243282 243���
Theundereignedhereby proposeethemaldngof thefollowingpubliaimprovemeat by the City ot 8aint Psul�vls.:
Grade and surface with bituminous material the al�l� in BLK. 14, FAIRVIEM ADDITION
to the C� of .St._Paul?.Minn.�from Case. Street to Jenks Street.._�(G-1890)...�_�........�..�
Dsted this.._ 1 gth.....dsy og.......Ap.r i 1.................... �........._. ...... � ._ 19 b9.
. ......... ..: .__ ....x`�`-....... . ..........
/ Counoilman.
/� ,
WHEREAS� A written propoesl for the making oi the following improvement, vis.:
Grade and surface aith bituminous material the allex__in..BLK:.__14��.FAIRVIEMI ADDITION'�
to the City of St. Paul , Minn. from Case Street to Jenks Street. (G-1890)
hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul......._.._................................•---......................_._..........
t6erefore, be it
R,ESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is herebq ordered and direc:ted:
1. To inveatigate the aeceseity for, or deeirability of,.the making of eaid impmvement.
2. To inveetigate the aature� extsnt and eatimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooet thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of eaid impmvement. .
4. To stste whether or no�esid impmvement ie aeked for on P,he petition of three ar more owners.
b. To report npon a11 ot the goregoing matters to the Commieeioaer of F'iasnoe.
Adopted by the Conncil..._..................._............�.......AP R..1..�..�.��9
Y�"s APR 1 8 1969
Councilman Carlson
De1 g 1 i s h APPtoved..........................»..----..............---.................
i1 ��-'�'� i��,auci.
� Meredith
Tedesco • -•• ----
Mr. President B�rzrre Mayor.
� �� �. � <j PUBLISHE� APR � i� 1���