32�9 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � �� AD�BESS II3E AMOUIa'P Page 2. 1322 Charlton Studio & Residence $ 9�. 2-- 1:391 Chaxlton Greenhouse & Residence 26.�+6 1�+92 Chaxlton Apartments 152.00 1520 Chaxlton Apaxtments 291.20 1550 Charlton Apart�eats 293.26 1552 Charlton Apartments 291.20 15b8 Charlton Apartments 83.20 1578 Charltoa store 16.00 1586 Chaxlton Service S�ation 22.30 1620 Charlton Apartmeats 105.17 1650 Charlton Greenhouse & Residence 15.�0 1026 Cherokee M�1.tiple D�relling 12.80 944 C;t�is�$ensen Office & Resideace 16.80 1375 Chri.��.ensen 0�'fice & Resideace 13.21 233-5 Da�to�a Ave. OPfice & Apartment 12.80 1080-2 Dela�are Apartaents 2�+.&� 1116 Delaware Duplex & Dance School 8.80 785 Dodd 8oad Apartments 67.20 795-7 Dodd Road Stares & Ap�.rtments 1�.40 800 Dodd 8oad Apartments 37.12 801 Dodd Road Store & Apartme�ts 16.80 815 Dodd Road Service Station 27.10 816 Dod.d Road Store & Resideaee 20.26 848 Dodd Road Apartments 75.20 870 Dodd Road Store 15.60 995 Dodd Road G&i�a,ge 10.4Q 1010 Dodd Road Service station 25.84 1015 Dod.d Road Lumber Yard 36.i6 1030�Dodd Road. Service Station 2�.00 1037�Dodd Road Drive-In l�i.� 106? Dodd Road. Service Station & Gaxage 10.�+0 201 Edith Drive Studio & Residence 11.20 $5 E. Enaerson Apartments 112.00 145 E. �unerson Apa�ents 108.80 156 E. �rson Dental Clinic 60.92 q48 Galvin Of'f'ice & Residence 14.03 1219 Galvin Of�ice & aeaidence 1�.36 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas ' Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19- Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O OgIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 24.3��� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � �� ADDxESS USE AMOUN`.P Page 3. 9�Gorman Multiple Dwelling $11.2 10�+9 Gormat� Mnitiple Dwellin� 12.00 1061 Gox�aa Store & Apax�ment 12.01 7.2�+6 Gorman Medical Cliui.c 60.64 7266 Gorman Apartments 176.00 1078 Hall Shop & Duplex 8.80 937 H�boldt Apartr�en�Gs 19.88 183 E. Hurley Asul.tiple Dwelling 9.7.2 85 �• Imperisl Drive Apartments 153.60 90 S�. I�maperial Drive Apartments 150.�+0 100 W. Imperial Drive Apartments 2�F1.8�+ 264 & 274 E. Bathleen Drive Apartments 236.80 13�-3 K�$� Apartments 48.00 1323 Kruse Apartments 89.60 1333 Sruse Apartments 48.00 $95 Livin�ston Shop & 8esidence 10.40 2� E• Loga�t Studio & Residence 10.74 56-58 Loga� St. Apartments 18.40 126 E. Logan Apartment 36.80 232 Lothenbaeh Office & warehouse 136.00 135 E. Mari.e Office & �'ac�ory �9.81 161 E. Marie Offices 22.64 190 E. Marie Office & warehouse 30.40 203 $. Marie Ave. Office & factory 10�.80 223 E• Maxie Office & Pactory 90.2�+ 235 E• Marie Shop & �ffice 158.�+0 275 E. Marie Shop & Office 219.20 282-288 E. 1�[arie Apartmeats 192.00 35�+ & 356 Maxie Apartnent s 141.0�+ 364 & 366 Marie Apartments 141.01+ 374 & 37b E. Marie Apartments 1�+1.04 384 & 386 E. I�arie Apartment s ].�+1.04 39�+-396 E. Marie Apartments 141.