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� TIlellad��IlelbM/DlODO��t6amtlrinse�thutnllem;esnutll;AilIIDlOVAmeIItr M/�e GYtr3►0�a3lII+r PbW�vis.:
, _.. .......
� "CFianging the grade of the alley in BLK. 17, ARLIN6TON HILLS ADDITION
; � ._to .St,,..Pau.l from Payr�e I��r�nue to Greenbrier Street to conforr�°ta the � •-----
� � g�ade as shown o� the profile on file in the Departraent of Public Morks. �M�
ALSO, condemning and takir�� �n ease�ent in the land necessary for the
� siopes, cuts and filis, includi_nq righ� of reraoval of lateral support frc�m
� " subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations tF�ereof, or ��
� cor�struction of slopes in the gradi►ag and surfacing Nith bituminous material
the alley in BI.K. 17, ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION to St. Paul from Payne Avenue
to 6reenbrier Street. (�-1890) '—"'
%/ �/ -'-°' __
� Wi�F.RF,�AB. A writt�n oronoeal!'or the maldnq of the followina imorovemeat.vis.:
i �
Changing the grade of the alley in BLK. 17, ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION ......�_
� to St. Paul from Payne Avenue to 6re�nbrier Street to conform to the
..... gr.ade as shown on the prof i le on f;le in the- Department of Pnbl ic Norks. --------�
ALSO, Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the
"" siopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from
_ subject land or remainde� thereof, occasioned by excav�tions thereof, or
' construction of siopes in the grading and surfacing with bitu�nlnous material
hs the alley ia BLK. i7, ARLINGTOM HILLS Al1DITtON to St. Paui from Payne Avenue ~-�
th� to 6rgenbrier Street. ��-189Q) ,
BE$OLVED, Tlwt the Commiasioner of Publiu Worke be aad ie hereby ordered and diseoted:
1. To inveetigate the neeeeeity for, or deeirability of,,the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveatigste the ns►ture� eutent and atimated �st af ssid improvement, and the totial ooet theraof.
3. Ta furnieh s plsn, pro6le or sketeh of said imprnvemen�. .
4. To stste whetha or not esid ianprovement is aeked for oa t,he petition of three or more owners.
6. To repor0 apon all of the foregoing msttere to the Commiseloner of F'inanoe.
Adopted by the Connc�._......................... �__._.APR i t3 1969
Councilman .Carlson IqPR 1 8 1969
Da1 g 1 i s h APPtovetL.......................»..........................................
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Tedesce • ----
Mr. P�esident Byzrre �sYo�. �
�000 �.s�
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PUBLISHE� apR � fi �9�9