243249 243249
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Thennderei�edhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefolYowingpublioimpmvement by the City of 8aint Pe►ul,vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Asbury St. from Lafond Ave. to Blair Ave.
'; _....arad..by...�.st�..�t�.l.u�b��x..�Qxk..�aha��h...i.�..n��e.���xx..aad..�.�.si�n��.]...t�..c u�l�:t,�..$a��..�m-
Dated thie..» 18th:.....day of...................... A ril .........................., lg 69
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WHER,EA$, A writtea propoeal for the malcing of the following improvement� vis.: y
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Asbury St. from Lafond Ave. to Blair Ave.
and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete aaid im-
�roveme n t•---•-•........................................___..........---..._...........................................-•--•--......----........»......._........ ......
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1 �J hsving been preeented to the Council of the City of$sint Paul......._........................................................._... _....
t6erefore, be it
� R,ESOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered and directPd:
l. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of,,the making of said improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the totsl coet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvement. -
4. To stste whether or ao�said improvement ie aeked for on 4,he petition of three or moce ownere.
b. To report upon all of t�he foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Fin:►noe.
Adopted by the ConnciL.._...........................................i=►�� .LL.:'...:::':."
Councilman Carlson APR 1 8 1969
nai g i ish Approved.........................._..........._.............._............-
-.����.�L, He-l.l.a.nd
Tedesco ».......: ... :..... ........_..
Mr. President B�trrre Mayor.
�000 �-s�
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PUBLISHE� APR 2 � 1969