��+ 251 E. Mendota Road Country Club 171.54 5 �. Mendota Road Office & Garage 24.19 � E. Moreland Office & Gaxage 84.80 54 E. Morelaud Office & Warehouse 22.40 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19- Meredith _ln Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A bainst Mr. President, Byrne O Oe16INAL TO Ct7Y CLHRK 243/�,;�9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF annual charge ADDRESS USE AMOU1� Page 4. �5 E. Moreland Zaundromat $12.OT 68 E. l�orelaaa car wash 26.40 80 E. Moreland Store 20.80 85 E. Moreland Residence & Shop 9.76 g03 Oakdale Apartments 60.80 1000 Oakdale Store & Apartments 11.20 1138 Oakdsle Shop & Residence 10.92 1689 Oakdale �fflice & Factoxy 376.00 1762 �akdale Ap�ments 262.69 1772 ��.kdale Apart�nts 234.40 1808 4akdale Av�e. Apartments 233.60 1818 �akdale Apartments 233.60 1875-95 oakdale Apartmer�ts 264.00 2000 Oakdale Nursi.ng Home 96.00 888 Ohio Tavern & Apartm�ent 33.60 81-85 E. Orme Apartment 10�.00 97 r. orme Apartmegt 81.60 29�+ w. orme Mtiitiple Dwelling 13.61 �3-5 �tawa Apartments 20.60 879 S. Robert St. Tavern & Apartments 25.84 88o s. Robert store 37•52 885 S. Robert Restavraut 16.00 891 S. $obert Store 11.20 892 S. Robert Store 34.�0 $93-7 S. Robert Stores 17.19 912-14 S. Robert Stores & Offices 45.60 918 s. Robert Bank 83.60 91g s. Robert Store & Apartment 28.80 920-2 S. Robert Store & Apart�ents 32.40 ,� 924-32 S. Robert Theater, Tavern & �fficea 112.00 93�+-3$ S. Robert Stores 16.00 9�-42 S. Robert Apaxtments, ca�e, office 16.80 9�3 s• Bobert Service Station ; 9.20 9�+5-7 S. 8obert Stares `15.20 946 S. Robert Store 22.�0 95o s. Robert Apartment, Store & OPfice 25.60 965 s. Robert Offices 11.20 � 925 S. Robert Store 33.60 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approve� 19- Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � 243��9 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �� C��+ ADDRTSS USF AMOUNT Page 5. � Robert Apartments $112.00 967 S. Robert Apartments 30.07 976 s. Robert Apartments 112.00 987 S. Robert Service Statioa & Gara�e 18.40 992 s. Robert ��fice & Club Rooms 49.60 995 3. Robert Office 16.72 998 S. Robert Store 22.�+0 1000 S. Robert �ffice & Apartments 15.00 1007 S. Robert �ervice �tation 33•97 103� S. Robert Shop & Store 49.66 1059 S. Robert Stores & Apartmeat 21.60 1061 S. Robert Store & Apartment 10.08 1068 S. Robert OPfice �9.60 1074 S. Robert Clinic 1+8.Op 1089 S. Robert Office 11.60 1101 S. Robert Dental Clinic 32.00 1107-1115 S. Robert Store 71.05 1110 S. Robert Drive-In 20.98 1126 S. Robert Service Station 29.05 1127 S. Robert Service Station 3�.16 1134 S. Robert Dry Cleaning Plant 24.00 u35 S. xobert Beauty Shop 17.60 1140 S. Robert Office Building 27.20 1141 S. Robert Store 62.09 1150 S. 8obert Store 34.36 1155 S. xobert Store 88.00 1167 S. Robert ApartYments 83.20 1191 3. Robert �ervice Station 29•93 1200 S. Robert Store 118.�0 1214 S. Robert Store 4g.6o 1224 5. Robert Store 10.08 1225 S. Robert Bank 160.00 1230 S. Robert Store 28.$0 1246 S. Robert Restaurant 32.00 1247 S. Robert Service Station 35•�9 1253 S. Robert Stores � 37.20 1254 S. Robert Office 15.72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19- Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedeaco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /��/�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �-' <�,'°` � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �a C�� ADDRESS USE AMOUPT Page 6. � S. Robert Laundromat � 0. 