243219 � OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� N0. 243,�19 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, the City o£ Saint Paul, pursuant to Council �i1e Na. 235175, approved September 27, 1967, and Council File No. 239853, appraved August 20, 1968, entered into an agreement with Convention Center Architects and Engineers, Inc. for the pe�rposes of de�relcping and detailing plans for a parking facility to be knoam as the Eagle Street Parking Ra�p as part of the Civic Center project; and WHEREAS, Convontion Center Architects and Engineers, Inc. have submitt�d a bill pursuant to said agreement in the a�cunt of $3,596.I5, a copy of which is here�nto attached and made a part hereof; and �REAS, the Civic Cert�r Co�ission has approved payment af said bill by resolntion dated April 17, 1969, a ccapy of which is hereunto attachecl aad made a part hereof; nosv, therefore, be it RESfJLVED, that the proper City offieials are hereby authorized a�d directed to pay to Convention Center Architects and Bngineers, Inc. the su� of �3,596.I5 frox the Per�anent I�nprovem�nt �Revolving Fuad, Code 60f}{�-739. � �� �,*�,�,,�� � �it , �;t ... ..p.�ration C:ounse@ Ado t 4PR 1 7 1�� COUNCILMEN p ed by the Council 19— Yeas Nays APR � �' 1969 --G'�n�sa$---- Dalglish Approved 19—_ . Meredith � Tn Favor � Mayor Sprafka O A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 'p�UeL��HEr APR �. 9 ���� O �� + CIVIC CENTER COb1��fISSION ' 2���)�� _ . F " OF TE tE �G CITY OF ST. PAUL COr'A9ISSION RESOLUTION � , WItEREAS, th� City of Ssint Paul, pursuant Lo Council File No. 235175, approvad Septa�ber 27. 1967, and Council Fiie i�o. 239893� apprwed llutust 20, 196�, �t�rsd lnto an a�r�nt Nitb Comr�tioa C�nter Architscts and Ln�;ineers, Inc. for the purposos af dev�lop�.ng and d�t�iliaR plans for a puking fuility Lo bs knoxn as tho £ajl• Strht Parking Raiop �►s part cf the Ciric Center project; and Wt1&REAS; Con�eation Center Architects anci Engi�eers, Inc. ha�r sub�itttd �e bill pwcsus�at to ssid s�s�t in the asount of ;3,Sq6.15, a copy of rhich i� hazeunto sttached and made a part h�reofj Aow, thsr�fore, be it RESOLY�D, that ths Civic Ca�ter Conaission herebr approv�s papasnt to Coavention C�at�r Archit�cts aud �nginNrs, Inc. in th• . � . sr� ot i3,596.15� and r�cae�ends to the Coia►cil ot the City o! 9siat Paui the pay�ent of asid bill. � COUNCILMEN . Yeas Nays ` - Bjorklund �� O'Halloran Approved 4-17 � ig 69 . �Gephart i Judd 6 In Favor Leider DEAN MEREDITH Pesek C airman . �Price � Against ' �Radman �Mr. Chairman, hieredith r� � , � CONVENTION CENTER ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, lNC. � + Pianners Architects Engineers HAARSTICK LUNDGREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. • GROVER DIMOND ASSOCIATES. INC. • THE CERNV ASSOCIATES, INC. • CAVIN & PAGE 101 Hamm Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 226-3496 (612) April 10, 1969 City of Saint Paul . • Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings 945 City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: P-Minn.-3093 Eagle Street Parking Facilities For professional services , pursuant to Addendum A dated October 17, 1967, and Amended Addendum A dated August 20, 1968, to that agreement dated August 25, 1967, between Convention Center Architects & Engineers, Inc. , and the City of Saint Paul. Estimated cost $3,687,820.00 6% Fee $ 221,269.20 75% fee earned $ 165,951.90 Less amount in excess of allowable amount per Addendum A 4,709.65 $ 161,242.25 Less Federal advance 107,300.00 Limit by Addendum A ' $ 53,942.25 � Previously paid by City 50,346.10 Amount now due $ 3,596.15