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Thsuadereignedhereby proposee�hemaldngof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of 8aint Psul,vis,:
. Ch�nging the. grade of the Ely. N-S.alley in BLK. 4, J. R. WEIDES ,2ND
ADD 1 T ION to the C i ty of St. Pau 1 f rom Hyac i nth Avenue to 1 vy �►venue, �to -�w...
conform to tht gradt as sfioan on fiMe profi le on f i le in t#�e Depar�went ...__..
of Pubtic Works.
� ALSO, Condemn i ng and takt ng an��easement i n the t and necessary for the•---�--•
... slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support ,���
from subject land or remainder thereof, occasfoned by excavations thereof
Deor construction of slopes in the grading and su�facing with �bituminous
material the Ely. N-S alley in BLK. 4, J. R. WEIDES 2�1D ADDITION to the
City �'+f St. Paul from Hyacinth Avenue to Ivy Avenue. (G-1890) .
/ / l�/ ( ,' �' --- f � ^,�.
� , --- ..r",i.
WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvemeat, vis.:
�__._. Chang i ng the g�ade of the E 1 y. �1-S a 1 ley i n BLK. 4, J. R. ME 1 DES 2ND °--�-
ADDITIQW to the City of St. �Paul from Hyacinth Avenue to Ivy Avenue, to
..........; confor�_-to the gra�le •as shorrn� om- tfie prbf i l e on f i i e i n the Depa rtment��+� �����
of Public Works.
... _ ..._... . . .,,,.,,...
ALSO, Condemning end taking an easement tn the land necessary for the
� slopes, cuts and f1� is, incl.uding right of rertwvai of laterai support
� ��� from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof
havinE..or �construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous �'���
theref�.�aterial the Ely. N-S alley in BLK. 4, J. R. MEIDES 2ND ADDITION to the
ACity of St. Paul fran Hyacinth Avenue to Ivy Avenue. (6-1890)
,:..,.,...w, ---- --- -
1. To inveatigate the neeeesity for� or desirability of�.the making of esid impmvement.
2. To inveetigste the nature� extent and eatimated ooet of ssid improvement, and the totsl aoet thereof.
3. To furnieh s plan, proSle or eketeh of eaid improvement. .
4. To ste►te whetha or not esid ianprovement ie aeked gor oa 4�he petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report npon ell of the foregoing mattsre to the Commieeioner of F'insnoe.
Adopted by the Conaal..._...........................»........._.....�?�.1-�.�s�
Councilman .Carlson IqPR 1 8 1969
Da1 g 1 i s h Apptoved.....»..................._........................................
������ �
Tedesco - - ---° -----
Mr. President B�rrrre Mayor. �
�000 �.aa ,_ �.
PUQtISHEr APR �� 196