0 126�+ S. Robert Restaura�t 12.00 1273 S. Robert Drive-In 60.18 1276 S. Robert Office & Shop 40.00 1285 S. Robert Service Station 55•39 1288 S. Robert �avern 36.00 1304 S. Robert Restaurant 45.78 1305 S. Robert Service Station 26.38 1318 S. Robert Store 31.18 1332 S. Robert Rest aurant $8.3�+ 1339 S. xobert Apartment 112.00 1365 S. Robert Restat�rant 5�•95 1�2� S. Robert Service Station 27.26 1�+25 to 1�+41 S. Robert Store �+26.40 1�+70 S. Robert Service Station 26.90 1�+q2 S. Robert Restauraat 25.60 1495 S. Robert xestauras�t 53•28 1525 S. Robert Drive-In 27.10 1539 S. Robert ------- OYfice & warehcrase 22;.�+0 1589 3. Robert Service Station 34.�+1 � 1625 S. 8obert Bowling Alley � 118.94 1776 S. Robert Shoppi.ng Center � 963.36 1820 Robert Service Station 38.40 1975 Robert Restaurant �+0.00 1867-75 Scott Lane Apartments 232.00 1885-91 Scott Lane Apartments 232.00 1-�+8 Signal Hills Shopping Center 2,240.00 879-81 8. Smith Stores & Offices 28.80 880-82 S. Snith Store & Apartments 45.60 883 S. smi.th Store s 12.80 $86 3. 3mith Cafe-tavern 15.20 887 S. Smith Store 12.80 888-890 S. S�ith Ave. Stores 16.00 896 S. Smith Medical Clinic 22.�F0 898 S. Sa�i.th 4ffice & Beauty Shop 16.80 917 S. Smith Beauty Shop & Duplex 9•5$ 937 S. Smith Garage & store 29.60 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafk2 Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �� 243��9 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � C�r� ADDFtE3S tJSE AMOIII�T Page 7. 96�S. Smith Apartments �27.20 g69 s. smith Apartments 56.00 973 s. smith store 34�.�0 97�+ S. Smith Service Station 24.77 9?7-81 S. Smith Stores 34.40 983 S. Smith Store & Residence 8.80 989 S. Smith Stores & residence 9.60 991 S. Smith Store 9.60 999 s• Smith Ave, Store & Apartments 32.00 1276 S. Smith Office & Residence 13•5$ 1475 S. Smith Office & &esidence 21.35 124 E. Stanley Apartments 32.72 879 Stryker Tavern & Apartme�ts 12.92 992 Strgker Residence & Shop 8.80 1003 Stryker Gaxage 8.00 1053-55 Stryker Store & Apartm�ents 10.�0 1065 Stryker Shop 8e Duplex 13.22 1083 Stryker Multiple Dwelling 14.23 171 E. Thwnpson Apart�nts 52.80 173 E. Thampson Apartments 52.80 175 E. Thompson Apartmen.ts 52.80 177 E. Tho�pson Apartments 52.84 179 E. Thompson Apaxtvaen�s 52.80 181 E. Thompson Apartments 52.80 183 E. Thompson Apartm�nts 52.80 185 E. Th�pson Apartments 57.60 187 E. Thompson Apartments 57.60 189 E. �ha�pson Apartments 57.60 191 E. �hompson Apartments 57.60 110 W. Thamipson Apax-Ements 171.20 120 W. Thompson Apartments 171.20 212 W. Thompson Apartments 152.00 232 W. Thamnpson Apartments 152.fKJ 1075 Waterloo Apartment 233.6p 205 W. Wentworth Apartments 288.00 240 W. Wentworth Apartments 105.17 272 & 280 Westview Dr. Apartments 232.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19- Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Spra.fka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � " CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. 24�,�.g� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF At717 VLLJ CiilliLltT�i ADD8�S5 USE AI��UNT P�ge 8. 290 Westview Dr. Apartment $160.00 310 Westview Dr. Apartm�ent 153.60 330 Westview Dr. Apartment 156.80 189 W. Winona Tavern 12.00 211 W. Winona Beauty Shop & Residence 9.60 1274 Winslow �Pfice & 8esidence 17.60 �PR 1 S 19�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson �P� 1 � ��6� Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith b Tn Favor �te�son-• ' Sprafku J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �sHE� APR 2 6 1969� �