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i Thenndersigaedl�ereby propoeesthemaldngof thefollowtngpublioimprovemeat by the Ctty ot 8sint Psul,vis.:
{ ' � �Charig i ng the g rade of the ai l 1 ey f n BLK. �9�, ARL 1 NGTO�J N i LLS ADD. to St.
j Paul fro�a 4lalsh Street tc Velde .Street, to. confora� to tha gcade as sbow� ..._....
� , on the profile on file in the Department of Public Morks. N�._.
ALSO� Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the
� slopes, cuts and fiils, including right of removal of lateral support from
; ' subject land or remainder therec�f, occasioned by excavations thereof or ��
; canstru�tion 'of slopes in the grading a�d surfacing with biturginous material
� the alley in BLK. g, ARLIN6TON HILLS ADDITION to St. Paul from Malsh Street
j to Neide Street. (G-1890} ........
i / - � ` // wunvumsn�
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WHER,EAB, A written propossl for the malcing of tbe following improvement�vts.:
' ,_,., . �,hang i�g the grade of tlu- a 1 1 ey i n BLK. 9, ARL I N6TON H t LLS ADO. to St. """'
Paul fro�a Waish Street to Meide Street, to conform to the grade as shown
---� on the profile on fije in the Department of Public Works. ����"
ALSO, Condemning and taking an easement in the land �ecessary for the -..-.--
""" slopes, cuts and filis, tncluding right of removal of lateral support from
.,� subject land or rematnder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or
� construction of siopes in. the grading and surfacing with bituminous �aterial
bs� the alley in BLK. 9, ARLI�lGTON HlLLS ADDITION to St. Paul from Walsh Street ���
th� to Weide Street. (G-1890)
R,E80LVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direated:
1. To inveatigste the neaessitq for,or deeirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveatigste the nsture, extent and estimated coet of esid improvement, and the total�st thereof.
3. To furnieb s plsn, pmfile or sketoh of eaid improvemen� •
4. To stste whether or not esid improvement ie asked for oa 4,he petition of three ar more ownere.
b. To report npon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiestoner of PSnanoe.
Adopted by the Couna7..................•--..............APR,.1.8 1969..._�.. ' .
Councilman .Carlson. APR 1 8 1969
Da1 g 1 ish Apptoved........................_.......................................... ,
��� Mer�
Tedesco ---- •- •
Mr. President B�t�rre Mayor. �
�000 �.as
� -- � PUBtISHEr APR 2� 19��